
By Karitempo222

723K 28K 4.4K

Tessa Goodwin has always been one of those girls with the wide hips, big butt, and a little "chub" she calls... More

It only ends with Sadness
The Desicion
Mall Trip
The Truth
Jess meets Jackson
Mrs. Creams Advise
Date Night gone Wrong
Past becomes Present
Meeting the Parents
Whose cheating on who?
What's that in your drawer?
Lindsey's back
Authors Note
An Unhappy Reunion
Authors Note
Authors Note
Getting the help we need
The argument
What a pleasant surprise
Ultimate Decision
Give you Pleasure
Why it had to be done
Lindsey's Story
First Attack
Who is at fault here?
Tracking you down
How to Fight
It Begins
Joseph's End
Did that just happen?
He's gone
Sean's Return
The Question
Holy Matrimony

Secrets revealed

14.3K 651 185
By Karitempo222

Here's another chapter for you guys to enjoy let me know what you think in the comments below.


No ones P.O.V

It went from Superbowl Sunday to unexpected parents meet your girlfriend day in the matter of thirty minutes. After introducing her friends to Jackson's parents, Tessa had pulled Jackson by the ear into the kitchen while his parents conversed themselves with the others.

"You. Have some explaining to do, maybe not now but most definitely later when your parents leave."

"You see...hehehe, they will be staying at my house for the rest of the week." Jackson said rubbing his ear. Tessa's eyes widened and she growled.

"Jackson!" Tessa hissed.

"I was going to tell you! Honest, but, there was just too many distractions and I couldn't get you to myself to tell you personally. I know these are just excuses but, I really did want to tell you, Tessa." Jackson said grabbing her hands in his.

Tessa sighed as she looked in his pleading eyes then crossed her arms.

"Fine, I will keep quiet for now but, this discussion isn't over." Tessa said. Jackson gulped and nodded as they both walked back to the living room with the others.

"Well, Tess baby we are bout to head out, gotta head back to Harlem to get my project done and Jackson it was so nice meeting you and your parents we had a great time this afternoon." Kim said getting up with the others and walking to the door leaving just Jasmine, Joseph and Sean.

"Would you like to go see a movie with me tonight?" Sean asked her with a kind smile.

Jasmine blushed and played with her fingers, nodding. They both stood and left with the others Joseph was giving them a mean glare as he followed behind them.

The game had ended with the Cardinals winning from 36-28 as the final and the guests left the house leaving Tessa, Jackson and Jackson's parents alone. It was silent for the next few minutes until Jackson cleared his throat awkwardly and smiled at his parents.

"So, mama, papa how come you got here so early I thought you said you were coming in a week?" Jackson asked.

"Oh, mí figlío we came early because we couldn't wait to meet your beautiful girlfriend here and we haven't seen you in so long we hopped on the private jet and got here as fast we could." His mother, Marina said with a grin.

"Um, t-thank you you're too kind you're very beautiful as well Mrs. Marina." Tessa squeaked, she blushed.

"Ah, è così preziosa. (She's so precious)" Marina laughed making Jackson smile and tighten his hold around Tessa.

"How old are you Miss Tessa?" Julio asked.

"23, sir."

"So that means you can push out some grandchildren by now, you have such big hips and breasts that could-"

"Dad! Please, stop!" Jackson cried out his face turning red and Tessa putting her face in her hands. Marina smacked the back of his head earning a groan from the older man.

"I'm sorry about that Tessa, but my husband is right you are deliciously thick and very curvy I'm surprised not every man married isn't bowing to your every need. Thick girls need love too." Marina said nodding. Tessa looked up the woman in shock then shied away from looking at her.

"W-Would you both like something to drink we have wine and beer in the kitchen." Tessa asked politely.

"Yes, I would love a glass of wine." Julio spoke giving Tessa a smile. Tessa nodded then turned to her boyfriend and he shook his head no.

"I'll come with you to make the drinks, lord knows I need tall glass of ice tea." Marina spoke following Tessa into the kitchen who nervously walked in to the kitchen and began preparing the drinks.

The two men sat and waited for the women to return.

"So, son have you tweeted her birdie yet?" Julio smirked.

"Dad, enough!" Jackson said, annoyed.

With the Women

Tessa grabbed a drink tray from the cabinet then three glasses and set them down. She picked up a half a bottle of Chardonnay, taking the cork off and pouring half a glass in each one then set the bottle on the tray to bring it in the living room.

"Wait a moment, dear, I want to ask you something and I like to hear your honest opinion." Marina said coming around the island to stand in front of Tessa who gulped as the woman closed in on her. Tessa set the tray on the counter and gave the woman her full attention.

"Are you in love with mí figlío?" She asked. Tessa was silent for a moment then straightened her back nodding.

"With all my heart. I love Jackson so much, he's treated me better than any other man from before." She smiled at the thought of Jackson.

