Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios

By lonelyywritersblog

920K 15.9K 24.8K

Hey guys!!!! 👋≧◉ᴥ◉≦ Thank you so much for clicking on this story xD In here are a bunch of Death Note Boyfri... More

Meeting Him
Becoming Friends
His Feelings
He Asks You to be His Girlfriend
First "I love you"'s
First Kiss
When You're on Your Period
When You Wear Something of His
What He Calls You
Date Night
You Bake Something Together
What He Does For Your Birthday
First Fight
When He's Sick
When You Are Scared
When You Get Hurt
He meets your family
Moving In
First Night/First Time
When You Have A Nightmare
When You Get A Pet
Symptoms .... :O
It's Official! Finding Out You're Pregnant
When The Baby Kicks
Discussing Baby Names
His Favorite Thing About You
Your Children
🍎 The End 🍎

First Trimester

15K 291 316
By lonelyywritersblog


You are only in your first trimester of your pregnancy, and yet, Light is already so determined to find a name for the child. You laugh at your husband reading a book of child names. "Light, I'm just barely showing -- we don't need to be so focused on names yet."

"I know, (F/N), but I feel like we should be prepared."

You giggle, hiccup, then clasp your hand over your heart, groaning. Light looks up at you concerned. "Are you alright?" he asks.

"Yes, just heartburn. I've been getting it a lot lately." Light nods getting up from the chair and kissing the top of your head.

"I'll go get you some water. Ryuk," Light says giving a sharp look to his shinigami. "Watch her, and make sure nothing happens." I roll my eyes, smiling. Ryuk walks over with his usual priceless grin and picks up the books of names Light was reading.

"If it's a boy, you should name it Ryuk. Even if it's a girl, you should name it Ryuk. I'd be incredibly honoured."

"Ha! You wish!"


For the fourth time today, you find yourself knelt at a toilet, throwing up while Lawliet held your hair back. "Are you done?" He kept asking. Every time you came up, ready to say 'I think so' you fall forward just to be sick again. When you finally are done, you collapse against the wall, panting heavily.

Lawliet sits down next to you and gently begins to dab at the sweat on your brow with his sleeve. "Are you feeling better?"

You turn and give him a glare. "What do you think," you respond sharply. Lawliet just chuckles and takes your hand in his. Feeling quite tired, you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" Lawliet asks breaking a small moment of silence.

"I don't know."

"What do you want it to be."

"A healthy child."

Lawliet chuckles. "Fair enough." After a while, Lawliet stands and helps you up, bringing you to the kitchen where he makes you a cup of tea. "If it means anything, I hope it's a girl." You smile at your husband, just before you go running back to the bathroom to be sick once again.


You could hardly get out of bood. You were absolutely exhausted. You knew it had to do with the pregnancy. Mello came in, and your eyes widened when you see him dressed in a gym attire. "What are you wearing?" All you have ever seen him in is his leather outfits or maybe just a t-shirt.

"During pregnancies, it's a good thing to exercise to help boost your energy. So we're gonna go for a run."

"A run?"

"Yep." You just stare at him, still slouched under the covers. You turn on your side and shake your head.

"I don't know, Mello, I don't think I'm up for it." Mello, of course, doesn't take no for an answer, and yanks the covers off of you causing you to yelp.

"Of course you are. Come on, I even bought you a matching outfit." You huph, and comply with his request though you don't really have a choice. In the end, you even enjoyed the run, and it most certainly made you more awake. When you got back to the house, Mello slung his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek. "See, I told you."

"Yes, you did."


As of now, you were in the kitchen crying over the fact there were no more cookies left. Matt came running into the house in a full-on panic when he heard your wails. "(F/N)!? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked helping you up from the ground.

"There's no more cookies left."


"All the cookies. They're gone. I just wanted some cookies," you sobbed into his chest. Matt sighed, wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back softly.

"I can go and get us cookies."


"Yes, really."


You were sitting on the ground helping Near build a puzzle. Well, you weren't really helping, just accompanying him. You were just about to put another piece down when you suddenly felt damp in between your legs. You gasp when you look down to see you have wet yourself.

"That was what smelled so weird," Near said pulling you out of your daze. You stare up at him, red as a cherry, and burst into tears. "Was I not suppose to say that?" Near asked panicked. "I'm really sorry." 

"I'm so sorry, I've peed on the carpet," you cry jumping up and running to the bathroom. Near sighs and follows after you, nearly tripping on his pajamas.

"It's fine, it can be cleaned up. Are you ok?" He asks as he watches you awkwardly clean yourself up.

"No, I'm embarrassed," You snap.

"Don't be. It's normal during the first trimester of your pregnancy."

You huph. "Yippee."

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