as i lay by your side ♡

By arianagrandefanz

4K 106 40

Ariana & Sean's marriage is crumbling apart in many directions, Ariana takes the kids and leaves. As much as... More

the moon and the stars are nothing without you.
These tears tell there own story
I believe that one day, ill be where I was.
I dont want to be here, if I cant be here with you tonight.
Ive missed you
Like we used to
Its not just about the kids, Its about us too.
Ailani's 5 !
On the road to a better destination.

No words can explain the way im missing you.

481 12 0
By arianagrandefanz

"your touch, your skin, where do I begin?"
Ariana's POV•

Chapter 3

i woke up in my childhood bed, i look at the time and notice i've been sleeping for 2 hours. I heard my kids laughing downstairs, and I hear people talking. I open the door and begin to walk downstairs, "Sean, would you like anything to eat honey" I hear nonna say, Sean ????!!!! why the fuck is he still here. "no thank you nonna, i'm good" Sean replies, "daddy stop" I hear Ailani giggle, omg I missed her saying that.

I then hurry downstairs and see everyone as they see me, the room goes awkwardly silent as they all look at me, then at Sean, then back on me, then back to Sean. "Sean can I see you for a second?" I say clearly annoyed, "oh boy" Dan mumbles under his breath. "yeah, daddy will be right back baby" Sean says kissing Ailani's forehead. I then walk outside as he follows and shuts the door behind him, "why the fuck are you still here and hanging out with my family!?" I say pissed off. "First of all, as I went to leave earlier your family was coming back from the beach and they all saw me and the kids wanted to play with there father. Of course I wasn't gonna say no to my kids just because there childish ass mother doesn't want me here" Sean said rudely. "Oh you have real balls to get an attitude with me!" I say even more angry, "Look i'm not trying to fight with you and make things worse. I miss my kids, i'm just here to spend time with them, please don't do this" Sean said, "Fine, you can eat dinner with us and then you need to leave" I said, "I haven't seen my kids in days, I wanna take them home with me so they can see my family, then i'll drop them back off to you" Sean said. "How long do you want them for?" I said, "5 days, we leave tomorrow" Sean says, "fine, but i'm doing this for them, not for you or us, you can sleep in the guest room tonight" I said opening the door. "that's fine, thank you" Sean said following behind me.

"hi my babies! how was the beach" I say in my baby voice grabbing all of them and placing them in my arms. "It was good mommy, we missed you!" Ailani said kissing me, "I missed you too baby" I said kissing back. Dan & I played with the kids as Sean sat back & watched, eventually joined. It felt like old times again, my heart was being pleasured, but my mind was sad..cause it's not like this anymore.

"dinner time !!" mom called as we all raced to the kitchen. I placed Aria in her high chair and fed her food first as Sean gave Ailani & Nohlan there plates, I then ate myself. "Do you guys wanna watch a movie tonight?" my mom asked as we all were eating, "yeah sure" I say, "mommy can we watch drastic park 2?" Nohlan asked, "yeah baby, if that's what everyone wants to watch" I said laughing at his excitement. Everyone agreed, so then our decision was made.

After dinner, I helped my mom & nonna clean up while Sean bathed the kids and got them ready for bed. "so what's going on with you & Sean?" my mom asked, "he's staying the night, then tomorrow he's leaving with the kids for 5 days to see his family then he dropping them back off" I said sighing. "Will i'm happy you guys can work it out for the kids, that's what most important during this time, i'm proud of you both, i love you guys" my mom said kissing my forehead, "i love you too" I said hugging her.

"Movieeee time" Ailani said jumping in the kitchen causing us to laugh, "do you guys want some snacks baby?" I say going in the pantry, "yes please" Ailani says as I hand her snacks for her and Nohlan. I then got the adults some snacks & wine, I then made Sean some popcorn with extra butter & salt just the way he likes it. "Here I got you some popcorn" I say handing him the bowl, "thank you" Sean said smiling causing my insides to burst and melt a little. Ailani was in the middle of me and Sean, Nohlan was on Sean's lap, Aria was one mine, then the movie finally started.

"omg daddy did you see that??!!" Nohlan would bursts with excitement towards the dinosaurs, "yeah lil man I seen it" Sean chucked, "yeah Nohlan I think we alllll saw it" Ailani said getting annoyed at his 96th time saying it, me and Sean then bursted out laughing.

