By monalisha186

43.4K 1.6K 196

it's also a after marriage love story.... hope you guys like it too... Swara a girl who love someone else... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
ch 46
ch 47
ch 48
ch 49
ch 50
ch 51
ch 52
chapter 53

Chapter 23

608 24 4
By monalisha186

hey.. guys how are u all...?? hope fine sorry for late uploading.. but still.. so have a look to the recap......

recap: Swasan,romance & kavitha-Rahul back to their life....


SaMe dAy.... evening....

swara rush to SS.. as her school is over... hear San also eagerly wait for the meet to swara... 

swara was seating in a arm chair.... & thinking... what rahul told her in class..

(Flashback of class...)

rahul: swara.. plzz. can we talk..??
Sw:(first anger.. but 2nd remembered San's accident.. so) yes....but not for u.. its u who. save my husband.. so
rahul: thank u..  (they go for canteen.. & rag join them) swara.. wo...
Sw:(atti) look, Mr.Roy.. said what u want.. ?? I need to go home....
rahul: swara.. don't get me wrong plz.. am sorry for that day that I have to go.. leave u alone... am sorry for that.. & I knew.. for that.. I loose u forever....
Sw:p...a..(interpreted by rahul) let me completed..
Sw:(looks down)
rahul: & the way.. u love him.. respect him.. am seriously happy for both of u...  when  he told me.. that u told him everything... I was shock... but the way.  he respect u & support u.. am sorry for give u mental trauma...
Sw: (confused) what do u mean..???
rahul:(explain SR that hotel incident.)
Sw:(has a confidence on her face...& happy) yeah...  than..??
Rahul : am sorry.. for u  I'll applied for a transfer...
rag: swara.. we shall move now...
Sw:(nods in yes)

SR leave..(flashback end..)

swara:(monologue) San.. u don't wanna tell me.. about rahul & u are face to face... oh God.. why u love me so much....  & u Handel even lak-rahul fighting... thanks  a lot... snaskar Maheswari... thanks for loving me so much....

swara came out form her thought... with a door bell.... swara knew.. who's it.. she open the door with hurry....

& as  San in... swara hug him tightly.... San too.... it was a long hug.....  then swara broke the hug.. & speak...

Sw: sanskar.. app ander aao.. fresh hoo jao.. I'll make a cup of coffee...
San:(nods in yes.. becoz he don't want to spoil her mood)

@varanda after sometime..

swasan both was seating in arm chair..& a  hanging chair... & both sipping their coffee.....their was pin drop silence..... but both of their hearts are shouting....

San: swara...  now if u have time so can I say???
Sw:(lost in deep thoughts)
San:(sheake  her..) shona...??
Sw:(back ) haa.. snaky.. bollo..?? sorry..
San:(was touching her shoulder.. but his ear don't miss her pale voice) shona.... are u okk..???
Sw:(covers) haa.. sanskar.. am fine...
San:(he touch her forehead & panic) shona.. are u mad..?? u have fever... & u...??

san, took her in arms..& lay her on the bed...& covers her with blanket... he was panicking... & concerned....  he forgot everything.. he call laksh ...& raglak immediately enter to SS... & help San...

Sw:(hold his hand..) a..m.. fine.. san..s..k..a..r... plzz listen to me once....
San:(care) haa.shona..I'll...but now plz don't speaks too much....  plzz. dear.. plz.. ( he was like his life at risk..)
Sw:(was absorbed his care... & love with her eyes...)
but soon.. her vision gone dezy...

San was too shock..& became mad..  with her unconsciousness.... he start patti..
he collet some water..& use his fresh hanky..&  he wet the hanky & applied it on her forehead...  he was too much afrid... ragini was helping him...

soon, doc arrive....   & he give her injection.. San hold swara's hand.. & close his eyes.. after injected..  doc prescribed some medi...& says..

doc: look, Mr. Maheswari..  its, not a viral issue.. its something disturbed her so much.. & she can't expressed that... & its became a fever.... thats all....
San: (tensed) doc, is my wife fine..???
doc:  yeah.. which injection I use.. its help her. to get back her sense... & 2ndly..  take care of her... (he smile to see... his hand holed hers)  & I think I don't need to tell it..
San:(now, take a breath) okk thank u so much doc.
doc: hhmm, my pleasure... take care.. & if any argent call me..

San crass her hair...  she was still unconscious... raglak both feel sad.. in their ways....  rag for swara.. Lak for San.....

soon swara slowly opened her eyes..& murmurs

Sw:as..n..s..k..a..r... sans..Kar. kaha hoo tum..?? sanskar.. plzz don't leave me alone...

