Can you heal a person with no...

By chrysantheum_

8.9K 318 135

Of course the most popular boy in school will never notice me. I'm just the loser, nerd, geek, and outcast of... More

Can you heal a person with no soul (chapter 1)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Bleach ending

Chapter two

1.2K 47 12
By chrysantheum_

Bonjour! I hope you had a good day or week. And I would like to thank renji4eva for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. She helped me with ideas, edits, errors and many more. I do not own bleach as many of you know. OK TO THE STORY WE GO.

The bell rang and everyone ran out the class room like their lives depended on it. Well not me, but the other people at least. And guess what? My next class is lunch. What a joy. If you hadn't noticed I was being sarcastic. Lunch is the worst period EVER. Why, you ask? Well, here's the answer; I get bullied the most at lunch. I have to sit in the janitor's room to eat since he is the only one that's nice to me in this whole entire school. Sometimes he saves me from getting bullied. He said he knew what it felt like, but I think he was just trying to make me feel better.

Okay, back to the point. I hate lunch because Rukia and her cronies are always bothering me when I get my food. Every day when I get in line, they make it a point to stare at me, as if I did something wrong. Then, I buy my food from the cafeteria and I barely have any money. I have to work every day for five hours and I get paid only ten dollars an hour, which is not bad for me, since I wouldn't get anything otherwise. So I'm grateful for everything. After I buy my lunch, they walk up to me, smack it out of my hand and start laughing. Then they tell me that I was in their way, as if I walked in front of them and stood there on purpose. By now, I'm used to it so I go into the janitor's room before they can see me.

But today was different from the other days. Today, something rare happened. I saw two people that I haven't really seen in about two years and haven't talked to since middle school. I saw the one and only Ichigo Kurosaki and his best friend, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques. It was rare because they are never in the cafeteria. They are always on the roof.

How do I know? I always see Rukia head up there and of course she always follows Ichigo wherever he goes. It was at this point that I noticed that I had been staring at them the whole time. And the most embarrassing part was that they turned around and saw me. When I looked into their eyes, unexpectedly, I saw guilt and worry. But as soon as Rukia saw us, she did something that I had never thought she would. She kissed Ichigo, in front of the whole school. Everyone was shocked by her bold gesture, even though we had suspected that it would come sooner or later. Well, at least I did.

Of course, that didn't mean that I wasn't upset. So I just turned around as if I wasn't hurt, as if nothing happened. When I turned around to walk away, I felt someone staring at me and so I looked back only to meet the startling blue eyes of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. He had an expression filled with pain and as if he was somehow ashamed of something. Well, I could be imagining things because when I look at the two guys I used to know, I only have my memories. Involuntarily, I think of the good old days, knowing that it would hurt me.

But that was the old days - it's time to come back to reality and see what's real and what's not. Since all he was doing was staring at me, I just turned around again and went forward in the line to get my lunch. And of course the wannabe "bad girls" were in front of me ready to smack the food I didn't even get yet out of my hand. They didn't know that I was only getting a bag of air (aka chips) so when that when they would try to throw it on the floor I could still pick it up and eat it. Even though it might be crunched up, I would still eat it, because it would probably be my only meal for the day anyway. As I was waiting, one of Rukia's clones came up to me and said, 'You look stupid and you should change your hair to brown. Even though you would still be ugly, it's worth a try.'

I wanted to strangle her so damn hard, but I had to control my anger. So I just said 'No thanks, I like the way I look'. My inner thoughts were something like 'Maybe you should just shut the hell up.' But I didn't want to start problems so I just kept quiet. After that, like five minutes later she starts off again by saying, 'Orihime, you would be much prettier without that ugly face.' She and the rest of the group started laughing as if she was saying something other than what she did every day. That was such a low joke and it made her sound like a little kid. But I have to have patience with pathetic people like her. So I just kept quiet and looked over at Rukia and Ichigo. Of course, she stopped kissing him when I turned away and he didn't even do anything when she did. They had probably been dating before anyone else knew. Well that wouldn't be a shocker. When I looked at them, the Rukia wannabe did something that was just so disgustingly wicked and pathetic.

She screamed out, 'Aw, Orihime can't have her little friend Ichigo! I bet she's jealous of you, Rukia, she wants Ichigo and that's why she was staring at you guys.'

She said that so loudly that whole cafeteria heard it. She said it so loudly that everyone went dead silent and started looking at me, even Ichigo and Grimmjow. I was so embarrassed that I wanted and cry and run away, but I didn't. I just looked at everyone with no emotion in my eyes and said 'My name is not Orihime. It's Inoue to you, so don't you dare say my name as if you know me.' I wanted to burst out of there as fast as my legs would go, but I just took my bag of chips and walked out the cafeteria and in to the janitor's room. And then I proceeded to cry until the janitor came and asked me what had happened. I didn't know what to say.



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