Savage 》Once Upon A Time

By lovethebreeze

124K 3.8K 1.5K

I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... More

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
An Apple Red As Blood
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Cricket Game
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
The Miller's Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True
The Evil Queen

Skin Deep

3.2K 105 34
By lovethebreeze

Let's see, what exciting things happened this week? Oh, um, Emma and Sydney accused Regina of stealing the town's money to make another house, but it turns out that it was a playground for the kids since The Castle was destroyed. Henry lost his fairytale book and now he's going overboard on remembering which character everyone in town is. Mary Margaret and David decided to 'see each other' without getting caught. Oh, and I keep getting these weird dreams with me and that boy in the woods. If not him, then this man who looks a lot like me with a hook for a hand.

I couldn't tell my dad about it. If I told Henry then he's going to think it's my 'memories' trying to resurface. So, there's only one person I could go to...Emma. Good thing I get to job shadow with her.

I've been quiet on the whole ride to Granny's when she pulled over. "All right, what's wrong? You're usually in a happier mood whenever you come to the station."

I sighed. "I really don't know. I keep having these weird dreams with the same guy the past few days. They keep getting weirder, like I'm in his bed and -"

Emma slowly nodded her head as she cut me off. "That's normal."

I raised my eyebrow. "It is?"

She scratched the back of her ear nervously. "Yeah. Jax, you're still going through puberty and it's normal to have these kinds of dreams." Is she thinking what I think she's thinking? "You might have seen people or some show -"

I cut her off. "No, no, no. Not that type of dream. Mary Margaret and Regina already gave the sex talk."

She let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh, good. Then that makes this less uncomfortable."

"I was gonna say we were in his bed just talking. Come on, Emma, I'm not going to have sex anytime soon."

She nodded. "Smart girl."

I sighed. "It's either us talking on his hammock looking bed and talking or him doing some crazy shit. If it's not him it would be this man with a hook."

Emma raised her eyebrow at me. "Hook? Like Captain Hook?"

"Yes! What the bloody hell does it mean?"

Emma gave me a small smile. "Maybe you shouldn't let Henry read you his stories."

I sighed. "Am I crazy?"

"No, you're not. Maybe, since Henry thinks you're Captain Hook's daughter, you're starting to think about your real dad. Do you ever miss him?"

Do I miss my dad? I don't know. From what Dad said, my real dad never gave a damn about me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know."

Emma placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's ok if you do."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Do you?"

She gave me a sad nod. "I do. Jax, I think Mr. Gold will understand if you miss your dad. He is your dad after all." I just nodded. "Come on, let's go eat. My treat."

I smirked at her. "All right, lass. What's good, burger or hot dog? Or maybe I should get both."

She chuckled as we got out. "Don't get carry away."

"Aye, love." We entered the diner and the first thing I see is Mary Margaret and David making goo goo eyes at each other.  I rolled my eyes. "You taking Mary Margaret or David?" Emma gave me a look. "Bloody hell."

I waved at Ruby before plopping myself in David's booth while Emma took Mary Margaret's. David looked surprised that I'm sitting here. "Jax?"

I reached over and took his coffee before taking a sip. "You know, for trying to keep this relationship on the dl, you're not doing a good job at it."

He gave me a confused look. "You're talking to me again?" He asked slowly. "You made it pretty clear that -"

I smirked at him. "That I think you're a huge and complete twat."


"Well, David, I believe in giving people second chances. And if Mary Margaret's giving you one, I might as well." I grabbed the fork and twirled it around my finger. "But if you break that, I will bash your skull in and feed it to the seagulls."

David chuckled. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Oh, you're serious."

"When it comes to Mary Margaret."

"Then I shouldn't waste this second chance." He pulled his coffee back. " are you?"

"Do you really care?"

David nodded. "Yeah, I do. Mary Margaret isn't always on my mind." I raised my eyebrow at him. He realized what he said and shook his head. "Not that I'm thinking about you in that way. I'm am adult and you're a teenager..."

I cut him off. "Most people don't care about that." I mean, look at him and Kathryn. They say they're the same age, but I'm not so sure. Kathryn looks old enough to be his mother.

"What I mean is, I've been thinking about your safety. Like that other day, you got on a stranger's bike. He could have been a rapist or something."

That got me to chuckle. "One: his name's August. Two: I can assure you that he is not a bloody rapist, he's really cool. And three: I appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself."

"Ok, but if you want to talk, about anything at all, just come and find me."

I gave him a smile. "Will do."

We heard the door open. "You take newborns?" I heard behind me. I turned to see Ashley giving her baby to Granny. "'Cause I'd love six hours off."