San:(hold her hand tightly..) shona.. am hear only... pllzz babu open ur. eyes... look...  (nowz he also have some tears in his eyes..& one slip it form his eyes.. to his cheeks....) shona...
Sw:(open her eyes.....& feel sad) am sorry.. sanskar.. mere wajjaae tumko ittni padeshani hui...
San:(pls his finger on her lips) ssshh... just shut up..& take rest.. orr I also became careless about mine..
Sw:(keep quite & notice him cutely) okk..(puppy eyes.. voice)

raglak smile at them...  & they stop San from cooking & arrange food for 4 of them...

where San only crass her hair.. & taking care of her.... she was adoring him...

after sometime..

raglak back with food..& San feed her...

San:(help swara to seta..) shona. ahhista, samhal ke
Sw:(half seat) am fine now...
San: I can see... hmm now come on eat it..(put  1st bite..)
Sw:(took it in her mouth..& also make a bite & fee San)
raglak both teas them... to  change the lite moment.. they also want it... & spend time to e-o.. so they also joins them....


swasan are alone...  San help her to lay.. before he give her medi.. she took it like a good girl... & after laying.. San seat. near her head.. & start crassing her hairs....

San: shona... ??
San: are u feeling better now..???
Sw:(smile & assured him)
San: really..??
Sw:haa baba..& sorry for trouble u all...
San:(fake anger.. ) haa.. u trouble me that's right.... am sorry to disappointing u.. but am really feel sleepy. so good night....

he acts to leave her..& go... swara hold his hand..&pout...

Sw: am sorry... plzz..(cough..... badly)
San:(back with concern) shona.. come on let's drink the water.... (help her to drink..)
Sw:(drink & says) sanskar.. what u wanna say me in morning..??
San:(remembered & sad..) wo... shona.... batt...
Sw:(hold his hand more tightly) haa. bollo...
San:(think to not tell now...) nothing.. not so imp..  tell u later... get well soon...BTW. what's trouble u..?? that u became fever..???
Sw:(remembered & sad) wo.. San..
San:no.. now u need to sleep... & ha.. kal no schools & office.. I'll take care of u....
Sw: (laugh) ek cup chai to bana na nahi atti.. orr...
San:(glared..) shona.. don't challenge me...
Sw:(laugh more heartly) accha.. okk I do.  I challenge u..
San:(take it serious.. ) okk will see.. now sleeps..& no bakbak....

San cover swara...& lay beside her.... while hugging her... swara feel safe in his arms..& soon she sleep.... & San was continue chking her temperature checking  if she need anything or not......

NeXt DaY....

swara open her eyes.  & find San was not in room... she calls..
Sw: sanskar..  sanskar.. where are u...??
San:(enter room with a tray of tea) morning princess....
Sw:(smile) morning...
San:(pass her a cup) have ur bed tea...
Sw:(laugh.) San. I won't eat or drink anything before bath...
San: ohh come on.. (check her temperature) look u still have high temp. so I can't allowed u.. take bath now.. so ginger tea.. helps u..
Sw:(sipping it) not.  bad.. Mr. Maheswari...
San:(atti) well.. Mrs.MaheswarI.. I warn u to won't challenge me... hahahaha....
Sw:(laugh hardly) mom... where are u..??

swasan hear a couple of laughing....  San was numb....
Sw laugh cutely at him... main time sujju enter with Shomi.....

sujju: mayne bolla tha na... chodi hosiyar hai....
Shomi: but beta he just learn form sujata.. he make it own...
Sw:(smiles proudly) I knew mom... & maa becoz, he won't use sugar... (she complete her cup)
San:(sip it.& puke it)cccchhhhiiii.. how cud u drink it..???
Sw:(smile...sujju+Shomi leave them alone) becoz,.. u made it.. for me..... & trust me.. its too much sweet....
San:(angry) don't leg pull me... its not sweet...
Sw:(take his hand on her) sanakar.. u made it with all of your love right..??
San:(nods in yes..)
Sw: & that's became sweetest ever...... (cups his face)
San:(smile now..) I love u..(hug her. )
Sw:(Hug back) me too.....

after some time...

where San was busy in cooking with the help of... Shomi & sujju..  San's ph ring.. & its rcv by swara..

