The Presence

By WPutman68

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The Blackwell Legend. It dates back before the Salem witch trials, which tells of a family having mystical a... More

Chapter One: Home sweet home
Chapter Two: Megan's Encounter
Chapter Three: Max's Encounter
Chapter Four: Secret's Out
Chapter Five: More Questions Than Answers
Chapter Six: Face to Face
Chapter Seven: Follow the Dark Stream
Chapter Eight: Discovery, Good and Bad...
Chapter Nine: Dinner and a Ghost
Chapter Ten: The Past and the Future
Chapter Eleven: Dreams
Chapter Twelve: Together as One
Chapter Thirteen: The Crystal
Chapter Fourteen: A Night Out, Gone Wrong
Chapter Fifteen: A Night of Suprises
Chapter Sixteen: Let's See What We Can Do
Chapter Seventeen: The Day Before
Chapter Eighteen: The Tenth of June
Chapter Ninteen: A Normal Day, or Is It...
Chapter Twenty: The Return
Chapter Tewnty-One: The Good and Evil
Chapter Twenty-Two: A DoppelgΓ€nger, A Crystal, and More Trouble
Chapter Twenty-Three: The First Encounter and a Father's Wrath
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Others
Chapter Twenty-Five: Good Meets Evil...
Chapter Twenty-Six: Predicaments and Amour
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Blackmail anyone?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Visitation, Times Two...
Chapter Thirty: Jessica's Visit
Chapter Thirty One: What are you anyway?
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Truth?
Chapter Thirty-Three: Double-Trouble
Chapter Thirty-Four: A Birthday No One Will Forget
Chapter Thirty-Five: Rachel's Secret and a Warning
Chapter Thirty-Six: Trouble at the Fair
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Exposed
Chapter Thirty-Eight: October 31st... It Begins...
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Halloween, a Night to Scream
Chapter Forty: Halloween, a Night to Scream; Let the Battle Begin
Chapter Forty-One: A Warning from Beyond the Grave

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Video

328 44 9
By WPutman68

Rachel's Den...

"Alright Max.  If your sure this is what you want, I'll do it," Rachel says.

I look toward Hailey, "Yes.  I'm afraid this is the way it has to be,"Hailey squeezes my hand, "When it's time... I think we'll both know." Rachel nods in agreement.

We turn to walk out the door and as I open it, the door handle is jerked out of my hand and it slams shut.  Hesitantly, we turn around and see Rachel sitting on her desk with her arms crossed.  Now she's giving me the look...  I really need to keep count...

"Now that we have that settled, I have something we need to talk about."  Hailey and I both know what it is.  "

"We'll, here it comes."

Hailey tenses up as her Mother begins, "I know you two have a great destiny.  I honestly don't know what that is, but I know it to be true, and I'll always be here for all of you.  But... Hailey's still my daughter."  Rachel notices how nervous her Daughter is and the serious look on her face softens a bit. "Look I know you two are in love.  Just... try to cool down a little.  You have the rest of your lives for, " she pauses a few seconds, "everything else."

I look at Hailey and she buries her head in my shoulder again...  Turning back to Rachel I clear my throat, "Your right.  We'll do our best."

Rachel shakes her head and walks over to us.  "You know, I'm not that old.  I remember what it was like...  Now get out of here and remember what I said."  The door unlocks and opens behind us. 

"Thanks Rachel.  I'll see you tomorrow."  We turn quickly and leave the room...

Hurrying outside we head over to my house and sit down in the swing.  Hailey's face is still a little red so I try to reassure her, "See, I told you it would be okay."

"That was so... embarrassing," she says shaking her head.

I laugh, "She's your Mother.  That's what they do," I tilt her chin up gently. "Her job is to protect you from guys like me."

She smiles slyly, "Well, she's not doing a very good job. Is she?"  We share a kiss as the door opens and Megan comes out to join us.

"Hey guys.  I sincerely hope your done 'talking' for tonight."  She says and sits down in the chair.

Hailey blushes again, "Megan, I'm so sorry.  I..."

Megan interrupts, "Let's just forget about it," she shakes her head. "God knows I'm still trying to."

I laugh as Hailey bends down and hides her face...

Megan notices Hailey and smiles, "Changing the subject, I have something I need to tell you."

Hailey leans up, still blushing and I can't help but laugh as I try to speak, "Go ahead Sis."

"Well... I kind of accidentally invited someone over to spend the weekend with us."

"I hope your kidding..."Then it hits me, "It's Jessica.  Am I right?"

She raises her eyebrows and hesitates, "Yes...  Look, I know how you feel about her.  But you haven't spent time with her like I have.  She's nice."

