Alpha ✔️ Larry/Ziall Werewolf...

By emmastories

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COMPLETED Where the boys become werewolves, All except Harry in which they can't seem to figure out why. Dur... More

Alpha (larry stylinson Werewolf AU)
Chapter 1: The Woods
Chapter 2: The Awakening
chapter 3: The Nightmare
Chapter 4: Anger
Chapter 5: Affection
Chapter 6: Protective I
Chapter 6: Protective II
Chapter 7: The Fight
Chapter 8: The Hunter
Chapter 9: The Hunt begins
Chapter 10: The stranger
Chapter 11: The Book
Chapter 12: The Talk
*Chapter 13: The Letter
Chapter 14: The Plan
Chapter 15: The nurse
Chapter 16: Australia
Chapter 17: Hide and no Seek.
Chapter 18: The Realisation
Chapter 19: The Meeting
Chapter 20: The Kiss
Chapter 21: The Argument
Chapter 22: The Zoo part 1
Chapter 22: The Zoo part 2
Chapter 22: The Zoo part 3
Chapter 23: Ed and Leon
Chapter 24: The kidnapping
Chapter 25: The windy howl
Chapter 26: The new Alpha
Chapter 27: The legend of Theodor
Chapter 28: Ghealach Fola.
Chapter 29: Drunk Paul
Chapter 30: Poor Louis
Chapter 31: Chocolate biscuits, Stairs and a dead corpse
Chapter 32: "Magic Nialler"
Chapter 33: Who will save Harry?
Chapter 34: Harry's dream part 1
Chapter 35: Harry's Dream Part 2
Chapter 36: The Escape
Chapter 37: The Reunion
Chapter 38: The Camera
Chapter 39: The getaway
Chapter 40: Wolf Bane
Chapter 41: A New Home
Chapter 42: Full Moon
Chapter 43 : The Run
Chapter 44: Old Memories Never Fade
Chapter 45: The Deal
Chapter 46: Evesmeed
Chapter 47: The Rescue Mission
Chapter 48: Traitor
Chapter 49: Switching Sides
Chapter 50: The paper Plane Necklace
Chapter 52: The funeral
Chapter 53: Werewolves Vs Hunters
Chapter 54: Changing History
Chapter 55: The Bookkeeper

Chapter 51: The Killing

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By emmastories

That night when everyone arrived back to the cottage, panting messes. They lock the doors and pull the curtains in every room before having one of their meetings at the dining room table.

This time is different because Luke is new to this and is a bit confused but Niall is first to assure him of how these things work.

They talk about what happened earlier, how that can never happen again and how Luke shouldn't have done what he did. By this meaning throwing that knife at Andy's head which the boys still don't know how he got it in the first place.

"What did Andy mean by 'not yet' when Eleanor said she wanted to kill us?" Niall asked, leaning forward in his chair and placing his hand under his chin in a thoughtful motion as he props himself up on his elbows.

"He could've meant a lot Of things Niall. He could've meant soon that it wasn't the right time or he could've Been dragging the killing either way" Perrie responds, her eyebrows furrowed as she gazes at the fruit bowl in the middle of the table in awe.

"Well if Andy is going to kill us, we better be prepared when they do strike don't you think?"

"What do you mean by prepared?"

I sigh, getting up from
My chair and looking at Josh.

"I mean, we have to be smart, we can't just let them attack us and not defend ourselves. We have to be smarter than them and play them at their own game." I explain but Louis and Liam object to this, shaking their heads.

"No way. If your implying that we fight them then no way Harry. I don't want anyone getting hurt and definitely not you" Louis states seriously.

"Who says anyone will get hurt?"

"Harry your talking about fighting hunters at an unfair game! not to mention they have an advantage with weaponry." Liam responds snappily and I look down at the table, biting my lip before looking back up at Liam, narrowing my eyes.

"What other choice is there Liam? this is clearly what they want and it seems they won't stop till they get it. If they want to fight, we can't sit by and let them wipe us out! we have to do something!"

