Surviving Life with the O'Con...

By RealityCheck101

6.4M 149K 36.2K

Brooklyn Ryan thought she had enough trouble with her two very annoying, older, twin brothers; Drew and Kyle... More

Chapter 1- The Life of Brooklyn Ryan
Chapter 2- Surprise, Surprise, O'Conners
Chapter 3- High School or Four Years In Hell
Chapter 4- Maybe, he's not all that bad.
Chapter 5- Minor Sleepover Crisis
Chapter 6- Stay Out
Chapter 7- When Morning Hits
Chapter 9- Yes, Fruit
Chapter 10- The One With The Excuses
Chapter 11- Surviving Dinner Time
Chapter 12- Night Plans
Chapter 13- So This is What Death Feels Like
Chapter 14- Word Of Advice
Chapter 15- Silence is Deadly
Chapter 16- All Out Now
Chapter 17- Heart to Heart
Chapter 18- Addicted to Love
Chapter 19- A Brother's Car Can NEVER be Taken
Chapter 20- O'Conner Drama
Chapter 21- Oops, I Did It Again
Chapter 22- Live A Little
Chapter 23 - Parker's Day
Chapter 24- O'Conner Party Surprises
Chapter 25 - Papa O'Conner
Chapter 26- Something Called Heartbreak
Chapter 27- Squad Night
Chapter Twenty- Nine- A Ryan Gets A Driver's License!
Chapter Thirty- Face To Face with an O'Conner
Chapter Thirty-One- Mysterious O'Conner Boys
Chapter Thirty-Two -Spit It Out O'Conner!
Chapter Thirty-Three -The Parental Approval
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Never Ending Growing Pile of Dresses
Chapter Thirty-Five - Three O'Conners Down Two to Go
Chapter Thirty-Six- Train Rides Suck
Chapter Thirty-Seven- Young Couple These Days
Chapter Thirty-Eight- Stormy Dance Night
Chapter Thirty-Nine- Hazy Emotions
Chapter Forty- The Daddy Talk
Chapter Forty-One- One Step Forward Two Steps Back
Chapter Forty-Two- Breaking news
Chapter Forty-Three- Change In Direction
Chapter Forty-Four- In The Clouds
Chapter Forty-Five- Bitter Sweet Moments
Chapter Forty-Six-You And Me
Chapter Forty-Seven- The End

Chapter 8- Not So Perfect

178K 3.7K 907
By RealityCheck101

Chapter 8- Not So Perfet

I didn't talk to Nathan after our awkward and unknowable incident in the kitchen on Saturday morning. I didn't bother to talk to him all weekend unless it was absolutely necessary. I avoided him on mornings, lunches, TV time, dinner, in the hallways, etc. And every time that I thought he wouldn't be there, he was there. I didn't ever want to talk about that moment between us. And I hoped so badly that he would never bring it up and never bring it up in front of anyone, ever.

I woke up on Monday morning and quickly got dressed not even trying to switch up the uniform. Okay that's a lie, I purposely didn't put on my stockings. Hopefully I'll get away with it today. Doubt it. I only went from my room to my bathroom and then down the hall to help Parker who was calling my name.

Walking quickly into his room I shut the door behind me, my eyes searched his small room for any signed of him. Parker's room was a mess with all his toys scattered around, some of his clothes were in piles in the corner, and his bed unmade.

"Parker you should keep your room clean." I said in a humble tone picking up some of his clothes to throw in the hamper.

"Sorry. Can you help me with my buttons?" He pouted cutely flaunting his buttons around.

"You know you're just so cute!" I squealed pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah I know I'm cute." A smirking Nathan said rolling his eyes as he came behind me quietly.

"I was talking to Parker." I muttered, kneeling down to Parker's height to button up his shirt. This was the first time since Saturday at dinner when I asked him to pass the salad. Ever since then we haven't talked at all. Besides him also slapping my ass in the hallway when we were alone.

I still haven't forgave him for that.

I buttoned up Parker's shirt quickly stumbling over my fingers. I fixed his cuffs and tucked his shirt in before I got up to look for his tie. I thoughts his tie was so cute and how instead it clipped it zipped up! I was so entertained by that.

"You know I was coming here to do that. You don't have to keep going." Nathan mentioned picking up Parker's shoes near the door.

"S'Okay. I got this." I stopped him with a hand putting on his tie.

