Life in One Direction (Harry...

By Sarah_George1D

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Madison Clark left Cheshire 6 years ago leaving behind her best friend Harry. but when she return to London... More

Life in One Direction (Harry Styles Love story!)
The bet
Swimming with the lads
Author Note!
Kisses and tour buses
Questions and planes
Beaches,Drama, and Leavings!
Leavings Part 2!
Girl's Day and Ex's
A day at Disney World!
Story Time!
Trouble with security
Fruit cups with cherries for Harry
Burying Harry
Encounters with..HIM
On a Date with Harry and I.....and the boys
A/N New Story Voting!
Niall's and Louis's artisticness?..on my face...
Pools with Baby Lux
Good bye Texas, Hello London
We make up and we break up all the time!
"And that is how you settle an argument between One Direction!"
This is Youtube Worthy!
At the Brits!
Harry Potter and Mac & Cheese
Hello Again
"Is that you?"
"Maybe 20 in a populated place"
Inner Voices!
"I loved you the day i first saw you"
Good style Styles
Some Updates :)
One Shots
Time to get my Jessie J on...!
Movie Night
Give me it!
Chapter 44
Last Chapter


7.6K 42 5
By Sarah_George1D

“What’s wrong kiddo?” James asked as he took a seat on the sofa next to me.

“Have you seen the size of the arena? I cant sing in front of all those people! Sorry you probably wont want to hear it….” I buried my head in my hands and let myself calm down.

James took my hand lifting me off the sofa to my feet. He smiled and opened the door. Outside were already a queue of girls waiting to get inside. Some screamed and pointed to James reaching out pictures and books for him to sign. He signed a couple before he led me back into the arena where Harry was pacing back and forth. 

“See come up on stage it isn’t that bad. You barely see the fans” James led me up on stage cueing the man in the booth to flick the lights on.

The arena filled with light covering every inch of the room. Thousands and thousands of rows or so it seemed filled the floor. The stage was twice as big as any ordinary stage and there were ledges up backstage for the instruments like drums and the piano. Oh that is a nice piano…..

I drifted away from James towards the grand piano that was set up on the left riser. I took a seat on the black bench running my fingers over the cold keys. I looked up at James who was watching me from the other end of the grand piano.  

“JAMES! Make up come on!”  Someone yelled from backstage. James waved and ran back to his friends. 

Waiting until the coast was clear before placing my fingers back on the keys. When I was seven I had chosen to take piano classes. I went until I was sixteen and by then I was pretty advanced. Closing my eyes I let my fingers dance across the keys listening to the music filling the arena. My fingers flew from key to key playing the song through once and repeating it immediately holding out the last chord.

There was clapping from out in the audience area. My eyes flew open and I saw a line of girls standing in front of the stage posters held by their side and dressed in One Direction apparel.

“That was amazing!” One of the girls giggled and clapped her hands once again. 

I jumped down from the platform and came to the edge of the stage. I dropped my legs over the edge so I was sitting on the stage’s edge.

“Thank you! How did you get in so early?” I asked hoping not to sound rude.

“Oh they are starting to let girls in now! See?” The orange haired one pointed to the girls that were now pouring into the stadium. 

“Well ladies I guess that is my cue to get of stage.” I smiled at the girls and thanked them for coming out before disappearing backstage into the dark red curtain 

A hand grabbed mine pulling me into the tangle of the curtains. I knew who it was, obviously Harry! He entwined our hands together as we walked backstage. I started swinging our hands back and forth like in movies.

“Madison please report to the stage. One minute until the show!”A voice boomed over the speakers.

I smiled nervously and pulled away from Harry.

“Love? Where do you think you’re going?” he called at my back. 

“I need to get on stage give you a kiss later ok?” I smiled sweetly at him as I stepped onto stage.

The lights were blinding and the roar of the crowd was deafening. I grabbed the mic from one of the drummers and stepped forward on the stage.

“Hello California!” I yelled into the mic as my voice magnified all over the arena. The crowd responded with screams and cheers. “Well I am the opening act! So let’s get this show started!”

“Wait!” Harry came running from off the side of the stage. The crowd went wild as he came over to me. “I never got a kiss..” he whined. My boyfriend picked my up off my feet twirling me in circles and he kissed me gently. He pulled back and kissed my forehead. “Ok love now you can start the show” he spun on his heels and went backstage once again.

I felt my face grow red “On that note let’s start!” I announced. 

The music started up and I started to sing “You’re not sorry” by Taylor Swift. By the time I was finished the crowd was cheering my name and chanting encore. This feels amazing!

“Thank you all so much! Now here is Big Time Rush!” I stepped over to the curtains and pulled out the four boys and brought them out onto stage. “Good lucks boys!” I gave each a kiss on the cheek and skipped off stage.

I was met off stage by a famous One Direction group hug. Their arms circled around me as they jumped up and down bringing me with them. I squealed and tried hugging them back but found my arms pinned to my side. 

“Look at my little sister getting up there on stage!” a girls voice came from behind the group. I peered under Zayn’s arms and saw a blonde tall girl leaning on the wall watching me with a smile on her face. Allison!

I screamed and pulled me from the boys hug and ran to embrace my older sister. Allison had gone to New York for college the year I left for England and rarely came back to visit the family. Then I moved to England and I never saw her. She looks stunning, her long tanned legs with dirty blonde curly hair and sparkling blue eyes. She looked like the complete opposite of me and mom. But I could tell Dylan was going to look like Dad and Alli.

