The tides: Otayuri Fanfic

By Laurelbae202

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{ COMPLETED } (02-12-23) THIS STORY IS SO OLD and written kinda poorly. but read it if you want lol. Otabek... More

Chapter 1: Prince Otabek
Chapter 2: Merman Yurio
Chapter 3: Under the sea
Chapter 4: Negotiations
Chapter 5: Not what was planned
Chapter 6: First day
Chapter 7: Lunch
Chapter 8: The Town
Chapter 9: Is this my last chance
Chapter 10: Sunset on third day
Chapter 11: Taken forever
Chapter 12: Was it all lost?
Chapter 13: Hope
Chapter 15: Misunderstandings
Chapter 16: The stay of a life time
Chapter 17: Love conquers all

Chapter 14: Policies and Politics

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By Laurelbae202

Saint Petersburg beach
Morning after the incident
Yuri's P.O.V
I lay anxiously on the sand
The bottom of my tail being splashed by the small waves of salty, cold water.
Otabek sitting close to me
Chris sitting on the sand with us, but slightly farther away.
We wait for Viktor and Yurri.
They say they have a plan to help us
But I'm not entirely sure I trust it
I still can't get over their faces and reactions when they saw Otabek alive again.

"Yuri, we know your sad, but Otabek-" Viktor started, popping his head out of the water along with his fiancé.

"Otabek!" Yurri yelled, cutting off Viktor. I was siting in Otabek's lap, his hands around my waist.

"How?" Viktor asked, his mouth in a huge O shape.

"I think, I think it was the kiss." Otabek stated, I nuzzled into Otabek's chest.

"All the potion needed-"

"Was a true loves kiss!" Viktor finished Yurri's sentence, staring at each other and then back at the us.

"Awwwwwwweeee!" Viktor and Yurri said in unison, I try to hide me embarrassment in Otabek's chest.

"And we haven't even started talking about how you called us your fath-"

"BE QUIET YOU OLD MAN!" I yelled at Viktor, trying to splash water into his face. Otabek's sitting in the water, making sure my tail is still damp.

"Now what are you going to do?" Yurri asked, looking at us.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at Otabek with a confused look.

"My- the whole reason why I was marrying Mila was because of my financial and military problems. Now, that's not happening." Otabek stated, playing with locks of my hair.

"We also have the problem that, Yuri's a merman, and your human." Viktor stated.

"I think I can help with that!" Chris yelled, rowing the boat our way. It was loaded with different potions and charms from JJ's cave. Phichit swimming close behind.

"I can take Otabek and Yuri back to Saint Petersburg, and you guys can figure out this magic stuff with Phichit if that sounds like a plan." Chris stated.


And now we are here
Otabek, Chris, and I on the sandy beaches of Saint Petersburg
While Viktor, Phichit, and Yurri work on the magic stuff in our cave home.
I'm scared
What if this doesn't work
What if after everything we went through together, we would be separated!
I could tell Otabek noticed my look of distress.

"Yuri, everything is going to work out. Don't worry." He said, placing his hand over mine. He rubbed my knuckles with his thumb gently. I smiled.

"I'm more worried about you Beka." I stated, resting my head on his knee.

"Beka?" He asked, looking at me with a slight grin.

"Uh sorry! I can't believe that slipped." I flushed at the stupid nickname I just placed on him.

"No, I like it! Yura." He said teasingly, poking me in the side. I reach over to try to poke his side, when he grabbed my wrist and flipped me onto my back, his legs on either side of my hips.

"This scene seems familiar." He said, his hands holding my wrists down.

"Let me go! No fair you asshole I can't kick you!" I yelled, splashing my tail in the shallow water. His body getting soaking wet.

"Ha, serves you right you-" Otabek leaned in and kissed my lips, capturing my profanities in one flail swoop. I kissed back, after the shock of the sudden action subsided. It was loving and sweet with a hint of playfulness from the earlier events. I was just getting into it when he pulled away and stared at me.

"W-what? W-why did you end it?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. That was the key moment he was looking for. He leaned down and kissed my jaw, my head tilting to the side. He placed open mouth kisses from my jaw down to my collar bone. I gasp, loving the feeling of his lips on my body. It was warm and soft. It wasn't until he started to suck on my neck that the immense pleasure started to kick in. I let out a soft and quiet moan, instantly feeling a heat on my cheeks and bit my bottom lip to keep quiet.

