Forbidden Love [BWWM]

By NadineJoyBrown

410K 18K 4.3K

Katherine never pictured her life would be this way, being 'sold off' to some uncaring, misogynistic pig who'... More

I. Metting Katherine
II. Be Mine
III. Be Mine Part II
IV. Mrs. Andolini
V. Newlyweds
VI. Honeymoon
VII. Ruthless Man
IX. Dominic
X. 1942
XI. The War Begins
XII. The Meet Up
XIII. Betrayal
XIV. Dinner Party
XV. House Guest
XVI. Christian Andolini
XVII. Big Brother
XVIII. Vacation
XIX. The Start of Something
XX. Puppy Love
XXI. Vengeance
XXII. Thirst for Blood
XXIII. Ghosts
XXIV. Fight of Your Life
XXV. Italian Vacation
XXVI. Bombs Away
XXVII. Reconcilliation
XXVIII. Welcome Home
XXIX. Four Million Richer
XXX. Sunday Morning
XXXI. Trip
XXXII. Night Out on the Town
XXXIII. Wasted
XXXIV. 1959
XXXV. Camping Trip
XXXVI. The Pink Swan
XXXVII. Date Night
XXXVIII. Calm Before The Storm
XXXIX. The Godfather
XL. Say Goodbye
XLI. 1966
XLII. Forbidden Girl
XLIII. Library Trip
XLIV. Not As Expected
XLV. We're Cool
XLVI: Shake & Chill
XLVII: The Other Side
XLVIII: Now or Never
XLIX: Karma
L: Night to Remember
LI: Going Steady
LII: The Calvin Charm
LIII: My Girl
LIV: Game On
LV: We Belong Together
LVI: New Management
LVII: Old School
LVIII: Revelation
LIX: Home Alone in Vegas
LX: Movie Date
LXI: Meet My Parents
LXII: Don't Eff With Me
LXIII: Here to Help
LXIV: My Girlfriend
LXV: Filthy Mouth
LXVI: Dilemma
LXVII: Like a Virgin
LXVIII: Best Man
LXIX: Insanity
LXX: Graduation Party
LXXI: Tour
LXXII: High Life
LXXIII: All Mine
LXXIV: Macho Man
LXXV: Hot Girlfriend
LXXVI: What's The Issue?
LXXVII: She The One?
LXXVIII: Great Aspiration
LXXIX: My Enemy Part I
LXXX: My Enemy Part II
LXXXI: My Older Brother
LXXXII: Budding Relations
LXXXIII: Intervention
LXXXIV: Something to Remember
LXXXV: Moving Out
LXXXVI: Shocking Revelation
LXXXVII: Big Mistake
LXXXVIII: Retribution
LXXXIX: Italian Thanksgiving Part I
XC: Italian Thanksgiving Part II
XCI: My Blessing
XCII: Respect to the Don
XCIII: Wedding Planner
XCIV: Welcome to Harvard
XCV: Last Chance
XCVI: Changes
XCVII: Finalized
XCVIII: I'm Sorry
XCIX: Locked Up
C: Family Matters
CI: Forever Andolini
CII: Dynasty
CIII: Appointment
CIV: Losing You
CV: Not Ready to Leave
CVI: Success
CVII: Recovery
CVIII: Honest Uncle
CVIX: All Good Must End
CX: Depressed
CXI: Final

VIII. Family Man

10.9K 459 32
By NadineJoyBrown

[6 months later]

"How much money did I make this month?" Michael asked as he sat comfortably on the couch and his accountant sitting in a chair facing him

"In total, you made 12,245. Half of that was made during the first half of the month, and you did have a small dip two weeks ago when you lost some profit."

"Anything major?"

"No, just a few hundreds but nothing large scale. Mostly, whatever you lost during a certain week, you'll gain it all back plus more by the end of the month."

"Any other news?"

"Yes, the mayor contacted me the other day and asked me would you be ever so kind to donate some of your money to the city. With there being a worldwide depression and all, he said it would help a lot and would also be greatly appreciated."

Michael sighed, "Why should I care?"

"You'll get a very nice tax write off for it. Plus, you'll get double in returns."

"Ok. You can write a check for a thousand, I'm sure he can use it towards something."

"Yessir, I'll get right on it. How's married life treating you?"

"Better than this damn economy, I'll tell you that much."

He laughed, "Tell Katherine I said hello and I'll see you next month."

"Alright, same time next month," Michael said as he reached over on the lamp table and grabbed a cigar from his cigar box and Luca came up to escort the man out of the house

He lit the cigar and took long drags as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the couch.

"Vi aspettavate qualcun altro oggi?" George asked as he stood in the doorway
(Were you expecting anyone else today?)

"No, chi è e cosa vogliono?"
(No, who is it and what do they want?)

"È il tuo fratello"
(It's your brother in law)

Michael opened his eyes and sat up, "Digli che entri."
(Tell him to come in.)

