High Commander Diah's Resista...

By Dristi_Shula

155K 10K 1.1K

Alanna wasn't expecting to be abducted when she went to the old lake side house she inherited from a distant... More

Prologue: Saying Goodbye
The New Guy
Things Heat Up
Nab n Grab Tav and What is THAT?!
Waking the Growly-Guss
In Which the HC F's Up
Oh Joy Hospital Gowns
Getting Ready to meet the Elders
Telling the Elders Whats What
The Elders Decide My Mate...I Mean Fate?!
I'm sorry crazy old bird says my mate is who now?!
Heading to the H.C.'s cliffside digs
Aw It's A Putty Tat
What A Lovely Shade Of Red
Would It Be Rude to Make Eggs?
Cats Making like Goats and Late Night Notes
Muzzle full of Pheromones and Ruffled Feathers
Feeling so Damn Sheepish I Could Knit you a Sweater?
Go On Rub His Tummy...You Know You Wanna
Gah... So Fing Hard To Read!!!
Rock'in the Wing Bling... The What Lana?
Univited Dinner Guest with even more Uninvited News...
First Look at the Arena... Woo Hoo...
Stupid Bachelorette Manor(totally not going to admit it looks cool)...
*My Name is Lana, Not Gaia... She's, well... Never mind.
*Speechless Grouchy Bird and a Rude AF El Capitan Obvious
That Was Your *gag* Ex?! And Meeting a Silver Fox... Er High Elder
Like a Bug on a Pin... Desert Tribe's Hotness, er High Elder... Granny Spitefire
You're not a Bat! You're a Cat!
*Oh Great... Testosterone for dessert...
So That's a Hawt... I mean awful Savage Luve?
*Yeah... Winged Dancing? Not Really My Thing...๐Ÿ˜’
*My Bat Winged Hero...
One Sangria, Two Sanrgia... Holy Exploding Ovaries Batman...
But Seriously...He Started It
Breakfasting with a Leonad sure is messy
Lady Roza Sees Truth, erm... Through Truth?
Like a Grouchy Hung Over Bird With a Bone...
Oh Joy... Prancing Idiots A'Gladiating๐Ÿ˜’
Taste the Soup They Said, You Won't Regret It They Said...
Isle of Misfit Luve
Adlar-Batoor... What Pretty Scales You Have...๐Ÿ
Like A Wayward Teen... Thy Name Is Lagos
Rude Awakenings Like Luve Over Tea Kettle
Unexpected Dream Visitor
How to Plan a Slap-Down
Diah's Best Girl...๐Ÿ…
The Fat Luve Squwaks Like a Dying Chicken... Real Mature
Feast of Fool... (nope not a typo)
Curzon-Dax... I'm stuffing you in my pocket... just saying
Never Let Them See You Can Be Compromised... It's Always Gonna Be Exploited
Learning the BS that is The Teachings of Lagos...

Diah's Sanctuary

3.4K 202 10
By Dristi_Shula

Landing us on the deck of his home, followed closely by Tav and Vella, Diah quickly releases me. This causes me to stumble slightly, but being the stubborn anti-damsel I am determined to be? I managed to catch my balance while giving him a dirty look for acting like holding me in his arms for any length of time is distasteful. He sneers in return, before striding into the living area of his home, disappearing inside without a backwards glance. But I can't be bothered to take offense in that moment, what with all the new stuff to take in around me and everything.

I take a second to look around the deck, and see that it's spacious, and clearly designed with winged people in mind, as everything is set up along the edges of the space . I note the circular lounge chair with the tented sun shade facing the waters edge. I turned then around to check out the view, and my oh my it was amazing! I could see an almost endless expanse of water. To either side of me is woods and a few other cliffside dwellings here and there. For an instant, I wished I had been brought to this place of my own volition, because I could actually feel the compulsive desire to go exploring the treasures and wonders the flora and fauna of this world had to offer. I am at heart a bit of a  naturalist, not the chain-myself-to-a-tree sort mind... but more the hiking, gardening, farmers marketing, support-conservatism type.

