This Is Me (DRARRY) {UNDER ED...

By enchantaeed

284K 8K 3.9K

I suck at descriptions. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

11.6K 314 129
By enchantaeed

Draco and Hades were still sleeping when the sound of alarms startled them out of their slumber. There could only be one reason for the alarms, someone was trying to get through the wards. They jumped out of bed, Hades stumbling in doing so.

"Mother, Father what's happening?" Draco said as they ran to the main room where everyone was gathered there.

"Dumbledore is trying to bring down the wards. He has an army of Aurors with him, looks like the final battle has come sooner than we have expected." Hades visibly paled and no one blamed him.

"Father, Hades could give birth any minute, it is too dangerous for him." The temperature of the room decreased and a hooded figure appeared in front of them and bowed to Hades.

"Young master, I have sensed your distress, I would like to aid you." More hooded figures appeared and filled the entire main room. Everyone drew their wands pointing them at the hooded figures but they just stood there.

"Guys, it's okay, they're here to help, they're on our side." They lowered their wands.

"We have no other choice but to fight. Gather all the Death Eater and prepare for battle." All of them scurried off but Hades, Draco, and his Father stayed.

"Hades, I am afraid you won't be joining as Draco said you could go into labor any second. Narcissa and a healer will be staying with you and a few Death Eaters should something happen."


"No buts, I will come back, count on it." He kissed him before pulling away and leaving with his father. Narcissa came in and lead him to a room on the far end of the mansion away from the battle that was going to start any minute now.

Outside Dumbledore and the order had brought down half the wards and once the last ward was down they attacked the manor but Tom and his Death Eaters including the backup from Death were waiting for him.

"This is the end, Tom. You will die today!" There was a line of laughter following the statement.

"You keep believing that you meddling old fool but you and I know fair well who is going to die!" Then did the Weasley's saw their sons on the other side.

"Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred, George, my sons we are so glad you are alive," Molly said spreading her hands as if waiting for them to come to her.

"That's right my sons, come back here to your family." Arthur urged but they stayed in their positions laughing.

"We are not your sons, Weasley," Charlie said.

"And we are most definitely not a part of your family or the light." Percy shocked them all by saying that.

"My boys, they have brainwashed you. Come back so we can help you." They all sneered at the older man.

"Never." They said in sync and looked to Tom.

"Enough useless talking, it's time." He made a gesture so that they attack but that was an act and Dumbledore being clueless also gestured for them to attack and when half the Aurors went closer they fell to the ground screaming and smoke coming out if their body as the Death Eaters all cackled in laughter.

The barrier only worked once so this time they charged at each other all the Aurors and Death Eaters sending hexes, curses, and unforgivables -mostly Death Eaters.  The Weasley's fought their own family as Bellatrix went for Granger.

"You mudblood scum, dare to think you can win against better than you? You make me laugh!" She threw a crucio at the girl and hit her straight in the chest. She screamed in pain from the curse as Bellatrix laughed like a madwoman.

"You're a monster, Dumbledore will kill you all."

While the battle was in motion, Hades was laying on a bed in agony. The urge to push was getting stronger by the minute but he didn't have a birthing canal so he couldn't get them out the normal way and it was affecting him.

"It's okay, just a few more minutes and we will start," Narcissa reassured him holding his hand as he let out another whimper of pain. What felt like hours was only five minutes before the healer finally stepped up and waved her wand over his stomach and he felt numb.

"It's time." She took a scalp and started.

The light sides fighters were decreasing by the second till only the Order was left and they were still trying to fight the large amount of Death Eaters and hooded figures. The Dark Lord and his inner circle were laughing but Draco was anxious wanting to get back to his bonded. Finally, they disarmed the Order but didn't kill them, Tom wanted his son to watch and enjoy them die slowly.

They tied them up and silenced them. Tom ordered to take them to the darkest pits of the dungeons. And as everyone celebrated, they saw a flash of blonde hair run as fast as light in front of them and into the Mansion. Remembering they have a friend and son in labor they rushed after him.

When they entered the room all of their faces twisted into smiles as they saw Hades on the bed with two blue bundles in his arms. They approached slowly and gasped when they saw their faces that looked at them, innocence and fascination evident in their faces. They had the Malfoy blonde hair, they had ice blue eyes with a tint of red that made it look purple.

"Merlin, Hades they look gorgeous." He smiled tiredly and Draco kissed his forehead. 

"C-Can I hold them?" The question made everyone laugh.

"They are your sons, you dummy." He handed him a bundle then the other and Draco carefully held them fearing they might break. The two looked at their father with curious eyes before they turned to a smile and their laughter echoed through the room.

"What will you name them?" He looked at Draco.