George left the doorway and had come back with David. "What a surprise! I haven't seen you in a while." Michael said getting up and giving David a hug

"It's good to see you too, Michael."

"Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Michael asked as he sat back down on the couch and David sat in the chair

"No I'm fine, but thank you."

"Where's everyone else? I know you didn't come alone."

"Actually I did. I walked as far as I could and I took a taxi for the rest of the way."

"Does your mom know you're here?"

"No, but I told her I'll be back before sundown."

Michael reached into his pocket and got his wallet, "If you took a taxi for the rest of the way, I know you spent all of your money." He said as he gave David $40

"Wow, thanks, Michael." David smiled

"Just don't go running off and not telling your mother where, and I'll have someone take you home so I know you're safe. Now, how are you liking your new house?"

"I love it! We all do, especially me and Julia. We run up and down the stairs until we get tired and no one has to wait in line for the bathroom anymore."

Michael smiled, "That's good, I'm glad everyone is enjoying the house."

"That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Something wrong?"

"It's about Julia. For the past few weeks, one of her old pimps come over to our house and demanding us that he take Julia.
He comes into our house and starts searching for her. It's gotten so bad that she has to hide just so he wouldn't find her.
I told my dad that we should tell you about it but he said that he didn't want to bother you, that you already have enough going on with Katherine."

We're all family, if ever there's a problem, don't be afraid to call me."

"I don't want anything happening to Julia. We have gotten so close to each other every since Katherine had to go away. I don't want to lose her just like we lost Katherine for those few years." David said sincerely

"Do you know this man's name?"

"Henry Campbell. I think he stays in Flatbush but I'm not sure."

"Consider your worries over, I'll handle it." He said confidently as he took a drag from his cigar

"Thank you, I really appreciate this. So, how's Katherine?"

"She's good, she's upstairs resting."

"Aw, I really wanted to see her and I bet her stomach has gotten bigger as well."

Michael smiled, "Oh yes, she's filling out quite nicely." He said with a small chuckle as he heard footsteps approaching and then Katherine peep around the doorway

He cleared his throat and motioned to the doorway. David turned around in the chair and smiled, "Katherine! I was just talking about you! I'm glad I got a chance to see you." David said as he got up to hug her

"It's nice to see you too, David."

"You're getting so big, I can't wait for you to have the baby so I can babysit my little niece or nephew."

She smiled, "Ok, whenever we need a babysitter I'll make sure to call you."

"I'll be waiting by the phone. I think I should be heading home now, it was good seeing you two." David said as Michael got up and put an arm around Katherine

"You take care, David, and George will take you home."

"Thank you, I'll see y'all later."

"How was your nap sweetie?" Michael asked

"It was good, the baby kept kicking me which made it hard for me to go to sleep, but I eventually went once the kicks slowed down."

He smiled as he put a hand on her stomach, "It's kicking to get out." He grinned. "Don't worry little one, you'll be out soon enough."

"Is everything alright with David?" She asked with concern

"Of course, honey."

"Are you sure? He's never gone out of his way to express or talk about his feelings or what he's going through."

"Well, maybe I'm just easy to talk to." He shrugged. "Basically, he just wanted to see you and tell you how much he misses you. Matter fact, I think we should pay the family a little visit. If one misses you, then everyone misses you."

"Ok, that sounds nice." She smiled

"And everyone gets to see how big you've gotten."

"Yeah, I've blown up like a house." She said looking down at herself and he laughed

"A very beautiful house."

The next day, Katherine was very excited to see her family again. It's been almost a month since the last time she visited and even then she wasn't as big as she is now.

"You're looking better and better every time I see you," Debra said giving Katherine a hug

"Mommy, I think you're just saying that to be nice because I look like a big beach whale."

"No, you don't. You're not even that big, trust me. You still have your nice body shape. Now, why don't you come sit down while I finish up lunch."

Katherine sighed as she eased down on the couch, "Ok."

"And Julia can keep you company."

"You just said the magic words," Katherine said as Julia happily flopped down next to her

"I'm soo ready for you to have this baby, I'm going to be an auntie!"

"I'll be right back," Michael whispered to Katherine

"Where are you going?" She asked catching him by the arm

"To get a cake, your mom didn't know we were coming so I'll go and get dessert."

"Don't be too long or your food will get cold."

He bent down and kissed her on the forehead, "I'll be back before you know it."


"Say my name again, Jamie."

[A/N: writing this while listening to Say My Name by Destiny's Child🤔😭 Damn Daniel! I'm uber old😭😭😭😭]

"Oh Henry." Jamie moaned

"Alright, that's enough you two. I've got other things to tend to." Michael said as both Henry and Jamie jumped up in surprise and Jamie tried to cover herself up with the bedsheets

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!"

