Enraptured | Jungkook ✓

By -tasfiah

351K 21.7K 20K

The psychotic stalker; completely and irrevocably head over heels in love with the heartless murderer? It was... More

Love Letter to Satan
Love is Passion, Love is Obsession
Are You Always Watching Me?
Park Jimin
Let's Play a Game Called 21 Questions
An Interesting Café Encounter and New Revelations
The Duality of Kim Taehyung
I Believe in Soulmates, Do You?
The Black Goat's Egg
First One to Lose the Bet, Dies
The Silence of Loving Someone, But Never Telling Them
Sacrificial Lamb
Forever Is a Long Ass Time
All The Best People Are Crazy
A Very...Interesting Seating Arrangement
Who Could Love a Psychopath?
Clair De Lune
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation
If Jungkook is the Devil, I am His Advocate
What Are We?
Seductive Lies or Hard Truths?
You're Not My First But Be My Last
I've Got Scars From a Life Before You
A Madman's Addiction
Meet the Parents
There's Nobody Like Us
Good Girls Go Bad
Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned
Love's Philosophy
England Bound, Brother!
Revelations and Reconciliations

Black Swan

7.8K 692 945
By -tasfiah

Song of the chapter:
Feet Don't Fail Me Now - Joy Crookes

The old stone path meandered through a dense thicket of ivy and ferns, leading to an imposing mansion that stood proudly behind creaky iron gates. The skeletal trees lining the path wore crowns of crimson leaves, swaying gently in the chilly spring breeze. Above the entrance gate, the name 'AGUST D' gleamed in large, gold lettering.

Jungkook sighed heavily, feeling a twinge of reluctance as he stood before the grand estate. Part of him wished he could just stay home, but he had no other choice. His friends, looking like they had stepped out of a Calvin Klein photoshoot, had already made their way inside, leaving him alone. With a hint of exasperation, he raised his hand to his face, donning a mask adorned with ornate red, black, and gold leather in a fiery design, complete with a hook nose.

Jungkook was undeniably handsome, possessing the kind of face that could halt anyone in their tracks. He was used to the sudden pause and ensuing infatuation that accompanied a glance his way. But despite the countless opportunities, he remained uninterested in pursuing romantic entanglements.

However, his fascination with the masquerade ball was a different story. The allure of mystery and decadence consumed him, and he couldn't help but let his creative ideas flourish in the crisp, enchanting air.

As he entered the mansion, the music filled the air effortlessly, wrapping around the guests like billowing waves caressing golden sand. Some immediately succumbed to the infectious rhythm, while others continued their mindless chatter. The lively tempo elevated spirits, enticing people to sway and dance to the melodic tunes.

The scene resembled a movie set, captivating and enthralling. A grand chandelier hung low from the ceiling, its twelve branches illuminating the hall in a mesmerising display. It exuded an air of opulence, as if plucked from a tale like "The Phantom of the Opera" or "Romeo & Juliet."

Jimin breathed out in awe, mirroring the sentiments of those around him. "This is amazing. Yoongi really went all out. There must be over a hundred people here."

Jin nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. But where is the grumpy little host?"

"He's probably sleeping," Taehyung replied, not entirely mistaken in his assumption.

"Wouldn't even be surprised," Namjoon scoffed, taking in the magnificent interior. Yoongi's wealth was no secret, but this level of grandeur exceeded their expectations. "Look at this place. It's like stepping into a dream."

Jungkook added his agreement, the outstanding scenery inspiring his creative imagination to run wild.

Hoseok interrupted their conversation, pointing towards the entrance. They all turned to see Yoongi descending the grand staircase, looking slightly fatigued, as if roused from a deep slumber. "Our esteemed host finally graces us with his presence."

The bannister arced gracefully, crafted with smoothness that matched the architect's vision. It stood as a testament to the mansion's luxury, far exceeding the annual salary of any of its occupants. The staircase appeared ethereal, supported by ornate wrought iron balustrades that seemed to bloom from the very steps themselves.

