Torn ||Luke Hemmings|| AU

By bangzthedrummer

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I have the kind of problems even a song can't explain I have the kind of problems even a pen and paper can't... More



114 5 1
By bangzthedrummer

Luke's POV.

I take a long puff of the cigarette that is in my hands as I walk down the street where my childhood home is. I could get jumped walking around in this part if Seattle. They wouldn't be so successful though, which is why I walk with such confidence. The gangs only attack the people they see as vulnerable, I was forced to learn this at the baby age of four when I watched my older brother Jack get nearly pounded to death.

My other brother, Ben forced me to sit down in the yard and to not go run after him. I remember struggling against Ben's hold screaming Jack's name as I saw them strip him of his money and electronics as my mom called the cops.

Ben dragged me inside telling me to calm down. I wasn't just going to sit there and watch him get beat up. I finally wriggled free and I ran across the street and I started screaming at them. With their attention diverted from Jack to me Jack was able to get a safe distance away. They looked so scary and intimidating I began to cry. "Mommy!" I wailed as one of them picked me up by the collar of my shirt. "Mommy!" I screamed again. The scary darker skinned dude clamped his hand over my mouth which reflected in my kicking him in his stomach. He cringed and he began to speak with a harsh tone.

"Listen here kid. Get out of here. Don't be like us." He sat me down and I still don't know why he didn't hurt me, all I know is that I am grateful. "Don't." He repeated before I ran into my crying mother's arms.

Jack was busted black and blue. He had blood coming out of his head and it scared me. "Mommy, bubbah needs the doctor." I told her inhaling sharp ad fast through my tears.

"I know. The doctors coming." she told me holding me against her chest. The red box truck came moments later and people in blue outfits loaded Jack onto a stiff bed with a clear cup thing over his mouth.

"Mommy, that bed doesn't look very comfortable. Where are they taking Jay? Can we go?" I asked shivering as a gust of strong wind.

"I'm sure you can. Go get a jacket on and ask Daddy to drive you to the hospital. Ben and I have to stay here and answer some questions for these nice men." I didn't quite comprehend what was going on but they way she talked relaxed me so I was able to calm down.

My brother was in ICU for three weeks and he had Amnesia he remembered family and close friends but not teachers or what school he went to or what street he lived on. It impacted Jack's learning too so my parents took him out of school and homeschooled him. He has a hard time remembering things to this day.

We moved soon following the accident to this place right here. I stand before the deserted house. I walk in and I'm taken aback by how strong my presence is.The memories come flooding back to me and a rage builds up inside of me. I punch a hole in the wall yelling out in emotional pain more than physical pain.

I walk into Jack and Ben's room and their walls are still painted sports posters still up.I lay down in the middle of the floor and I bawl up remembering the exact placement of their beds. The nights we spent just laying in here and talking. The time we spent arguing over who the best football (soccer) player is. The bets we made. The secrets we kept. It all flashes by and I hear their laughter an echo in my head. I begin to cry sobbing by myself.

It's all my fault. I never meant to do anything. I didn't know it would happen.

I just want to fall asleep here because sleep is the best kind of comfort. I never want to leave it. I close my eyes and I see nothing. The last thing I hear is my own breaths.

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