"Hunter Odysseus Malfoy for the oldest because just as the healer took him out he kicked her right in the face." They laughed until tears were in their eyes.

"Maceo Sirius Malfoy for the youngest." Tears filled Sirius's eyes and he cried in Remus's chest.

"Right, now If you are all here and acting as if there were no cares in the world, is it safe to say we won." His answer was the laughter and smiles he got.


"You must allow us-"

"To hold and educate him."

"Over my dead body. You get one step closer to them and you won't live to have your own." They held their hands up in surrender.

"We have the Order in the dungeon, we can't have all the fun without you." Bellatrix innocently said and he giggled. The babies fussed in Draco's arms and he gave them back to Hades who instantly calmed them down.

"Here, I warmed two bottles." He took from Narcissa with a 'thank you'.

"How long will he stay here?" His father asked the healer.

"For about two days so he can properly heal." They stayed there for the rest of the day before all of them except Draco retired to their rooms.

"You should sleep as well." He said kissing Hades's forehead.

"No, I'm fine, besides I don't want to take my eyes of off these two. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that they are finally born or that I was actually pregnant only a few hours ago." Draco chuckled as he looked at the two sleeping figures in his bonded's arms.

"Neither can I, but their here now and I'll make extra sure that they're spoiled rotten." Hades shook his head with a sigh. Draco got up to go but was stopped by Hades's hand grasping his wrist.

"Stay, there is more than enough space for you to sleep with us." Draco smiled and laid next to his bonded and babies. They fell asleep like that and didn't notice when their mothers came in and took a few dozen pictures.

\Two days later\

"Calm down, Hades." They said as they made their way to the dungeons. The only one that was as excited as Hades was Bellatrix, not that they weren't but not that much.

"How can you be calm?! I have been waiting for this day ever since I was born!" His father snorted and he glared.

"Exactly, now you all will leave my nephew-in-law." Bellatrix giggled as she hugged him. They left the twins in their room with Narcissa because he didn't want them there. The dungeon was dark, cold and very un-homey, how can he allow his children to be in this environment?

When they entered the first cell they were met with Granger and the four Weasley's. They looked up at them and glared before trying to speak through the gags that had been placed in their mouths. Bellatrix giggled and with a wave of her wand the gags vanished.

"Let us go, you monsters!!" Molly shrieked and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Dumbledore will kill you all." There was a line of snorts.

"Of course and I'm a Weasley." They laughed and his father, mother, Lucius, Bellatrix, Sirius, and Remus drew their wands as he and Draco sat comfortably waiting to watch the show.

"Who should we start with? Hmm, how about the youngest Weasley?" They screamed and shouted begging them to spare the girl's life. Bellatrix giggled as she waved her wand and hit the girl with a cutting charm that had her screaming.  They watched as the crimson blood flowed out of her body like rivers before she was healed and the process was repeated. The Weasley' s kept begging until they were silenced by his father. Draco wanted a go and Hades was confused because Draco didn't exactly participate in such activities, not that he didn't want to but still.

"I want to have the honor of killing the bitch that insulted my bonded." Hades's heart swelled with warmth, even after all this time he had this effect on him. He had his children for Merlin's sake and yet.

"I thought you would never ask, we wanted everyone to kill in pairs. The Order has enough in them for all of us." He watched as his husband slowly cut off her fingers and toes before her organs came out of her body with tearing sound and the screams filled the dungeon and he giggled. They took off the spell and she fell to the ground unmoving and there was no breathing signaling she's dead.

"You monsters." They cried for the loss of their daughter but he only giggled. Then baby cries filled the dungeon. Hades and Draco's heads snapped left knowing full well that the cries belonged to no one except their darling boys. Narcissa appeared through the door and both parents bolted from their positions and straight to her.

"Narcissa, what's wrong?" He took the wailing babies from her and tried to soothe them into stopping.

"I fed them and even changed them but they refused to stop and I thought they wanted you two."

"Mother, I understand but you brought them to the dungeons."

"It's okay, Draco. A simple warming and a disillusionment charm can keep them okay and I can conjure blankets, too. Thank you, Narcissa, you can join the others I can take care of these two." Her eyes twinkled with what seemed to be the same madness as Bellatrix and no one can deny that those two are sisters. He turned around with Draco by his side and the Weasley's stood there shocked, their daughter completely forgotten.

"You disgust me." The youngest Weasley spat at him and Draco growled and smashed his head on the concrete wall. He gave Hunter to Draco and cleaned the place where the Weasley spat at him. They sat down and watched as their family and friends tortured those that had once been the closest to him. His babies didn't notice a thing because of the disillusionment charm he had placed and they giggled innocently while playing with his hair. Soon, Molly, Arthur, and Ron were on the ground in a pool of their own blood, lying motionless and dead. Hermione had gone insane the same as the Longbottom's from the effect of being held under the torturing curse too long.

