The Sister

By kirariidol

34.5K 1.1K 125

Hinata Ema is your average high school least, that's what everyone thought her to be. Hinata Rintar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note

Chapter 10

1.8K 73 2
By kirariidol

"So we're up against that old fart huh?" Hiroto said as he leaned back against the couch. "He shouldn't be that bad to deal with." 

Seiji chuckled. "Quite true. But lately, he's starting to get on my nerves, too." 

"Ah! I get what you mean! That old bastard has been trying to get his hands on the stocks of my company! No way am I going to give my precious stuffed animals away to him!" Ai exclaimed. 

"What's been going on on your side, Seiji, Hiroto?" Ema asked. 

"Hah. He's been trying to gain influence through the entertainment world by asking us if we could sponsor and advertise for him," Hiroto said. "Complete bullshit." 

"It seems like he really has no idea about our alliance," Ryuu said as he glanced through the data on his computer

"If he did, he wouldn't pick a fight with Ema," Ren said as he grabbed two cans of orange soda. Walking over to Ema, he handed her one to which Ema smiled and thanked him. Ren smiled back before the two focused back onto the subject at hand. 

"If I may express my opinion," Seien said as she looked at her laptop screen before her. "It seems like that person is mobilizing some of the bodyguards under my family. He must really think he's worth something to secretly bribe those directly under my control." 

"But they clearly didn't buy it now did they?" Ema said with a grin.

Seien smiled and shook her head. "Of course not. Our family and subordinates are deeply loyal to you. Without your word, we wouldn't dare to move an inch." 

"So Seien's side is clear," Ema said as she tilted her head up. "Ai, stop all stock negotiations with him."

"Yes, Queen!" Ai said with a salutation. 

"Hiroto and Seiji, spread the word to other entertainment industries that they'll stop doing negotiations and business with that man. This is a direct order from me," Ema declared as her eyes lit up with passion. 

"Yes, Queen!" Hiroto and Seiji both said as they saluted. 

"Ryuu, continue looking through all the files available on him including his own privacy. Ask the underground agencies to help you. You specialize in that, no?"

Ryuu smirked. "You know me well, Queen. Of course I'll do everything in my power. The underground black market is well under my control." 

"Seien, sent shinobis after him as well as the other people that are following him. Report their every move and decide what to do," Ema said.

"Yes, Queen," Seien said, bowing. 

"Ren," Ema said as she turned towards the King. 

Ren smiled with an evil intent in his eyes. "Don't worry. I'll stop him from doing negotiations with inside the country as well as outside. There will be no escape route for him." 

"Ren always gets scary when it involves Ema," Ai said as she sighed. "Honestly, I think he would kill someone if Ema didn't stop him from it." 

"Have to 120% agree with that," Ryuu said with a sigh. 

"Hurry up and get to work already," Ren yelled as he threw Ai and Ryuu out of the greenhouse. 

"Violent as always," Juli said as he crossed his arms. 

Ema chuckled. "All that's left is wait for the board meeting." 

"Yuushun's organizing it already?" Ren said with a look of surprise. "That guy's pretty good in this business. You're lucky to have such a person by your side, Ema."

"Yuushun's my most trusted advisor. I know he won't betray me," Ema said with confidence. "Three years together of building the company, he has never left my side. I'm planning to elevate his position after this. Is that alright?"

Hiroto and Seiji put their hands up in defense. "Don't get us involved in this. We're just going to follow your orders and go now. We swore loyalty to you and that won't change ever in the years to come. Do what you want, Ema." 

Ema smiled as she then looked towards Seien. Seien just nodded her head without muttering a word. She then looked towards Ren who just gave a satisfied smile. 

"Then it's decided," Ema said as she clapped her hands together. "Let's go. We're heading out." 

"Yes!" they all said. 

Over the week, the seven of them began working through their connections and ties in their department and soon enough, all information networks were in their control. Ai had cut all stock negotiations with Yamashita Tomi, the old bastard, which left him really angry to the point where he had tried to attack Ai. Good thing that a bodyguard under Seien's family was one of her bodyguards. Of course, Ai threw him out the building, blacklisting him. 

As for Hiroto and Seiji, their connections to other idols and industries helped make the process go smoothly. Of course, despite them being competitors to different companies, they were friends with the presidents and hearing that it was a direct order from Ema, they couldn't refuse (not like they wanted to). They had a pretty good idea what that man was doing and they had a fair share of their problems involving Tomi. 

For Ryuu's side, he had contacted the black market and information was passed to him which included his dealings in the black market. Having gotten his hands on such valuable information, Ryuu couldn't help but laugh crazily to which Ai just sighed and sweat-dropped as she murmured a word "crazy" under her breath. 

