Everything Stays: Frederic Sc...

By Super_Human456

37.4K 818 272

First real Fanfic. This will be a Yang Xiao Long X Frederic Scorch Story. Little details about their lives... More

Humble Beginnings
Getting to Know You
Evening Tutoring
Final Exam
Rainy Day Parade
Day in Vale
The Makeup
Second Semester
Painting the Town...
The Dance
The Mission
The Date
Day at the Beach
The Vytal Festival
Doubles Round
Night on the Roof
Good Day (Lemon)
Battle of Beacon
Long Time (Lemon)
Yang's Dream
Town Tour (Lemon)
The Trip Home
Fred's Dream
Training Days
Weapon and Chills
New Fears
Day Off (Lemon)
New Journey
Working Through Anima
A Family United
Night Between Friends
Rising Tides
Battle of Haven Part 1
Battle of Haven Part 2
Night of Celebrations
The Next Step
Train Attack
The First Team
The Haunted Mansion
Back Home With Family
Stop in the Name of the Law
The Flawed Mission
Wrath of the Gods
The Deal
Everything Stays Together Forever (Lemon)
Second First Date
To Atlas and Away
Welcome to Atlas
Parent Teacher Conference
Work Force
Follow-Up Report
Late Night
Date Night
A Much Needed Conversation
The Meeting
Bringing the House Down
Let the Battle Begin
Murder Spree
The Guardian and the Gladiator
The Fall
Recovery One
Wake up and Smell the Love
Prison Break
Border War
Launch Base
Training Days...Again
Statements Issued
Crash Down
The Commander
Rallying Forces
Escape From the City
Belly of the Beast
The Witch and the Wizard
Transfer of Power
Wake Up Call
The Thief and the Dealer
The Crimson Crybaby
Whale of a Tale
The Herbalist
Of Hated Demon King
Treasure Trove of Torture
Crossroads of the Cumulonimbus
Problems in Paper Town
The Breaking Point
A Place That You Know
Of Solitude and Self

Big Surprise

457 7 3
By Super_Human456

In Amber Square, Fred is in the woods training with his adoptive father. Fred does a roundhouse kick as Mason blocks the strike. Fred punches low, Mason blocks and Fred goes for an across jaw punch but Mason grabs it and throws Fred over his shoulder. Before Fred can get up, Mason places his foot on Fred's chest and forces him to the ground.

Mason: Sloppy. Unfocused.

Mason gets off as Fred climbs to his feet.

Mason: What's up with you? According to your team, you've been training nonstop since Beacon fell.

Fred: It's nothing.

Mason: Fred, son. What's wrong?

Fred: It's nothing, Dad.

Mason: Kiddo, if this is about your actual parents, then I'm willing to talk-

Fred: It's not about that, Dad.

Mason: The assassin thing?

Fred: No. It's far from that, thankfully.

Mason: Then, what is it?

Fred: In Vale, I, I met someone.

Mason: You got a girl in Vale, don't you?

Fred: ...Yeah.

Mason: I'm sure if she went to Beacon, she can handle herself-

Fred: She lost an arm and entered depression. Her team disbanded, her sister is in Mistral and her partner left without a word.

Mason: Oh...uh, well then.

Fred: I'm just worried about her, that's all.

Mason: I know what you're going through, kiddo.

Fred: Dad, I know.

Mason: I'm sure she's fine.

Fred: Yeah, properly.


Yang zips a bag shut and looks to her scroll. She takes it and pulls up a picture of her and Fred and their friends from the dance. She places the picture inside her jacket and grabs her bag and walks out of the room. Walking down the stairs, she is greeted by her father in the living room with Zwei.

Taiyang: You sure you want to do this kiddo?

Yang: What's the issue? I can handle it.

Taiyang: I know. (He leans down and pecks her forehead.) I'm still going to worry about you.

Yang: Same here.

Taiyang: If you do this, I will live up to my end of the deal.

Yang: I know, Dad.

Taiyang: Alright. Let's get a roll on.

The two leave the house with Zwei following behind them. He barks and Taiyang leans down and pets him.

Taiyang: Come on, boy.

Zwei runs up and begins to walk next to Yang as the three leave the house.


In the backyard of the Ignis house, Ember brings down a fist on Fred who blocks it. May comes from behind and slashes at Fred who blocks it with his boot. Fred leaps up and spins in the air and kicks them both away. Landing on the ground, Fred blocks another attack, this time from Leia.

Leia forms a bubble and launches Fred back a bit. May punches Fred twice while invisible. Before the third punch can come in, Fred leaps up into the air and brings his foot down and kicks May across the face, turning her tangible again. Fred places two fists together and punches May back.

Fred ducks to avoid Leia's bullets and flips through the air to attack her. Leia forms a shield right before he can hit her. As such, Fred is tackled by Ember and thrown on the ground. Ember throws a punch at Fred who evades and does a two-footed kick to his opponent's stomach, sending Ember back and into Leia.

May slashes twice at Fred who blocks with his boots. After completing a back hand-spring to get up, May jabs at Fred with her elbow and spins around with her sword's tip aimed at Fred's head. Fred ducks and activates the Scorch Blades and blocks May's next swing. The two slashes at one another until May brought her sword down and Fred caught the sword and deactivated his right blade. Fred uppercuts May, sending her back as she is caught by Ember and Leia attacks.

Leia swings her clubs at Fred who steps back to dodge the strikes. After a third swing, Fred blocks with his wrist and punches Leia in the face, sending her back. Ember and May run up and begin to attack. Both Ember and May slash at Fred who dodges the strikes and blocks the rest with his wrist or boots. Fred unleashes two kicks to both Ember and May and flips in the air and does a split-kick, sending them both flying.