Louis stands up.

"No!...We do nothing. The only thing we have to do now is get the book to the book keeper safely. Avoid all fighting whatsoever" Louis states, silencing the room.

"Well that's going to be a problem" I remark coldly before walking out of the room. Ignoring Louis' calls from behind me as I run up the stairs to my room, shutting the door behind me and leaning against it. I let my body slide down the door until my bottom reaches the ground and I pinch the bridge of my nose, furrowing my brow.

They won't listen! they never listen! why can't they actually listen and see that were not safe anymore. Anywhere we go, were in danger!

I feel around my neck for my paper plane necklace and when I do I relax.

A few minutes pass by and that relaxation feeling is slowly leaving me and a frustrated and angry feeling fills instead.

I eventually let out a scream, ripping my necklace off and flinging it across the room where it hits the wall facing me before falling onto my bed.

I breath heavily as I stare at it, tears brimming my eyes before curling up in a small ball beside the door, crying myself into a slumber.

I didn't hear light footsteps before knocking on my door and I didn't feel the door beside me slowly opening, nor Louis' head pop in the doorway and look down when he feels something hard softly push against the door.

When he sees me on the floor with tear stained checks, obvious that I've been crying. He frowns.

Louis quietly gets in past the door and crouches down to me, running his fingers through my hair making me turn in my sleep.

Louis smiles before deciding on picking me up gracefully and carrying me to the bed a meter or two away.

My head rests on his chest and he smiles before resting me down on the bed, grabbing a blanket in the wardrobe and laying it over me.

He smiles down at me before pressing a soft and meaningful kiss to my temple, whispering.

"I'm sorry Haz. I know this is stressful for you. Its stressful for all of us but don't worry. There's no need. Everything will be alright. We'll be alright."

And with that, Louis starts to slowly make his way over to the door and out of the room, closing it softly.

I open my eyes and look at the door in front, sighing.

"I just hope so Lou" I whisper into the air before closing my eyes again and letting myself fall into a dreamless sleep.


No one's POV

Later that evening, the others decided to go to bed as it had been a long and stressful day and they were tired as they could hardly keep their eyes open.

While Emily and Liam laid in bed, cuddling like they would do at night times when they were alone, they didn't like showing their love in front of the others because they knew that the others would cause a commotion.

As they lay, Liam was sleeping and snoring softly beside Emily, in which his arms were wrapped around her securely.

Emily laid awake. With heavy thoughts on her mind as she thought to herself about today's events.

She was the only one in the cottage awake and the only one to hear noises, coming from downstairs.

"Liam?" She whispered. Receiving a grunt from Liam.

"Liam I heard a noise downstairs" She whispered louder, her eyebrows furrowing as she listened again for another noise.

There was a semi loud bang from downstairs which startled Liam, making him frown his eyebrows in concern as he looked at Emily.

The pair laid there looking at each other before quickly, scurrying out of bed. Emily Putting her night gown on and Liam his jeans, not bothering with his T-shirt.

Emily is the first to creep to the door where she opened it up, going into the hallway of the upstairs. Liam followed closely behind her.

"What was that?"

"I don't know...Wake the others just incase, I'll go down and see what it is" Emily responded, giving Liam a quick peck on the check before going through the hallway and towards the descending stairs.

"It could be just Luke you know, he is sleeping on the couch downstairs" Liam tried to assure Emily as she turned to face him. Emily frowned, unsure.

"What would Luke be doing making all that noise? something tells me that's not Luke. It sounds like it's coming from the kitchen" Emily says beginning to go down the stairs, tiptoeing.


Emily's head spins round to Liam, looking worried and almost like a kicked puppy.

"Be careful"

"I will, now go wake the others" Emily says, earning a nod from Liam before they both go their own ways. Liam to Niall and Zayns room first to wake them up in silence, making sure not to make too much noise while Emily creeps downstairs, the noises becoming more pronounced as she nears them.