"Yeah! Cause your too slow." Parker exaggerated sticking out his tongue to Nathan.

I smiled with a light giggle kissing his cheek. "Thank you Parker."

"Hey! Don't encourage the kid." Nathan ordered with a stunned look as I got up to look for his jacket.

"I'm not. I'm teaching him how to get ready fast and stick up to his older brothers." I said with a nodded of my head as I found his jacket in the middle of a pile of toys.

"Parker when you get home you should clean your room." Nathan told him with a stern look as he went to grab Parker's little black shoes.

I nodded my head with a light smile, "He's right Parker. When you get home you clean your room first, then you play video games."

"He doesn't play video games." Nathan said certain as he grabbed Parker and sat him on the bed to put his shoes on.

"Oh, he doesn't?" I smirked standing behind Nathan to wink at Parker. Parker gave me a huge smile, hiding it behind his hand.

"Nope." Nathan grunted pushing a shoe on Parker's foot.

"Okay then. Meet you guys down stairs." I said walking out of the room. That's wasn't awkward at all. I thought to myself sarcastically. Well it could have been worse, I don't know how but it could have been.

I skipped down the stairs meeting up with Brandon and Kol who were putting on their shoes. Drew was at mirror as usual looking at his reflection and Kyle... Was nowhere to be seen?

"Where's Kyle?" I asked Drew, pulling the strap of my bag over my shoulder.

"Get your socks and then we can talk." He ordered pointing down to my bare calves.

"Ugh! Your irk me." I stated, trudging up the stairs in a slump. I grabbed my stockings that were on the bed and slipped them on then my shoes. I skipped back down the stairs and stood right in front of Drew, "Happy?" I asked pointing down to my legs.

He nodded his head with a light grin, "Giving Taylor a ride to school. Guess she's grounded or something because of the party."

Taylor is Kyle's girlfriend. They've been together for almost nine months give or take. And that's a long time in our high school. Unlike Drew's girlfriend Hailey, they've been only been together for three months. Usually that's how long Drew's relationships last.

"Aww so it's just me and my big bro today!" I said with a pleasant smile as I patted his cheek.

"Lord Christ have mercy on me." He prayed looking up to the celling.

I nudged him with my elbow as he returned a reply with a fart noise. Real mature.

"Does that mean I can-"


"But you don't even know what I'm going to ask!"

"No you're not driving my baby."

"Aw come on, Drew! I didn't ruin it last time I drove! You even said I did really well." I defended my case with my ultra-plead.

"I said that because you were pissed at me so I was trying to enlighten the mood." He said turning to me as he circled his keys around his finger.

"Jerk." I mumbled as I walked away hearing his footsteps behind me.

"Yeah I'm used to it." I heard him mumbled as we walked into the garage.

He started up the car as I rode shot gun. We drove down the drive way and on the street when he stopped in the middle of our road letting a car pass in front of us. More importantly the neighbors' car. The one we- or Camila- pranked the other night.

"Hey isn't that Matt's car!?" Drew said pointedly as he smiling and waved to get his attention.

"Nope! It's not! Keep on driving!" I said quickly while hiding my face down so he wouldn't see me. I hope he doesn't remember Friday night. This would be a perfect time to pray to God and ask for him to give the boy short term memory lost.

"Hey Matty how's it going dude?" Drew shouted out the window to the other black SUV in front of him.

"Hey Drew, how's it been man?!" Matt shouted back with a wide grin on his face.

The boys shouted to each other from the middle of the rode like they owned it. Maddi had made up a name for them one summer called The Hottie Bunch; since it's Matt, Jake, and Sam. Turns out they really like the name thanks to Cam's big mouth.

"And is that baby Brooke in the passenger seat?" Matt yelled getting my attention, "Damn girl that was some Friday night you had." He laughed making my face feel hot.

Ever since he and his brothers discovered their nickname I have never wanted to be around them. I was embarrassed to live. They always tease me in any way. I felt Drew's eyes staring at me with curiosity behind them even though I didn't look at him. Now this was going to be an amusing and interesting ride.

I waved my hand shyly with a cheesy grin, "Hey Matt." I greeted.

"Well we got to go before we're late, again." Drew told Matt with a dull and bored tone.

Driving off after Brody bang on the horn multiple more times, we left for school. And not even two minutes later Drew was asking me what Matt meant about Friday night.