Min Yoongi, despite his crisply tailored suit and impeccable grooming, exuded a youthful energy. His white hair complemented his smooth ivory complexion, accentuating his icy eyes. He placed his mask somewhat haphazardly on his face, paying little attention to its alignment as the crowd dispersed upon his unexpected arrival.

"Apologies for being late," Yoongi's voice carried a hint of drowsiness as he yawned, his hand instinctively covering his mouth. "I completely forgot the party was today."

"But it's your party," Jimin pointed out.

Yoongi brushed off the remark, barely acknowledging it. "Right. Well, you all look handsome as fuck, by the way. Enjoy the party and whatnot. Just remember, no having sex on my expensive furniture, and we're good. Okay? Okay."

Namjoon couldn't help but interject. "Wait a second. Are you seriously leaving now?"

Yoongi nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah. I'm going back to sleep. So, if you need me, don't call me. Unless you're dying...then maybe I'll consider it."


"Goodbye. Parting is such sweet sorrow," he said, waving his hand in the air before disappearing into the bustling crowd, never to be seen again.

"Well, he's gone," Namjoon observed, scanning the crowd that was dressed like royalty. "Jin, care to dance?"

"Hell yeah," Jin replied, his enthusiasm evident. Namjoon's dimpled smile matched the radiant ambiance as he took Jin's hand, leading him to the grand ballroom floor. They became engulfed in the sea of bodies, moving and dancing to the enchanting rhythm.

Jimin turned to Taehyung, excitement sparkling in his eyes. "Tae...let's dance."

Taehyung couldn't resist Jimin's adorable persuasion, knowing exactly what his friend wanted. "Fine, let's dance," he agreed, taking Jimin's hand and stepping onto the dance floor, their energy infectious and captivating.

Now, only Hoseok and Jungkook remained, standing there together.

"I guess it's just you and me," Hoseok remarked, a playful smile on his face. "Isn't the princess of Seoul University supposed to be with you?"

"If you mean Lee Ji-eun, I honestly have no idea where she is," Jungkook replied.

Hoseok's curiosity got the best of him. "Do you actually have feelings for her?"

Jungkook's answer was honest and straightforward. "No, I don't."

Hoseok couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Then why lead her on?"

Jungkook shrugged, a nonchalant expression on his face. "I don't know, maybe because I can? Anyway, I need a drink. I'll catch up with you later. Oh, and that girl over there is shamelessly eyeing you."

Hoseok turned around to find a beautiful woman in a lace black dress and a matching mask, her seductive green eyes inviting him to dance. Unable to resist the opportunity, he said, "don't drink too much. You might have to be our designated driver."

Jungkook grinned widely. "I'll try not to. Now go, she's waiting for you."

"See you later," Hoseok called out, disappearing into the crowd, leaving Jungkook alone.

And just like that, his friends had all scattered into the bustling ballroom, leaving him to navigate the grand mansion on his own.

• • •

Time had stretched into an interminable expanse, and Jungkook's mind was being slowly devoured by the relentless boredom. He glanced at his cellphone for what felt like the hundredth time, only to discover that mere minutes had trickled by since he last checked. Each passing second seemed to stretch into an eternity, leaving him desperate for something, anything, to relieve the tedium.

As he observed the graceful dancers, their every movement a captivating display of poetic elegance, Jungkook couldn't help but be enthralled. They swept across the floor, their bodies gracefully swaying to the enchanting rhythm. Their arms soared above their heads, their garments fluttering like ethereal wings, and even behind their masks, their dark, flashing eyes hinted at a profound mystery.

Restlessly, Jungkook toyed with a chalice filled with amber liquid, the glass-like cubes tinkling softly as he nudged them. Leaning against the plain wall, he sighed deeply, feeling the heat radiate from the forbidden elixir within the cup. Alcohol, his faithful companion, coursed through his veins. He raised the glass to his lips, welcoming the fiery burn that momentarily hushed his swirling thoughts. Memories of bittersweet moments flooded his mind, providing respite from the present. In that fleeting moment, he existed in two perfect dimensions, finding solace and resolve.