Another smile broke into my face as I got up from my spot. "Ashley," I greeted. "I didn't even recognize you." She looked good for someone who just had a baby.

She grabbed a chair before she sat next to Mary Margaret. "Baby on the outside?"

I cooed the baby. "I can't believe how cute she's gotten." I smirked at Ashley. "She's going to be one hell of a looker, better keep those dashing rapscallions away." She chuckled as I made my way over to the their table.

"How's it going?" Emma asked as I sat next to her.

"It's, uh..." Ashley breathed. "It's, uh..." I noticed Mary Margaret and David stealing glances. I smacked her arm before gesturing towards the table before they got caught. "I mean, baby's great, but, uh, we really haven't had time to do the whole getting married thing so that's been rough. And Sean's been working double shifts at the cannery." That sucks.

Mary Margaret nodded in understanding. "Well, he has to work."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "On Valentine's Day?" I mean, he just had a baby. He should at least spend the day with his girlfriend and baby.

Ruby handed Ashley her coffee while she let out a tired sigh. "He couldn't get out of it."

"I'm sorry. That sucks," Emma said and I nodded in agreement. No one should be alone on Valentine's Day.

"It doesn't have to," Ruby piped up. She gave Ashley a suggestive smile. "Come out with me. Let's have a girl's night. We can all go. Mary Margaret, Emma, too. If you leave the badge at home."

"Can I go?" I asked hopefully.

Ruby shook her head. "Sorry, Jax, you're not old enough."

"Bloody hell."

She patted my back. "Maybe when you're 21."

Emma shook her head. "I'm not really in the party mood, but you guys can all go and have fun."

I sighed happily as I placed my head on Emma's shoulder. "Looks like it's just me and you, love."

She chuckled. "Yeah, we can be alone together." We busted out laughing. Ruby smiled at us before she left to take another order. Emma phone vibrated on the table. I looked at her when she answered and her eyes went wide. "Kid, we gotta go."

 I furrowed my eyebrows as I got up. "Why? What's up?"

I followed her outside. "Someone just broke into your house."

My eyes widen as I got in the car. I hope my dad's ok.


I quickly unlocked the door and ran inside, Emma following. "Dad. Dad!" I called out.

Emma pulled me back. "I don't think he's here." She pulled a taser from her pocket and handed it to me. "Know how to use one of these?"

I slowly nodded as my chest started to pound. "Just point and shoot, right?"

She nodded. "Stay behind me."

I didn't argue as we walked further inside the house. My mouth flew open when I see all of the chest open. Chairs were thrown on the floor and tables were tossed. One of the mirrors was broken. Who the hell would do this? Do they have any idea what they've just done? What else did they take? My eyes widen. They didn't...

I ran towards Dad's safe and put in the code before I opened it. It's empty. I started shaking my head as I looked around it. I don't know why Dad had it in the first place, but it must be really special if he's willing to keep a chipped cup in here. He never told me why he had it, just to never open the safe without his permission.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. Emma put her hand up and signaled me to keep quiet before pointing behind her. I nodded and followed her towards the living room with the taser up high. We turned the corner only to see Dad pointing his gun at us.

He let out a sigh. "Sheriff Swan."

"Your neighbor saw your front door open. They called it in," She explained.

I dropped the taser and ran towards him for an embrace. He's ok. "They took it," I mumbled to him. "Dad those twits took it." I hope he understands what I'm getting at.

For a moment, I could see the fury in his eyes before it was gone. "As long as you're ok," He said before we let go. He looked around the place. "It appears we've been robbed."

"Funny how that keeps happening to you," Emma said, her gun still up.

"Yeah, well...I'm a difficult man to love." I gave him a sad look, which he ignored, before I wrapped one of my arms around him.


Emma spend the past hour interviewing my dad. What's the point? I know my dad looks all calm and all, but you really don't want to double-cross him. It's like someone taking the green ring on my finger. I would beat those wankers until they give it back.

Dad looked tired. "Sheriff Swan, you can go now. I know exactly what was taken and who did it. I've got it from here."

Emma shook her head. "No, you don't. This was a robbery. A public menace. And if you don't tell me what you know, I'll have to arrest you for obstruction of justice. I have a feeling you don't want to be behind bars."

I gave him a pleading look. "Just tell her, Dad."

Dad sighed. "Alright, his name's Moe French."

"The flower guy?" I asked.

He nodded. "He recently defaulted on a loan. A short time ago, we had a little disagreement over collateral."

"And by little, you mean..." Dad nodded again. Oh, no. Dad, what did you take from him?

"Okay. I'll go get him, check him out," Emma said as she closed her phone.

"I'm sure you will, assuming I don't find him..." Dad let out a little laugh. "Let's just say, bad things tend to happen to bad people." I don't like the way he said that.