I look to Tav, Asta of Black Clover-esk stars no doubt in my eyes, and say "This place is amazing! This view is amazing! How can he be so grouchy living in a place like this?!" I put my hands on my hips and shake my head in puzzlement. Tav screws his face up in both regret and annoyance. "He has much weight on his shoulders Lana. He is the High Commander, and thus is responsible for the safety and security of the Aerie. Over the years, he has become more stoic, and hard. Losing his mate in a surprise attack by the Leonades a few years ago caused him to become emotionally distant." He finishes sadly.

"Leonades? What are those?" I ask with my brow furrowed. "Sounds like they are dangerous, why is this the first I am hearing about them? Never once did you mention them when we were trapped at the Masters together", I look at Tav with an expression the conveys my displeasure at finding out there is something or someone deadly in this place. Tav tilts his head, thinking about it. "You are right, I hadn't brought them up as of yet. Sorry Lana, the Leonades are said to be dangerous sentient species here that fly as we do. They are more beast like in appearance. They resemble the Tigers you described to me once. Only they have a third set of limbs bearing wings. They are foretold as being violent and cruel according to stories. They have been inculcated to attack us without provocation, killing any Luve they find unguarded... We have records of our two kinds living peacefully together in our history. But something happened, no one truly knows what it is, but it tore our peoples apart."

I stare at Tav as he stops speaking. This is a lot to take in. Murderous flying Tigers? Oh my. Better make sure there are no Lions or Bears round here as well. "Was there a reason the two of you were allied? Did you have a common enemy?" I asked nervously, this is so not the way I wanna live my life, terrified of going outside, for fear of being snatched off the ground like a small rodent by a hawk or somethingI shake my head at the image of huge winged tiger carting a mouse version of myself off into the sky, eep. Tav has begun talking again and I force myself to tune back in.

"Yes, actually. There was a more savage race of Luve back then, that would raid us, steal our women and children. The Leonades helped us beat them back across the Great Divide Ocean, as they themselves were being besieged by this evil clan as well, whole Prides wiped out and their cubs taken. Many of our warriors and allies died driving them back, falling into the ocean in exhaustion or battle. According to history, the chance to force them out came suddenly, and we were not able to plan around the returning safety of either of our warriors." Tav looks sad about the loss, ages old though it may be. I touch his arm in sympathy, as Vella wraps an arm around him. "Did you lose an ancestor? I can't imagine that was easy to deal with." I asked quietly. Tav looks to me and smiles proudly "It was our great grandsire acutally. Our great granddam, was gestating our granddam, Lady Roza. So Great Grandsire Diah the First, he took control of the warriors and was on the front line of defeating the enemy clan of Luve, the Savages of the Largos Isles. He and his Leonade companion Hellix, they fought side by side. And when it was over, they fell into the ocean together.  The surviving warriors, they tried to help, pull them out, but it was too late, they sunk below the waves, too drained to fight back to the surface. They were declared our saviors. And a monument was erected near the ocean on a beach not far from here, if you look that way at first light, you can see it." Tav motions to a distant shore that can barely be seen given that night was falling. I noted it in my mind that I was going to be here on the deck tomorrow morning, to try to catch sight of the statue or whatever there was to be seen.

"Are you all done with the history lesson? The hour draws later, and I want to settle the Tehlanna in her quarters, then we can decide what the evening meal will be." We all turn to see Diah leaning against the smaller round table just inside the  living area. "Yes brother, I just wanted to share some of our peoples past. Lana needs to be aware of our natural enemies, being a Tehlanna as she is, she will be especially vulnerable." Tav replies firmly. Diah rolls his eyes, and states some what offendedly, "I have every intention of giving the female instruction on what to be wary of brother... I may despise this whole situation, but I will take her safety seriously. Provided she complies with my warnings and instructions, she will be completely safe here with me."

