Glass Hearts ⸢viktuuri 1/2⸥

By paranroses

40.6K 2.3K 3.5K

⸢AU⸥ 'Yuuri... you don't have to pay me back. I just need you to... be here with me, okay? I just need you... More

1. Vex*
2. Vestige*
3. Inside*
4. Identity*
5. Kiss
6. Kings
7. Talk
8. Touch
9. Unstable
10. United
11. Uncontrollable
12. Unimportant
13. Resonate
14. Regret
15. Inseparable
16. Indisposed
17. Overwhelmed
18. Okay
19. Never
20. Introductions
21. Indebted
22. Cover
23. Consent
24. Engaged
25. Enamoured


568 23 73
By paranroses

Luciel: Welcome to the Q&A fam. This is gonna be totally tubular my dudes. I saw a few of you wanted fanart of Yuuri's outfit. Someone should draw it & email it to me. I would love it if you did. PM for more details if you're interested!


tatsun2: Fuck or Fucked ;-) ;-) ;-)

Viktor: um... haha... funny question. Okay, honestly? Fucked because holy shit it feels nice. At least it did when Chris did it. Real kinky ;))

Chris: Vikky, shut up. I swear if you kink shame me, I will kill you.



Chris: Well, I'll only tell you because you asked, and you're cute so. I'm into, um, sensation play, specifically impact play.

Phichit: I like power exchanging.

Viktor: Can you guys stop talking about your kinks? I'm, like, really uncomfortable.

Phichit: That's only because you're into vanilla sex.

Viktor: I'm going to google that later...

: Viktor I'm choosing not to [be] vulgar with this question (oh I could be but no no) What do you think your marriage will be like? Do you think you will ever adopt?

Viktor: Oh, an actually serious question, thanks, darling. It's not something I've discussed with Yuuri yet, but I really do hope to adopt. I want to have a family with him, you know? I want us to have children to call our own. As for our marriage, I think that we'll be really happy. It'll be perfect, just like my Yuuri. 

Yuuri: Vitya... are you talking about us?

Viktor: Yes. They were asking whether we would ever.... adopt. 

Yuuri: I see. Well, I know we've never talked about it... I really hope we do. Although, I think you will spoil our children far too much. 

Viktor: That's a total lie. I would never!!! 

Yuuri: You spoil me too much as it is, love. 

Viktor: You're completely right! That doesn't mean I'm going to stop though.

unicornfury16: Viktor, what Yuuri do you like better? Precious cinnamon roll Yuuri Or Eros Yuuri? 

Viktor: oh, man that's a hard question. Cinnamon roll Yuuri is just, like, sooooooooooo adorable, but Eros Yuuri is damn sexy. Can I settle with SINammon roll Yuuri? 

TH3B00KMAST3R: Which do u prefer uke Yuuri or seme Yuuri?

Viktor: Heh, well.... I like to think I'm a bottom, as I said... Does that answer your question?

Yuuri: Viktor, you're an absolute child.

Viktor: I'm your child.

Yuuri: Um... o//o

Resuri-chan: What do you think about Yuuri in Eros mode? 😏


Yuuri: Vityaaaaaaa! Stop it, you're embarrassing me!!!!

Viktor: I'm sorry, darling. Forgive me?

Yuuri: Only because you're adorable.

Yellow-coffee: please protect Yuuri at all costs ok :)

Viktor: I will always protect my little sinammon roll. He's everything to me...

loadsofandoms: what's your opinion on Yuuri's asś? do you like it?


Phichit: I will grace you all with a picture of Yuuri's perfect ass in 3...2...1...

Chris: Phichit, that's my ass.

Phichit: Um... Oops?

Viktor: I'm not going to ask how you got that, but I'd appreciate it if you put a picture of Yuuri's actual gorgeous little bum.

Phichit: You're right, my friend. Sorry fam. I got you for real this time. Here:

Yuuri: Phichit, when did you take that photo?

Phichit: That is... classified.

Eeveepals: Would you rather eat Katsudon or Katsuki?

Viktor: You all really like to see me struggle, don't you? Why do you guys have to give me such tough questions? T_T

Phichit: Come on Vik, we all know you eat that Katsuki ass as fast as you eat that Katsudon.

