Auditions for Liam Payne's Gi...

By cabaeo

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Mareen is an 18 year old soon to be actress. She just graduated high school and didn't have any money for uni... More

Auditions for Liam Payne's Girlfriend (editing)
p r o l o g u e // chapter 1
Chapter 2: "I like your hair! It looks so puffy!"
Chapter 3: "No. That's clearly not helping."
Chapter 4: "And my screen was Niall shirtless..."
Chapter 6: 'Ignore that conversation...with myself.'
Chapter 7: 'Yes. Sweg. Not swag.'
Chapter 8: 'Awe that was cute. Excuse my eye sweats right now.'
Chapter 9: 'Because our fans found our blood types...'
Chapter 10: 'I'd sure wake up.'
Chapter 11: 'My pal John the Shwab.'
Chapter 12: 'Oh flack. Not again.'
Chapter 13: 'This feels much better than kissing the posters.'
Chapter 14: 'I've been dreaming about doing that for three years'
Chapter 15: 'The Payne train is back.'
Chapter 16: 'I'm not going to miss it one bit.'
Chapter 17: "Kara-tea."
Chapter 18: "Someone's on her period."
Chapter 19: "Maybe he has to pee."
Chapter 20: "Sorry I was having a wee.."
Chapter 21: "Will you give me the honor in calling you my Feyonce?"
Chapter 23: "But he is already hotter than him Mareen."
Chapter 25: "Maybe okay will be our always."
Chapter 26: "Men shouldn't feel butterflies on their stomach."
Chapter 27: "There's only one step from hate to love."
Chapter 28: "Payback sucks doesn't it."
Chapter 29: "Wow how tough a teddy bear."
Chapter 30: "This is too cute to handle."
Chapter 31: "I should work on my comebacks, honestly."
Chapter 33: "Mareen's sass is rubbing off on me."
Chapter 34: "Plus, I'm a good nurse."
Chapter 35: "The beauty of friendship."
Chapter 36: "Of course I won't, I'm not an excercise type of person."
Chapter 37: "Only normal people hug others, Mareen."
Chapter 38: "Do you think I'd look good on a robe?"
Chapter 39: "That makes two of us."
Chapter 40: "My name is Jeff."


17.6K 481 305
By cabaeo

Songs for the chapter:

 the take me home album:((((((((((((((((((((

chapter 22 (i dont know about you but im feelin' 22....) (im sorry i had to)

liam's pov

I'm dead tired, rehearsals are definitely something I didn't miss. I don't know why, they just tire me too much. I'm glad they ended earlier today so I could prepare with my job partner the next face. I walk into the shared room I have with her and look around to see if Mareen is there, but there's nothing. I stare at the heart-shaped bed and lightly smile remembering the past events.

Yesterday night she fell asleep and hit her head with the wall. I had finished giving the 5SOS boys their sermon and Luke offered to take her to her bed, I said no because I had to go into the room for some extra clothes for rehearsals. 




"Liam?" she asks giggling a bit while a slight snore comes out of her mouth. I smirk at her adorableness at this time, she's sleep drunk and it's too cute.

I didn't think that okay.


"Be my 1/5? I try everyday for your follow and I love you so much." her words have a weird effect on me... Loves me? Follow me? She must be a twitter fan.


"Yaaaaaaaay! Now I can officially put 1/5 on my bio, thank you so muuuuuch." she continues before staying quiet for a bit, I search for the key and unlock the door. I lay her on the bed and she giggles again.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she says quietly, I lean into her face and wait for her words to come out. Instead, she crashes her lips on mine. I'm taken by surprise and my mouth stays still, my whole body stays calm and enjoys her lips.. 

She doesn't know how to kiss though, it's still adorable. She's just smushing her face against mine. She giggles and takes them back from mine and sighs.

"Your lips are addicting," she whispers with her eyes closed, she falls asleep and I'm still in shock.

