The Sparrow Flies North Under...

By Reina_de_Naipes

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Welcome to my third random book! This title is similar to my second random book, The Sparrow Flies South for... More

Serial Stories
Seven Deadly Sins Reader Insert
Poll For Reader Inserts
The Tailor from Beelzenia Preview
Asa's Story
Anime Tag
It's All About the Gamers Baby(Tag)
So About The Last Part
My Evillious OCs Facts (They got tagged)
My Smash OCs' Facts (They also got tagged)
My Voltron OCs get tagged
Yandere Dev's April Fools
~The Lunacy of Robin the Tactician~
Dance of Death Summary
Lon'que Hates the Spring Festival
Spring Festival Profile Pics
Xander in a Bunny Costume
Dear Misu
Well then....
Xander WTF
Yuuri!!! On Ice DVD PSA
Overwatch Uprising
Dear Misu (Part 2)
My OCs Have Interesting Quotes
That's Dark
Dear Misu (Part 3)
707 v Info-Kun (Round One)
Reaping Souls Summary + Chapter 1
When you Discover Something You Don't Like
Happy Birthday Rina!
Just a Random Question With No Meaning
Dripping Ink Chapter 1 (Preliminary Preview)
Dripping Ink Chapter 1 Version 2
Happy Easter
Velocity: 500 m/s
Overwatch Easter Fanfic
Dripping Ink Chapter 2
Another Question (Or Five)
What should I update?
Isa V Elluki
Warriors of Smash Prologue
The Mage and The Princess (3)
So FE Heroes Got Depressing
We Like Ike!!!!
Another Chapter for FE Heroes
Even More FE Stuff
KH Union X (I'm Late)
Someone in FE is lying
Weird FE Hero Thing
When You Don't Pay Attention
I did a doubletake
Clearly I Have Interesting Ideas
Help Me Up (FE:Heroes One-Shot)
Fire Emblem: Blood Before Bonds (Story)
Alrighty then
OC Running this book?
Lewis Tan
FE Heroes Level 40 Tharja
For Dripping Ink....
KH:UX Part 2
Fire Emblem Heroes (Again)
Can I ask a favor?
The Vampire's Servant Character Quiz 1
OC One-Shots?
Two Keiths (One-Shot)
The Voting Gauntlet (3) is Upon Us
Elluki the Savage
Just random stuff
More random stuff
I got the memes in this book
KHUX Snow White
KHUX Snow White Part 2
What is with KHUX?
KHUX Raid Boss♎️
Some of my stories in a nutshell
Preview of Yandere Stepsister
OC Child Units
Luki and Luna's portraits
Luki, Luna and Lucian Supports (1)
FE Heroes Chapter 11 Part 1
I did a character count (FE Fairy Tales)
I spoiled my story
FE Heroes Can't Count
FE Heroes' Plan (A Hypothesis)
Just My Luck
False Alarm?
Bonus Orbs
Really Nintendo?
KHUX Raid Bosses ♎️
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn Characters (Part 1)
Wouldn't it be cool...?
Should I do this....?
Fire Emblem Heroes Supports
Well then.........
Should I include this?
What the......
Ultraman Nexus
I came up with something awesome
Too. Many. Requests. KHUX
Please, Nintendo
Klance Week 2017
A plan for the future, I guess
Fandoms I'm Considering
Hitoshizuku and Yama
Voltron LD Paladin Birthday Coming Up
A story's summary of sorts
KHUX Alice
I updated my KHUX Avatars
National Brothers Day
I just now realized that...
Gladiator Sandals
More Gladiator Shoes
I Picked the Fandom
Which game should I use?
Revised Fandom List
I think I picked the Game
Just Random Stuff
I've made my decision
The Themes
Magikarp Jump
Magikarp Jump Part Two
So if this happened....
Continuing from the last chapter
Even More KHUX Stuff
NINTENDO WTF (New(?) Heroes)
Your Weekly Shipping List
To All Voltron LD Fans: PLEASE READ
Yandere Stepsister Mistake
So on the off chance
A Really Random Thought Just Popped Into My Head
Uploaded the New RP
Pride Month
From a legit fairy tale
Fire Emblem Fairy Tales
Look what's in America
Describe This
I Fell Into Ultraman Hell
So Should I...?
How to sum up Ultramen hosts
I got bored
When Some of Your Fandoms Don't Have Fanfics
I think two of my characters are the same person
Random Fact of the Day #1
The Warner Brothers (And their Sister Dot)
I spoke too soon
I really need to add in warnings
I'm Back
Banana Bread
An Original Idea
Voltron Season 3
Voltron & OC Group Chat Part 2
Why Guests Can't Stay At Smash Manor
My Luck has changed (FE Heroes)
Someone needs to take FE Heroes Away From Me
OC Dilemma + Potential Art Book?
YWSL FE Pairing Week
Uploaded Both Things
An Art Dilemma
Really Wattpad?
Here's Some "Art"
When You Realize... ("Art")
Genos Freeze Frames
Shall I post this here?
YWSL FE PW D1: Detention
Some Potential Fanfic Weeks (YWSL)
YWSL FE PW Day 2: Wrong Number
Space Dad to the Rescue! (Tag)
Heartbreak (Keith x F! Lance AU Preview)
Fanfictions v Original Ideas
Isa and Will
This should be in my art book but-
YWSL FE PW Day 3 - Red String of Fate
YWSL FE PW Day 4: Death
I'm too lazy to put this in my art book
Another Pairing Week?
Another thing
You Broke My Sword (One-Shot, Crack)
Annnnnddd the next Voting Gauntlet....
More Info about the Gauntlet
My Luck is about to go to hell in FE Heroes
I really want to....
Don't Forget, Cracked
Pokémon Go Gym Raids
Dear Misu Part 4
YWSL FE PW Day 5: Babies
YWSL FE PW Day 6: Bad Date
Skulduggery Pleasant Chapter
OCs for the OC thing
Voltron Force
Evolution of Voltron Characters Part 1
YWSL FE PW Day 7: Free Day
Changed My Mind
Last Part!


10 6 0
By Reina_de_Naipes

I didn't beat it but I landed the most damage. Huzzah

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