Sw: " haa.. laksh  bollo..."
"swara.. plzz tell him to come office our investors are come...." Lak says...
Sw: " ohhh.. so imp right..."
''obviously.. shona.. & he just told me to cancelled.. how cud I..."
Sw: "okk..I'll send him... u just postpone meet half an hour..."
"done.. but plz.. I'll b waiting..& if he rejected to come..infrom me.." Lak discontent the call...& San just enter.....& he guess.. what gonna she speak.....

San: shona.. Am warning u.. am not going.. leave u alone...
Sw:(smile) sanskar... u are.. going.. just go & take bath...
San:(fake angry face)
Sw:(laugh) sanakar.. this is papa & baba's dream...its your dream...& laksh  can't handle alll... so u are going..
San:(pout) shona.. babu..  look at u.. how cud I go..??
Sw:am fine..& maa,mom hai na...

after so much struggle.. he agree..& leave for office..

Sw was in sujju & shomi's care...& 3 was talking...
sujju: are.shona..now u okk na.?
Shomi: shona.. abb bohot hua kam-wam.. now drop your job.....
sujju: q Shomi.. its her self-wish... to work...
Shomi:sujju am telling.. now they are married.. so be concentrated on her family &  husband..
sujju: I don't have any problems.. of her working... beta choose your way... I won't force..u..
Shomi: shona.. I also.. but I strictly warn u... after having baby...u will won't work...
Sw:(became red.. due to shyness) maa....
sujju:(recognize & laugh) hahahhha.. Shomi.. u said my word....
Shomi:(also realized & laugh) sorry shona.. omg hahhahaha.....

sujju & Shomi leave... coz they ware shy too...

swara::(monologue) yeh maa, bhe n...  (blsuh) pad. shona. they help u... u need to talk to San... why don't u join him...?? & help baba...??? then u no need to fear.. of anything.... no need to meet that.... idiot..regular & u also infront of San.. it's make your relationship more stronger......

she thinks more....& she smile...& soon she get ready....

@SS hall..
sujju & Shomi was watching TV.... she somehow manege them..& leave for office......

after meeting san was is cabin.... just checking his files....

knock knock..

"come in.. aaman..." he says while check files....

"am kavitha.. I need to talk to u..." she reply...

San:(hesitant) haa.. bollo...
kavi:(seat..) sanskar.. I knew.. u don't like my presence hear....
San:(sad) its not like that... actually..
kavi:(looks swasan pic.. on his table) hey nice pic..
San:(smile to see the pic..) thanks kavitha.....

@office reception...

new receptionist : mam. can I knew.. whom u wanna meet..???
lady: (smile) can I meet Mr.sanskar Maheswari..??
NR: mam.. he is in a meeting... u plzz wait....

just a old staff come : swara mam.. how are u..?? (to NR) have u gone mad..? do u knew..who is she..?? she is boss's wife...

Sw:(smile) its ok kushal.. she don't knew me.. that's all..
NR: am sorry mam.. plz forgive me...
Sw: its OK.. miss.. anyway.. shall I go??
kushal & NR : plz..mam. sorry..for trouble...
swara leave the reception.......

@San's cabin..
San: kavitha look.. its just
*** kavi: I knw.. San.. I can't understand ur feelings..
San: no u don't...
SNA:(look at the pic) huamara rishta mere lia bohot bohot hi zayada khash hai... & u kwn kavitha.. I love..(interpreted)
kavi:(hold his hand) I knew. sanskar.... I can understand...***
San:(free his hand..) so what u wanna tell.??
kavi: as my project completed.. I'll leave soon...

kavi leave & just swara enter.. swara - kavitah don't meet e-o...  San was shock.. & surprised... & yet concern for swa's health..

(remembered the ***____**** convo... I'll explain later)

San: shona.. are u okk???
Sw:(smile) ha..am fine.. just come to meet u..
san:(take a relief breath..)  wow.. shona...then we go to doc. then home....
Sw:(nods in yes..) sanskar.. what u wanna tell me..???
San:(fumbles) wo..e..woo... err.. shona.. what I forgot...
Sw:(a fake smile) ohhkkk.. if anything u want to shear to tell or discussed... Remembered am your friend first...
San:(smile)I knew..my wifey....(he was feel confident by frind word)

they leave office...  & at least after checking.. doc. they reached SS....  in the whole way... swara was missing somewhere.... San was also in deep thoughts...

at night... sanskar try to consummate with swara.. & he success too... but swara was deferent from other days....
neither stop him... orr not help him.....

next part : sanskar come to school. to surprised swara...... & leaves angrily....

hey guys... sometimes our silence make things so much difficulty in our any relationshiPS... let's see.. what's that make him angry... wanna knew..?? put your comments about this part......

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