Are my lips addicting? Why did she kiss me? Why does she look so beautiful and peaceful like that? Why do I want to stay here tonight?


My cheeks go red from the thought of her lips on mine... I wish I could ask her why she kissed me but she doesn't remember and it's not like it even mattered.

I text the boys asking where she could be and they all ignore my messages. I'll just ask Alex or Noelle.

I slash the key through the door and open it, something catching me by surprise. I awkwardly clear my throat walking in. The laughing stops and Mareen stands up from on top of Luke, they're both blushing like crazy and some strange rage forms inside of me. 

"L-Liam?" she stutters coughing, her eyes begin to water a bit.

"Hi," Luke awkwardly waves to me, the height difference between them is too noticeable.

"I was never wrong about you was I? Incredible," I suck in a sharp breath, that surprisingly hurt me.

"Liam we tripped and--" 

"You don't have to explain anything to me, we're just work partners that have to fake a relationship that's all. You mean nothing to me." I say the harsh words that probably hurt me more than they will hurt her, if she even cares.

"Come to the concert, we have some work to do later." I say blandly and walk out of the door leaving them shocked.

I thought she cared, I thought we could at least be friends but no. She hurt me again, just like Danielle did.

mareen's pov

The look on his face.

It was the same one I made him have a week ago, I thought I had started to erase it from my mind but it looks like I didn't. It has never been fresher.

He walks towards the door and slams the door leaving me with an empty heart.

I should't feel this way, we aren't anything. We're fake dating. I don't feel anything towards him just like he does towards me.

"Um I'm s-sorry I didn't mean for you to have a fight with your boyfri--"

"Oh, he isn't my boyfriend no no no, we're fake dating. It's not your fault Luke." I interrupt him and quickly explain to him, I don't want him feeling guilty because of an asshole.

"Um I think I should just go.. somewhere." He awkwardly waves and grabs his phone from the stand.

"No, wait.. I need some company here since my friend isn't very... talkative today." I point towards her, she's still in the same position but asleep. I hope she's not dead, she borrowed my favorite shirt and she hasn't given it back yet.

Oh and I would miss her to pieces..

(mostly because of my shirt)

"Fine but um... Let me just grab a water bottle from my room."

"I'll come with you, just in case you get um.. lost." I'M SO AWKWARD.

"Um okay.." he half smiles bringing his hand to his back. 

We walk out of the room across the hall, why is there a cat here?

"I wasn't the only one who saw that cat right?" Luke asks slightly laughing, hIS DIMPLES MAKE ME WANNA GO SCUBA DIVING IN THEM.

"No, I saw it too!" I say laughing a bit too hard, the laughing continues unexpectedly and we end up in the floor laughing with tears in our eyes. A little snort comes through my mouth and we both stop laughing, I blush profusely. We then start laughing again at the same time.

I have no idea why we're laughing but I just can't stop.

It's nice to laugh, I've not laughed since a while back. I've had too much stress and to just let everything go for a second makes it great. I'm happy.

*cue Pharell William's Happy song* 

I'm so weird I swear..

 "Because I'm happy.." Luke starts to sing and I laugh at him, we though the same thing.

"I was literally singing that in my head right now I can't,"

We keep laughing until it dies down, I wipe off the tears from my face and my neck and rub my eyes.

"Wait, weren't you going to get a bottle of water?" I ask smiling a bit at him, I caught him staring at me and now he's blushing, He's seriously too adorable.

"Oh um yeah.." He smiles awkwardly and opens up the mini fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and closing it. "Do you want one?"

"Oh no, I'm good." I say politely and he shrugs walking again towards me.

"So.." I start off walking awkwardly through the halls.

"So you and Liam aren't--?"

"Nope, not even close." I say shifting uncomfortably, he seems to notice and blushes profusely.

"Um sorry I didn't mean to-- you know, make you uncomfortable or any--"

"It's okay, let's just not talk--"

"Okay." he cuts me off smiling at me. I literally look like a little girl beside him.