The movie was then over, nonna was passed out snoring, my mom and dan were sleeping, and Aria was sleeping as well while Ailani & Nohlan were still awake. I placed Aria in her crib & turned on the baby monitor, I then went back downstairs, "alright guys it's time for bed" I said. "okay let's go nohlan" Ailani said as they went upstairs, as I followed behind. After brushing there teeth & tucking them in, I needed to tell them what was going on tomorrow. "So you guys, daddy is leaving tomorrow" I said, "what no" they said in unison with sad faces, "no it's okay babies, you guys and sissy are going with him for 5 days, your gonna go see daddy's family, then your gonna come back to me" I said smiling. "Then where is daddy going?" Ailani asked, "we'll see when it comes around okay baby?. it's late, you guys have a big day tomorrow get some sleep" I said kissing them both, "i love you guys" I say shutting the light off, "love you mommy" they said in unison.

As I shut the door I didn't notice Sean was behind me, "oh my god, you scared the fuck out of me!" I chucked as we both laughed. "What guest room am I staying in?" Sean asked with his bag in his hand, I almost wanted to say he can stay in my room for the night with his fine ass, but that's not's not the right time, stay focused Ariana. "uhh i'll show it's the down the hall" I said as he followed. I then opened the door and turned the light on, "here ya go" I smiled, "thanks" Sean smiled back, "k goodnight" I said. "wait..I just wanna thank you one more time for letting me take the kids tomorrow, i really appreciate it. And today was fun, even if we never get back together I wanna make sure we have a good relationship for the kids, cause I know how much it means to them" Sean said. And for some reason what he said made me really emotional, I think it's because he said "if we never get back together" and I don't wanna hear that ..I wanna get back together with Sean someday I still love him and I always will ..just not now. We both have healing todo first. "it means a lot to me too..more then you know" I say as tears run down down my cheeks, I then turn around and start to walk out, "Ariana wait" Sean grabs me and turns me around, "what" I say as Sean grabs my face, and looks me in my eyes, my heart is beating so fast I can't feel it. He then leans in & kisses me, I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss him back. It's wrong, but it's never felt so right.

We brake the kiss, smile and kiss again. I open my mouth slightly, and he sticks his tongue in as I overlap his tongue with my mine. He grabs on to my ass and squeezes it, I moan in to his mouth grabbing him closer. We brake the kiss once more, "baby this isn't right" I say as he begins to kiss & suck on my neck, leaving hickies. "Fuuuuck Seaannn" I moan as i'm getting wetter & it's harder to breath. I grab on to him closer & moan in his ear, Sean then kisses me again passionately, "baby do you want me?" Sean asked as he continued to kiss & suck on my neck lightly, moving down to my boobs. "mmmmm" I moan as he begins to suck on my boobs, "baaaaby give it to me" I moan biting my lip, "are you sure you want it?" Sean smirks teasing me, "you haven't had it in a long time I don't think you can take it", "baby I want it" I pout, "i'm gonna give it to you sooo good" Sean smirked as he kissed me, he then picked me up and threw me on the bed, as I giggled.

He then shut & locked the door, and came up on the bed and got on top of me, "i love you" he said as he looked me in my eye, "i love you more, baby" i said kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he kept kissing me softly, "are you sure you want todo this? i don't wanna mess anything up in between us" Sean said worriedly, "yes baby i'm sure, now make love to me" I said biting my lip. He bit his lip & began kissing me again, as our make out session got heated, he started rubbing on me, he then took of my pants & saw how wet I am. "oh my god baby, you missed me huh?" Sean chucked, "yess baby, now fix it" I giggled. He smiled then went down on me, "oh baaby" I moaned preparing myself, knowing how good his head is. He began kissing softly at my vagina, he then started sucking softly, causing my breathing 1000x times heaver then before. He then stuck his tongue and did thang, causing me to over my mouth with a pillow, grabbing my hips to stop me from moving so much, making him go deeper, he swirled around my clit kissing it gently he then begun sucking again faster, "baaaaby fuckkkk" I said grabbing on to the bed as I was about to come, "come in my mouth baby" he said as he was sucking on my lips, my whole body was vibrating, I had no control of my movements cause I couldn't feel my legs. I than came in his mouth, "omg baby" I said smiling in shock as he came up, "how was that" Sean smirked as he kissed me.

"i love you" I said as I took his shirt off, "I love you too" Sean said as he helped me undress him, "baby don't be scared give it to me, I want all of you" I said as I bit my lip as soon as I saw his large dick. "just relax baby" Sean smiled as he kissed me, "wait baby I wanna give you head" I said trying to get up, "no no, tonight is all about you" Sean said kissing me once more. Sean then opened my legs, and started to rub his dick against my clit going in circles, I covered my mouth from moaning so loud, he then went inside, "oh fuckkk" I moaned, "you like that?" Sean bit his lip and started thrusting slowly to let me adjust.

"baby go faster" I moaned, he then went faster, causing springs in the bed to bounce, "baaaby faster" I moaned once again, "daammnnn baby" Sean said he then did as I said. The bed was now banging against the wall, i'm moaning as loud as I can along with Sean, right as we're about to come, I grab Sean closer and passionately kiss him, as we come together.

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