I told him it was nothing and dismissed it like it was no big deal. Rule Number One about girl's sleepover: never talk about them! Surprisingly, he let it go and didn't nag or push me for more explanation. Which I wasn't complaining, that's exactly what I hoped for.

Walking to my locker I spun in the code greeting Maddi at her locker which was near mine, "I can't wait till I get a driver's license!" I growled exchanging books.

"Aw upset that you didn't fight with your brother this morning?" She sighed with a long sad teasing look.

"Totally." I replied sarcastically, "We bumped into Matt this morning and he just had to mention the whole Friday night thing. And then weird part Drew didn't nag me about it"

"How on Earth do you survive with two older brothers?" Maddi commented with a chuckle.

"Coming from the girl that lives with three other girls and all they do is fight over shoes and clothes half the time." Camila jumped in with a laugh as she opened her locker on the opposite side of mine.

"Hey! That's so not fair and it doesn't even count! Jamie stole my Juicy shoes! And then she scuffed marked them and lied to me about it!" Maddi said in defense.

I don't know how Maddi could live with three girls and always fight over clothes and shit. Every day was a new story: Jamie stole this, Kenzie ruined this, Tori stole this and never gave it back then she lied and said it was hers!

I could never imagine my brothers and I fighting like that. We fought over the basics: who stole my money, who put dye in the shampoo, who ate my sandwich, who drew on my face when I was sleeping, who farted, oh my God please stop burping. The normal stuff that brothers intend to do.

"See that's why it's best to be the only child." Emily intruded with a gloat as she opened her locker next to Maddi's.

"You're lucky!" The three of us shouted to her. Emily giggles, combing her fingers through her hair as she leaned against the lockers next to us.

"So how was your date with Brad?" Maddi asked as she slammed her locker shut at the same time I did with mine.

"How'd you know?" I questioned with an accusing look.

"Facebook." She replied with a shrug.

"Oh. Yeah it was fine. We've been on so many dates already I feel like I'm just hanging out with my brothers." I said with a small laugh.

"Haha I'll bet." Maddi laughed nudging my arm as we passed by one of the O'Conner boys; Kol, "They are so hot! How do you even know them?" Maddi whined desperately. Staring longly at the oldest O'Conner twin that gives me way too much sass.

I laughed shrugging my shoulders trying to think up of a good lie, or just tell the truth for once. " My parents are really good friends with their parents."

"Lucky! I want to be you." She pouted her full pink lips.

"You don't want to be me. Trust me." I mumbled as I saw Nathan walk past me with a smile.

Just seeing him and saying that to Maddi made her look at me with an evil sly look. She's up to something. She's conjuring something evil in that mind of hers. The warning bell rang just on time as Brad came to my side holding my hand and kissing my cheek. I smiled to him with a jolly hello as we walked to home rooms then first period English class.


"So then I was like *snap, snap* Drew just let me drive- turn to the right a little bit, perfect, right there- and he's like 'no you'll ruin my baby.' He's so full of bullshit." I started to tell Camila as we were in Photography and Art class.

"Are you kidding me?! You *snap* wouldn't do that. And if you did- chin up hun, - *snap, snap* you know you would get such a pounding if you did. But you're smart enough to not do that." Cam said in between takes.

There was a white back drop hanging on one of the walls of the art room that had Erika- a junior taking that class- posing in a Prom dress that was going into the senior's bulletin for girls to check out; since prom was only four months away. The dress was gold, very fluffy and puffy on the bottom with silver sparkles on the top. It was very pretty but I thought the poof was too much.

"I know! He thinks I'll ruin his car. I wouldn't dare to. * Snap, snap, snap* I know how much a BMW costs, I'm not stupid. *snap* Okay Erika you can change now." Erika slipped off the five inch heels with a grunt and went in the back to change.

"Well at least you can drive with your brother and your parents don't mind it. My parents- Turn that way! PERFECT! Right there!" Cam shouted to a sophomore who seemed too jumpy for high heels. I swear any second now she's going to trip and fall. "They make me obey the law and shit."

"Who says my parents are okay about it." I mentioned with an evil laugh as Erika slipped back into the heels now wearing a hot pink dress that was too bold for my liking. Jesus Christ who would wear something like that?!

"You are always so lucky." She mumbled under her breath as she dismissed the girl to change.