Mason: Time!

All four teammates stop fighting and standstill.

Leia: (Pant) Showoff.

Fred smirks as Mason comes down to the yard with Evie.

Evie: Did good kids. Although, Ember could use more speed than muscle, May work on stealth skills. Leia is more aura build up than assault. After all, I would classify you as the support unit of the team.

Mason: ...I'm training you know?

Evie: Just my two cents.

Mason: Don't get smart with me.

Evie: Or what? You'll leave.

Mason: Maybe I will.

Evie: Mason, sweetie. We both know that will never happen.

Mason: ...Shut up.

Evie: That's enough for now. Get some rest you four.

Team FLME enters the house. Before Leia, May and Ember can enter, an airship lands on the outskirts of town. The three look at one another and smile.

May: Well?

Ember: I think she got it.

Leia: Scale of 1 to 10, how big will his freakout be? My guess is 10.

May: Second the 10.

Ember: 25.

Leia: That's not on the scale.

Ember: That's the point. Let's get dinner and make his night.

The three head in with Mason and Evie.


After dinner, Fred is standing outside the house, looking at the sunset through the forrest. As he is looking out to the sunset, he sighs to himself. After a few seconds, he hears something from behind him but doesn't turn around.

Fred: I'm fine if that's what you're wondering.

Instead of getting a response, something jumps and lands on his back. Fred stumbles forward a bit and grows an aggressive face.

Fred: Ow! What the-(gasps)

Turning his head to see what is was, Fred sees Yang on his back and her smiling at him.

Yang: Hey.

Yang lets go and circles around Fred to face him.

Yang: I can only stay a few days but I missed you and I-mmmppphhh

Fred doesn't let Yang finish as he smashes his lips against her's. The two break away after a few seconds.

Yang: So like I was saying-

Fred goes in again for another kiss, and another, and another. Finally, Yang puts her hand up and stops him from the quick assaults of kissing.

Yang: So, is that what you feel like whenever I do that?

Fred: Yeah. That sums it up.

Yang: Good to see you.

Fred: Good to see you. So, you're staying with us?

Yang: If you're parents don't mind.

Fred: I'm sure they won't. Oh, God. You have to meet my parents.

Yang: I'm sure they're nice.

Fred: Yeah. Come on, let's go.

Inside, the rest of FLME and Mason and Evie are sitting in a circle in the living room and kitchen and talking and laughing.

Mason: This guy went crazy whenever we went into the woods.

Ember: Yeah, because whenever we did you would drop us off and tell us "Good Luck".

Mason: Yeah, yeah.

May: So wait, did you really drop off your kids in the woods for training?

Evie: He did sweetie. He REALLY did!

Mason: Your welcome.

Ember: That wasn't fun!

Leia: Sounds fun.

Ember: Shut up!

The door opens and Fred and Yang step inside laughing.

Yang: Please don't tell me that's what happen!

Fred: Oh, it happened. And it was...

Fred and Yang: Explosive!

Both laugh as the face one another and lean in to kiss. They stop right before and turn to see the rest watching them.

Ember: Oh, no. Please don't stop on our account, keep going.

Both Fred and Yang chuckle and stop where they are.

Evie: Well?

Fred: Oh, right. Uh, Mom, Dad. This is Yang...my girlfriend.

Yang: Hello.

Mason: Well, what are you doing? Come on.

Fred and Yang walk over and Fred sits her down on a chair.

Fred: Want me to get you anything?

Yang: I'm fine.

Fred: You sure?

Yang: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.

Evie: So, Yang, how has my boy been treating you?

Fred: Mom!

Yang: (Laughs) Nicer than most guys at Beacon. No offense, Ember.

Ember: Non taken.

Evie: So-

Fred: No more stories, Mom!

Evie: Fred! Sorry, Yang.

Yang: Eh, he's normally like this.

Fred: What?!

Yang: I'm kidding.

Fred: I hope.

Yang winks at Fred who blushes.

Mason: (To Yang) So, how your folks doing?

Yang: Well, my mom walked out and my Dad's doing alright.

Mason: Oh...er, sorry about that one.

Yang: Nah, it's cool.

Evie: You know, you sound like an old friend we had back at Haven. He went to Beacon as well.

Yang: What was their name?

Mason: Taiyang Xiao Long.

Yang: You know my Dad?

Evie: What?

Mason: Wait, your Tai's kid?

Yang: Yeah. How do you know him?

Mason: I beat the crap out of him in our Vytal Festival Tournament.

Yang: Oh. Nice.

After a while of talking, the group disperses and Yang and Fred go upstairs.

Yang: So, where should I sleep? Downstairs?

Fred: What? No. You can take the bed there and I'll-

Yang: Sleep next to me.

Fred: Uh, I was gonna say in this chair here.

Yang: Or next to me?

Fred: No.

Yang: Oh, come on. Why not?

Fred: It's just...weird.

Yang: We've been dating for over six months at this point. I don't find it weird. Besides, we have before.

Fred: Ok, ok. Just, don't bring that up here please.

Yang: Then, come here.

Yang takes off her jacket and shoes and climbs into bed. Fred rolls his eyes and takes off his coat and climbs in after her.

Yang: So, you want to keep up with tradition?

Fred: What tradition?

Fred could feel Yang's from move across his chest from under his shirt. He could feel it move down to his waistline.

Fred: Oh! That one.

Yang: Yep.

Fred: Well, not here!

Yang: Then where would you suggest?

Fred: I'll give you a tour of the town tomorrow. That's where.

Yang: Awesome!

Fred: You are way to excited about this.

Yang: Yeah, yeah. (Yawns and kisses his cheek) I love you.

Fred: Love you too. 

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