"Aunty Bella you have to calm down, we know you like this we do, too but..."

"Alright, alright." She huffed.

"The rest of the Order can wait until tomorrow let's go back upstairs." They didn't object as they made their way to the lounge talking about how the ministry was coming along.

"The public wasn't too keen on the changes and was rebelling but after the speech, Tom gave most of them are coming around." His mother said as he cradled Maceo in his arms.

"And with Lucius as minister, he gave full reign to Tom they can't say a lot," Narcissa said and Lucius nodded. The giggles of Hunter and Maceo snapped them out of their conversations. They looked over at them and saw that they were being tickled by their parents and at the same time tugging on their mother's hair.

"Narcissa get the fucking camera!" His mother bellowed as he and Narcissa scrambled to get the camera before remembering they were wizards and accioed it and taking pictures.

"Women." Their fathers said together and got a smack on their heads for it.

"Merlin, mother. You are going to fill a whole album in two days if this keeps up." He tried to turn his head to look at his mother but the twins had a deathly tight grip on his hair not allowing him to tilt his head.

"You'll thank me when you get older and look back at them." He sighed and smiled at Hunter who was looking at his feet in fascination before looked back at his bonded who had Maceo in his arms and was making faces causing Maceo to laugh and grab his nose. 

"You have already taken my heart, don't take my breath away, too," Draco said to his son who didn't listen and kept his hold on his nose.

"He can have your breath, your heart belongs to me." He looked at a pouting Hades and grinned.

"You're jealous of your own son?" Hades shook his head and smiled. Draco leaned in and kissed him.

"Not in front of the babies!" He looked at them and they looked at the two with curious eyes then as if looking at each other and confirming something they giggled up at their parents.

"See, they don't care." Hades muttered something about 'waiting until their older to talk'.

"I'm already worried for them."


"Afraid they'll turn like the devil twins." There was a rather loud 'Hey!' from acros the room but they ignore it.

"No, they'll turn like their daddy, won't you?" The twins didn't give their father a glance as they looked at their mother's hand and grabbed it.

"It's gonna be a long day."

\A few days later\

They had killed of every single Order member, leaving Dumbledore for last and they weren't going to kill him, that was too merciful for his sins and they aren't going to give any ounce of pity or sympathy. They couldn't say the twins grew that much but they did nonetheless, they started blabbering nonsence after they left them in the care of Fred and George who feigned innocence and said that they haven't done anything.

"Haven't done anything my arse." He had replied and ever since didn't allow them near his babies without someone sane, the last thing he wanted was his children talking like those two.

Finally the day of Dumbledore's demiss came and they cheerfully mde their way to the room his father had made specifically for him. 

"Well if it isn't the leader of the 'light', Albus fucking Dumbledore." He said standing in front of the old man.

"You won't get away with this!" He rolled his eyes and shoved him with his foot.

"We already have. I believe you want to know what went wrong with your plans, right?" The old man just stared, the answer gleeming in his eyes.

"It started with leaving me with those filthy and disgusting muggles, you knew full well what they did to me and if I'm not wrong you paid them to do it and encouraged them as well. That's when your plans went downhill." The old man's eyes widened.

"But - What? - impossible." He took his wand and waved on himself placing the glamours that made him look like Harry Potter.

"The night I came to my inheritance I had a letter from Gringotts telling me to come over to the bank and do you know what they showed me? That I'm not a Potter and that you killed James and Lily Potter for trying to give back what wasn't their baby but another's. Then they told me I had blocks and glamours on, after I took them off I had my dear mother come to me and help me through everything much better than you ever did. Slowly I found that I had a family and a mate that loves me unconditionlly, they gave me everything you didn't without a price. You should have planned everything more carefully not that you could have, fame and fortune clouded your mind and to be honest you disgust me, I don't wish an ending different to this one. This is the last time you will ever manipulate anyone's life, goodbye Albus, I hope when you die you will rot in hell." His father stepped on a brick and symbols appeared in a circular shape around the old man and the last thing they heard before going out were the last screams of Albus Dumbledore.

He and Draco went back to their rooms and went to the twins crib where they slept peacefully. Draco wrapped a hand around Hades's waist as they watched them and Hades leaned his head on his bonded's shoulder. With all the obstacles out of their way they could live a happy life, watching their children in the crib they dreamt of them growing up and becoming adults which brought a smile to their faces. No words were needed, their life was perfect, and they wer not going to change it.

Not even for the world.

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