"Sis, even you said when she touched you that you sensed something.  Can you explain that?"

She looks out in the yard for a moment, "No. I can't," she turns back to me. "All I know is she's spending the weekend with us and I need you to be nice.  Please Max, do it for me."

I don't like it.  But if she feels this strongly about her, then maybe I'm wrong...  "Alright Sis.  You win."  She jumps up and hugs me, "Thanks Max," she turns loose and sits back down. "Oh, and I need you two to help me explain anything weird that might happen while she's here."

"Oh, that parts easy," Megan looks puzzled. "We'll just tell her we live in a haunted house."  Hailey and I laugh and I get the look...

"That's not funny..."

I try to straighten up, "How did Mom take it when you told her?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "As good as could be expected.  She thinks I'm crazy for inviting a total stranger to our haunted house."

I start to speak, and Megan cuts me off; "Don't say it Max!"  We all have a good laugh...

Later on...

Mom has went to bed and Megan has went up to her room.  I'm walking Hailey home as we stop near the trees in her front yard.  There's no moon tonight so except for her porch light it's very dark. Putting my arms around her I look into her eyes thinking about earlier. Hailey picks up on my thoughts and smiles... I look around to make sure Rachel or her Dad isn't watching and using my thoughts we lift into the air...  I continue until we're just above the tree line. Hailey giggles as we ascend and looks toward the sky.

"The stars are so beautiful tonight," she whispers.

My eyes never leave her. "And so are you." She looks at me and grins a little. "You do trust me, don't you?"

She grins slyly, "After what happened in my room... I'm not sure." We both smile and share a kiss and she looks up again, "I wonder which stars are the ones the book speaks about when it talks about us?"

I look up as well, "I don't know."  Slowly, my eyes return to her. "But I believe with all my heart what it says." We stare into each other's eyes and share a long passionate kiss.  Ever so slowly I continue down her neck as a soft moan escapes her lips...

"Hailey. Are you outside?" Startled we look down and see Rachel. She's walked out into the yard and is looking toward my house. I quickly cover Hailey's mouth so she doesn't give us away. We're suspended forty feet above her, slowly spinning... Getting no answer she turns and goes back inside.

As I slowly ease us toward the ground we both start laughing. "I guess we got away with that one," Hailey says.

"Yeah," I smile feeling the love we have for each other... 

Our feet touches the ground, but neither of us lets go...  I glance toward her house, then back to her.

"As much as I hate to, I better let you go."

"Yeah, we've already had one lecture today."

We gaze at each other for a moment, "I love you beautiful."

"I love you too Max, " she whispers.

We kiss once more and I turn loose of her hand as I start slowly backing away. "I'll see you in my dreams..."

She smiles, "I'll see you there..." Turning I walk away and as I step up onto my front porch I turn to see Hailey is standing on hers watching me. "Goodnight... If you need me..."

"I will. Goodnight Max. I love you."

"I love you too," I'm thinking about earlier...

Hailey picks up on my thoughts and I can see her turning red from here. "Max... Stop." I hear a giggle as she goes inside and closes the door.

I know it has to be around 11:00, but I have way too much on my mind, so I go sit down in the swing. After a few minutes Megan opens the door, "I thought you'd be out here." She continues outside and sits down next to me. "How's Hailey?"

"She's fine. I just got back home."

We sit silently for a moment. "I'm glad you took the crystal off. I've been so worried about you."

"I know Sis, and I'm sorry. I just want all this business with The Others and John to be over."

"Yeah, me too," she ponders for a few seconds. "Do you think they could be connected?"

I nod, "That thought has crossed my mind. The Others gave their warning just after John showed up. At the very least it's a strong possibility," I turn to her. "I may have to pay him a visit..."

Megan looks very concerned. "Max it's too dangerous. We both know he's not telling the truth about why he's here. He wants the crystal, and you're not as powerful without it."

"I may not have the crystal, but I wore it for quite a while. Come on, let me show you something."  I get up and Megan follows me out into the yard until we're standing beside Mom's car.

Megan sees what I'm about to try, "Really Max? You can't do that without..." her voice trails off as I slowly raise the car off the ground about five feet and hold it there.

"Now... what were you saying?"

She's speechless, well almost.  "How are you doing this?  You're not even breaking a sweat."

"I've discovered that the time I spent wearing the crystal wasn't all bad.  Part of the side effects is that it's made me stronger. I seem to have somehow absorbed some of it's power."

"Isn't it time for you two to be in bed?" We both are startled. "Not out here in the yard..." She gasps and notices her car hovering in the air.