Emma even pointed that out. "Is that a threat?"

Dad furrowed his eyebrows. "Observation." Yeah, sure. 'Observation.' "Good luck."

Emma nodded before she put her beanie back on. She placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'll see you later."

I gave her a short nod. She glanced at Dad one more time before leaving. I ran my hand through my hair before I picked up one of the chairs. "I'll clean up."

Dad shook his head. "Not necessary. I want you to head to the market and get tea."

I gave him a concern look. "Your leg hurting again?"

"Just a smig." He looked around the place. "Don't worry about the mess. We can start tomorrow."

"Dad, he took the -"

He cut me off by raising his hand. "I know, Little Raven. Let me handle it."

What does he mean by that? Dad and handling things aren't a good combination. Like...Mary Margaret wearing Ruby's outfit. But I didn't want to question him any further. He's got too much on his plate, so I nodded before leaving.


I know he just asked for tea, but I had to get other things too. Like some migraine pills, milk for his tea, and some chips for me. I really needed them. I was singing A Pirate's Life in my head as I walked down the street. Suddenly, a van sped up and screeched to a stop in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows before two guys jumped out from the back.

My eyes widen as I dropped the bags to run, but one of them grabbed me from behind and pulled me towards the other one. I elbowed the guy in the nose before he let's go of me. I tried to run again, but the other guy grabbed my by the waist and pulled me back.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

The driver got out as I struggled. The guy held onto me tighter until I felt this stinging sensation on the side of my cheek. Then I looked up to see Moe before he took another swing at my head. I collapsed on the ground and was about to get up until I felt a swift kick on my stomach. I started coughing as blood poured out of my mouth.

Moe's coworker tried to kick me, but I grabbed his ankle before I bit into it. He started to yell as I bit even harder. I don't know if it's my blood or his, but I don't care at this moment. Moe pushed him and kicked me again. The wind was knocked out of me as he kept hitting me over and over again. What the bloody hell did I ever do to him? I covered my head before I felt a kick near my jaw. Then I felt something harder hit my back. I yelled as the stinging sensation went all over my back.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell. "Hey!"

Moe and his workers scurried away. I heard someone running towards me while the van screeched. I groaned and I tried to get up, but I yelled as I felt the burning sensation in my chest. It hurts. It hurts. I started to cough as more blood poured out of my mouth.

"Oh, my god, Jax!" I looked up to see David with a scared look on his face. "I need to get you to the hospital."

He tried to pick me up, but I screamed. I shook my head. "Em - Emma. Take me to Emma," I panted. I feel safer with Emma.

"Jax, where does it hurt?" He asked worryingly.

"My back...and my chest."

He nodded. "Ok, I'm going to pick you up. It's going to hurt."

I nodded. He counted to three before he picked me up bridal style. I grunted as I held on the the collar of his jacket. I feel like my bones are rubbing against each other. "Emma, David.'ll take me to Emma."

He looked conflicted, but nodded anyway. "I promise."

"She's at the station," I said before I groaned.

David nodded before he ran. I tried not to scream, so I closed my eyes tight and gripped the collar of his jacket. I don't know if it's been hours or minutes, but it feels like forever till we reached the station.

"Emma!" David yelled.

Emma's eyes went wide when she saw me. "Jax!" She shouted worryingly as she and Dad rushed over. She looked up at David. "What happened?"

"I don't know I heard someone scream and came out to see Moe and his friends kicking her." He looked down at me. "She's hurt really bad. I saw one swing a crowbar at her."

"And you'd think it's a good idea to bring her here instead of a hospital," Dad sneered.

I shook my head the best I could. "I - I asked him to."

"Why would Mr. French come after you?" Emma asked.

Dad looked even more furious. "To get to me." He ran his finger on my bloody forehead. "My Little Raven." He pointed at David. "You get her to the hospital, now."

He spared me one last glance before leaving. Emma sighed before giving me a concern look. "I'll find him, Jax." She nodded at David. "Stay with her." Then left.

David walked out of the station. "Can't believe he would do this. You're just a teenager."

I turned my head to spit out some more blood, hopefully David wouldn't mind some on his shirt. "This is the price I pay for being a Gold. Something Dad never wanted to worry about. Never was a problem till now." I tried to get down. "You can put me down."

"You sure?"

I nodded. "The pain is still there, but I don't feel like dying this time."

He slowly let me down, but wrapped my arm around his shoulder. The hospital wasn't that far away. We started talking for a few minutes before we arrived. We went inside and David started to yell.

"We need help!"