And then, like a celestial apparition, you materialised before him. The room was awash in crimson hues, swirling around your dark skirt, yet it was not just your radiant beauty that caught his attention. It was the way you carried yourself, with spectral ease and seductive confidence. Adorned in ebony and a dark rouge, your enticing features concealed behind an enigmatic mask, you exuded finesse and allure as you sauntered forward, the soft click of your heels adding a melodic rhythm to the timeless music.

All eyes were drawn to you, captivated by your commanding presence. You stood there in your rouge ballgown, adorned with delicate black beads that sparkled in the golden light. Your mask revealed only the mesmerising depths of your [E/C] eyes and the slightest glimpse of your luscious lips, which seemed to hold the very essence of celestial beauty. You peered intensely into the masked man's soul, your gaze penetrating depths he could only dream of exploring within himself. To him, you were an enigma, a dangerously beautiful mystery that ensnared him in its web.

The tranquil moon cast its gentle glow upon both of you, showering you in its ethereal light. The moonbeams caught in your hair, illuminating each [H/C] curl as if it were ablaze with passion. Your [S/C] skin, touched by moonlight, appeared to hide the beat of your heart, yet Jungkook knew the truth—it pulsed within you like a constant drum.

He hungrily devoured your face with his intense brown eyes, yearning to reach out and brush his fingers against your perfectly sculpted cheekbones or the soft feathers of your thick, dark lashes. He longed to unmask the hidden depths of your being, but he restrained himself, surrendering to the torture of observing you without being able to touch.

You were a fragile porcelain figurine, seemingly one gentle caress away from shattering into a million pieces. As a breath tumbled from your lips like a wisp of wind through the night sky, you embodied a fallen angel, a princess of darkness, a twilight queen. You were a mystery, a dangerously beautiful enigma, and he was instantly drawn to you from the very first glance.

The girl with no name.

You continued to glide further, feeling all eyes fixated solely on you. As you made your way to the ballroom floor, the other dancers fell silent, captivated by your presence. Your gown swayed gracefully beside you, accentuating your modest curves made prominent by the tightly laced corset. The music resumed, its enchanting melody resonating through everyone present, except for you.

You observed the merry dancers, their movements a vivid spectacle of perfect harmony. They spun and swayed, their smiles mirroring the rhythm of the classic masquerade ball music. The grand hall glistened with a golden sheen as shards of radiant light caught the shimmering gems adorning the chandelier, casting a mesmerising honeyed glow upon the guests. The blushing ladies were adorned with magnificent floral arrangements made of pashmina and satin, while the ebony-suited men led their partners in the timeless waltz, their hearts brimming with courage.

Amidst the crowd, one man stood apart from the rest. Dressed in a charcoal tuxedo, his eyes gleamed like a cat on a throne, glimpses of him visible here and there. Tonight, Jungkook allowed himself to be controlled by the alcohol, a departure from his usual demeanour. Though not a heavy drinker, the effect was indescribable, surpassing mere words.

Your mesmerising eyes emanated an air of supreme confidence, captivating the mysterious man who yearned for your acquaintance.

Through the labyrinth of masked phantoms, both you and Jungkook gradually drew closer to each other, your beating hearts guiding your steps. Each move was met with a calculated response, as you engaged in a silent competition. Eventually, you found yourselves mere breaths away from one another, and Jungkook whispered into your ear, "who are you?"

"Whoever you desire me to be," you cheekily giggled, reveling in the anonymity that made you appear more confident than you truly were. It was exhilarating.

"I want you to dance with me," he murmured, his lips grazing your neck, sending shivers down your spine in electric waves.

"Hmm...I might have to consider that. I don't typically dance with strangers," you whispered, savouring the moment.

"Something tells me we're not just strangers though, are we?" He replied, a glint of playfulness shining in his deep brown eyes. "Or maybe I'm just delusional. Do you see the way everyone's looking at you? Yet, you chose me."

