Smile For Daddy (Bendy And Th...

By OptimusPrimeBae

382K 5.4K 10.1K

||WARNING: This Book is not for young minded readers as this books has graphic actions and non-con.If any of... More

🖤 Chapter 1 🖤
🖤 Chapter 2 🖤
🖤 Chapter 3 🖤
🖤 Chapter 4 🖤
🖤 Chapter 5 🖤
🖤 Chapter 6 🖤
🖤 Chapter 7 🖤
🖤 Chapter 8 🖤
🖤 Chapter 9 🖤
🖤 Chapter 11 🖤
🖤 Chapter 12 🖤
🖤 Chapter 13 🖤
🖤 Chapter 14 🖤
❤Bloody Wedding [OneShot SMUT|Bendy x Reader]❤
🖤 Chapter 15 🖤
🖤 Chapter 16 🖤
🖤 Chapter 17 🖤
🖤 Chapter 18 🖤
🖤 Chapter 19 🖤
❤ Bendy And The Ink Machine ❤
♥︎ Note ♥︎
♥︎ I'm Sorry ♥︎

🖤 Chapter 10 🖤

15.7K 232 214
By OptimusPrimeBae

Bendy was still sleeping, but he had returned the loving hug he had given you. It really warmed your heart, making you sweetly smile. But that faded away. The doorknob started to rattle, rattle like crazy, making your blood run cold with mild fear.'' you begged, tears starting to pour down your face.

The doorknob continued to rattle as loud banging noises can be heard and also, a very scary yelling like noise as well.

Then, the door slammed right open." It's time to play Y/N....~You know I missed you sweetie...~"A deep, yet very shaky voice was heard as there...stood someone you had thought you'll never see again.

" Dad...?" You softly spoke out as the insane male grinned." In blood...and in flesh..~" He darkly said, grinning at you with that sinister smile that send chills down your body.

Then, everything went dark....

What will happen now?!

Are you EVEN ALIVE?! Is Our beloved Bendy and Boris alive as well!?

What will Joey do?....

So many questions...yet so little time...

Darkness...that's all you could really see. Were you alive? Or were you finally dead? You didn't know. But you wanted to know one thing. Where was Bendy?

As the worried thought rushed through your brain, your eyes slowly opened up and you found yourself in a very strange room. It had wood everywhere. The floor, the walls and the ceiling. But the ceiling looked a

Wait, was that ink?! Snapping your eyes a bit wider, you sit up almost immediately and looked around." B-Bendy?! Hello!? Anyone there?!" You called out, panic starting to hit you like a train that was late to reach it's station. Frowning, you forced yourself to stand up and you did. But the headache had stopped you half way, making a groan slip out of you." Ow...I may have gotten up...too fast.." You mumbled with a frown. No sight of Boris nor Bendy..

Where were they?! Why were you here?! Was there an actual reason on why were you brought here? On the corner of your eyes, you turned around to come face to face with..

The Devil's Pentagram. A gasp had left you as you stumbled back in shock." This is...This is Dad's studio..? looks like it..But..But WHY IS THAT THING HERE?!" You loudly cried out. And you were laying there too..A dark vibe washed over you like a cold shower, making your body shiver." I have to find Boris and Bendy...and FAST.'' You muttered to yourself and grabbed the axe that was by one of the coffins." Well...Here I go.." You muttered, approaching the door and chopping the wood right off it.

Watching it fall down, you slightly gulped and walked through it. Seeing a stairway that lead even deeper down, you slowly started walking down the stairs and glanced around cautiously. Everything was giving you a very bad feeling about this." Bendy...? Boris..? Psssst!!" You whisper-yelled as you walked down the stairs until walking into another room.

Looking around the place you frowned." What is..all of this..?" You mumbled with a frown showing over your lips." I better find them...who knows if dad is hurting them..They need my help.." You mumbled to yourself, trying to bring up some confidence in you. Marching forward, you approached one of the Bendy cut out boards and smiled." I really hope you and Boris are safe..hang in there Love.." You say, caressing the Bendy cut out board's cheek and marched on to accomplish your mission. What's your mission? To save your Inky boyfriend and inky brother! Duh!

It sounded amusing to you when you called them 'inky' but no time for jokes! Getting a serious face on, you approached a floor to be filled with ink." Damn bendy! Did you cum this much?!" You joked with a funny look on your face ad couldn't help but laugh a little. Oh god, not again with the jokes!

" If I made him cum once I didn't expect to make him cum the second Time~" You said to yourself, snickering again. Dropping that topic down, you slowly stepped into the ink with your right first and shivered." Ew....Just...Yuck..." You muttered under your breath. Hey! Bendy's ink/cum that was literally squirted in you is much more different than the old ink that was on the ground! That's a difference. Ahem- Moving along-

You slowly started to walk into the thick and heavy ink, approaching the door that was across you. To your shock, someone casually just walked by you, carrying something. It made you gasp loudly." HEY!! COME BACK YOU-!" You yelled, rushing forward to capture the person who just walked by without even noticing you, until you saw nothing was there but the dead end it's self...