Luke's POV

A loud banging sound followed by shushing arouses me from my slumber making me frown as I blink away the sleep in my eyes.

I prop myself into a sitting position as I run my eyes but jolt in fright when I hear another banging, coming from the kitchen.

I get up from the couch in curiosity and make my way sleepily to the kitchen door, thinking it's probably Harry again looking for a midnight snack. Louis told me he's prone to waking up at night.

As I look into the kitchen through the glass in the door I see that the lights are off, no sign of light anywhere in the kitchen.

I let out a breathy laugh as I realize what all the noise was. Harry forgot to turn on the light and was stumbling around blind like an idiot making so much ruckus.

Another sound comes from the kitchen and at this I squint towards the window over the sink and see the blind sway effortlessly.

I frown and open the door to the kitchen, making my way into the room. Not forgetting to turn the light on and squint at the harsh light.

"Harry? that you?" I call, keeping my gaze on the window.

The curtain in front of the window stops moving suddenly but you can still make out a faint outline of a body crouched behind it.

I make my way over there.

"Harry. What are you doing?" I ask in confusion as I stare at the figure that still remains unmoving.

"Harry?" I call one last time, feeling slightly scared before reaching out to the curtain.

Before my hand could graze the curtain however, I feel someone pull me back from behind, holding a knife to my neck as I watch the curtain pull back revealing not Harry, but Nick.

I thrash around in the mans grip to which I've come to know is Bill who is holding a knife to my neck from behind.

I kick him and elbow him trying to get free but Nick punches me in front, sending blood flying out of my mouth as I bit down hard on my lip when he punched and sending my head side ways.

Nick sends another punch and another, only the next is to my stomach making me groan and keel over only Having Bill to pull me up straight and make me face Nick, smirking darkly at me.

"I'm really sorry to do this Luke"

"What are you doing here? how did you find us?" I ask frantically but Nick just smirks.

"We followed you."


It's as if when the words leave my lips it hits me why they're here in the first place.

Bill leans down to my ear and whispers.

"To kill you."

I close my eyes tightly before opening them up again, looking at Nick with cold eyes.

He walks closer to me, takin out a knife but I lift my foot up when she's near and kick it out of his hands, bringing my hands up to where Bills knife is pressing on my knock and flip is around so that it's me holding the knife against Bills neck.

When Nick grabs the knife off the floor he charges at me, I quickly push Bill at him, sending him and Bill staggering backwards.

I run out of the kitchen, the knife in my hand and into the sitting room. I just miss the knife that had been thrown at me by Nick as he runs in after me, followed by Bill.

Just before Nick runs to me, I see the Emily coming down the steps of the stairs, her gaze meets mine before turning to the two hunters before she lets out a scream.

Nick and I clash together. He pushes me with such force backwards I tumble back onto the couch.

Nick grabs my shirt collar and pulls on it, raising his fist to hit me. My eyes widen and I quickly crouch my feet up and kick Nick's legs from beneath him, making him cry out.

I then raise my leg and kick him in the stomach, season him hobbling backwards and away from the couch where I have time to get to my feet quickly.

I look over at Bill to see him taking the knife out of the wall and turning to Emily, looking frightened.

"Emily run! get the o- !"

My words are cut short by Nick, aggressively shoving my to the ground which resulted in me turning into a coughing fit.

Emily whimpers and begins walking backwards as Bill nears her with the knife.

Before Bill can get to her, Liam jumps down in his werewolf form and baring his teeth. Looking pissed. Bill's eyes widen in fear as he backs away.

The others quickly run down the stairs, appearing after Liam looking tired and alert at the same time.

Bill goes to run but is stopped and dragged back roughly by Zayn and Louis. Pushing him to the ground before Bill whimpers, scurrying back to the wall to try and get as far from the werewolves as possible.


Harry looks over at me and gasps, his eyes wide.

Nick pulls me to my feet and throws me down on the ground. Unlucky for me, I fell on the coffee table making it break and smash as the weight of my body came over it.