"He's taught me to love and trust again when all I did before was push people away. I was always in this shell when it came to hanging out with friends, to be honest the people you saw earlier are the only friends I have but, with Jackson it's like we were meant to be and for that I'm thankful for him everyday for being there for me." Marina let Tessa's words soak in a moment then smiled grabbing her hands in hers.

"I can see so much love and adoration in your eyes when you look at my son and I want you to be with my son because you are the one for him." Tessa smiled with pure joy then hugged Marina, the older woman giggled and hugged her back just as tight.

The women returned to the living room smiles and all with the drink tray and Tessa set the tray on the coffee table handing one to Julio who smiled in thanks then one to Marina, and finally one for herself.

"What did you two talk about?" Jackson asked wrapping his arm around Tessa's waist again, Tessa smiled then leaned her head on his chest surprising him.

"I'll tell you later, baby." Tessa told him smiling. Jackson grinned and kissed her forehead gently.

"I'm going to the bathroom, please excuse me." Tessa said getting up and leaving to go down the hall to the bathroom.

"Now, then onto important matters, Jackson when are you returning home you know you have duties to attend in Marseilles." Julio told him seeing Jackson clench his jaw.

"Yes, I know dad but right now, I'm staying with Tessa so my duties will have to be on pause for now." Jackson growled out.

"But, how long will you stay in America you have things that need to be done. If it makes you feel better you can bring along Tessa."

"I won't risk putting her in danger! I promised her I wouldn't allow her to get hurt ever!" Jackson growled out to his father who stared angrily at his son.
Tessa returned to the living room and to her spot next to Jackson then she felt the tension in the air and looked towards Julio who was glaring at his son Jackson doing the same.

Tessa stared confused at the men, then looked up at Jackson who had his jaw square and his hold on her waist tightening, she wondered when it went back around there.

"Jackson, what's going on?" Jackson turned to Tessa and gave her a small smile shaking his head.

"It's nothing Tess, don't worry about it-"

"Mio figlio non perchè l'hai ancora detto (My son why haven't you told her yet)?" His father questioned his son.

"Non ha bisogno di sapere che il papà lo metterà in pericolo.(she doesn't need to know dad it will only put her in danger)"

"She deserves to know what's going on Joseph!" Julio yelled at his son then freezing when he used Jackson's real name.

"Joesph?" Tessa questioned.

"Tessa, why don't we both go out on the porch while the men talk-"

"No, she needs to know what is going on and since my "son" won't talk I will in his stead." Julio said.

"Dad, don't. It's not the right time." Jackson growled standing up.

"And why not, son? Why is it so hard to be honest to a woman nowadays? Tessa I think you're a lovely girl and I give you my blessings to being with my son hell, marry him to satisfy his mom and I but, this one secret can not be kept in the dark."

Tessa was getting scared now, she didn't know what to do.

"You're boyfriend is the head leader of the Cosa Nostra. The most notorious mafia in all of Italy." Julio said. Jackson gritted his teeth at his father as Tessa stood from her spot shock going through her body as she looked at Jackson or Joseph.

" it can't be...that can't be true!" Tessa screeched.

"It is true, Tessa. Joseph was suppose to come to America to handle some business related to the mafia but, he never returned. Yes, he did want to live a normal life for once but that did not give him the decision to just forget about his duties at home and that meant leading a mafia. I'm sorry Tessa, I truly am but, if you want to stay in a relationship with my son you have to know what he does with his family." Julio said. Tessa began to cry in her spot and Jackson turned to look at her, his green eyes softening at her.


"No! You-You lied to me! How could you? Was...Was this all a front for you? Making me fall in love with you and then tossing me to the side like an unwanted toy? Is that it?!" Tessa screamed at him.

"No, baby, listen I do love you it's just, the circumstances are very complicated and if I told you who I was or what I did you would have never gotten to know the real me the one you are in love with." Jackson told her.

"Who are you really, Jackson? Or should I call you Joseph?" She sneered.

"My name is Joseph Matteo Willis I am the heir and leader of the Cosa Nostra. I was handed down the position by my father who is the former leader of the mafia and let me take his place. Yes I do kill people, yes I make sure I get the money people owe me and yes, I did have business here but, it was before I had met you Tessa. I never thought I would fall in love with someone when I first started this but, I knew sooner or later I would have to tell you the truth and I didn't want you finding out this way, please Tessa I do truly love you and I don't want you to hate me."

Tessa stared in Jackson's eyes a moment letting everything soak in until everything went black as her body fell slump against his.

"She fainted." Marina spoke making Jackson sigh.


Hey Every one I'm back! I apologize for updating so late but exams are over and now I have enough time to write so buckle up for the next few chapters! And I promise to update Just know I do care soon as I finish this story completely but, let me know in the comments what you think of this chapter and see you in the next one! Ciao!

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