Viktor: I won't disagree.

prettykitty_ImAPity: Yall r the cutesyest

Viktor: Spasibo~!


Eeveepals: How often do you think of your husband's ass?

Yuuri: Um....

Phichit: So often that I find him drooling all over himself when he sees Viktor lean down to do something. It's scary, actually, how much he thinks about it and stares at it and touches it and--


Phichit: Yuuri, you know I would never!

unicornfury16: What are your thoughts on Viktor ass?

Phichit: I'll answer for you since your face is red enough to be mistaken as a genetically modified oversized tomato.


Yura: He's already done it. I didn't know that you liked Viktor's ass that much.

Yuuri: WHAT? NO!!! UGH, PHICHIT! But, um, to answer the quesion.... I think his bum is quite lovely :)

Altinsetsky: i love you

Yuuri: I love you as well, whoever you are.

Viktor: But you love me more, right? (he's jealous. So very jealous)

Yuuri: Of course, Vitya~!

Phichit: Yuuri loves everybody, to be honest. Well, except JJ and Yakov.

Altinsetsky: please , kindly grab a rope tie a noose get in a chair wrap the noose around your neck and kick the chair away :)

Viktor: WHAT DID YOU JUST----????

Yuuri: (sad)Did I do something to disappoint you...? I'm sorry...

Altinsetsky: Wanna fuck? ;o

Yuuri: I'm sorry, but no. You just told me to commit suicide, now you want to engage in meaningless sexual intercourse with you? 

Viktor: Yuuri is my darling angel, and I won't allow this kind of treatment. 

Altinsetskyteach me how to be a selfie queen

Yuuri: Now I'm really confused. You tell me to die, then ask me to bed with you, and now you want advice on taking selfies?  I suggest you ask Phichit about those sorts of things because I don't really know. 

Viktor: Please stop messing with my Yuuri's precious little head >_<

Yellow-coffee: bitchy bottom or boss bottom?

Yuuri: Um, I would like to say I'm a boss bottom?  Vitya says I'm adorable, though he rarely tops...

loadsofandomswhat's your favourite thing to do with Viktor?

Yuuri: I... I'm not sure. Every moment I spend with him is precious to me. I always feel so at home with him. home. VItya is my home. Just being in his presence is enough for me.


Eeveepals: How long until you marry Otabek?

Yura: I think it'll be a couple years from now. Not yet. I'm not looking for marriage, I'm only 18. Plus, I want to focus on ice skating... I'm a late bloomer, so I need to catch up.

Yuuri: You are already wonderful, darling. 

Yura: Thanks, dad. You'll be at every one of my competitions, won't you?

Yuuri: I will always be there... I promise.

Phichit: To clarify, Yura's not been adopted by Yuuri & Viktor, unfortunately. Yura sees Yuuri as a father figure.

Altinsetsky: hows the gender transition going? we love and support you!

Yura: Oh man, I am soooo excited! I'm transitioning later this year, and I'm really looking forward to it. Mostly because I know I'm gonna be a prettier girl than Viktor was when he had his hair long a reaaaaaaaaaaaally long time ago. 

Viktor: Um, that's a lie. I will always be the most beautiful. 

Yura: No, no. I'm going to be the most beautiful. 

HighlandHearthrob: Will you please give me some hair tips?

Yura: Well, cut it short like mine, dye it the same colour as mine. As long as it's exactly like mine, it should be good. 

Phichit: Yura, those are horrible hair tips. I'm much better at giving style advice. See, if you want smooth and silky hair like that girlie's, then you should put warm coconut oil from the roots to the tips of your hair, massage it a few minutes, then wrap it in a shower cap or towel for half and hour, then rinse it with water, and then shampoo and condition like normal! 

Yura: Dude. You do all that?

Phichit: I may or may not.....

Yellow-coffee: marry otabek for meh pls

Yura: Geez. I'm barely an adult, dude! Give me time!

loadsofandoms: do you like Otabek?

Yura: I love Beka! He's purrfectttttt~!


Eeveepals: On a scale from 1-10, how much do you ship Yura and Otabek?