"I think your busted..."

"Well, it's not the first time..."

Mom closes her eyes briefly and shakes her head. "Max... I would really appreciate it if you would put my car back down, in one piece if you don't mind."

Megan and I snicker as I ease it down. "Thank you. Now go to bed before you two do something else I don't want to know about." We hear her grumble, "Those two are going to put me in an early grave..." She shuts her upstairs window and turns off the light.

Megan and I can't help but laugh as we walk toward the porch. "That's the reaction I got when I told her about Jessica coming over." Megan remembers what she actually did say. "Max. Have you ever heard of Jedediah Blackwell?"

"He sounds familiar. Why?"

"Mom mentioned him when we were talking about Jessica. He's Issac's and John's father."

I stop walking and look at her.  That's it!"  I exclaim and start running for the front door.

Megan chases after me. "What's it?  Max what are you talking about?"

We go inside and head to the back of the house where there's a small cellar underneath the kitchen.  Opening the door I head down the stairs as Megan hesitantly follows...  Turning on the light we look around. "Here it is."  I pick up an old picture and we carry it upstairs. 

She closes the door for me as I go into the kitchen and place it down on the table.  "This picture was one of the few we took down when we first moved in." 

"Who is it?  It's so dirty I can't tell."

Looking over I see one of Mom's dishrags and as I hold out my hand it flies over to me.  Megan watches as I wipe the bottom of the frame.  We lean down for a better look.  It reads, "Jedediah Blackwell."

We exchange a glance and I lightly run the rag over the picture itself.  As I remove the dust from it Megan gasps as my fears are confirmed.  The face staring back at us... is The Tall Man...

I lean up, "Well, at least I know why he seemed so familiar to me.  I should've made this connection a long time ago.  For a while we thought it was John, now..."

Megan shakes her head, "I just can't believe we have so many people in our family, both spirits and the living, trying to kill us."

"Yeah I know," I hold up my hand, "Let's make a pact.  One way or another, we're going to put an end to all this, The Others, John, and if we haven't already, your doppelgänger."

Megan shudders as she remembers her evil twin.  She gathers up her courage, holds up her hand and takes mine, "I agree.  To the end of the Blackwell curse."

Megan helps me take the picture back downstairs to the cellar.  I throw an old blanket over it, turn off the light and we head back up. 

"Let's not tell Mom about what we've found out tonight.  With company coming tomorrow, I don't think she can handle much more right now."

"I agree," she looks at her watch. "It's getting late and we need to try and get some sleep."

"I'm with you Sis."  We climb the stairs for yet another short night...


I wake up to the smell of bacon cooking.  Rolling over I look at the clock... it's 6:30.  "Megan... are you awake?"

"I am now... oh, do I smell bacon?"

I laugh, "Yeah. Hurry up if you want the shower first."

"Alright I'm up. Give me ten minutes."

"You've got five. I'm hungry."

A few minutes later we're headed into the kitchen and Mom notices us, "I was just about to call you."  We all sit down to a nice breakfast but Mom quickly finishes.  "I'm going to have to leave a little early," she looks at me. "That's if my car is still in one piece."  She gives me the look and both of us a hug.  "I love you both.  Please try to stay out of trouble, and take care of Jessica.  The last thing I need is to have to call her parents to explain why their daughter is having a mental breakdown because she's seen a ghost."  She walks out headed toward the front door.

Turning to Megan I grin as she shakes her head. "Please don't start.  It's too early..."

After a moment I notice Mom's car still hasn't started up. 

"Guys... there's something I found online you need to see."

We go into her den and gather around her computer.  "I was checking the weather when I accidentally clicked on YouTube.  This was the first video that came up." 

Megan gasps, "Max, look at the title."  It reads, "Is this evidence of Telekinesis... Or has The Blackwell Legend awakened once again."

"By it being one of the first videos, means it's gone viral."  She says and looks at the views.  "My God, it's had almost a million hits worldwide."

Mom hesitantly moves the mouse and hits play.  It's showing the video of the fireworks incident... not the video that was taken for the local TV station, but someone's cell phone video from several rows up behind us.  It shows the first couple of fireworks being launched but doesn't pan up to show the explosion.  Instead it stays on the launchers and the crowd.  Someone suddenly stands up behind us, throws out his hand toward the platform of launchers and it tilts toward the crowd. 

"They were right behind us and we didn't even know it."  Megan hears my thoughts and glances at me.

The first round shoots toward the crowd and explodes as the person behind us lowers his hand and calmly sits down. While everyone else is screaming and diving for cover I stand and throw out my hand...