He huffs as he finishes, clearly not happy with his little brothers lack of faith in his abilities to keep useless ole me from harm. Ass, like I have a death wish or something?! Like I am not intelligent enough to follow directives meant to keep me safe and whole? Puh-lease, I'm basically older than him, and have managed to survive dealing with pushy gladiators, and dirty minded employees of the Master, for over a year. I know I can handle learning how to avoid  man...er Luve eating flying Tigger's. Although, truth be told I don't exactly know that they HAVE been 'man' eaters.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence in my ability to follow directions, especially when my very life depends on me being able to do so" I say to him in the driest voice I can manage, eyebrow raised, and a challenging gleam in my eyes. Diah sneers at me yet again, I think I will just start calling him Elvis, I snicker quietly to myself, which causes me to smirk at him unintentionally. He looks at me like I've lost my mind, before glaring and turning, waving his arm in a 'this way' kind of gesture. I turn to Tav and Vella with a long suffering sigh, and tilt my head to let them know I plan to follow the grouchy bird. They smile back indulgently, and turn to follow Diah as well. The inside of the living area was very modern and well kept. The conversational area was populated with stark white couches, I was a bit surprised they weren't of more obviously Luve friendly design. But I guess something like that would mean odd chair back style couch backs, or even backless in general? I decide to ignore it and keep looking around, seeing a large glass dining table on the next level of the living area, accessed by a short set of stairs. The dining area is enclosed by a glass half wall, it all looks very fancy-schmancy. Off to the left coming from the balcony, was a huge bank of book shelves built into the wall so there was plenty of space to wander back and forth.  There were even glass top desks on two of the three floors of book shelves.  The kitchen area was just below the lowest level of library levels, and seeing it I was getting excited to poke around the kitchen, hoping it was similar to the Masters kitchen with all the crazy space cooking gizmos, these people find so ordinary.  I caught myself actually rubbing my hands in anticipation, no doubt a maniacal grin on my face, when I heard an annoyed grunt come from Diah. I stopped short and turned my head to look at him questioningly. He just gave a long suffering look and turned to walk up another short set of stairs that led towards a sliding door set between the first set of books and the kitchen. I could see a much larger set of stairs through the glass, my curiosity if nothing else had me following after him.

"I am placing you on the third level... it has a set of sleeping quarters that faces the ocean, therefore you should be able to see the Monument easily from the there every morning." He coughs a bit, and avoids eye contact. Looking slightly embarrassed for even mentioning aloud that he had noticed both my delight in the view, and my interest in the Monument. I decided to treat this comment with respect, since he was going so far out on a limb to do something as thoughtful as that. "Thank you High Commander, I really appreciate that you intend to allow me to use a room with such an amazing view" I say seriously, then glance down and away from him, so he can carry on, hopefully without being embarrassed by his kind gesture. He grunts at my gratitude, clears his throat, and then ruins it by saying, "Yes, well I would rather not have to hear you tromping down the stairs early in the morning to get to the balcony in order to catch the sunrise".  I make an annoyed noise in my throat, and grit out "Great, wouldn't want to disturb your beauty sleep there grouchy pants". Tav and Vella both make a strange snorting snicker noise that has both me and Diah whipping our heads in their direction, equally annoyed looks on our faces no doubt, at them being so amused by our bickering. I roll my eyes at their antics, and turn back to Diah and motion for him to lead the way. He so creatively grunts yet again, and turns on his heel to march up the stairs ahead of us. His wings are spread out a bit and stiff with his displeasure. I can't really lament this fact, since it gives a great view of his high, round muscular backside. So sue me, he's got a great tush for male with a stick up it!  I think to myself as I shake my head in aggravation at his hot and cold behavior.

The room we are led to, is the most spacious and nicely kitted out bedroom I have seen in ages it feels like! An awesome view just as promised, and I can't hate on the fact that it has a huge fireplace... I will just have to figure out how to make the Luvian equivalent components that go in to making s'mores! That fireplace just begs for making them. Future plans dancing in my head, I practically skip towards the wall of glass, the setting sun behind the house almost highlights the view. I then turn to go see what the bathing room looks like, giddy as a damn kid about how cool this room is!