"The grass isn't always greener on the other side, Cam." I added with a slight frown, hidden behind the camera. Why has everyone told me I've been lucky lately and that they want my life? Gosh I don't have anything special about my life.

"I know. I guess I shouldn't have said that." She whispered gently.

My parents are always working. The last time I ever had 'quality time' if you want to call it, was the dinner that my parents said that the O'Conner's might be living with us. Usually my mom tries and plans a weekend for just me and her, but the last time we had that happen was two months ago. Working at a hospital is critical. You were always on call, people were always calling you in, and there wasn't one moment where someone was 'dying' or someone was giving birth.

Not that I'm judging or being cruel, I like to hear when my parents say they saved a life or delivered one, but sometimes I wish they could have time for their family life too. Even our last family vacation was five years ago when my dad won auction charity tickets to go to Aruba.

It was always just my brothers and I alone in that big house most of the time. We practically raise each other. One year- when Drew had that big heart of his 10 years ago- he was the tooth fairy for dad when he forgot to leave me money under my pillow. Kyle was my math tutor in middle school, and he makes me lunch every day for school.

Raising my camera back up, I took a few snap shots of the dress itself, then the whole model. Looking at the pictures I smiled in satisfaction, then looked back through the peek hole when I saw it slowly turning dark.

"UGH!" I groaned out loud throwing my head back, "Damn battery." I complained walking over to the other side of the class to place it in the charger and grab a new one.

Passing by I looked over some of the drawing and designs some kids had on their sketch boards or canvasses. I wish I had time to do something that good. Looking over I saw Brandon sitting on a stool with a canvas, some paints, and a brush looking deeply into his work. Tip toeing by I looked over his shoulder to see the beautiful painting of the 'photo shoot set' we had displayed. It was like I was looking right through a camera lens seeing an exact copy. Everything was perfect, flawless. It's natural talent.

"Wow Kol that's amazing. So beautiful." I whispered to him encouragingly. He smiled and turned around to me.

"Thanks Brook. It looks like you know what you're doing over there too." He commented nicely. His hazel green blue eyes sparkling with delight as always. Why do their eyes have to look so damn breath taking?!

"Pressing a button isn't that much skill." I laughed waving my Nikon in the air, "Beside that's true talent. You should enter in the Art Show or something." I suggested walking away before he denied it; saying he wasn't that good like how every artist says. They know their good, but they're just too modest.

Finishing my work for the class I heard Ms. Lee telling us to pack away our things before the bell rang. I carefully placed my Nikon in the bag, handed the teacher the memory card of pictures, and helping the guys take down the back drop we put up.

Waiting by the door for the bell to ring I felt a warm breath tickle my neck and I quickly looked behind me to find Brandon laughing.

"Aw I thought I would scare you!" He complained standing right behind me on my heel.

"I lived with two older brothers, I've seen everything and worse. Nothing scares me these days." I laughed with a shrug.

"Does Ms. Lee like you photos? I bet they're something really. In a good way though!" He said quickly trying not to offend me.

"I guess." I said opening the door to head out to the courtyard for lunch. "I hope you're not offended that I made you and your brothers leave the house on Friday. I kind of feel guilty about it; just a little." I mentioned standing a few feet away from my table that no one was at yet.

"Not really. Not any more anyways. But I will be offended if you don't sit with me at lunch." He pouted slightly as if trying to make me feel sorry for him.

"I would but- my friends would thin-"

"Please!" He begged nodding his head to the patch of grass where Kol and Nathan were just about to sit until they spotted us. Kol didn't care and just sat down, but Nathan stood there, waiting, bouncing on his heel as we waited to approach.

I sighed rolling my eyes with a faint smile, "Did Nathan, by any chance, put you up to this?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He taunted rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Then maybe I won't" I teased slowly walking to the picnic table.

"Fine yes, he did." He said grabbing my arm to spin me back, "So do me the favor and let me steal twenty easy bucks from my brother and just sit with us." He said with a smirk trying not to laugh.

I of course had to laugh because it was beyond ridiculous. Why would Nathan go to so much trouble- giving 20 bucks to his brother- for me to sit with him at lunch? I wonder if it was a bet, or maybe he thought he wouldn't have to give him twenty dollars. Guess we'll just find out.

"Fine. But just this once." I smiled walking with him. This is going to be a bad decision, I can just feel something bound to be going wrong.


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