I groan and turn on my side, pain shooting everywhere around my body as I drop my head to the ground. Nick chuckles from above me.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Harry, worried and stepping towards me but Liam stops him. Placing a hand over his chest, pulling him back. Harry looks at him in confusion and panic.

"We have to help him Li. He's hurt"

Liam shakes his head.

"This is his fight Harry. Not ours"

With that Harry frowns, staring at Liam blankly before nodding stiffly. Retreating back behind Liam.

This seems to snap me out of whatever weak trance I was in, letting Nick and Bill walk all over me. Just as Nick was raising his foot, about to kick me in the stomach, I grab it. Yanking him forward and taking him off guard as I send him tumbling to the ground and landing awkwardly.

This is my chance. I get to my knees and crawl on top of Nick, cradling his hips as he tries to get out from under me.

I glance at his hands that are feeling the floor behind him, searching for something. When I spot the knife my eyes widen and quickly pin his arms above his head. He grunts.

I hear footsteps padding towards us and don't look up, my eyes on Nick.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the knife being lifted off the ground and a head of curls before they disappear.

The head of curls reappears only this time beside Nick's head and directly in front of me.

Harry holds the knife to Nick's neck as he glances up at me. His eyes serious and it's almost as if he's saying 'I'm with you or I'm on your side or better yet, tell me when to drag the knife'

I look back down at Nick smirking in our position and I see him gulp. It looks like this time I've got the upper hand.

"Talk" I spit venomously at Nick. My eyes dancing with hate and anger.

Nick chuckles but stops when Harry presses the knife closer to him.

I glance at Harry and at this stage, the others were making their way to us. Louis and Zayn staying where they stood, watching and growling at a whimpering and scared Bill.

"What do you want to know?" Nick asks hoarsely, the strain on his neck from the blade.

I frown looking at him and all I can conjugate is "Why?"

Nick stares at me. Glaring as If I should already know the answer to that one but I don't.

"Andy told us to" He whispers but I catch it loud and clear. I should have known, he was bound to do it sooner.

I rest my hands on nicks shirt collar, squeezing and pulling him up towards me slightly making Harry loosen his knife on Nick's neck as I do.

I stare him dead in the eye as I speak, making sure he hear me clear.

"You tell Andy that If he wants me killed, He sends a man to do it. Not beginners" I spit in Nick's face, startling him slightly but he quickly snaps out of it. His face becoming hard trying to act tough when really, he's not fooling anyone.

I tighten my grip, making Nick wince.

"Got it?" I ask roughly.

Nick nods slowly before I push him backwards, getting up off of him. I look at Harry.

"Let them go"

Harry looks at me confused for a second, not believing I just said that before slowly releasing Nick. Not giving the knife to him however, pointing it at him incase he made a move.

"You can't be serious Luke" Zayn says in disbelief from where he was beside Louis. Looking down hateful at Bill.

"Yeah we just got them. Surely we can use them as prisoners. As a warning for the hunters to stay away." Niall protests from beside a frowning Emily and thoughtful Liam.

Nick and Bills eyes widen. Nick siting up slightly and rubbing his hands from where I held them down.

"I say we kill them!"

There are multiple sounds of agreement before they turn to me waiting to hear what I think.

"No" I say sternly. "We let them go. If we kill them now it will only put us deeper in the shot that we're already in"

I look down at Nick to see him looking up, watching me.

"Leave now and don't come back here. Do you understand? I'm sparing you your life Nick. Don't take it for granted because next time I won't hesitate in killing you"

Nick nods at me, understanding before I move back slightly, giving him room to get up.

When Nick gets to his feet he looks at me blankly before turning to Bill.

I nod at Louis and Zayn who are towering over Bill. Signaling for them to move back and let him go. They do, revealing a shaking Bill who wobbly stands to his feet and hurries over to Nick.

Nick turns back to me and we both just look at each other in silence before Nick finally speaks and it's what he says that throws me off.

