Why Don't We Imagines

By jrwdwee

3.3K 79 10

Imagines of the why don't we boys, idk if I'll be taking requests yet... More

Daniel (dirty)


1.1K 19 5
By jrwdwee

Today was a chill day, everyone was chillin at the wdw boys house today, all of their families were there too, just a big day for everyone to meet and hang out.
It was me, Logan, Ayla, Evan, Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Zach, jack, and The boys parents and siblings.

I go upstairs to the bathroom, so I could change into some clothes since I just got out of the pool.

I put my hair into a messy bun

I put on my black leggings and realize I forgot to bring another shirt, so I slip on my sports bra and walk to Jonahs room.
I go to his closet and grab one of his shirts,
And slip it over my head... smiling breathing in his familiar scent..

I walk back downstairs while looking on my phone, and accidentally bump into Logan as he walked past me

"Shit sorry Logan" I laugh
"yeah, ya good.. is that Jonahs shirt?" He says giving me an evil smirk.

".....maybe..." I giggle

"OOOOOOO-" I cut him off by hitting his shoulder really hard

"ow, you know, you're gonna have to tell him you like him soon. Everybody knows and you can't just be best friends anymore" he says rubbing his shoulder

"I know but like what if he DOSENT like me back and gets uncomfortable around me knowing I like him? I don't want that to happen.." I said pouting

He smiles and pinches my cheeks
"kiddo everyone knows you guys like eachother, literally everyone." He laughs making fun of me

"shut uppp!!!" I laugh and push him away playfully while walking into the main living area, to see Jonahs mom looking at something on her phone.

"Carrie! Hiiiiiiiiiiii" I smile at her giving her a hug

"YN! How nice to see you, I just got here. How have you been?" She asks hugging back

"Great! I'm great, how are you?" I ask politely

"Oh honey, I'm GREAT, thanks for asking" she smiles

"Anyways, how's it going with Jonah?" She asks smiling

Let me clarify this, when Logan said everyone knew I had a thing for Jonah, he wasn't lying.

Absolutely EVERYBODY KNOWS. The wdw boys, obviously besides Jonah himself, ALL of the wdw boys parents know, a lot of my friends know, Logan knows, all of the wdw fans know and MY fans know.
It's obvious.

I don't think I could make any more obvious that I'm head over heals for this kid, and have been for nine years. We've been best friends for 10 years and after one year I developed a crush on him.

That ironic 10 year old, 5th grade crush soon turned into being absolutely obsessed and in love with him.

Jonahs mom always though I'd be the perfect girl for him, I mean... basically everybody thinks I am, and not to be cocky, but I am.

I've been Jonahs best friend for so long, and we've developed so close, I mean I even moved from Stillwater, and moved to LA with him!

I know absolutely everything about Jonah, inside and out.

There is not one thing I DO not know about him, and that's a fact. I was there for him when he went through his first heartbreak, whenever he was upset, because as you know Jonah can be really emotional sometimes.  I was the first person he told when he lost his virginity, when he had his first kiss, I was there to defend him through everything, I've always had his back. Like I said, he's my BEST FRIEND, and same for me, he knows all the same stuff about me that I know of him. Besides the fact I like him...

Me and Jonah have a lot of the same interests,  which means we are basically the same person. We do everything together. We always have, and even the boys know how close we are which also formed a close relationship with them as well. I've literally never even gone longer than a month without  seeing him, were inseparable...

Which is why I don't understand why we aren't dating.... I try my best to make it obvious I'm in love with him, but he just can't take a hint obviously.

"Ugh, same old same old..." I laughed to myself.

"Wow, Jonah really needs to step up, I mean it's obvious he likes you, and you're head over heels for him!" She said smiling again

I laugh "I know right, Jonah get your stuff together man!" I laugh to her again

"Diddddd I hear my name?" I hear from a slight distance behind me

I turn to see Jonah walking over to us

"Hey Jonah" I smile hugging him.

"Hey YN, mom." He says hugging me then kissing his mother on his cheek.

"Hey dear." His mom smiles back

"Did I hear you guys say something about me over here? " he smirks at me

"Nope, we were actually talking about your guys tour, and how you'll be going on tour soon and how YN, will be joining you guys as an opening act for the concert." His mom steps in because she knew I hesitated to say something

"Hm, wow. I can't wait, you're gonna have so much fun with us YN" he laughs

"I know, I joined you guys on your last tour as well Jonah" I laughed again

"Hah- is that my shirt?" He asks

"Duh" I said laughing again

He lets out a small laugh while winking before walking away back to jack

"oh my gosh he's so cute, thank you for birthing such an amazing and prefect human being." I laughed at his mom and she just laughs

I walk outside and go to look at the view
I open up my phone and take a boomerang and post it to my story on Instagram

"Yo, YN, come 'ere!" I heard Logan say.

