Alive || K.C.

By coolliketre

16.1K 623 473

It's 2013, 19 years after Kurt Cobain decided to take his life... or so we all thought. When 18 year old Izzy... More

Dave Grohl
'Get fucking real for two seconds'
"I owe you an explanation"
Flashbacks & First Dates
First Date
'Everything's going to go up from here'
Awkward Encounters & Takeout Food
100-0 real quick
Bittersweet Reunion
All good things come to an end

Some Changes & What not

1.3K 59 50
By coolliketre

I woke up in a cold sweat.

I had the strangest dream. I actually had met Kurt Cobain and to make it even stranger, he kissed me. He told me his story and his reasons for... well y'know.

But when I heard a soft groan beside me and noticed the arm wrapped around my waist I realized that this wasn't a dream. Kurt is ALIVE. He stirred a bit in his sleep and his eyes slowly opened, revealing his lovely blue eyes. He smiled up at me, causing me to smile back.

"Morning Iz" he spoke. His morning voice, ahhhhhh.

"Morning" I said a bit timidly.

He sat up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him causing me to rest my head on his chest.

"Still don't believe it huh?" he chuckled softly.

"It's a lot to take in y'know" I admitted.

He chuckled again. "I know love, and I'm sorry"

I gave him a bit of a confused look. "Sorry for what exactly?"

"Sorry that you've got to be stuck with someone as fucked up as me."

I sighed "oh don't start this"

"I'm serious Izzy" he looked down at his lap, looking a bit uncomfortably.

That's when I did something that I didn't think I had the confidence to do. I lifted up his chin and kissed him. He was taken by surprise but kissed me back. I had ended up straddling his waist and he pulled me closer to him if that was even possible.

I pulled away and smirked a bit.

"We can be fucked up together."

That made us both laugh.

Once our laughter died down he looked a bit sad.

"What's wrong Kurt?" I asked.

"It's just that, I'd say we can do something but I'm afraid and paranoid every time I go out there in the real world."

I sat there pondering for a moment before and idea struck me.

"I'll be back in less than an hour okay? Just stay here." I shot up as I ran my fingers through my hair and grabbed my longboard.

He looked up at me and gave me a "seriously?" look.

"Hey don't get sassy with me, I have a great fucking idea okay." I sassed him back.

That caused him to laugh and for me to smile.

"Okay well hurry back babe" he smiled.

I began blushing so I turned around and left quickly hoping he didn't see.

He definitely did though.


I raced home to find it empty. Should've expected that. I can't say I'm complaining either.

I grabbed some money and headed to the nearest drug store.

I literally bursted through the doors of the drug store which earned me a few weird looks but I got over it fairly quickly.

I found some brown hair dye and a bunch of diferent colored contacts and headed for the nearest cash register.

Once I had everything and left, I got on my longboard and headed to the nearest chinese restaurant to grab some take out for Kurt and I. I've been craving chinese food lately but that is not the point.

I had placed my order and was waiting for it and that was the moment that I had ran into Chad.

"Hey Izzy! I haven't seen you in DAYS."

"H-hey Chad" I stuttered. STUTTERED. I NEVER stutter around Chad. I had become anxious, incredibly anxious. Chad was gonna ask me where I've been. I just know it! What am I supposed to say? The truth!?

"What's been going on in your life that you can't visit ole Chad at work?" he joked but I could tell that it wasn't much of a joke. It had became a routine that every monday to thursday at 4pm I would visit Chad on his shifts for as long as I felt like. Plus I don't have a phone so it's not like we can communicate unless we see each other.

"Oh y'know. School and whatnot" I lied, and he knew it.

He laughed. "Yeah okay Iz. You found yourself a boyfriend didn't you?"

I grew quiet. Kurt wasn't my boyfriend, was he? He couldn't be. I mean we kissed and everything but we never really talked about things between us.

To be honest I prefer not to talk about it. It's just an awkward topic for me and I don't like to embrace my feelings.

"Uhm I. Uh. Well-"

"Order 560" a man at the front counter called.

I thanked my lucky stars right then and there and grabbed my food and said goodbye to Chad before he had a chance to speak and grabbed my long board and headed back to Kurt's place.

It wasn't long before I got back to Kurt's. I didn't bother knocking and walked in to find him still on the mattress but strumming away at his acoustic guitar and humming along to the song that he was playing.

"You shook me" I blurted out which caused him to jump.

He looked up at me. "What?"

"You Shook Me. By Led Zeppelin. That's what you're playing right?" I asked innocently.

He chuckled. "I knew there was a reason that I liked you." he.. flirted? Whatever it was it made me blush.

I sat down with him on the mattress. "What's in the bag?" he asked and poked it.

"Crack." I said with a straight face.

He grew quite and looked at me weird. Confusion lacing his eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm just kidding. But it's for you. So uh. Happy Hannakuh!" I gave him the bag and put the chinese takeout box on the small table beside his bed.

