Dear, Diary [Diabolik Lovers...

By EstoniaTrash

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1. It's easy to fake a smile, when you have been doing it for a while
2. Spilled blood
3. Bitten
4. Weekend
5. Rain
6. Roses
7. A second away, Wilted Rose.
8. Dying voices
9. Dear Diary
10. Dream's come true, don't they?
11. White Rose
12. Dark with a shine of light
13. Halloween
15. A year later.
16. Christmas Carnival
17. Burning skin
50 facts about me
18. And the rose wilts
19. Loneliness
20. Creature hiding in the shadows

21. Losing someone

925 17 2
By EstoniaTrash

-Can you stop staring? I said and looked away.

I was sitting in the corner of one of the couches and there were five of the brothers there, the only one that was missing was Reiji.

-Where's Yui? I asked and started fiddling with my fingers.

A silence filled the room, nobody said anything and just looked down.

-Where the hell is Yui? I asked again with a sharper tone.

-We don't know where she is.., Ayato said and I was shocked.

-Is that why she stopped coming..I whispered to myself.

-What did you say? Shu asked.

-Is that why She stopped coming?, I said with a higher tone and looked at him.

-Now, now Slut-chan what are you talking about? Laito said and smiled at me from the other couch.

-Didn't you think I could see you? She was in my room a lot, reading my diaries and looking around at my old stuff.. but you guys never came did you? Except that one time..Laito you came in to the room..Did you possibly hear something?

He was kind of shocked at what I said but answered,

-I actually did Slut-chan, there was this very very quiet scream so I decided to check it out as it came from your room. Surprisingly nobody was there, so I thought it was just my mind messing with me. Was it you, nfu~? He asked and smiled even wider.

-Yeah it was, fun convo but I'm going to find the person that you lost so goodbye, have a nice day, after I said that I stood up and walked out heading towards the door.

When I opened it I heard a faded voice saying "Find her all on your own? Good luck, hope you don't freeze do death." I simply replied with a thanks and walked out the door, closing it behind me. It was snowing, which means it was cold but I could barely feel it for some reason. To me it was suspicious because of the fact that I was still wearing the clothes I died in, a tshirt and a pair of comfortable shorts. Like I should be freezing? I had shoes too of course but still, it was weird. It was also quite dark since it was winter, and night time for that part. Thinking about this I had been walking, now I was in some kind of forest area that I hadn't been to before, so that's cool. How was I even gonna find her? For all I know she could've just ran away and be half across the world right now, and I don't  even know for how long I've been gone.

-Yeah okay you're too obvious, stop following me strang- I got cut of by being pushed to the ground with a hand over my mouth, including a knee between my legs so I couldn't move.

-Now, now what is a pretty flower like you doing alone out in the woods, hm? The person who was a guy said amusingly looking down me, with the moonlight making his hair shine.

Pretty flower..Those words echoed in my head, that's when I remembered it's that blonde dude who tried to hit on me in the game room. (Chapter 15 for u who don remember).

He came closer only a few centimeters in front of my face but I just stared at him blankly feeling that my clothes were becoming wet because of the snow.

-Do I know you from somewhere? He said and looked at me questionably tilting his head to the side. "Oh yeah you're that girl I met in the Sakamaki household, about two years ago?" He said and lifted his hand, still holding me down.

-Two years ago? It had shocked me, that he said two years, was I really gone for that long?

-Yeah twoyears ago little flower! He said and smiled, still just centimeters from my face.

-Guess I was dead for a while then, one year and about 8 and a half months. Saying that it shocked him.

That gave me a chance to push him over, making him fall into the snow on his back and I was now on top of him.

-Do you have her? I asked in a serious tone.

-Have who little flower? He asked and smiled.

-You do don't you? I said and laughed then getting closer to his face. "Let her go." I then said with ice cold eyes staring him down, but still with a smile.

-Nope, she's fun to play with, he said with some different kind of tone in his voice. "Wasn't it her that killed you?" He then said and that caught me of guard, in that split second he managed to push me over against a tree by the side holding one hand to my neck.

Meaning we were now in this weird sitting position.

-You know, she can't see you right? You're sort of a ghost, that means only supernatural people can see you and she's not supernatural. When those brothers get tired of having you around they will throw you out and you will be alone in this world, forever.

Everything just fell apart, at that point everything just fell apart inside me.

-You didn't know that did you, nfu~? He smiled at me amused."It's sad that they didn't tell you, he said and came closer to my face again.

I just wanted her to have a friend, not to be alone.

-I'm scared of being alone, you probably know that, I said and smiled. "I just didn't want her to be alone, to end up like I did,you wouldn't understand, saying that I just closed my eyes and waited for him to go away.

It pained me, I was feeling alone, Yui couldn't see me, that boy was still here and I was sitting in the snow in a weird position feeling my clothes getting more wet by the snow, but I wasn't freezing. I didn't know what to do, was there even something to do at this point?

Sh I'm not here hope u liked this bad chapter goodbye and have a nice day

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