"You stood out to me, that's why."

"Or call me crazy, but perhaps we're fated."


Jungkook's celestial eyes gleamed brightly behind his dark mask as you deviously smirked, placing your delicate hand in his. The touch nearly made you faint, but you fought to maintain your composure—calm, cool, and collected. Jungkook bit his lip gently as his hand rested on your waist, and he whisked you away onto the ballroom floor.

From that moment on, the two of you danced and spun together, as if you were the only souls in the entire ballroom. The twinkling lights echoed each step you took, while your dark dress billowed around you, creating an ethereal aura. The pressure of Jungkook's warm hand against the small of your back and the sensation of your nimble feet gliding across the marble floor filled you with a sense of thrill.

You felt like a fledgling bird learning to soar, its wings unfurling and feathers rustling in the wind. But in truth, you embodied more than just a delicate creature. You were akin to a black swan or a dark raven, mysterious and alluring.

As you and Jungkook laughed and twirled together, oblivious to the watchful gazes of others, Taehyung paused, his attention drawn to your captivating performance. "Who is that girl?" He wondered aloud, mesmerised by the enchanting sight of you dancing with Jungkook.

Jimin, equally captivated, replied, "I'm not sure, but she is undeniably beautiful."

"Jungkook looks completely smitten," Taehyung remarked, observing his friend's infatuation.

"And is that a bad thing?" Jimin questioned.

"No, not at all," Taehyung replied thoughtfully. "It's just...unusual for him."

Returning your focus to Jungkook, he suddenly complimented you, his words making your heart flutter. As the two of you continued the slow dance, a dance of sin, death, ambition, and vitality, he remarked, "your dress is absolutely breathtaking. It exudes danger."

The music eventually faded away, and like everyone else, you and Jungkook executed a small, traditional bow. But then, he tenderly took hold of your delicate hand and pressed a kiss against the softness of your skin.

"Thank you," you replied, a blush tinting your cheeks. "You don't look too shabby yourself, resembling Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, I must say."

Jungkook grinned playfully, his eyes sparkling. "I'll take that as a compliment. But I'm pretty sure I look better than a cartoon character."

"Debatable," you retorted with a mischievous smile.

"And I assume you're trying to embody the dark allure of the Black Swan?" Your gaze met his, and you nodded in agreement. "It suits you perfectly," he declared.

"In what way?" You asked, curiosity knitting your brows.

"On the surface, you may appear reserved and quiet to others, like the typical 'shy, frigid girl,' the perfect white swan," Jungkook observed carefully.

You furrowed your brow. "How would you know all this about me?"

He leaned in, his hand resting just below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek. Frozen in place, you swallowed hard as his seductive gaze and touch sent shivers down your spine. "Believe me, [Y/N], I would recognise you anywhere."

"I—" you stammered, your thoughts scattering.

And in that moment, he slowly unmasked you, revealing your true face, before removing his own mask, a smirk playing on his lips, catching you off guard.

He was the devil with an angel's face.

"Black Swan, the embodiment of seduction and darkness," he continued, his eyes locking onto yours with intensity.

Drawing even closer, his breath mingling with yours, his hand now on your hip, Jungkook spoke softly, "it's you, isn't it? It has always been you."

"Excuse me?" You managed to gasp quietly, the words catching you off guard. Jungkook had you completely entranced now, leaving you unable to make a frantic escape from his alluring presence.

A wicked smirk danced upon his lips as he maintained the closeness between you. "Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about," he whispered, his voice laced with undeniable allure.

Your mind raced, trying to grasp the implications of his words. How could he know? How could he possibly recognise you beneath the mask of anonymity? But the way he looked at you, the way he spoke with such conviction, left you unable to deny the connection that crackled in the air between you.

"I'm afraid I don't," you managed to reply, your voice trembling ever so slightly.

A hint of amusement flickered in Jungkook's eyes as his hand tightened subtly against your hip, pulling you impossibly closer. "I think you do," he countered, his tone dripping with confidence and seduction. "Mystery girl."

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