He emptied the contents on the bag onto the grungey mattress.

"Hair dye and eye contacts?" he asked as he held them up in both hands.

I nodded. "So you can go out in public and look sort of normal. Cause no offense the whole hood up, tied extremely tight around your head and your big ass sunglasses get up is kinda sketchy."

"You can't just say 'no offense' before you say something offensive and expect me not to get offended!" he shrieked jokingly which caused us both to laugh.

"You do realize that you're gonna have to do my hair right?" he smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "SO dependent, you are."

"Wow I think I should've hit you with my car a little harder." he joked.

I fake gasped and slapped his chest. "You asshole!"

He shoved me by my shoulder lightly. "At least I don't hit like a girl." he egged me on.

"Well you certainly don't hit like a man." I tackled him to the ground and we ended up rolling a bit, with Kurt being on top of me, pinning my wrists over my head with one of his hands in the process.

He smirked. "Now I like this position much better."

I rolled my eyes and tried to cover up the fact that I was blushing.

He chuckled and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "You're really cute when you blush, you know that?"

"I uh. I do now." I stammered which caused him to smirk.

"Good" he whispered against my lips. I thought he was going to kiss me but he pulled away and got off of me. A little smirk still tugging at his lips.

"So Iz, are you gonna do my hair now or what?"

I sighed. "Fiiiiine."

I got the hair dye out of the box and mixed all the contents together and got to work.

It was hard to concentrate seeing as he took his shirt off. He said it was because he didn't want to get his shirt ruined but I think he just wants to tease me.


I was having trouble concentrating. Not just because Kurt was shirtless. But the fact that he is ALIVE. I'm still so confused, even after he explained everything to me. God I am so fucking confused. It all feels like a dream. Like none of this is even happening, but it is.

"Iz?" he asked, interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah?" I asked back.

"I know, okay. It's weird as hell. And if y-you want... you can leave. We don't have to see each other anymore. Things can go back to normal for you." he blurted out.

"Kurt I'm not leaving you. It's just a lot to wrap my head around. Even if I did leave how can I just forget the fact that I've met you?"

"People have done it before.." he mumbled.

"Well I'm not them." I stated.

"That much is obvious." he smiled.

I smiled back and rinsed out the contents in his hair. Then I even blow dried his hair and brushed it a bit.

"Okay done." I smiled.

Kurt took a glance in the mirror. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed.

I panicked. "Fuck! I'm so sorry. You hate it!"

He looked at me. "What? Babe that's not what I meant. It looks great! So great that it startled me." he touched his newly dark brown hair.

I sighed in relief. "Well don't do that dammit!" I slapped his chest playfully which caused him to laugh.

"Hmmmm, which contacts should I put in?" he asked.

"I don't know... 'babe', you pick" I smirked subtly.

He smirked back and grabbed a package and opened it. He put on his green contacts.

"Bam!" he announced.

"Sorry sir but do I know you? I don't talk to strangers." I joked.

"Oh ha ha." he said sarcastically which made me giggle.

Before I knew it we were sitting on his bed eating chinese food and listening to the Doors. It was peaceful until I realized that I had school tomorrow.

"Fuck sakes" I muttered to myself aloud.

"Something wrong?" he asked as he finished up his food.

"I have school tomorrow." I pouted which made him chuckle.

"Awe poor baby." he mocked slightly.

"It's not funny!" I continued to pout.

"Well you should probably get home soon. I'm sure your parents are wondering where their little misfit is" he joked.

I grew a little quiet. "Somehow, I kind of doubt that."

He looked confused but didn't bother pushing it.

"Do you want to spend the night here then?" he asked.

I nodded with a little smile which caused him to smile.

"Okay so I'll take you to school and I'll pick you up after then. Cool?"

"Tré Cool." I joked which caused him to laugh.

"You're so punny Izzy." He kissed my forehead and got ready for bed.

That's when I realized that I had nothing to wear to bed.

I guess Kurt realized that too and tossed me one of his big shirts.

I stripped out of my clothes and slipped his shirt on.

I looked over at Kurt who's jaw hung slightly open.

"What...? Oh." That's when realization bitch slapped me in the face.

Kurt just saw me half naked.

"S-sorry about that. I'm just used to uh-"

"No, no. It's fine." he cut me off. He took off his shirt and pants and got into bed in just his boxers.

Christ how am I gonna do this?

I got into bed next to him and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Night Izzy" he mumbled into my hair.

"Good night Kurt."

- - - - -

A/N: hello again babes.

Once again, I apologize for long it took me to write and post this. So much shit has been going on and all I'm going to say is that people and high school suck so fucking much. But hey, at least it's almost over.

I just got back from a trip to NYC and it was so fucking great. And I bought a Kurt Cobain magazine when I was there and was like "oh yeah, I have a Kurt fic to work on." and well, here you go.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to vote & leave some comments. Always appreciated :3

Till next time! xx

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