Phichit: Oh man... I ship it like FedEx, like seriously. I ship it just as much as i ship FrUK and RoChu and Viktuuri and--

Yura Please stop, I suddenly feel uncomfortable. 

Otabek: Please refrain from making Yura uncomfortable. I will see to it that those fanfictions are burned.

Phichit: I would appreciate it if you didn't burn my laptop. 

starlessboy: Why won't you give Chris a chance?

Phichit: What..? Um... Because I have Seung Gil, and I don't think I should cheat on him. I also don't understand what Chris has to do with anything?

Chris: At this point, I should confess that I have a bit of a thing for you? And I came to visit you under the pretence of visiting Vikkyboy. That was like three years ago, and I still like you...

Phichit: Oh... I see...But Seung Gil....

TH3B00KMAST3R: Are u suuuuureeeeee u don't have a thing for Chris?


Chris: I'm not opposed to a polyamorous relationship. 

Phichit: OHMYGOD CHRIS. I don't think Seung is polyamorous. 

Chris: You could always ask?

Resuri-chan: How many fanfics of Viktuuri do you write on a daily basis?

Phichit: I make up about 40% of the ao3 viktuuri fanfiction. Don't tell anyone I said that. It's our secret, yeah?

Viktor: I feel like you have an unhealthy obsession with Yuuri and I.

Yuuri: I agree. 

Phichit: Woaw, Yuuri has spoken. 

Yellow-coffee: dO yOu hAvE tHaT ViCtUuRi PoRn?

Phichit: I have it... But it's 2000 Deutsche marks.

Yura: Didn't they stop using the Deutsche marks as a currency in 2002? They switched to the Euro.

Phichit: Shut up, smartass. You know what, I'll give you a freebie. It's not explicit, but here:

loadsofandoms: how much do you ship Viktuuri?

Phichit: Like, as much as ship everything I said earlier. Like FedEx, like UPS, like whatever other postal services you can think of. 


TH3BOOKMAST3R: What were u thinking about while u slept over at Viktor and yuuris house? Cause that couch says u had a good dream...😈😏

Chris: YOU REMEmBEr tHAt? oH mY gOD. But if you really wanna know... I was dreaming about a certain adorable Thai man...

Phichit: Guys, I think he's talking about me o//o

Yellow-coffee: hoi

Chris: heyyyy 

loadsofandoms: are you happy for Viktor and Yuuri?

Chris: I'm very happy for them... sort of jealous that Yuuri got the cutie... but i'm happy. Plus, I got my own little Thai cutie.

Phichit: I'm not yours, Chrissy.

Chris: Not yet. You called me 'Chrissy' awwwww <3

Phichit: OH MY GOD you're such a baby.

Chirs: I'll be your baby~



prettykitty_ImAPity: Go get her go get yura

Otabek: Yura is already mine. She has always been my own little treasure.


Yura: Shut up or I swear I will cut you. 

Altinsetsky: How hot is Yura amirite

Otabek: Yura is not hot. She is not a cheap grab and go. She ist art, and she is beautiful. She is worth more than anything in this world. 

Yura: Beka...

TH3BOOKMAST3R: Will u protect yura at ALL costs?!?!??!?! Plz do cause she might be sassy but she's a fragile cinnamon roll

Otabek: I will protect Yura with everything I have, even my own life. This world should not be rid of such a beautiful being as her. 

Phichit: Yura, I didn't know you were into the poetic type. 

Otabek: I am not being poetic, simply stating the truth. 

Yellow-coffee: marry yura for me pls

Otabek: Marriage will come, but Yura is not prepared yet. I will never push her towards something she does not wish. I will wait for her until she is ready. 

Yuuri: Thank you. Yura has told me waht you say, and I really am happy that you are such a kindred spirit. i couldn't ask for anyone better for my darling girl. 

Otabek: Your approval makes me incredibly happy, as I have wished you to reward me with your acceptance. 

Yura: Arigatou, Otōsan....

loadsofandoms: what do you think of Yura?

Otabek: Yura is my entire world. She is the light in my heart. I love her unconditionally, and I know that we're going to make it through anything that threatens to tear us apart. She will, I hope, be by my side forever. 