Entering the room showed it did not disappoint! The view there was bombastic as well. I turned to the three watching my glee at my surroundings. Tav and Vella of course, were affectionately amused at this. Diah was making a constipated face that made my happiness diminish, geeze does this buttmunch EVER smile?! I mused to myself as I walked back to bedroom, over to the bed and sat down. Vella and Tav set down the bags they had carried up for me over by the rooms chest of drawers. I murmured my thanks to them, and just turned to look out of the glass wall, trying to get over my annoyance of how the High Commander was just always so miserable seeming. We were stuck with each other, may as well make the best of it, yeah? I sighed to myself and stood, walking to stand in front of him. "Thank you for the room, and for putting up with the mandates of the Elders. I know this is not what I would have chosen for myself, I would rather live in whatever passes for bachelors quarters, and get a job to pay my own way." I peeked up at him to see how he was taking my words. He looked back at me with an unnerving amount of intensity.

"I agree, I would not ever have chosen this outcome either. But I am the one who reacted rashly to your presence, and now we both suffer from my misdeed... Just stay out of my way little female, and we shall have no issue. I work long hours, so we will not be forced to attend each other overly much I think..." He sighs and rubs his face as though a thought has just occurred to him, and his next words confirmed this.

"Unfortunately we will be expected to attend festivals together... I will endeavor to give the impression that we are cohabiting peaceably. I expect the same ruse on your part. It is the only way to prevent the Elders from doing anything drastic to make us 'get along' better." his speech is ended on the bunny-ears to highlight the 'get along'. I cock my head to the side, a bit taken aback that he would mimic my gesture. I nod my compliance, just ready for him to go away so I can finally relax a bit. He nods curtly at me before heading out the door, announcing over his shoulder that we will begin the evening meal in basically an hour. After fully he leaves, I heave a dramatic sigh of relief. Vella and I take the clothing, and find places for them in the dresser and closet the suite boasts. After which, we three sit on the bed and try to decide what we will do the next day.

I just want to log in to their version of the web, and catch myself up on the histories of this world I find myself a new member of.  Tav and Vella agree that my idea is best. They then promise to visit in time for the evening meal later that day. I express my happiness at this notion, the idea of an awkward meal alone with someone who isn't a fan of mine makes my stomach knot up. They smile gently at me and hug me from either side. By now the 'hour' has past and we all troop down to the main level. The four of us manage to produce the evening meal with blessedly little fuss or arguing. We then sit down to enjoy the meal at the larger table. After which, Diah and I decline their offer to assist with the clean up, but thank the two for their earlier help and bid them a good night. They hug me, and then Diah, who grumbles at the show of affection. They laugh at his annoyance and squeeze him harder. He flaps his wings in aggravation, making them release him and step back with teasing chuckles. They then head to the balcony and lift off into the night air.

I turn to Diah warily. He is staring after Tav and his mate. He senses my attention, and turns his head to stare back with a brow raised, seeming to ask 'whatchoo looken at?' with a haughty expression on his admittedly gorgeous face. I am struck once again in my mind about what a shame it is that he is such a douchecanoe. With a face and a rep like his, he ought to be popular with the ladies, but I seriously doubt any of them could tolerate his unpleasant personality for long. I just shrug and tell him I will turn in, get out of his way as it were. He just stares for a moment before nodding slowly. "You are welcome to use any resources you see fit in my dwelling little female..." he starts to say, but I cut him off with a huff, " Can you please just call me Lana already?! I am more then my stature or gender ya know?!" I grouse while looking away from him. He chuckles a bit, but not in a nice way.

I glance back to him sharply, and ask "What's so damn funny?" He stops and glares back at me. "I will call you what I wish LITTLE FEMALE" he replies arrogantly. "Grr" I growl to myself, throwing my hands up and stalking away from him to the table to begin clearing it. I feel him behind me after a moment, then glare at him over my shoulder. "g'head and 'call me what you wish', just don't expect me to reply if I am feeling pissy with your persistence in calling me that stupid name." I warn before resuming my self appointed task of bus-girl. He snorts, and proceeds to assist me, we two working quietly and in tandem for once. After the table it cleared, we then work to load the Luvian dishwasher(thank you god that they have one!). After every thing is cleared, cleaned and set to rights, we go our separate ways, me tossing a token 'g'night Commander' over my shoulder as we disappear into our respective rooms across the hall from each other he grunts yet again, seriously?. Whatever, Momma deserves a long soak in that bomb-ass tub!  Unfortunately my soak doesn't go as relaxingly as I had hoped...  

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