Adulation / h.s

By writingsbyesmee

723K 23.3K 2.9K

And if you let go, I'll float towards the sun, I'm stronger 'cause you fill me up. But when the fear comes, A... More

37 (Sexual Content).
The Last Chapter.


7.6K 264 28
By writingsbyesmee

Rosie noticed a change in Harry.

She wasn't sure what sort of change, or if she liked it. But she noticed a change. He was quieter, and didn't talk on the phone for as long. She put it down to work and him not wanting to put it onto her, and if that's what he was doing she appreciated it but still wanted to know if she could do anything to help.

Tonight was the awards, Harry hit the gym the moment he woke up leaving Rosie to sleep in. She prepared them both breakfast for when he came back.

"Excited for tonight?" Rosie smiled as they both ate breakfast.

Harry was freshly showered and in clean clothes now, happy to see some food. "I'm excited for my acts to win," He smiled.

Rosie rolled her eyes. "Cocky,"

"Confident," He winked. "I have some of the most talented acts nominated, I'm confident that panels will choose them over Cowell's lot. It's just when it comes down to public voting, usually he wins them."

Rosie took his hand in hers, rubbing his knuckle. "Being nominated is enough, right?"

"Winning is better."

Rosie laughs. "Okay baby,"

"Hair and makeup are coming for you at four, your dress will be dropped off soon,"

"You didn't have to arrange all that for me,"

He kissed her hand. "No, but I wanted to."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Are you excited?"

Rosie nodded. "Do I..Will I have to walk on a carpet or anything?"

"Only if you want to, I'll have to but if you want to just go through to the event then you can. It's down to you."

That was the only thing she felt nervous about, she saw how it was at these things. The flashing cameras, the shouts, it wasn't something she felt comfortable with but she also wanted to be there for him.

"I'll see," She smiles.

"I can't wear this," Rosie gulped looking at the dress the stylist dropped off.

"Why?" Harry laughed. "You'll look amazing in it,"

"It's worth more than I'll ever know, people will know I don't have the money to afford this,"

"That doesn't matter does it?" Harry frowned.

"It's so beautiful, I don't feel worthy," She thumbed the material. The dress was a dress of dreams. It was like he'd read her mind of what she liked. A deep v neck, rose gold gown.

"You're worthy of the world, Rosie." Harry wrapped his arms from behind her, his hand tucking into the front of her shorts, not in a suggestive way, just to have somewhere to put his hands. "You're the most beautiful woman in the world, of course you should wear this dress." He whispered.

Rosie felt her entire body melt into him. "I'll walk the carpet." She announced.

"Yeah?" He kissed her shoulder.

"I can't wear a dress like this and not walk it can I?" She laughed turning around in his arms and kissing him. "Thank you, again."

"You're welcome, again."

Rosie felt like a million dollars. She had had her hair and makeup done by two really lovely women who made her laugh non-stop throughout, she had slipped into her gown and spritzed her favourite Dior perfume for finishing touches.

The hair stylist, Katie, had tied her hair up high and in a tight bun. This way it accentuated her high cheek bones and kept all the attention on her dress. The makeup artist, Liah, kept her looking natural with a hollywood red lip to finish it off.

"You look amazing, baby." Harry held her hand as he looked at her. She looked even better than he imagined and that was pretty tough to beat.

"No kissing," She held her finger up to his lips as he pulled her in. "Expensive lipstick, it will stain you all night." She warned.

Harry huffed. "So you look like that and I can't kiss you? How is that fair?"

"Because when we get home tonight you can do anything you want," She smirked.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Now you're talking.." He kissed her cheek. "How about," He moved his hands slowly down to her bum. "We forget this awards thing, who cares about winning anyway? And we skip to that part now?"

Rosie laughed. "Nice try," She picked up her clutch. "But I didn't get myself all glammed up to stay home and have sex,"

Harry pouted trying to reach out for her again only to be rejected. He was interrupted by his phone, his face changing when he saw the caller id. Rosie didn't know who it was, but she saw the change in him, the change she'd noticed all week.

"I have to take this," He rushed off to the kitchen and shut the door.

When their car arrived, Rosie pressed the button to open his gates and huffed, Harry still hadn't finished the call.

She went out to the driver, smiling as she recognised him from when they've used him before. "Harry is just in a call, he should be done in a minute, sorry."

"No problem, Ma'am."

Getting frustrated when ten minutes past, Rosie got out the car and found Harry still in the kitchen.

"I need more time," She heard Harry growl. "I'm the owner, what I say goes. I need more time, more time in London."

She frowned. More time in London?