"Thank you"

It's short and small but it's all I need to hear before a large smirk plasters itself on my face.

"Let this time be a warning... Now go. Andy will be looking for you and remember what I told you to tell him" I remind showing them to the door.

They nod at me, remembering what I had said before I practically push them out the door, closing it and sighing.

When I turn around, I jump when I see the others, Harry in front looking at me thoughtfully. I frown.

"What are you looking at? go to bed"

Louis, Liam and Zayn growl at me warningly before Louis speaks.

"We're fine with you being here but remember your place Luke. Don't tell us what to do"

I nod at him. Understanding him clearly and telling myself to keep my bossy side closed off.

When they don't say anything else they start to go back upstairs, typical.

As everyone moved upstairs, I moved to the living room finding Ed and Leon in there, their noses smelling the air and sniffing around.

It's only then that I realize that they haven't been here the whole time and I frown at them.

"Where have you been?" I ask and they both look up to me.

There's a moment of silence and they say nothing, just staring.

"They're saying that they were outside in the woods. They heard Emily's scream and came back. They just got back now and are not impressed by the messy room" A voice which I know right well belongs to Harry speaks softly from behind me.

I turn around to Harry as he enters the room smiling at me softly. I frown at him.

"Why can't I hear them?"

"Your not a werewolf. Only werewolves can communicate when they're in wolf form to werewolves in Human form"

"Perries not a werewolf"

"Perries Ed's sister"

"What about Emily?"

"What about Emily?" Harry raises an eyebrow.

"She's human...Right?" I ask uncertain which makes Harry chuckle.

"Of course she is. She can't hear Ed or Leon. Its usually Josh, Perrie or Liam who tell her what they're saying. Harry responds.

There's silence for a moment before a question comes to mind, looking up at Harry I ask him."

"And you? how can you hear them?"

Harry sighs, frowning as he looks down at the floor before looking back up.

"It's complicated"

I nod at him, smiling softly. I know now is not the right time for him to talk about it as he's probably tired but some day he'll tell me maybe not today.

I didn't notice that Ed and Leon had made their way past us and up the stairs. Looking at Harry for a split second before leaving the room. Harry sighs before looking up at me.

"Why did you let them go?" he asks. I can tell it was on his mind and that's probably the reason he's down here talking to me.

I turn around, picking up some of the scattered cushions and picture frames, leaving the coffee table to clean up for the morning.

"I didn't want to kill them. Not like that. You'd never trust me the same or even look at me the same if I did"

Harry hmms from beside me, deciding to help me pick up some scattered bits and pieces and clean the room.

"Why were they here?"

"To kill me and probably the rest of you if it went their way" I respond and Harry falls silent.

I'm beginning to think he left before he speaks again. This time he's worried and confused.

"What does this mean Luke?"

I turn to him and frown, sighing as I close my eyes tightly before reopening them. Harry's curious eyes blinking at me.

"The start of a war"


When Nick and Bill arrived back to Andy, Andy was happy. He was happy to know that they had killed Luke and that he was one less thing to worry about.

What Andy didn't expect to hear from Nick and Bill was that Luke was in fact still alive.

Andy was furious.

He couldn't see how something as easy as killing someone in their sleep was so difficult.

"You fucking idiots! how could you not kill him?!" Andy screamed at the two causing Nick and Bill to flinch, covering their ears.

Eleanor and Rohan watched from the side, smirking and sustaining a laugh at their fellow hunters.

Nick was brave enough to speak to Andy. Telling him about what Luke said to tell Him but it only made Andy's blood boil.

"Now he's really testing my patients" Andy growled out.

"I say we kill them. They expect a man to do it, they will never expect a group of hunters!" Eleanor says in determination and slight anger.

Ever since she has seen Louis all of the thoughts of how they broke up flooded back to her, almost forming tears as she relieves the painful memories.

How she was just about to head to the boys house as they had just moved into a new one to be closer to their work. That was when Louis showed up, looking lost and sad and just downright miserable.