On Ren's side, he had successfully stopped all foreign negotiations and investment towards him as well as notified all businesses, industries, and airports of him just in case he had try to escape. The infamous alliance between the seven of them had left no escape route for the man and nor did he know what would become of him in the next day. In just a week, they had successfully carried out Ema's orders and were quite proud of their work. All that was left was to gather at Ema's company. 

"Now then, Ema! Time to dress you up!" Ai said as her eyes shone brilliantly. Something bad was going to happen and Ema knew it. 

"A-Ai...I can do it myself," Ema said as she looked away from her. 

"No! Knowing you, you're probably going to wear those one-piece animal pajamas to work! No way am I going to let you wear that!" Ai exclaimed. 

Juli nodded her head. "She's quite accurate. Chii, no wearing animal costumes!" 

Ema sighed exasperatedly knowing that the two won't back down. 

"Why don't we have the King and Queen wearing similarly designed outfits? It'll show the people at the company who don't know exactly who their president is," Hiroto said smugly. "It'll be a good show." 

"You're really having a fun time aren't you, Hiroto?" Seiji said with a sweat drop on his face. 

"Well, yeah. It's been a long time since something like this has happened." 

"Gotta agree," Ryuu said. "Right, Seien?" 

Seien just nodded as she continued to stand by Ema's side.

"Still as loyal as always, huh, Seien?" Ryuu said with a smirk. 

Seien just closed her eyes and stayed silent, ignoring his words. But she did have a slight blush on her face. 

"Well yeah, duh, idiot," Ai said with a pout. "Ema's the most important person to her and the same goes for us, doesn't it? That's why we all gathered here." 

Everyone stopped and looked at one another and then towards Ema who was smiling happily at Ren. They smiled and just sighed. 

"I guess so..." Hiroto said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a slight blush.

"Ema's an interesting girl and a really kind one at that," Seiji said. 

"She's the only one who understood my work," Ryuu said with a blush. "As well as the first one to tell me that I'm important." 

Ai grinned triumphantly. "See!" 

They all just nodded and even though Ema didn't catch their conversation, Ren latched onto everything and couldn't help but agree. Ema was important to them. She connected them, gathered them, and pulled them out from their black and white lonely world. She was a ball of sunshine with her radiant smile, her kind words, her gentleness, and her power to move people. She was important to him and that would never change...even if she gave her heart to another.

"So, I'll see you at the house early tomorrow morning," Ai said. "I'll have the designs ready by then." 

"You sure? Isn't that a lot of work though?" Ema said worriedly. 

"Are you underestimating the famous Fujiwara Ai?!" Ai said with an air of superiority. "Don't worry, Ema! This much is nothing for me!" 

"If you say so," Ema said. 

The next day~

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. The doorbell ringed continuously and the brothers all started to stir from the noise.

"Who the fuck is it?" Yuusuke said moodily as he stirred in his bed. 

"What time is it?" Ukyo said as he glanced at his phone. "Only five? Oh my..." 

"Mmmmmm," Wataru groaned as he tossed around and accidentally fell of his bed. 

"Who is it?" Masaomi said as he sleepily yawned. 

"Let me sleep a little bit more~" Tsubaki whined. 

"Shut up..." Azusa said as he stuffed his face into his pillow to cover out the sound. 

"Hmmmm?" Louis said as he sat up. 

"Uggggghhhh," Subaru groaned tiredly. 

"Is it a pretty girl?" Kaname said dreamily.

"Coming~!" Ema said, wanting to not wake them up, as she quickly unlatched the door and let Ai in. 

"Ema?" Iori said as he got up, rubbing his eyes. 

Much to her surprise, not only had the brothers gotten out from their rooms and come downstairs but Ai had come in along with Ren. The brothers had come face to face with the two friends of Ema and just stared at them. 

"Are...these your brothers?" Ai said, pointing towards them. 

"Oi. It's rude to point you know," Yuusuke said angrily. "Who the fuck are you?" 

"I advise you to not speak that way to me," Ai said. "You're going to regret it." 

"Wanna go, midget?" Yuusuke yelled. 

"Yuusuke!" Ukyo and Ema both yelled.

Upon hearing Ema's voice, Yuusuke stopped immediately and looked at Ema. She had an unpleasant face on and he knew he had caused unnecessary trouble. 

"Sorry," he mumbled. 

"Just don't start a fight. Same goes for you Ai," Ema said sternly as he looked towards Ai who was smugly smiling but immediately dropped it upon hearing Ema's voice. "You woke them up this early in the morning even though they need their rest. You should apologize Ai." 

"...sorry," Ai said as she bowed, apologizing for her rudeness.