" What...?" You ask yourself cluelessly, but just shrug it off." Weird...Probably hallucinating.." You mumbled. Approaching over to some button panel, you examined it with a glare." Oh for fuck sakes.." You mumbled, looking around you." A puzzle bullshit eh? Fine." You mumbled stubbornly and stormed off. Looking around every wall for any switch or a button, you snatched some beacon soup cans until you found the first button.

Smiling, you pressed it and took one of the soup cans. On your way of finding the other two buttons, you looked at the soup can and cringed." Shit. Even the soup can is full of cringe. Gosh, they really made this?" You mumbled, hesitantly opening the can and squeaked, throwing it on the ground." THAT'S DISGUSTING!!" You screamed. Inside...of that damn can looked like PURE GUTS! Who would EAT THAT!?

" I think that Bendy really likes to eat organs now...Ew.." You mumbled girly like and walked off in search for the buttons. Easily, you discovered the second one, but the third one was quite a challenge. Luckily, you found it under an ink pipe and rushed off after pressing it." Finally!" You yelled while running back to the panel machine.

After flipping the switch, you waited for the door to open up and reveal wood blocking your way." Time to chop some bitches." You said, smirking. Approaching the wood that blocked your way, a sudden hissed like groan was heard and the light was flickered on, causing you to scream a little." W-What the?! B-Bendy?! Boris?!" You cried out, right away rushing over to the wood and sliced it in half with the powerful axe. Or regular shitty axe go with whatever.

Rushing into the room, you saw no one but more ink on the ground." Damn.." Mumbling a little, you looked around again and returned your gaze to the large build board." Music Department...? Huh...But why was it deep in the ground..? So...Weird.." You mumbled to yourself but continued on with your walk. Curiously, you entered the large music studio and had looked around. Another Bendy cut out board was by the projector, making you jump.

" Bendy! That wasn't funny!" You yelled to the not alive cut out board. Rushing out the room and storming up the stairs, you smirked at the bendy cut out board. But, to your shock.

It wasn't there. It was leaning against one of the chairs that held instruments. A gulp has left you, making you frown." Okay..that was....Creepy.." You mumbled with a scoff before flicking on the projector that started rolling a non-existing tape.'' Hmm..'' You mumbled to yourself and headed downstairs to try and catch the moving Bendy cut out board, But, he moved and this time.

You saw another one. Both of them, staring at you with those sinister smiles." Wha..." You asked, kind of shocked and a little afraid about that. You repeated the same route at least three times and now there was FOUR BENDY'S!!!

" I am NOT gonna have fucking five some!! BENDY STOP PLAYING YOUR FUCKING GAMES!!" You screamed at the four bendy cut out boards. No Answer.

Growling to yourself, you stormed out the record studio and was going to do it one more time. But...something shocking had attacked you. A scream filled the room and you were being attacked by strange ink creatures that crawled over to you.

" OW GET AWAY!!" You cried, one striking your leg. The other hit your side and third your back." Bendy's one and Only...Her name is Y/N L/N.. She'll be his.." One Ink monster gurgled it out and a large shadow towered over you. There...stood Bendy..He was melting..he was SO FUCKING TALL!! You could also see some ink muscles being on him, that sinister grin staying there.

" Smile for Daddy~" Was all he said, him suddenly jumping right at you.

Everything went dark. No noise. No sight. No Pain. No NOTHING.

Was this, the End?

|| Hahahah!!! You guys think this is the end? What if it is? -smirks- I'm kidding! No No this isn't the end sweeties. Since Chapter 2 Is out, I had tried to bring it into the story so I don't start over or ruin anything.

Anyway. I very much apologize that I took FOREVER To Update. I just had been having love life problems and also School and yeah that stuff.

|| I hope you guys enjoy Chapter 2 Already like I do! It's super interesting! :D Can't wait to see more!

But Damn...Bendy Hit Puberty...


Just like he pounded y/n~

|| I uh I have to stop with that dirty stuff haha! Hope you guys enjoyed my Chapter 10 Of ' Smile For Daddy'! I'll warn ya!

|| The next chapter might and I said MIGHT Include Smut= Sex scene once again but It isn't confirmed.

|| Let me know if you guys want it, comment down below. Please leave lots of votes and feedback I would REALLY Appreciate it!


|| I LOVE YOU GUYS BYE BYE! <3 <3 <3 <3

|| BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I AM MAKING A Gaster! Sans x Reader Story! It is currently in Progress and I'll do my best to publish it soon enough! I'll let you guys know and if it isn't too much to ask, please go check it out you guys! I really got back into loving Undertale again ahah! I'm so trash-


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