The video clearly shows how I deflected the next two rounds.  "Please tell me it didn't record everything..." Then I move my hand slightly and the table starts to tilt back up.  The unknown person behind us stands and throws out his hand again.  The table stops tilting up for just a second then continues to right itself.  "That's when I felt the resistance and concentrated harder." The unknown person jerks his hand back as if in pain and as he turns to run someone beside him does the same. Then, the video catches the four of us running away as well.

Megan and I raise up. "Hailey, are you up?"

"Yeah. I was about to come over."

"Good. Mom has found something on the internet you need to see."

"I'm on my way."

As Hailey arrives Logan pulls up as well and they both continue inside.  "You guys have to see this..."  As we replay it again I'm trying to see who the two people behind us look like.  It's recorded in low light so it's hard to tell.  However, I did notice that when we ran I was the last one of us to go and the lights came up just as I turned to run.  The picture is fuzzy, but I can easily tell it's me.

Megan points at the screen, "Oh My God! Max look at the shirt your wearing." I take a closer look. It's an old Def Leppard concert t-shirt Mom bought me a year ago.

"So. I'm sure there's thousands of those shirts out there."

She shakes her head, "Look at your shoulder. It's got a tear in it."

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah, so what..."

"Max you don't understand. What did you wear to school yesterday." I turn back toward the screen and hits me. I wore that shirt...

"When was it posted?" Megan asks.

Mom checks. "About a week ago."

We all exchange a glance... My eyes rest on Hailey and I can see she's very concerned.

Mom scrolls down to the comments and they seem endless. As we browse through them, some are talking about how this is true evidence of two people with telekinetic abilities. While others, mostly locals, are talking about the Blackwell legend, and how it seems to be back.

"Now I know why everyone at school was acting the way they were. Even Miss Franks acted weird toward me," I say.

"I know... For the most part I was shunned as well. I thought it was because I was new, but now..."

Mom looks shaken, "Max. What are we going to do? I don't have much left in savings after moving here, and I owe to much on the house for us to just pack up and leave."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Calm down Mom. We'll handle it."  I glance at Megan.  "Somehow..."

Megan leans down, "Who posted this anyway?"

Mom scrolls back up... It's by Cassie Collins...

Turning to Hailey I see she"s even more concerned now.  "Is this the same Cassie I met yesterday?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, and that's not all.  She's also in charge of the school newspaper.  There's no telling how much attention she could put on the two of you."

"Well, you wanted our Senior year to be special," I take her hand. "Now, I think it will be a year to remember..."

John Blackwell's house...

John's sitting in the kitchen finishing breakfast when Laura walks in holding her laptop.  "Father, I think I've found something you need to see."  He looks at her and knows it's bad news...

After watching the video and reading the commentary, he looks up.  "Where... are... they?"  He says... his voice filled with anger.

"I think they're out back."

"If you don't mind... Get them for me." 

Laura looks a little afraid as she quickly gets up and opens the door. "Guys.  Father wants you."  She leaves it open as she hurries back inside and starts to leave the room.

"Laura," she stops, "back over here please."  She sits down beside her Father...

Aiden and Jessica come inside and stand near the table.  "Well, what is it this time?"  Suddenly the back door slams shut by itself.

"Have a seat."  John says as two chairs slide out.  Aiden and Jessica know it's not going to be good...  They sit down and stare at their Father, one out of fear, the other out of disgust...

"Laura has brought something to my attention I want you to see." He turns to her and she starts the video and turns her laptop around for them to watch.  John remains silent as he takes note of their expressions.

After the video has stopped they look at each other.  Even Aiden's harden face is showing some fear.  They turn back to their Father as he speaks.

"The stunt you two pulled at the fireworks show was very stupid," he looks straight at Aiden. "Did anyone notice it was you doing it?"

Jessica feels the tension building up quickly as the two stare at each other and speaks up, "No they couldn't have.  When it started everyone was busy diving for cover."

"You can't tell it was me in the video.  We were wearing black and it was to dark to make out our faces," Aiden says defiantly.

John calms down a little.  "For both your sakes, you better be right.  Because if it were to get out, even as a rumor of what you two can do, we would have to leave town without acquiring the crystal... and that would be completely unacceptable."

John shakes his head, "The last thing I wanted right now is reigniting the old Blackwell legend.  This town remembers too much as it is," he looks across the table. "And this is exactly... WHAT YOU TWO HAVE DONE!"   As he shouts the kitchen window breaks. Jessica shudders and closes her eyes in reaction to the anger in his voice... Aiden just stares at him...