"It's fine," Ukyo said.

"Just don't do it again," Masaomi said. "Some of us have the day off today so as long as you understand, it's fine." 

Ai just nodded. Ema relaxed and her expression softened. 

"Is everything ready?" Ema asked.

Ai instantly brightened up again into her cheerful mood. "Of course! I already sent Hiroto, Seiji, Seien, and Ryuu their outfits. All that's left is for you and Ren to try it on!" 

"Okay," Ema said, nodding her head. "Is that your outfit?" 

"Yep! Isn't it cute?" Ai exclaimed, twirling around. 

She had her hair tied in two ponytails as always but this time with a braid in each one. Her hair ties were the same two stuffed white bunnies but with a black ribbon on them. She wore a black cape coat with gold buttons on them and a black dress inside. She had white stockings on and black boots with fur lining them. She really was cute.

"It's cute," Ema said with a smile. 

"Can I ask what's going on here?" Kaname asked, still dumbfounded as to what was going on. 

Ema looked up at them and a sorrowful look came upon her face. "Something's going on today and after this, you guys will know everything. This family relationship we have might change and I won't blame you guys if you start ignoring me. It's happened before and by now, I'm used to it. So I'll apologize to you guys beforehand. Sorry and thanks for putting up with me." 

The brothers were all dumbfounded as they watched Ai lead Ema and Ren away to the bathroom downstairs. 

"What did she mean by that?" Tsubaki asked. 

"Iori, any clues?" Azusa asked. 

"The Queen," Iori murmured with a painful look in his eyes as he watched where Ema had disappeared to. 

"Huh?" Yuusuke said. "What does that mean?" 

"The special department is consisted of seven members," Iori began to explain. "Their statuses range from King, Queen, Treasurer, Jack, Ace, and Knight. I thought she would be the Ace since she said that she rarely got to meet the 'Queen'. But the seven of them had gathered at the school this week." 

"And so?" Subaru said.

"Hinata Ema is the 'Queen'. The highest rank in the special deparment, making her the student council president. The man just now was Takao Ren, the 'King' and the girl was Fujiwara Ai, the 'Ace'," Iori said.

"Aren't the two of them super famous?" Wataru exclaimed. "I hear of them all the time!" 

"They're one of the two leading business leaders in the business world and the foreign market," Ukyo said with a shocked expression. "But they rarely reveal themselves to the outside world." 

"Ema's the head of them and if she's in control of them..." Iori began to say.

"She holds an extremely big position in the business world market," Louis said, finishing his sentence. 

Iori nodded. 

Just in time, the three of them came back in totally different attire. Ren had his auburn hair in stylish bangs, making his hair look soft. He wore a white suit inside with gold buttons loosely buttoned and outlines and a white furry cape outside, golden chains tying the two sides of the cape together. He wore white gloves and a golden pendant earing dangling from his right ear. Even though Ai had wanted it to be formal, Ren always managed to change it into a cool and stylish design. He was like a bad boy king. 

Ema's brown hair was neatly curled and her bangs were softly combed. On her head she wore a golden crown hairband ornament with white ribbons and roses decorating around it. Ai had designed for her a white frilled dress with white roses and golden outlines. She wore frilled knee-high socks and white shoes with a golden button on the side. And of course, she had a white furry cape around her with golden chains tying the two sides of the cape. 

"You look absolutely adorable!" Ai squealed as she squeezed her big stuffed white bunny with a black ribbon around it's neck. "This time I made our clothing less detailed and made you and Ren's clothing more detailed. This way, they'll be able to tell who's important and still be able to tell who we are!" 

The brothers just gulped and stared. She really did look cute. Her petite and frail form made her look like a victorian doll when she stood there. Ren blushed a little and looked away. Iori saw it and looked away with a painful expression.

"Iori? Is it ugly?" Ema asked. "See Ai, you should've just let me wore my regular clothes!" 

"No, not at all!" Iori said hurriedly. "You look cute." 

Ema widened her eyes before smiling a little. "Thank you," she murmured. 

Seeing her smile, Iori couldn't help but smile in return. Ren saw this and instantly knew what feelings Iori held for her. He took ahold of Ema's hand and smiled gallantly. 

"Shall we go, my Queen?" Ren said with a cool gaze. 

Ema stared at him before nodding her head. "Let's go." 

Ren smiled and before he left with Ema, he gazed at Iori who had eyed his hand, which was holding Ema's hand, and looked away in distaste. He wasn't about to hand her over just yet. Ema had been with him ever since they were little and he definitely wasn't letting all of his hard work go to waste. Ai was furiously taking pictures of the two while Ema was just focused on the day before her. Finally, she can fully show who she was to the world. 

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