Being worried, Eleanor had let him into her home, worried for her boyfriend and let him cry in her arms while she held him close. Confused on why her boyfriend would be acting like this.

"I'm so sorry El!" Louis would cry and it's then that she thought that maybe Louis, her Louis had developed feelings for someone else. Another woman.

"Please Louis, I can't help you i you don't tell me. What's wrong baby?"

Louis stayed silent. His thoughts running a mile through his head, his heart racing. He was about to do something awful and Eleanor knew it to.

With tear stained eyes, Louis looked up to Eleanor and told her everything that has been eating away at his min for so long but only recently, coming clear to him that it was not Eleanor that he was in love with this whole time.

It was Harry.

He loved Harry. Not her.

This tore Eleanor apart. She had screamed at him that she never wanted to see him again. This broke Louis. Of course he loved Eleanor but it wasn't the same. It wasn't enough.

The memories made Eleanor scowl and anger coursed through her veins as a picture of a cheeky curly haired lad popped into her mind.

She had seen him a few days ago and couldn't help but feeling hatred towards him. How she wanted to kill him for taking her Louis away from him but also taking him away from Louis as her revenge for leaving her.

"We have to kill them eventually" She whines to Andy who frowns, deep in thought.

It's only when he looks up he nods.

"Soon" He confirms. "But not all at once. Just one for now. As a message, to show them that they should be afraid. Be very afraid" Andy's eyes grow dark as he speaks and a smile creeps on Eleanor and the others face.

"Louis' mine" Eleanor states, referring to when they do kill the werewolves, Louis is hers to kill slow and painfully. Not anyone else's. The others nod, also taking and naming there werewolf to kill.

"Luke, he's mine to kill" Rohan says sternly and Andy glares for a second before another face pops into his mind.

"Harry" He whispers with a sadistic grin playing on his features as the thought of the curly haired lad comes to mind, dead in front of him or better yet, pleading to not be killed.

"When?" Rohan suggests. Referring to when they will be able to kill them. Maybe not all but at least one.

They all turn to Andy who smirks evilly.



Harry's POV

That morning, everyone decided to stay home. They were going to stay home anyway but at least now they had a reason.

Niall decided to help Josh with breakfast and so did Zayn. Although Zayn only said he'd help because he thought it was a perfect chance to talk with Niall and maybe apologize.

It worked.

Liam and Louis talked with Perrie, Ed, Leon and Luke about last night. Probably explaining more about what happened and why they were here. They also helped clean the living room that was sadly destroyed and littered with glass from the broken coffee table.

I however, had decided to go sit outside since it was a nice day out but Emily caught my eye to the side of the house, struggling to hang dirty clothes on a line to dry. I frown and decide to help her.

"Need some help?"

I question from behind her making her swing her head in my direction. Smiling and laughing slightly.

"Sure" With that she hands me some pegs to hold up the clothes and I stick them on the line with ease.

I turn to her.

"I don't know what we would have done if you didn't get Liam to wake us up. Luke probably would've been dead. Thank you" I say seriously.

Emily stops what she's doing and looks at me with a frown before smiling softly.

"It was my pleasure."

"I don't even know how they found the cottage in the first place since there was a shield around the cottage" I continue.

"They probably followed us back. The shield would have been broken by then. As Perrie said, it would only last a few days. Emily shrugs, returning back to hanging the clothes.

I smile at her.

"Can I ask you something Emily?"

Emily glances at me and smiles.

"Sure you can! go ahead"

"Do you like Liam?"

It's as if the moment I said his name she freezes. Turning to me as if nervous about something. I frown.

"It's just I, I see the way you look at each other and the way he looks at you....Your special to him Emily. He truly loves you and I just don't want to see him him hurt. He has already lost someone close to him before, We all have and I just don't think he can do that again."

I didn't notice Emily had moved closer to me and had taken me into a warm hug.