Not bothering to knock, Rosie walked into the kitchen. Harry's face paling when he saw her worried that she may have overheard the conversation. She had, but not the worst of it.

"The cars been waiting ten minutes." She announced.

"I'll be there, baby." He forced a smile.

She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow as she stood in the doorway. She wasn't going to be dismissed like some little kid. "Now, Harry."

Harry huffed as he tried to listen to the call as well as not annoy Rosie any more.

When he carried on the conversation Rosie felt herself boil with annoyance. Usually he was the one waiting for her, but never to the point they were running late.


"Wait," He snapped.

Rosie's eyes turned to slits as she watched him refuse to look her in the eye. Turning around and walking over to the car, feeling like asking him to just take her. But she didn't, she waited.

It took Harry a further ten minutes to finish the call and get in the car. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." He called to the driver, ignoring Rosie.

"No problem, sir." He smiled driving down the drive.

Harry sighed tucking his phone in his jacket pocket. "Rosie-"

"Don't," She stopped him before he could go on, not wanting to even be in the same space as him right now.

"It was an important call," He spoke quietly hoping she'd understand.

"Something's going on and you're not telling me." She figured not looking at him. "And until you tell me, I don't want to hear a word."

"That's unfair Rosie, it's my business."

"Fair?" She looked at him, a tear threatening but it didn't fall. She didn't want to ruin her makeup.

"Let's just enjoy the evening."

She looked out the window. "Right."

When they got there, the press went crazy. The flashes and calls for Harry to look this way, or that way - just like Rosie anticipated. It wasn't as scary as it looked on tv. You could only see three or four cameras, the rest turned into a blur. They both smiled, looking like the perfect couple as they held each other close for each shot.

Once inside, Rosie distanced herself from Harry heading to the bar to order herself a drink before finding the table they were seated at. Harry was somewhere talking to his artists, wishing them luck. Rosie didn't care in that moment, she'd of preferred to have sat alone all evening if she could.

"Are you new to the label?," A man, around Harry's age smiled at Rosie. He was cute but not Rosie's type at all.

"If I could sing, then maybe." She laughed.

"I'm Alex, I'm signed to Harry's label."

"Nice, I'm Rosie."

"Rosie, lovely name."

"Thanks," She smiled clearly aware he was hitting on her.

Harry looked over, watching as Alex attempted to flirt with his girlfriend. With his heart racing he quickly and politely ended the conversation and headed back over.

"Hi baby," Harry smiled leaning over her to kiss her. "Everything okay?" He looked up. "You alright Alex?"

Alex was stunned, Rosie hadn't gotten round to explaining who exactly she was.

"Yeah, all good." He smiled shaking hands with Harry.

"Good, hope you're not causing my girlfriend any hassle,"

Alex smiled nervously. "Of course not, just introducing myself."

"How gentlemanly," Harry smirked sarcastically.

"I'll leave you two to it, the shows about to start, bye."

Both Harry and Rosie said bye as Harry sat beside her, the awkward tension returning.

"You didn't need to buy your drink, there's plenty on the table." Harry smiled trying to start conversation.

"It's fine,"

Harry sighed. "Please, can we just not do this while we're here?"

Rosie turned to him with a frown but was interrupted by a photographer who wanted to take their photo. She smiled hugging into Harry as if they were the most in love couple in the room, pulling away as soon as she left.


The show started and the presenters waltzed on stage, making it difficult to have a conversation so Harry instead gave up, sighing into his beer.

Four of Harry's artists won, two of them won two awards each. He was overjoyed for them, happy they were recognised.

When the ceremony ended, Rosie was tired. It had been a long evening, the awards show looked better on tv, tv didn't show the whole process, how long it actually took.

"There's an after party now," Harry told Rosie as they stood, ready to leave.

"Okay," She nodded.

"Are we going.."

"I don't know about we but I'm not," She smiled sweetly at those who approached Harry, playing the good girlfriend role but as soon as they were outside she switched.

"I think it would be good to go for like an hour or two."

"Then go,"

Harry touched her arm to stop her walking away. "Come with me,"

"I'd rather go home,"

Harry sighed watching her walk away, he quickly followed her, not taking any precautions.

"Please Rosie,"

She turned. "I just want to go home Harry, okay? If you want to go to some party, go."

"I want to sort this out,"

"There's nothing to sort out,"

They both smiled as some friends of Harry's from the label walked by to their car.

"Do what you want." The car rolled up, the driver getting out to open the door for Rosie. "Have fun, Harry." She sat in and smiled, Harry watching as the car drove away.

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