"You're very tall aren't you?" I suck at human socializing. I should keep socializing with dogs, they're better listeners.

"You're very small aren't you?" He teases and I nudge him on the shoulder, well not really since he's like  8 feet tall and I'm like 2 feet and yeah.

 Not literally, he's like 6'5" or something, I'm 5'2".



"Hurtful," I say putting  a puppy face, his face turns in concern.

"Oh I didn't mean to-- I'm very sorry--"

"No no no! You didn't hurt my feelings I was just playing, I'm sorry I made you think--"

"It's okay, I don't understand sarcasm very well. I'm sorry,"

"Why do we keep saying sorry?" I ask making him laugh.

"I don't know, I'm just an awkward taco." he responds making me laugh. That was too cute I just wanna hug him until he explodes.

Did I just say that my apologies.

"We've wasted thirty minutes of our lives looking for a water bottle can we just go get Noelle because she might burn the hotel if she's alone." I say grabbing his hand and running towards her room. He waves goodbye to the cat and I just wanna hug him until--yeah you know.

I open the door of the room quietly in case I wake up Noelle from her, err, trance -If I can call it that-. 

We stay there talking about different topics, he's told me about his friends and about his family. My favorite story was when they went dressed as superheroes to a road-trip in LA. It was interesting seeing how his face lit up and how his mouth moved when he spoke. I already knew the story because I may or may not stalk them 24/7 but his voice is like melting chocolate and I could listen to it all day.

Oh and his eyes, they make you stare at them. They are the most intriguing eyes since Liam's. Wait no I didn't say that.

But ugh I can't contain myself, Liam's eyes look like puppy eyes and they make you melt from cuteness.

Fish sticks. 

That's my way of cussing. 

"Hey we're back!" Alex walks through the door screaming. Luke spits his water all over my shirt and Calum starts laughing. Noelle wakes up and looks confused at us.

Luke just spit on me.

Luke Hemmings spit on me.

I should be mad right?


Luke Hemmings spit water on me.

I'm never washing this shirt ever.

That sounded creepy, moving on.

"Oh my God Mareen I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-- I'm such an idiot--"

"Luke no no stop you're not an idiot. It's okay, it was hot in here anyway.." I say awkwardly. 'it was hot in here anyway'  Well of course it was, Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood are here that's enough to cause global warming.

"No but ugh, I'm so sorry." The look on his face is so sad, he's so embarrassed ugh Alex.

I'm going to kill her.

Not really she still owes me twenty bucks.

"Whoops," Calum and Alex say at the same time making me roll my eyes. Noelle closed her eyes and placed the blanket on top of her.

"Um.. I think we should--" Alex starts saying before running out of the room with Calum. 

She better run, she was going to get half-killed by Mareen Roberts.

"Um, here. Wear my shirt." He offers taking his shirt off quickly and giving it to me.


He's the second guy I've ever seen shirtless, I feel so special.

"Um, thanks." I say looking at him. He blushes deeply and I blush too. I've never worn a piece of clothing of another male. Only my dad's.

I tell him to turn around and I take mine off quickly. 

It's cute because I could've easily walked to get another one of my shirts, and I could've changed in the bathroom but I just don't feel like it.

"Hey Luke,"


"Thanks for um, being my new guy-friend type of thing." He smiles.

"No, thank you."


the concert



Why can't I be backstage? Ugh, I'm not feeling the whole 'girls screaming' thing today.

And by that I mean Alex and Noelle screaming.

Turns out, Noelle was staring at Niall's phone. I attacked her when Luke had to go for rehearsals and I demanded her to tell me everything. If she didn't I would take her unicorn plush thing away.

Weird girl.

I told her to come to the concert to just see 5SOS since she really likes them too. The show starts in about twenty minutes.

Alex and Harry are getting comfortable, if that is the right term, with each other. They are cute and he keeps telling jokes. He gets better every time he tells one.