“Alli! I missed you so much!” I screamed as I pulled her into a hug. 

“I heard you were touring with some boys and thought I would come out for the first show am I right?”

“Thank you! It means a lot Allison!” I pulled back away from her and stepped back to the boys. “Alli met Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Harry!” Harry kissed my cheek when I said his name. I playfully slapped his face and giggled.

“This wouldn’t be the same Harry who put a frog under my pillow?” My sister asked as she came closer to Harry staring him down. 

Harry laughed nervously “Hi there Alli”

My sister brought Harry into a death grip hug “God Harry! Look at you, you are so adorable!” 

“Boys! Get on stage!” Logan called as he walked past the group of us to the waters.

I jumped up to Harry and gave him a quick kiss “Good luck babe!” he smiled and danced out onto the stage along with the other goofs who were pushing each other over to get out. Louis pushed Niall out onto the stage but Niall clumsily fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. 

James and Kendall came up on either side of me resting their arms on my head “Hello there Shorty! How did you like being on stage?” James asked.

“It was awesome! Thanks for proving it wasn’t too bad!” I hugged the sweaty James and pulled be instantly “Ew! You are all sweaty and gross!” I whined.

The boys laughed and they all laid down on the floor next to Allison and I. I sat down next to Carlos propping my feet up on his lap.

“Lads meet my sister Allison. Allison Carlos, James, Kendall, and Logan!”

My sister stared at them for the longest time her mouth hanging open in awe. I forgot to mention even though my sister was 20 she was a huge Big Time Rush fan…. This can only turn out one way.

“N-nice to meet you all” my sister stuttered a smile creeping onto her face. 

The six of us sat backstage and talked until everything in the arena went quiet. I stood up and poked my head out from behind the curtain out of curiosity. The boys grabbed my wrist pulling me out into the blinding lights once again. 

“As you all known I get to sing to one very lucky lady. And tonight I chose Madison. Some of you might not know but she is my girlfriend and I love her to bits.” Harry walked over to me entwining our fingers together. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment

The crowd erupted into awws and some boos. I put my head on Harry’s shoulder hiding my face. Louis came up from behind me twirling me away from Harry’s arms and into his.

“And she has become our best friend… even though she is somewhat of a pest” Louis pinched my cheeks.

“Be quiet Lou!” I giggled

“But before I sing to her. Let’s answer some questions!” Harry yelled as he pointed to screen over my head.

The first question was to do an impersonation of each other which was quite funny in the end. From backstage I could hear the laughter of the boys. Next one was my favorite.

I read it out loud to the audience “How did I meet Harry when we first became friends and how did I find him again. Harold I think I get the curtsey of answering?”

He nodded and handed me his mic.

“Well it was first grade. And I was the new girl I guess I had moved from a different part in London to Holmes Chapel. I was sitting in the back of the classroom by myself when a boy came over blonde hair and green eyes with amazing dimples. He sat down next to me and would stare at me. At first I thought what is this kids problem? Really?” I smirked at Harry who was laughing as Louis and Niall reenacted the scene by what they heard. So far Louis was sitting on the floor next to Niall staring at him wide eyed and Niall looked creped out. I let a laugh slip through my lips before continuing on with my story “but after a while he said to me “Hi! I’m Harry”. Now being the little flirt he was and still is he kissed me on the cheek. Yes, little Harry did act like that!” the crowd was laughing as Louis gave Niall a kiss in the cheek.

Zayn jumped behind them yelling “Nouis is real!” 

“Anyways after that we became good friends until I was eleven I moved here to Cali and never heard from him again. I went to concerts and tried calling him but ya know he didn’t talk to me. The two months ago I think I moved back to England for college, but as you can tell my plans for college will be on hold! But I was walking to the coffee shop to get coffee and I was counting steps. So I was very distracted I walked into the open door and I passed out. Next thing in knew was I woke up in the boy’s room. So that sums it up right Harry?” I looked to Harry who was trying to steal Liam’s’ microphone.

“YEAH!” he yelled over the crowd. I handed him back the microphone and tried to sneak off stage.

“Where do you think you’re going missy?” Niall asked as he blocked my escape route. “Harry hasn’t sung to you yet! You’re crazy!” Niall laughed and brought me back over to the stool that sat in the middle of the stage.

Harry stood next to me and started to sing to me “Everything about you”.

His voice floated over the arena and filled my ears along with the screams of the fans. My face flushed red as he kissed me on the cheek at the end. 

“I love you Madison” He said into the microphone.

“You too Harold!” I scanned the faces of the crowds and my breath caught in my throat. He was standing there a smirk on his face watching me on stage. 

“Thank you all for coming out! We love you!” Niall yelled as we took a bow and Big Time Rush came out for our finale bow.

I smiled to the crowd and blew out kisses. Some girls down in the front row were waving their hands frantically and calling my name. I ran over to the grabbing their hands and smiling at them. I picked my eyes up and looked out at the crowd once more to find Ryan pushing his way towards me. I waved bye to the girls and jumped backwards on stage as Ryan’s hand shot out to grab me. Running back stage I ran to my boys gathering them in a hug.

“Come on time to celebrate!” Kendall yelled as we headed out to our bus surrounded by security and screaming fans.


sorry i'm a little late on this one! i had no internet this past two days so i was planning on uploading yesterday but of course i couldnt! hope you like it!

Three comments and i will post the next chapter immediatly! tanks everybody! Massive Thank you!

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