
By ukulelescreamorap21

9.7K 412 303

From birth, young Tyler is raised with blood, tears and pain. Until Spookyjim sent him a message request one... More

1: Fresh Start
2: messge request
3: Realizations
4: Hero
5: Scars
7: Relentless
8: Authors note
9: do it out of love
10: One night
11: Tylers aftermath
12: Josh's aftermath
14: Journey
15: protected
16: one step closer
17: Double sided
18: Music
19: Bigger
20: Birth
21: authors note
22: Deal
23: Jebby
24: facedown
25: Drown the voices
26: Amazing Confusion
27: spiked
28: Familiar
29: Get out
30: Dead in his tracks
31: prisoner
32: again
33: Dear Jenna
34: ER
35: memories
36: Surprise
37: Josh
38: Graves
39: 1/2 death
40: Its time
41: Snap out of it
42: Twist
43: making up
44: Jolie
45: Heroic
46: Family
47: Complete
48: beep
49: deep deep sleep
50: Maybes
51: So Much Love
52: Yeah
53: sacred
54: honey
55: Protect
56: common krait
57: Bite
58: 1/100,000,000
59: Bro
60: still waiting
61: prove me wrong
62: insomniac like
63: Subconcious
64: Baby Boy
65: authors note
66: heavyheavyheavy
67: Inject
68: High
69: Tyler Joseph
70: Dear God
71: crime
72: Jenna Joseph
73: broken
74: before the rain
75: walking
76: Forgivness
77: out of the silence
78: Abused
79: authors note
80: Sequel
81: Note
82: sequel note
83; instagram

13: Disconnected

171 11 6
By ukulelescreamorap21

121 days had gone by since Tyler and Josh had gone through their harsh fight, 121 days since Tyler left and Josh didn't stop him. Josh was a complete wreck, the guilt he felt for making Tyler leave was eating him alive from the inside out, even though he only did it to protect Tyler. It's not like he didn't love Tyler, he did with all his heart... he just couldn't be with him or else they would both pay the price. The price? Getting hurt or even killed by Tyler's father. He was relentless. How someone would want to hurt such a beautiful person like Tyler was beyond Josh's mind.. he did not know how someone would even think of hurting his little bean boy. While Josh was hurting beyond imagination all alone in his small house, Tyler was starting to get his life together. He thought about Josh every second of every day... and he remembered everything they had been through and how much he loved him, but he was okay. He had his own small apartment, making just enough money to get by. He didn't work at Taco Bell any longer, he now worked for the apartment building he lived in so he got to live there for free, which meant any money he earned all went towards food, clothes and essentials. Occasionally, he'd have a few extra bucks to spend on drinks with his new best friend, Jenna Black. He liked to be around Jenna, because she was his only friend. She helped take his mind off of Josh. They were both abused as children, so Tyler could relate to her. She had scars all over, not from her father but from herself... she wasn't abused as bad as Tyler but nearly as bad, which drove her suicidal. She was okay now, because her and Tyler have talked about it to each other and shown each other their scars. They told story's of their past, and Tyler told her everything about Josh.

"I'm sure there was a reason, if he loved you he would not leave you for no reason."

"I hope so.. I love him with all my heart even though I haven't heard from him in 4 months. Sometimes it feels like he never even existed.. it's hard to believe that it's been four months. It feels like just yesterday I was in his arms and even though he hurt me I regret running away so soon... I wish I'd have said goodbye at least and kissed him one last time. I guess I was caught up in the heat of the moment and-and-"

Tyler began tearing up, he couldn't talk about Josh these days without crying. He had Josh's number.. but Josh didn't have his anymore. Josh really regretted deleting it, he'd never ever know where Tyler was. He couldn't contact him, or find him. For all Josh knew, anything could have happened to Tyler. He could be dead, he could be in trouble, he could be half way across the world, he could be working for bad people, he could he in prison, he could he anywhere. Tyler would text Josh, but he was too scared. He thought Josh would never want to talk to him again after what happened, and no matter how much he missed Josh he couldn't bare talking to him knowing they couldn't be together. Why couldn't they be together? Tyler didn't know, Josh wouldn't tell him. Now, Tyler had to go the rest of his life wondering why Josh did that and if he even truly loved him.. and Josh had to go to rest of his life wondering where Tyler is... and if he's even still alive.

"Shhhhh, Tyler it will be okay. I'm here, I'm here." Jenna tried calming Tyler, but it was no use. He kept sobbing and sobbing and sobbing, wanting to be back in Josh's arms. Josh wanted Tyler to be back in his arms.

It was 7:46pm on a lonely Friday evening, Josh never had plans. Before he met Tyler, he would party with his buds every Friday.. but now he isolated himself from everyone. He never talked to anyone, and he sat at home all alone. The only person he talked to was his boss, but it's not like he wanted to. Josh was laying in his bed, tears trailing down his cheeks and onto his pillowcase, and he was thinking about Tyler (as per usual). He didn't want to believe Tyler was gone, but there wasn't anything he could do. Tyler wasn't there, and he'd never know where he was. As Josh lied in his boring room all alone, the phone let out a loud alarming ring. Josh forced himself up, trudging glumly to the phone.


"Hello, this is the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. Is this Tyler Joseph?"

"Y-yes..." Josh lied.

"We are sad to deliver the news to you that your father, Chris Joseph, passed away suddenly last night due to unknown reason. Our condolences to you, the information for a funeral and other things will be sent to you shortly. Thank you for your time and once again, sorry for your loss."

The call disconnected.

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