
By IrredeemableLove

3.9K 192 11

Boy meets girl, falls in love, girl loves him back. What could go wrong? Everything. Charlie has history with... More

Chapter 2: The Morning After
Chapter 3: 'Just Friends'
Chapter 4: Bestfriends
Chapter 5: sleepover
Chapter 6: Oh Brother
Chapter 8: you've got me
Chapter 9: I think I'm Falling
Chapter 10: NYC
Chapter 11: You broke me
Chapter 12: A lonliness
Chapter 13: Marchin On
Chapter 14:Shake it Out
Chapter 15: She'll be Perfect
Chapter 16: Hi dad
Chapter 17: They'll Be Perfect
Chapter 18: Lets Fall Again
Chapter 19: Batter up
Chapter 20: Lets Give them a Story
Chapter 21: What happened to me?
Chapter 22: I'm Not Okay
Chapter 23: The Godfather
Important Message!!
Chapter 24: It Is Time
Chapter 25: One Late Night
Chapter 26: Safe and Sound
Chapter 27: Bella Moon Styles
Chapter 28: E! News
Chapter 29: Bright Again
Chapter 30: It's All...
Chapter 31: ... Not Going to be Alright
Chapter 32: Aftermath
Chapter 33: No I Hate You
Chapter 34: Like the Glass
Chapter 35: I am Shattered
Chapter 36: I Do Love You
Chapter 37: But You Can't
Chapter 38: Clearing My Head
Chapter 39: It's Just a Dance
Chapter 40: I Do Still Love You
Chapter 41: Marry Me
Chapter 42: It's Going to Happen
Chapter 43: I Do

Chapter 7: The interviewer and interviewed

134 4 0
By IrredeemableLove

"It's been two weeks A.J have you even made up your mind yet?" I ask him setting down both of our cups of coffee onto my dining room table.

"I don't know Charlie. Do I really have to leave?" He asked.

"I think I know where you should go, back to live with Gramma."

"Up in Canada?"

"Yes. You were doing great up there. I think you'll do better and once you're done you can come down here and stay with me. You just have to make it for the next four months."

"Ok I guess.... So when's the ship off?"

"I don't know yet I'll have to talk to her." We sat in silence for a little.

I had been trying to find A.J a place for two weeks now. It hasn't been the easiest. Suddenly I heard my phone ring from the living room. I got up and ran to it. I picked it up and plopped down on my couch.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Best friend!" Harry's voice rang over the phone. I smiled big once I realized it was him.

"Hey how's tour?" I ask him. I got up and walked to my bedroom.

"Boring without you."

"Oh come on you know you're having the time of your life out there. I see you with all those girls."

"You see me with no one. Niall said hi by the way. I miss you. You know."

"Yea well I guess I miss you too. Where are you at right now?"

"I'm on the bus. We're on our way to Houston. We have like two shows out there then we're on the road again."

"Sounds exhausting."

"Yea it is. Anyway, what are your plans for today?"

"I have press for the book today. You know interviews."

"Oh fun. Listen Charlie I have to go I'll talk to you later ok."

"Ok bye baby." Damn that just slipped out. It was totally unexpected. I could almost here him smirking over the phone. I was so embarrassed.

"Bye baby," he said and then hung up. I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the couch. I got up and decided to get dressed.


"And we're back everybody with the young book writer we've all fallen in love with. Here to promote her new book Sunsets in The Winter is Charlie Walker," the interviewer announced me.

I walked onto the bright stage and the interview began. It was an endless cycle of the same questions. I had almost routinely answered them.

"So this story is about two people who fell in love at a different time in the past and this is there reincarnation. Explain that."

"Umm I guess I really just wanted to show how immortal love can be. It goes through this couple's lives showing how no matter how hard it might be love is able to pull you together wherever you are."

"Oh so does this have anything to do with your own personal life?"

"Um no why would you ask that?"

"It's been pretty obvious that you and Harry Styles are pretty friendly. You've been seen all over the city together."

"Yea well Harry and I are fortunately just friends. He's just a fun guy and we met each other a while back and since he's been back out here for the tour we decided to meet up with each other."

"Oh ok so just friends?"

"Yes. That's it."

"So how do you feel about these?" I looked up at the screen and it all took me by surprise. Harry with assorted girls leaving clubs and restaurants. I knew I shouldn't have been mad. We were just friends.

"Just friends remember. Harry can do whatever he wants he's a big boy and I hope he's having a fun time out there on tour." I was ready for this interview to be over.

I had feelings for Harry. I wasn't afraid of them anymore. I knew they were there the day he left. I wanted to hold him back and kiss him hard and tell him not to go.

I listened as the interviewer wrapped up the interview and finally allowed me to leave. I stood up and thanked everybody. About a hour and a half later I was finally home. I was in my chair typing away on my computer. My phone rang. I looked at the caller I.d first.

"Hey Niall," I answered.

"Hey Charlie how's it going?"

"It could be so much better."

"Ah what's wrong?"

"I just had a bad interview."

"I saw that one. Was it the pictures?" He asked a little more quiet.

"Was it that obvious?"

"No but Harry got mad when they showed them too. He got up and walked out the room saying that the interviewer was an ass." I let out a sound of frustration. "Listen babe I got to go to sleep. I'll call you a little bit later."

""Bye Niall."

"Bye Charlie."

I hung up my phone and rested my head against the chair. A.J walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "I called gramma, she said she already bought the ticket. I'm leaving in three days."

I stood up and walked to my brother. I wrapped him in my arms and hugged him tightly. I knew this was hard on him. It's been hard on every one.

"I'm going to miss you so much A.J." I say into his chest since he's like eight inches taller then me.

"Yea I know everybody does."

"We're not going to be apart for long. Once you're better you can stay with me. You'll get out of high school and come out here and get a job."

"I love you sis ok. I'm sorry for saying anything bad to you."

"Alright let's go out to eat. I'm hungry."

A/n how are guys liking it so far? Well I got four more chapters to upload

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