(no he doesn't he just payed me to say that)

As of Liam well, we had to enter the 'backstage' door holding hands.




"Um Mareen.." 

"What do you want Liam?" I ask tugging in the ginormous t-shirt Luke gave me earlier.

"Who's that shirt from?" he asks avoiding eye contact. We're currently in a black van on our way to the arena. I didn't want to take his shirt off because it just felt right. He told me to keep it so Noelle adjusted it a bit.

"Luke's." I simply answer while he shifts uncomfortably.

"Oh," he responds, the car stops meaning we're here.

"Good Luck." he says while entwining our fingers together and pulling me closer to his body. It's all an act.

"Same to you."


 Even if I don't want to admit it, Liam is actually nice company. If he wasn't such an asshole sometimes we could maybe get along better and the job would run smoothly but no, he just keeps on the negative side.

Was he jealous this morning when he saw me with Luke? He was. I think so, he should be.


No. Because we're fake dating. I'm getting paid to do this and I will do my job right. No sentimental value of anything.

I did fight a lot for One Direction tickets so now that I'm here in the VIP section for free I will enjoy it.

liam's pov

Something just tells me that there is something wrong with me right now. I'm having this strange rage inside of me every time the image of Luke and Mareen comes to my mind. It is so fresh in there. And to make matters worse, she's wearing his shirt. 

Why do I hate that?

This is a job, nothing more.

She's just another girl that you have to pretend to be happy with, even though it's completely the opposite.

I hate this feeling and I hate her. Why does she have to get me like this? Why did she get Luke's shirt. Did something happen between them while I was out? Did they have some intimacy?


The thought of that makes me go sick inside. Besides, she doesn't even know how to kiss right.

What is wrong with me? I just want to smash my head into a wall.

"Ow, God I didn't mean it!" I shout to myself. I just hit my head on the wall, wow you go Liam. Let's jump off a cliff to see if you survive too!

I seriously need some mental help.

"Woah man, you okay?" Niall asks patting my back.

"Yeah, just a bit confused. That's all. How much until we go out?" I ask massaging my head, it should have a slight bruise forming in soon. Lou is not going to like that.

"Soon, the 5SOS boys haven't even started playing yet. Have you seen my phone?" He asks, I now take in his appearance. He has some bags under his eyes that show even though we have some man makeup on. (Lou calls it that so we feel less un-straight) His face is tired and his back slumps down. He looks more sad than tired.

"I told you to warn Noelle before making her like you." I say, his face falls and his eyes turn blue. There is a silence.

"I was selfish enough to at least have her those moments." he responds wiping his eyes quickly.

"She had your phone, you should see the mess she is right now, she just stares at it and doesn't even blink. You did some big damage to--"

"Please stop, I can't hear it.. I knew I did her some wrong I knew it from the start but she was there and every time I saw her I just forgot and--"

"Don't explain these things to me, explain them to her."

"I will, soon." he sighs rubbing his face in frustration. "She was my background... I forgot to change it."

"You should've."

"I know, please can we just change the subject. Why didn't you sleep with Zayn or Louis yesterday?" he asks suspiciously.

"Mareen was drunk and I was afraid that she would burn down the hotel." I say quicker than what I expected.

"Mareen doesn't drink." he says quickly, my excuse is done.

 "Well, she kind of... kissed me?"

"I what?!" a voice sounded from behind us, oh no.


oh my God. 

I'm sorry I didn't update last week as I promised, I was busy with a school activity! and yesterday i was at a pool with my best friend so yah

hi lili


and Liam ugh you little ugh

the shirt mareen was wearing (and luke lol) are on the side----->

omg paramore was here yesterday and my brother went and he's been hearing the concert the whole day im just

okay so aw nialler


it is scientifically proven that if you vote and comment as much as you can well the updates will come faster and longer and funnier.

im so close to 30k omg

okay bye guys ilysm i'll see ya next friday (hopefully) and well take care <3

☀nat xoxo

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