I hug her back as she whispers "I'll never leave him Harry. I love him."

This makes a smile appear on my lips as I break away, looking at her face to make sure she's not saying that.

She has tears in her eyes as she smiles back at me but I frown. There's something she's not telling me. She couldn't be crying because she just told me that she loves him. There's more to this.

I take her hands in mine making her look at me as I stare at her worriedly.

"What is it Emily? please talk to me. I'm here" I assure her but Emily just bites her lip, more tears threatening to fall out of her eyes as she tries to look away.

I lock my finger under her chin, slowly lifting her chin up to my eye level. When I look into her big teary eyes I whisper.

"What's wrong?"

Emily holds my gaze for a few moments before replying.

"I think I might be pregnant"

My eyes widen as she says this and before I know it, I'm enveloping her in another tight and warm hug. The tears in my eyes falling as I smile widely.

"How do you know? did you..." I trail off blushing making Emily chuckle.

"Yes, two nights ago..I've been sick Harry. I haven't been feeling well and I've been feeling very faint these past two days and I have to be.." she trails off smiling.

"Does he know?" I frown. Wondering if Liam knew. He probably didn't though because something would've been off if he did.

Emily shakes her head.

"I'm afraid of what he might say..."

My eyes soften at this. She didn't tell him about the pregnancy because she's afraid of what his reaction would be. She's afraid that he won't want her or anything to do with the baby if he finds out she's pregnant.

I smile.

She doesn't know Liam like we do. Liam would never do that. He'd never walk out on her or the baby. Liam would be over the moon if he finds out Emily's pregnant. He would support her not because of guilt, He'd support her because he'd be happy to. Happy to have a family that he can call his own. A family outside of his mom and dad, a family outside of us. A family of him, Emily and this little miracle.

"Liam is one of the most caring person I have ever known Emily. He'd never do anything to upset you. at hat would be the last thing he's ever do was to upset you. He loves you and I know that he's going to love this baby before it's even born" I respond truthfully to which she smiles tearfully.

"Thank you Harry. I just hope so."

I'm about to reply and ask her more about the baby when there's a loud snap of a branch from our left, coming from the forest.

When our eyes turn, we see the silhouette of Eleanor and Rohan's bodies before an arrow come whizzing towards us, only centimeters from my head before making a hole in the swaying be sheet on the line.

"Get inside now!" I yell to Emily as I pull her by the hand, our heads down as we run to the front of the cottage where the door is, all the while arrows hurtling towards us.

Just as we're running around the side of the cottage to the front door, in the first as I'm in front to see Andy waiting at the porch with a bow and arrow in his hands pointing at the corner where we had just turned, obviously waiting for us to come around.

They had this planned.

When he sees me my eyes widen and I don't get to process the arrow coming at me in full speed.

I gasp but I don't look at the arrow, Instead I watch Andy as he lowers his now and takes in his work I front of him. His accomplishment of killing me.

It all goes slow after that. The arrow doesn't hit me. It never does. It doesn't get that chance as Emily pushes me to the side, the arrow going straight into her chest.

"No!" I scream, the tears come to my eyes as I watch Emily. She blinks repeatedly. Almost in a daze as she looks down slowly at the arrow.

I run to her just in time before she falls to the ground, catching her and holding her close to my chest, rocking us back and forth as the tears flow.

"Emily! stay with me Em please..Oh God no!"

I look down at her eyes. They're filled with pain, sadness and tears and I know she's going to slip away from me soon. The thought only makes me being her closer to me as I cry.

"Ha-Harry..tell-L Liam I..L-Love hhim aand t-that I'm sssorry" She croaks out. Her voice laced with pain and determination. I let out a sob and all I can do is nod.

"Why?" I cry. Wanting to know why she would kill her self to save my life. Wanting to know why she would sacrifice her babies life.

"I-It's my J-Job" she whispers, her eyes going dark but I just frown in confusion.

"I don't understand."

Emily looks at me and tries a smile, her eyes watering further making it hard for her to look at me the through them.