After an uneasy moment, Laura speaks up, "Dad.  Maybe this could work in our favor," he turns to her. "No one knows who we really are.  The only Blackwell's anyone knows about are Max and Megan.  All we have to do is keep a low profile, don't do anything else to draw attention to us, and let them take the heat."

John leans back in his chair for a moment. "I'm proud of you Laura.  You've given a small ray of light on a bad situation."  He sits up, and turns his attention back to Aiden and Jessica, "Heed... my... warning... for it will be the last time I give it.  Do absolutely nothing to draw attention to yourselves.  If you do..." Jessica and Aiden are lifted into the air, "I promise you two will pay dearly." 

Jessica is terrified, her voice shaky, "Yess... Father."

He turns to Aiden, "Do you understand?"

"Yes Father.  I do."  His voice filled with a mix of fear, and hatred.

Pleased with himself John drops them back into their chairs.  "Very well.  Jessica," fearfully, she looks at him. "You will be among them all weekend.  Remember what I've told you and find that crystal."

She swallows hard, "Yes Father, I'll do my best."

He nods, "I'm sure you will.   Now get out of my sight, both of you."  They both get up and quickly head out the door.

He turns to Laura, "Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.  You do understand that warning was meant for as well."

"Yes Father I do, but there's no need to worry.  I don't have any friends here and I'm already out of school.  The only time I leave the house is to run errands.  Besides, I can barely use my powers.  You know that."

John smiles, "Don't try to deceive me Laura.  I know far more than you think," she swallows hard, " but, you have served me well.  I think when the time comes we will make a great team." 

As her father leaves the room she turns her laptop back around and looks at the screen.  She blocks her thoughts from the others, "He knows more about me than I thought, but he dozen't know everything.  This is turning out better than I hoped."

The Blackwell farm...

Hailey and I are sitting in the swing as Mom is leaving for work.  I know she has to be worried out of her mind about all this and to be honest... I am too.

After I watch her leave I turn to Hailey and she looks very distraught.  "I'm worried Max.  Randy and his friends know about you and now this video is out.  If he's told anyone about you..." she shakes her head.

I gently pull her chin up, "I know your worried, but I'll be fine.  Logan and his Dad are the only ones who know everything, and Logan and I can handle Randy."  As I'm saying this Megan and Logan walk outside to join us.

He looks toward us, "You don't have to worry. We're not about to tell anyone anything."

"I know you won't Logan. That's not what I'm worried about," she turns back to me. "Remember the alley.  I stopped time in front of everyone."

I put my arm around her, "You and Megan haven't shown your abilities to anyone.  All they know is you screamed, and we were gone. If it comes down to it I'll take the blame for that as well.  You've lived here all your life.  No one will suspect you of anything.  You're safe."

Logan speaks up. "He's right Hailey.  I've known you for several years and I would never think that about you," he smiles at me. "I would blame it all on Max."

I look at him and grin, "Thanks..."

He holds out both hands, " Hey, what are friends for." We both laugh...

I turn back to Hailey and she still looks upset... and Megan looks a little concerned too.

"Listen guys... With everything we've been through I think we can handle the attention.  From now on I want everyone to watch each other's backs.  I know we have different classes, but we can call out to each other with our thoughts if we need help."  I turn to Logan. "I know you and Megan can hear each other.  So you two keep in touch as much as you can."

Megan looks at him and smiles, "Oh don't worry. We will."

I look at my watch. "It's 7:30.  I guess we better get going.  Remember, Jessica is spending the weekend here, so we've got to stay on our toes."

Logan looks puzzled, "Jessica's spending the weekend with you?"

I look at Megan and smile, "Yeah.  That's your girlfriend's idea."

Megan shakes her head, "Can I not catch a break from anyone?"

They get up and head toward his car. "Hey, I was just asking a question..."  I can't help but laugh...

Turning back to Hailey I see she's not laughing...  We get up and start walking and as we pass the front door I wave my hand and it closes and locks. 

While we walk toward Hailey's car I put my arm around her, "You said you trusted me," she looks up. "Then trust me now. We can handle anything as long as we're together."  The thought of us alone in her room enters my mind and she picks up on it... for the first time today I see a little smile.

As we head out to school I give Hailey a kiss.  She seems to have calmed down a little.  Turning back to the road I block my thoughts from her as I begin to think...

"I have a whole day at school with with people who are afraid of me. Jessica, who I don't trust, is going to be our guest for the weekend in the most haunted house I've ever heard of, and somehow this weekend, I have to sneak out... I'm going to pay John a little surprise visit..." I glance at Hailey and turn back to the road.  "With all this going on... What could possibly go wrong..."

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