"Your beautiful Yura." He teased again with that annoying nickname. "Don't hold back."

"I don't like- ah!" I gasped a little to loud when he bit down on my shoulder, leaving a big and tender teeth mark.

"Ah hem!" Viktor coughed from behind us, his head above the water. My face instantly flushing. Otabek looked over his shoulder, then back at me. I could tell he was trying to stay calm, but the expression on his face was pure terror. Viktor was angry. I mean, he is pinning his only son to the ground and viciously devouring him. Otabek got off me swiftly. I groan slightly at the missing presence of his warmth and lust. 

"We have a solution to your problem, we just hope it works." Yurri said popping out of the water. He looked over at Phichit. Phichit swam forward, showing me a teal blue pendant with a silver chain, the pendant in a heart shape.

"This will turn you human whenever you wear it, if you take it off, your a merman again. Or at least, that's how it should work. Lets pray that it does." Phichit smiled, handing me the necklace. I smile, looking over at Otabek. He nods his head with a slight smile. I take the chain and softly pull it over my head, the pendant softly hitting my chest as it fell into place. At first nothing happened, but then my tail started to sparkle a light blue and my tail unfolded into legs, not only that, but a beautiful teal dress was placed on me in return. It was a long dress, it went all the way down to my ankles. The top was a neck high tank top dress and the back was completely open. It flowed with my curves very nicely if I do say so my self. I ran over to Otabek and he swiftly picked my up by my waist, twirling me around. He set me down and I kissed his lips. It was short but sweet as I looked over to Yurri and Viktor. They were smiling, but I could tell they were sad.

"I- I will visit almost every day." I said to them, waking as close as I could to the edge of the sand, the water barley hitting my toes.

"We will miss you Yuri, but we are glad your happy." They smiled, diving under water to swim to their home. I looked back at Otabek, a smile on my face.

"Let's go give those royals a piece of true love!" I stated, grabbing his hand.

"We should be careful, Yakov could be angry, same with the princess." Otabek stated, giving me a stern look.

"Otabek's right." Chris said, walking from the edge of the water towards us.

"Oh please, what's the worst that hag could do?"


"YOU WHORE!" Mila yelled, slapping me across the face. I fell to the floor in shock, I wasn't expecting that.

"How could you hit him!" Chris yelled, helping me up. Otabek stood in front of the angry princess, blocking her view to me.

"You left me alone on a boat Otabek! On our wedding day!" She yelled, about ready to slap Otabek as well.

"I'm sorry but Yuri was in trouble-"

"What the hell are you anyway!" Mila shouted, pointing to me over Otabek's shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I yelled back defensively.

"Oh so you can talk you horrid child! You- you merman! Siren! Killer!" She yelled all of those awful words I read in the book I got here on the second day. Those stung, a lot more than he thought.

"That's enough Mila!" Otabek yelled. For some reason all the guards and servants watched at the scene in the main hall instead of trying to intervene. Like they knew who would come out on top. And it wasn't Yuri. Mila pushed past Otabek, rushing over to Yuri. She pushed Chris out of the way. There wasn't much they could do to stop her. Because if they laid a hand on her, they'd be thrown in jail for sure. Mila came up to me and grabbed the front of my dress, pulling me towards her face.

"Skank! Whore! Siren! Killer! Monster! Murder! GO DIE ALREADY!" She yelled all her profanities and then threw me to the ground. For a princess she was quite strong. My blonde hair falling into my eyes.

"Mila enough!" We heard a familiar voice yell. Georgi, Mila's butler, walked down the stairs, over to his mistress. He gave her a glare and then walked past her to help me up. I gave him a nod of my head, as a thank you.

"You need to cool down." Georgi stated, grabbed her hand and pulling her up the stairs.

"Wait Gerogi!" She tried to fight back, but he butler was to strong.

I didn't think I was scared
I didn't think that even shook me up in the slightest
But for some reason,
I remember falling to the ground
My knees buckling from underneath me
I remember hot tears flowing down my cheeks
And Otabek's embrace.
Why was a so shocked
Why did I feel so

I love this chapter! Especially the Fiancés reactions to Otabek being alive! Gah I love it all! I surprisingly got this chapter out quick, but don't expect to much of that. For some reason my creative juices were really flowing tonight! I hope you enjoyed!
~ Lo ;)

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