I suddenly hear footsteps from in front of me and a low chuckle.

I turn my head upwards, narrowing my eyes harshly at Andy. He did this.

Andy raises his bow at me but I don't flinch away or cower back in fear. I keep my gaze on him. I narrow my eyes further as he pulls the strings of his bow back. Any minutes now I'll be dead. I'll never see my friends, family or Louis again. I'll be with Paul, with Emily and her baby.

Andy looks at me with pierced lips and a dark glare but his bow never withers.

It doesn't get the chance to because he's startled by the front door bursting open, the boys and Perrie and Ed and Leon bursting out.

The boys immediately change into their forms as their gazes lock on Andy and I. The bow raised in the air.

Niall Zayn and Josh's gaze snaps to Eleanor and Bill coming from behind. When they see Andy giving them a shake of the head they lower their bow's running into the woods.

Louis, Liam, Ed and Leon come towards Andy but they never reach him as Andy turns his now on them, shooting at Zayn who dodges the arrow, making him angrier.

Andy runs to the woods and the others are about to follow when Ed stops them, growling to them to let him go and he'll be back again.

The boys turn back to normal and their gazes turn to me with concern.

Louis' eyes trail down to the bloody girl in my arms, his eyes widening before gasping softly as his eyes full up with tears.

I look down at Emily but my eyes tear up even more when I see her lifeless eyes staring up at me. Her body limp in my arms and the arrow still stuck in her chest.

I let out a sob as I owe my eyes, not wanting to look at her eyes, cold and grey but once filled with life and care and love.

I don't even need to look at Liam to see his face. Hearing him cry was enough.

I hear him run to me, taking Emily in his arms as he rocks her back and forth, grasping her hands as his tears fall onto her forehead.

"Emily no! please baby come back to me! I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry I wasn't hear. Emily!" His voice wavers and the air is filled with Liam's sobs.

I watch him, cradle her and kiss her forehead and lips, hoping they'd kiss him back and that she'd come back to life. Back to us all but she never
Does. Her lips never kiss back.

I suddenly feel strong arms wrap around me and it's only then that I realize My body had begun to shake violently and my tears became more violent.

I then feel myself being picked up bridal style and my head being placed against a warm chest.

I lay my head against the strangers chest, my body still shaking as we pass by Niall in Zayn's arms before making our way into the cottage.

Zayn had looked at me with tears in his eyes before they fly down towards Niall as he strokes his blonde locks.

I feel myself being put down on a bed but I don't look up at the stranger but I can feel a shaky sigh leave their mouth before they disappear into another room before reappearing.

In that time I have managed to curl up in a ball on the bed. My hands coming up to my mouth and my eyes wide as the memories wash over me. All too suddenly I feel the need to get sick.

A hand brings my hand away from my mouth before pulling me up into a sitting position.

I look up at Louis, smiling at me with pained eyes holding a glass of water up to my lips.

I take small sips and the feeling of throwing up vanishes.

Louis starts to peel off my clothes and it's only then that I glance down at them stained with red.

The shirt was a light green but now a dark brown.

I let out a quiet sob but Louis shushes me, bringing a hand to my cheek and another behind me head, pulling me into his chest.

"It'll be alright Haz" He assures me but I can hear the once cries from Liam now turned into angry screams.

I can't help but cry Into Louis' chest as he rocks us back and forth, trying to calm me down.

We stay like this for a while until I fall asleep in his arms.

Louis never moves. He never leaves me, only strokes my hair as I fall into a sleep filled with blood and hunters.

Emily's blood.


I'm so sorry guys :( this was sad. Even when I was writing it I was frowning :(

Other than that though I have a few questions for you guys

1. Will Harry tell the others about the baby?

2. What did Emily mean by 'it's my job?' :3

3. What did you think? :)

Vote and comment <3

We are almost at 1K votes guys that's amazing thank you so much! I love you guys!!

Keep doing what your doing,

Emma xx

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