One of the nurses saw me and gestured one of the doctors. They rolled a gurney towards me and David helped me on. I winced as I laid down. The doctors kept bombarding us with questions. I asked him to not mention this to them. If anyone found out that someone attacked me to get to my dad...that makes me his leverage in his deals. I don't want to ruin my dad's business because of that. So David told them that these guys just jumped me. Not really a lie. An honest truth is better than a easy lie.

Dr. Whale started taking x-rays of me. I groaned. I don't care if he's the only good doctor, does it have to be him? And just like David promised, he stayed. Whale told him that I had a bruised rib. If the guy hit me any harder with the crowbar, he could have fractured my spine. Other than that, just some cuts and bruises.

I laid in the hospital bed looking at the ceiling until David knocked on the door. He held up a small pudding cup while giving me a light smile. "I didn't know to get you. Dr. Whale said you could only have liquids until you're all healed."

I groaned. "Great, nothing but soup, ice cream, and smoothies. All though the ice cream doesn't sound that bad." I looked at the clock. 9 pm. I looked back at David. "You should go. Mary Margaret and Kathryn are waiting for you."

David shook his head. "I told Emma I'd stay with you."

I gave him a look. "Really?" He nodded. I really appreciate that. "You could leave and come back." I gestured towards the heart monitor and the needles in me. "Not like I could go anywhere."


I pointed towards the door. "Go. Enjoy the rest of Valentine's Day. I might just take a nap for the rest of the night."

David nodded before he leaned down and carefully wrapped his arms around me. "I'll be back before you wake up."

I chuckled as I pushed him. "Go. Your ladies awaits."

He laughed before he left. I sighed as I lay back on my pillow and finally closed my eyes.


You know that moment when you wake up because of a feeling? Yeah, that's me right now. When I opened my eyes I expected to be sore, but I looked down to see myself all healed up. I touched the stitches on the side of my head to find them gone. I looked down my gown to see my binding gone. I moved my arm and nothing was hurting. That's weird. How could I just heal that quick? Whale even said it might take a month for me to heal fully.

I lay back down and turned my head. I furrowed my eyebrows when I found a single rose on the side of my bed. I slowly grabbed it before I started to smell the flower. A small smile came to my face before I placed it back in its vase.

"Thank you," I whispered. I don't know why I did though. It's not like anyone could hear me.

I started to close my eyes again and let sleep consume me again. I fell into a dreamless sleep. Unaware of the boy poofing into my room. He leaned down and kissed the top my head before he took a spot on the chair next to me. He stayed in the room until morning came.


Just like David promised, he was here when I woke up...the second time. He was just as shocked as I was when I was up and jumping around. Hell, the doctors wanted to know how I healed so fast. But since I'm not injured, after a few test, I was able to leave.

When David told me my dad got arrested for assaulting Mr. French, I ran towards the station. I pushed pass people and barged in. "Where is he?" I asked frantically. I know dumb question since he's in a cell.

Emma looked at me with wide eyes as she put her lunch down. "Jax, what are you doing here? You should be at the hospital."

I shrugged her off. "I'm a fast healer." I can't really explain how my injuries just magically heal. That sounds insane. I went up to my dad and placed my hands around the bar. "Why, Dad?"

Dad turned from his bed. "He stole from me and he hurt my daughter. He deserves more than just a beating."

"Did you get it back?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No." I don't know why that cup is so important to him, but it must mean something if he's willing to beat someone with his cane.

We heard the door open again. I turned around to be pulled into a bone-crushing hug by Henry. "Jax, you're ok!" He said happily.

Regina came in. "We heard what happened yesterday," She said. "Are you ok?"

I hugged Henry back. "Yeah, yeah, it wasn't that bad," I answered.

Regina gave me a small smile, but for some reason it looked fake. "That's great." She looked at Emma. "Sheriff Swan? I'm letting you have thirty minutes with Henry. Take him and Jax out. Buy them ice cream."

Henry looked excited. I gave her a suspicious look. Regina was very clear that she wanted Henry away from Emma. Even if it's only for a half an hour. What is she up to?

"You want me to leave you alone with a prisoner?" Emma asked.

Regina didn't remove her gaze from my dad. "Twenty nine and a half minutes."

Henry smiled brightly at her. "Hi, Emma." Awe, who could say no to that face?

Emma smiled back. "Hey." She grabbed her jacket and was about to head out, but noticed I wasn't following. "Jax?"

My dad gave me a little nod. "I'll be alright, Jax. Bring me back a cone?"

I looked at him then Regina. Regina still didn't remove her gaze from him. Henry came and pulled on my hand. "Come on, Jax."

I gave my dad one last look before following them out.


A/N: Sorry for the late update. Anyway which one do you guys prefer...


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