Break Me (Larry Stylinson)✔️

By PierceWithKellic

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I knew he would be bad for me. I knew we wouldn't have a happy ever after. I knew he would break my heart... ... More

Thank you


2.4K 99 17
By PierceWithKellic


I can see him looking at me while he is having his arm hanging around another girl, the arm that I so dearly wishes was around my shoulders... But it won't be because he don't love me because he only plays a sick game of love.

"Harry?" I look up at Perrie who is standing in front of me with a sad smile. She is probably the only person who still cares, I don't understand how she can be a part of their group because she's nothing like them at all.

"Yeah?" I answer and she hands me a letter that she have been holding in her hand.

"Please read this but only when you're fully ready to face the truth... I didn't want you to know this but I need to tell you before you get to know it by someone else... and it's just too hard for me to say to your face, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry Haz."

Haz.... no one have called me that in ages, only  Perrie and Louis called me that.

I hold the letter in my hand and just look at it... I'm not ready to know the truth just yet... I don't know what the truth is even about, but if it has anything to do with them then I'll probably never be ready.

I turn back my head to Louis and I really wish I didn't because there he is sucking someone else's face, someone that isn't me... He never kissed me like that in public, it was always innocent kisses. We never made out that much in the hallways.

Something inside of me is feeling like it's breaking but I'm trying my hardest not to show it on the outside, he doesn't get the pleasure of seeing me break.


"I'm not good for you pretty boy." Louis say with a dorky smile on his face while we standing in the empty hallway leaning against his locker.

"Well who are you good for?" I laugh out and try not to let the red color in my face show too much, he can't see how much he effects me.

"No one." He says with a mischievous smile something about that smile is so appealing to me.

"You know I don't love you right?" He says and I just look at him because this is not the first time he say it to me. he says it a lot.

"I know." I wish you did.

"I'm just going to break you... you know that right? You know what you're getting yourself in to right? I don't love people."

"Well break me then. I want this."

He pulls me closer and leaves a soft kiss on my lips, it's something so innocent about it that his words seems like lies... His action speaks louder than his words and I just hope that it's true.

Please let him change, please let him be the one for me, the one who makes me happier than anyone else ever could.... please let me be the one who make him change his oppinion of love. please.

He moves is hands so softly and carefuly over my body setting it on fire for every little inch he is touching. The way his finger tips is touching my naked arms is making a fire inside me start, a fire I have never felt before.

I never want this feeling to go away I want it... I might even need it.


I sit on the school toilet, I shouldn't really be here I should be in my english class I just can't make myself go there. I just feel like I need to be alone.

I look at the letter in my hand and try so hard to feel if I'm ready to read it yet.

I get interrupted in my thinking when someone comes in to the bathrooms. I put my feet up on the toilet seat so no one will see that I'm in here.

"We're alone thank god." That voice it just feels like no matter how hard I'm trying to avoid him he always comes back to me and hunts me.

"Louis what's going on with you?" Perrie? What is she doing in the boys' bathroom?

"I don't know I just feel like everything is wrong. I don't know." He sounds so small but I don't get fooled by the way he talks because he has a way with words that's some of the most twisted thing ever... he can make you feel loved while ending a sentence with I'll never love you....

"I told Harry... about everything."

"You did what?!" you can clearly hear that he is mad.

The next thing I hear is something that will hunt me for the rest of my life... the sound of skin hitting skin is echoing through the bathroom... I don't have to see it to know.

The way the door is opened and close fastly after makes me just get a lump in my throat.

In just a couple of seconds I'm alone again. I can feel my stomach turning inside out and I'm throwing up in the empty school toilet...

The sound of Louis hitting Perrie is hunting me and it seems like that's the only thing my brain can hear.

I don't even care anymore if someone sees me I just need to get home, I need to get out of here... now!

On my way out of the school I get eye contact with those blue eyes and it's something close to regret in them. I can't look at him long because just looking at him makes me want to empty my stomach again.

He hit me so many times but I didn't care because I deserved it... Perrie... Perrie is to kind hearted she should never have to feel the pain from what those hands can do.

Some how I manage to get home even if everything just seems like a mess in my head and I can't really focus on anything. I hurry up to my room and open the letter.

Dear Harry

This is one of the hardest things I'll ever have to say to you and I'm sorry I didn't say it to your face.

I have been writing this over and over again but I don't know how to because I know this will break you...

Well here it goes....

Added note: you guys will get the whole letter don't worry! I'll update in the next couple of days!

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