Yellow-coffee: wot do you think about mickey?

Mila: Mickey...? Oh! Michele Crispino! He's a dancer, right? He and his sister, Sala, are professional dancers. I met them at an art tour once. He's kind of obsessed with his sister. If they weren't siblings, you'd think they were a couple. I was with Otabek, and he said hello to Sala, and Michele started yelling at him about how he wasn't allowed to hit on his sister. Then Otabek told him he was homoromantic and he shut up. He's a bit crazy... but nice enough I suppose. 

Yura: Woaw, you're kidding?

Mila: No, this actually happened. 

loadsofandoms: do you like Sala? 

Mila: Oh yes, she's lovely. She's absolutely beautiful, too.  I kept in touch with her after that art tour. We exchanged numbers and we talk every once in a while. We're both busy people so it's a bit difficult, but we manage. 


loadsofandoms: why are you so old?

Yakov: Because, unfortunately, ageing is part of life. 

Viktor: Why are you so grumpy?

Yakov: Shut up and never speak to me. 

Viktor: okay???

Yellow-coffee: you leave and die

Yakov: It's not like I WANT to be here. Your 'author-chan' made me show up. I'm also old, so I don't think I have much time left to live. 

Yura: We don't want him here either, but we don't have a choice so.

THE3BOOKMAST3R: Why are you such a dumbass?is it cause u still salty bout your divorce?!

Yakov: You don't know my life, I don't broadcast it on the telly for the entire world to see, like those stupid Kardashians. Lilia and I are perfectly on perfectly good terms. 

Viktor: I beg to differ. 

Yura: I really feel like breaking the fourth wall to say something about the anime.

Otabek: Yura, don't break any walls, they'll ruin your perfect hands. Also, you've just broken the fourth wall. 

Yura: Oh, you're right, my darling. 

Eeveepals: Would you either have more hair or a successful relationship?

Yakov: I will smite you. 

Phichit: My dude, you should just give up on having a successful relationship. Settle with at least looking nice when you die. 


Yellow-coffee: your son is married now. give him advice

Hiroko: I already am, darling. I'm coming up with a plan to get him and Vik-chan to adopt children. Phichit and Chris are helping me as well. 

Yuuri: Okāsan, Vitya and I are already planning to adopt children. I may be deaf, but I can still read lips adequately well. 

Hiroko: Yuuri, you should've told me! now my plan must be scrapped! I'll move on to my next plan then. You and Viktor must simply move out of those terrible apartments and live in a house!

loadsofandoms: are you proud of your son?

Hiroko: Oh yes, I certainly am. I'm so proud... So very proud. His happiness is everything to me, just as it is everything to Vik-chan. 

Viktor: Mama, you're a wonderful person. I could never ask for a better mother-in-law than you are...

Hiroko: And I couldn't ask for a better husband for my dear Yuuri...


Yellow-coffee: hoi

Toshiya: Hello! 


-moonlicht-: Will LAWLIET be in the sequel?

Luciel: I don't know, honestly. He may appear in a few instances, but nothing major as of yet. I might come up with something. I'll see what I can do~!

Lawliet: Please don't. I'm dead, dude. I'd like to stay dead. I have crippling depression. 

Luciel: So do I, but it's not stopping me from doing anything. 

HighlandHearthrob: Will Minako be in the sequel?

Luciel: Actually... yes! Minako will have an important part in the sequel. A really important part.

Minako: Finally!!! It's about time. 

Yellow-coffee: sEvEn iS tHaT yOu?

Luciel: It's too dangerous for you to know my identity, honey. I'll give you a clue though: 

01001000 01101111 01101110 01100101 01111001 00100000 01000010 01110101 01100100 01100100 01101000 01100001 00100000 01000011 01101000 01101001 01110000 01110011

loadsofandoms: adopt me?

Luciel: Of course!!! I will~

Yura: You can't just adopt a stranger. 

Luciel: Sure I can, sweetheart ^^ Well, that concludes our Q&A and marks the official end of this story!!! Thank you for reading, you all have made an impact on me and this story!!! 

All the love, 

(as you all call me, which I love by the way)


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