"Sorry for not knocking and not introducing myself properly, but this is pretty urgent. I'm here for a young lady named Julia Michaels, you know her don't you?"

"Yeah I know Julia, but she's not here, I haven't seen her in awhile. Why? She's supposed to fuck you too?"

"No, but I would like for you to leave her and her family alone, and that's me asking nicely," Michael said and Henry laughed

"Who are you to tell me what I should do?"

"Jamie, is that your name?" Michael asked pointing to her and she nodded her head yes.
"Well Jamie, I would hate for something to happen to you, so why don't you go on home." She quickly got out of the bed and started putting her clothes back on as Henry sat there looking on in disbelief and Jamie scurried out of the room

"Listen here, man! You've got some nerve coming in here-" Before Henry could finish his sentence, Michael whipped out his revolver and pointed it at Henry's face

Henry put his hands up in defense, "Hey man listen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect."

"I want you to do me a favor," Michael said as he still had the gun pointed in Henry's face

"Yeah sure, whatever you want." He said quickly

"I want you to give a message to Frank Johnson for me."

"But Frank's dead."

Michael smirked, "I know. I want you to tell Frank that Michael wants to thank him for treating Katherine like shit and now she's my wife and is going to have my kid real soon. And as for you Henry, you'll be joining your friend real soon to tell him what I said."

"Oh no, please don't." He pleaded

"Sweet dreams." Michael smiled and shot Henry between the eyes. Blood splattered on the headboard and onto the pillows and sheets as Michael tucked the revolver back in his side

"Why don't you come and eat," Julia said helping Katherine off of the couch

"I wanted to wait for Michael." She said

"I'm sure he's on the way, come eat I know you're hungry cause I hear your stomach grumbling." She teased

As soon as they were about to enter into the kitchen, Michael was coming into the house.

"I'm back." He said with the cake in his hands

"What took you so long?" Katherine asked

"I had to wait on the cake, but I'm here now."

"Great. Now we can all eat." Julia said going into the kitchen as they followed

Michael sat the cake down on the table and pulled back Katherine's chair. "Thank you." She smiled

"No problem."

"Oh good, you're back. Now we can all eat together." Debra said while setting a bowl of mashed potatoes down on the table

Everyone came into the kitchen and sat around the table as they said grace and began fixing their food.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Katherine said as she ate a spoonful of green beans

"I had to, I can't keep you away from your family for too long, but I think they'll be okay when we leave."

"I think so too." She said

{3 months later}

"Mom, I don't think I can do this." Katherine said while she is laid up in the hospital bed

"Yes you can honey, I know it's tough but you have to bear down and push." Debra said holding on to Katherine's hand

"Ok Mrs. Andolini, on the count of three I need you to push as hard as you can. One, two, three." Katherine groaned and pushed as hard as she could while holding on to the side of the bed and her mother's hand

"You're almost there! Just one more push." Katherine bared down and pushed even harder this time until she felt she couldn't push anymore

Soon the sound of a baby crying filled the room as Katherine was heavily panting and sweating. "Oh, Katherine! You did it!" Debra said happily

"Congratulations Mrs. Andolini, you have a baby boy!"

"What does he look like mama?" Katherine asked breathlessly

"He's beautiful." She said with tears in her eyes

The nurse went to go wash the baby off and then came back with the baby wrapped up in a blanket. "Would you like to hold him." She asked Katherine

"Yes." Katherine sat up as she went to cuddle the baby in her arms. He didn't have his eyes open as he was squirming around in her arms. "Would it be alright if my husband sees him?"

"Of course, I'll let him know." The nurse said as went around the corner to the waiting room where Richard, David, and Julia were sitting down and Michael would anxiously pace the floor and sit for a second, then hop back up again.
"Mr. Andolini, you can come see your baby, it's a boy." She beamed

He jumped up from his seat and followed the nurse back to the room. Debra was holding the baby when he came into the room. "Look, honey, we had a boy," Katherine said as Debra walked over to Michael and handing him the baby

Michael happily looked down at the baby and placed a kiss on his forehead. "My son." He said while standing next to Katherine

"What are you going to name him?" Debra asked

"Alessandro Emanuele Andolini." He said

"That sounds like a pretty long name."

"We're gonna call him Alex for short," Katherine said

"I'll let you two be alone with Alex and I'll be in the waiting room with Richard and the kids." She said as she walked out of the room

"I can't believe he's finally here. Look, he's opening his eyes." Michael smiled as Alex opened his eyes
"Hello, my beautiful son." He said and the baby had a small smile that lasted for a few seconds and then he closed his eyes back and drifted off to sleep

"He's so peaceful looking when he sleeps," Katherine said

"He does, he's beautiful just like you," Michael said as he gave her a kiss on the lips

The next one will be next Wednesday.

I want to get my thoughts together and write up some more chapters so I won't be burnt out through the week, but I hope you all enjoyed😋 and see ya next Wednesday


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