I go inside to join them and see Logan recording

When he notices I walked in he faces the camera towards me

"You down for a bet?" He smirks at me

"Duh when am I NOT down for a bet? What you got" I ask ready for the bet.

"You and Jonah, game of FIFA, who ever wins gets $100 dollars from the loser, has to pay for pizzas for everyone, and has to kiss the other." He smiles at me still recording

"But that means either way we're gonna kiss" I slightly confused

"As if you haven't before" he says as a bunch of the people around start laughing

"I mean, I'm down. Jonah never wins against me in FIFA anyways so." I smirk cockily

"Oh really?!" Jonah says as he lifts me up by my legs and carries me over his shoulder and sits me down on the kitchen counter looking me directly into my eyes.

He leans forward slightly as if he's gonna kiss me and his smile slightly fades as he's now standing in between my legs and holding the back of my thighs.
"Yeah, really" I giggle


I get up off the counter and say
"Nah, that'll happen after I win the bet."
And walk over to the couch in front of the tv as he sits next to me.

"You ready to lose, Marais?" I face him with one of those cute serious faces

"Whatever you say, (your last name)." And we shake hands and start playing FIFA

The game was very intense, and later on...
Logan turns on his camera once again

"So YN explain what's goin down here." While facing the camera to me

"So the bets for 100 dollars, paying for the pizza and a kiss, so basically we're going to kiss either way but anyways, we've gone through two overtimes and now we're on to PKs, penalty kicks. THIS... is where I kick Jonahs ass and win. " I laugh and so does he.

By now everyone in this house is watching us play, so, no pressure there.

I finally am about to kick my last kick, if I score I win the game and the bet and if I miss he wins.

I wait for the perfect moment, getting nervous.

At the exact moment I shoot, Jonah sneezes and loses control from the game and I score.

Everybody cheers as I stand up and start jumping around because I won

He lays back on the couch with his head leaned back going "ughhhhh" while smiling

"HEY, hey hey JONAH, HEY JONAH, GUESS WHAt?" I laugh

"what" he smiles knowing what's coming

"I WONNNNNNNN." I yell laughing

After a couple minutes he hands over the hundred dollar bill to me and is calling the pizza place and orders like four pizzas for everyone here

After he calls I walk up to him
"You know, even though it rocks that I won I still feel kinda bad that you're being forced to buy pizza" I slightly laugh and side hug him as he wraps his arm over my shoulder

"Oh but guess what..." Logan says walking up

"Hm?" I look at him confused

"Y'all still gotta kiss.." he smirks recording us

I giggle and start blushing

I turn to look at Jonah to realize he's already looking down at me smiling

I slowly lean up and kiss his lips with my arms around his shoulder and his hands lightly placed on my lower hips, we kiss for a couple seconds and filled with passion and at this moment I knew, I was most certainly in love with this boy, more than ever before. Everyone was cheering and yelling and recording for their Snapchats, or just recording, and of course Logan for his vlog.

We release from the kiss and he backs up a little bit, turns around, and when he turns back to facing me he has a bouquet of flowers, smiling like the big goof he is.

I gasp slightly and cover my mouth smiling, is this finally happening?

"YN, you've been my best friend for 10 years, you've been my EVERYTHING for the last ten years. You mean so SO much to me, you've helped me through anything and everything, you've always cared for me and made sure I was okay. You've always put me before yourself or anyone else for that matter.

Six years ago, after my last girlfriend broke up with me, and I was absolutely heartbroken, and you helped me through it, I realized how much you really care for me and how I feel. however I ALSO realized that I was in love with you, I have been for the last 8 or 9 years, and only realized it about six years ago. YN every morning when I wake up and I look over to the other side of my bed and wish that it was you there instead of that empty space. And that's what I need you to replace, there's an empty space in my heart and I need you to fulfill it even more ham you already have. YN, I am absolutely in love with you and I am certain that you are THE BEATIFUL young woman that I wanna grow old with and get married to and have children with and watch the stars with and spend the rest of my life with..
I've waited 9 years to do this, but YN, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks smiling handing the flowers towards my direction

Everyone in the room is absolutely bazzled.

His mom is crying, a lot of us are in tears.

My hand is over my mouth, i am in complete shock...

I have tears streaming down my face, I look at Jonah...

"oh my gosh... Jonah I'm shaking right now... yes of course I'll be your girlfriend!!!" I exclaim jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist hugging him tight as everyone cheers and jumps

Jonahs smiling so big, I move my face from his neck to in front of his face, and kiss him passionately as he's still holding my small petite body.

"I love you so much Jonah, thank you." I smile as he sets me down

"No problem, I love you too" he smiles and kisses my forehead

We all celebrate and have fun that whole night and me and Jonah ended up falling asleep cuddling on the couch, and soon everyone left, and the boys went to sleep. best day of my life.

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