The Reunion •Daryl Dixon• •Bo...

By hannahbombanna

12.9K 547 104

Its Woodbury's High 10 year reunion! Find out what happened to Olivia and Daryl after highschool. Cover by @d... More



469 22 3
By hannahbombanna

Olivia drove back to her hotel in a pleasant mood, it wasnt as bad as she thought it would be to see the others again, she kept thinking of Daryl but then she always thought about him, it was just nice to have an image in her mind on how he looked now. Maybe the reunion wouldnt be such a bad idea?

Walking back into her room she found a box on the floor, she couldnt miss it was nearly as big as her, she knew it was for her, Negan always lavished her with extravagant gifts. For her 25th birthday he took her to The Maldives, one Valentines Day he hired out a football stadium for them to have dinner accompanied by an orchestra. She opened the large door of the box and the whole thing cooly deconstructed revealing a huge giant teddy bear with a tag on its large bow 'working late, sorry kitten xx' were the words written on it. Rolling her eyes she gave a dirty look at the bear and flopped onto the bed. "Why did i think this trip would be more than sex on tap for him?" She huffed aloud to herself, eventhough she knew there was no future as such with Negan she still enjoyed his time and was looking forward to dinner with him. Then an idea hit her.

She took her phone from her bag and dialled Daryl as she read it from the palm of her hand. He answered right away, he must of known it would be her calling "Daryl, i dont suppose you are up to much later?" She cheerily asked "er no" he sounded like he was smiling on the other end as they spoke "fancy dinner?" She suggested "sure I can meet you somewhere?" He replied, he seemed keen which made Olivia feel at ease, "how about that diner we used to go to? Is it still there?" She suggested "yup, shall we say 8?" He replied.

Not wanting to look over done Olivia opted for a jersey dress and her converses, she glammed it up with some makeup and wore her hair loose and curled. She dropped Negan a text to say not to worry about her and she was fine on her own before heading out to meet Daryl.

Pulling up at the diner she saw it was still as dusty as it was when they used to go there and then she saw Daryl smoking outside as he waited for her.

"Hi" she spoke as she walked up to greet him. They sat in a booth and ordered milkshakes to start with "these are just how i remembered" she smiled as she drunk a large mouthful. "So, where did you go when you left?" Daryl asked "I got a cab into Alexandria and pretty much stayed there" she replied "what about work? What do you do now?" He asked, she sighed not knowing how to reply and doing what she does best she changed the subject "you still got the garage?" Daryl nodded in reply "still got it" "and the trailer?" She asked about their former home "and Merle, how is he?" She bombarded him with questions, Daryl's expression changed and she wasnt sure why "I moved out the trailer about two years ago and Merle, he is still working, drops by every so often as he does" he replied with a shrug.

The waitress brought their food over which helped the silence that had fallen over them and they began eating. "Im sorry how it turned out with us" Olivia apologised, Daryl gave a weak smile "i know i said it before but im sorry too" he replied with a sad tone "if i could go back id do a lot of things different" he added, Olivia's eyes widened "would you?" She asked with excitement, Daryl made eye contact with her "but we cant now" he responded making her die inside. "No, probably not" she glumly replied trying not to look bothered.

She quickly finished her food and turned down dessert eventhough she always had it, she quite frankly wanted to leave and pretend this meetup never happened.

Feeling the silence becoming too much she slipped out for a cigarette, followed by Daryl. "Sorry for bringing 'us' up" she apologised using air quotes "you were a big part of me at one point" she sighed not wanting to look in his eyes "same sweetheart, but what can you do? It was right for us to end it at the time" he spoke before taking a long drag "so come on, you must have someone now" Olivia teased playfully nudging him, she acted happy but she knew she would be screaming inside if he said there was someone, and seeing as it was Daryl he certainly would be snapped up. He blushed and Olivia knew the answer before he even replied "she's called Kate" he smiled nervously, he knew she didnt really want to know that. "Thats nice" she lied

Another silence fell, it felt like an hour before anyone spoke, they both stood awkwardly outside the diner not knowing what to do next. "Well I better go, i'm meeting someone" she tried not to sound huffy but she couldnt help it as she stomped to her car but he pulled her gently back "I hope you are happy Olivia, you deserve it after everything" Daryl whispered stroking her face, why did he have to do that? His touch always made her melt. "I'll see you at the reunion i guess" she feigned a smile. And she got into her car and drove back to her hotel as tears fell down her face.

Slamming the door behind her she yanked her dress from her body and threw it into a screwed up ball on the floor before kicking off her shoes, dashing to her bed she pushed the giant teddy over in anger and wrapped herself up in her covers and sobbed.

She thought back to the day they decided to end their marriage....


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