Adventures Of Dale and Venus...

By jessdoritowhale

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14 years, of one of the bloodiest battles against Humans and Monsters. The Great War finally ended in the La... More

Chapter1: Snow
Chapter 2: Town
Chapter 3: Death Hole
Chapter 4: Hunter
Chapter 5: Heads
Chapter 6 : Tails
Chapter 7: Joker Card

Chapter 8: Check Mate

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By jessdoritowhale

Dale raised his hand, his eye began to bust into a blue flame, that burned his eye, as the python like chains emerged from death's dirt. The chains wrapped around the beast.

The screeches of crows, couldn't be heard over the yells of Kong-roh.

Dale tightened his grip on an invisible force and pulled all of the chains to the ground bringing Kong-roh smashing onto the rock, and as long Dale's grip is tight, the chains of the ground grow tighter and tighter. So tight Kong-roh's skin starts breaking.

The thumping of the tail of Kong-roh shattered the grey stone of the walls of the cave. The stalagmites started raining down from the grey heaven above stabbing everything in it's path. Dale had a hard time dodging the dull grey knives, because at the same time he is holding onto

Kong-roh with his electric blue aura to help him keep him pinned to the ground, it was telekinesis.

When the thumping of

Kong-roh's continued,but with even more force, the largest stalagmite started to crack.

The cracks grew ever more bigger with every blow, and like the knife cutting into butter; the stalagmite fell down from the roof of the cave and stabbed into Kong-roh, the liquid rust oozed and sprayed all across the walls. Death has been defeated.


When the pointed rock stabbed into the beast back, it also stabbed in to stomach of

Kong-roh and the grasp of Venus and June loosed to where they can barely get out of the tail.

When they got out, the stomach of Knog-roh started to pore out the decapated heads of humans, animals, and even monsters.

Dale nearly threw up at the thought of his own kind, monsters, where eaten by another monster. It was sickening.

Dale started to clutch at his eye, his eye burned because of his use of his magic it stung. The damage of Dale, was due to the rock knocking him over and the tail sweeps of


Dale's eye began to burn even more, because of the sight of all of heads, it was even painful.

"D-DALE!" Venus ran over him.

"I- it's okey I'm- I'm fine" Dale shuttered.

"No you are not,here put this on" Venus ripped a part of her maroon dress and tightened around Dale's eye

"Dale... you know what happens when you use magic when your pissed, right?"

"Y-yah..." Dale sat down in silence, and looked

away from the bloody mess he made.

Venus sighed, "I know you do, but I still need you to remember, when your eye starts to burn: the healers we go to can never help your eye, because it is unhealable and we have to just wait it out."

"I don't want you to go blind because of your overused magic ok?" Venus continued.

Dale's wolf ears lowered in disappointment, but he quietly nodded.

June was in the middle of the pool of blood and heads, she was checking around, and scanning the area,

"MAY IS NONE OF THESE!" June yelled out

"Ok then! But let's take a break, Dale is both tired and scarred!" Venus yelled back.

When June walked back to Venus and Dale, she heard a voice.

"H-hello? I-is any one there" a voice spoke quitely

June turned around, and to her shock a girl almost exactly like her, was standing behind a wall of sandstone.

"M-MAY?!" June said with joy


June sprinted towards, with tears rolling down her face. She gave May a huge embrace.

"I-I thought you where gone forever May" June sobbed

"And I thought I would get eaten" May chuckled

After a long hug, May looked at the dead body of Kong-roh, and was wide eyed with amazement,

"H-how did you kill him?" May ask.

"Don't look at me I had nothing to to with this, so you should ask them" June pointed to Dale and Venus

Dale was sitting on a rock, ears down staring blankly at Venus while she was speaking in all sorts of jabber.

May looked at Dale, and Dale looked at her. They stared at each other for one second untill,

"What the heck happened to you!" May worried

"U-um" Dale stuttered, he looked like a complete wreck.

Both of his knees where bleeding, his eye was charred from burning, and Gods know how many scratches and bruises where on his arms.

"Excuse ME? I asked a question, how did you get hurt"

May sassed at Dale

Venus stopped talking and answered May's question for Dale,

"He was the one who had to fight Kong-roh, and so he got hurt."

"Thank for telling me, so can I heal him?" May asked

"W-what?" Dale knew she used magic, but the only person he knew that was human and could use magic what his mom.

"Yah, I can heal you so let me take a look at your cuts"

"N-no I'm fine, thank you though" Dale exclaimed

"Dale! You need the healing, your a limping horse with those two bloody knees" Venus said

"Again no..." Dale growled






"NO!" Dale snarled violently

May and June stared blankly at the siblings, May was a bit scared of Dale.

Dale then looked at May and June's reactions, and felt bad.

"F-fine, but please don't make it sting"

"Y-yah ok" May shuttered.

May closed her hands together and with he magic she grew a plant from the dead earth, the plans had tiny white flowers but the roots stood on the surface of the ground.

May then ripped the roots off and snapped the think tangles in half, to reveal a green-honey like sap. And then gave it to Dale.

"Isn't this Honey sap?" Dale questioned

"Yah it's used to heal shallow cuts, bruses and minor burns"

Dale drank the sap and some of the cuts and bruises completely healed, Dale then took of the cloth around his eye, but the red hot flesh of his eye lids where in touched.

"Y-your eye!" May said in shock

"I-its fine, I'll just wait it out, it never actually heals right away"

"Ok then, SO let's change the subject, we killed Kong-roh so let's get out of here" June interrupted.

And so Dale, Venus, May, and June, walked out of deaths cave and walked toward their home town.

A/N:AHHHHHHHAHAHAHA ok this took forever to write, flipping 1000 words. Any ways I hope you liked the battle scene (I love writing them) have a great day


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