Negina | ✔️

By xxbeyondmythoughtsxx

49.7K 1.9K 383

Arranged Marriage. It's what most Muslims go though, and Afghans are no exception. For Afghan's there is no... More

Afghan Marriage
Chapter one: "Khalid"
Chapter two: "I'll marry you, Khalid"
Chapter three: "Two years"
Chapter five: "A shirini khori"
Chapter six: "We're all Allah's creations"
Chapter seven: "Fuck you"
Chapter eight: "You may cut yourself on the shattered peices"
Chapter nine: "I would never agree to this nonsense."
Chapter ten: "I've heard so many stories about love after nikah."
Chapter eleven: "Sediq"
Chapter twelve: "He's an asshole."
Chapter thirteen: "Damn she's beautiful."
Chapter fourteen "We can't do this."
Chapter fifteen: "I've got you, don't worry."
Chapter sixteen: "I'll leave it for you to figure out"
Chapter seventeen: "he's in the other room, shut up!"
Chapter eighteen: "You'll figure out anyways"
Chapter nineteen: "Pleasure to meet you, love."
Chapter twenty: "Reject me! Don't marry me!"
Chapter twenty-one: "Leave me alone, please."
Chapter twenty-two: "I hate him!"
Chapter twenty-three: "She isn't with us anymore."
Chapter twenty-four: "Let me see my wife!"
Chapter twenty-five: "Uhh, who's khalid?"
Chapter twenty-six: " are expecting a girl."
Chapter twenty-seven: "Who is he marrying?"
Chapter twenty-eight: "I told you, I'd get her."
Chapter twenty-nine: "I said, I don't want to marry you!"
Chapter thirty: "Raihana."
Chapter thirty-one: "Momma, it hurts."
Chapter thirty-two: "I will do whatever you want. If you let him go."
Chapter thirty-three: "I want all of Khalid's business."
Chapter thirty-four: "Tell me!"
Chapter thirty-five: "Are you okay, mori?"
Chapter thirty-six: "Both of you,"
Chapter thirty-seven: "Prove it then."
Chapter thirty-eight: "My girl on fire."
Chapter thirty-nine: "Ever."
Chapter fourty: "There is a candidate for that position."
Chapter fourty-one: "Found his father?"
Chapter fourty-two: "I am afraid of my own father."
Chapter fourty-three: "Let me go!"
Chapter fourty-four: "Momma okay."
Chapter fourty-five "He loved me back?"
Chapter fourty-six, "Look at me."
Chapter fourty-seven: "The End!"

Chapter four: "Its gonna burn me!"

1.7K 51 13
By xxbeyondmythoughtsxx

I swear I'll love you in a different way
-DJ Snake and Lauv

Deep breaths...

How Negina felt that night laying in bed, thinking about her future with Khalid. She refused to talk to anyone, to even see anyone as a matter of fact. Her hand rested behind her head and her legs are crossed one over the other. Negina stares up at the ceiling that lead up to the sun setting sky.

Only now Negina realized how stupid she was to agree to this nonsense. Negina sits straight up realizing something.

I don't know how to cook!

For most of you females readings you might think, pfft who cares.

Apparently everyone does. Every Afghan female is supposed to know how to cook. It's sharm (a shame) if one doesn't.

Negina throws her head down in embarrassment as she asks her mother for help. Her mother on the other hand laughs which Negina totally did not expect. Looking up she finds her mom staring with amusement filling her eyes. That's how they ended up in the kitchen for the next few hours.


"You can not be serious! I can't marry her!" Khalid growls at his parents who are seated in front of him on the love-seat couch. Standing up, Khalid glares at his dad.

"You know how much I love Jasmine." Khalid bulges at his father. Anger spills as he contains himself from continuing.

"She's not Afghan. Forget Afghan, she's not even Muslim! You can't be with her forever." His mom butts in.

"What about my business, mother. We just opened our third pharmacy, you can't bring marriage trouble on me now!" He yells. "What about the fact that I've never seen her. What if she's some fat ugly 30 year old!"

His mother stands up slapping his cheek.

"I am your mother! You will respect us, Negina, and her family. Understand?" She says threateningly leaning in closer to Khalid.

"Khow mor." (Yes mom.) Khalid exhales knowing that he lost this battle. "But just know that what to just did, I'll never forget. Parents." He spits before grabbing his car keys and heading out the door to his girlfriends house.

In his twenty four years of life, Khalid had never yelled at his parents. Always obeyed them because they have a reputation to hold up. He never wanted to upset his parents. In his defense Khalid was mad, he blew up like a volcano.

"Hey babe." Jasmine bites her lip opening the door. Just as the wooden door shuts Jasmine throws her arms across Khalid's neck. His hands wrap under her bare thighs, picking her up off the floor. Their lips collide together hungrily.

Khalid's white teeshirt is thrown off of him and is now laying on the floor. Jasmine is now pulling of his jeans. Khalid takes time to undress Jasmine while kissing every part of her body as he goes.

"I love you." He whispers against her shoulder blade. Jasmine moans as Khalid unclips her bra, slowly and steadily taking off the straps.


Meanwhile, our friend Negina was having difficulties in the kitchen.

"Mom it's gonna burn me!" Negina yells as the oil starts popping hot bubbles, burning her hands. She drops the spatula abruptly and it lands in the floor. Negina picks it up and washes the spatula.

"I've been cooking for thirty years, your not going to get burned!" Negina's mom claims while pouring in the tomato paste herself. The paste sizzles in the oil as Negina add in the chopped eggplants, with her body being a yard away from the pan.

Somehow in the past three hours Negina and her mom have cooked many types of traditional Afghan foods. And surprisingly Negina managed to complain during every single one.

"Hey mom, I brought a friend with me." Mustafa, Negina's 17 year old brother, says peeking into the kitchen. "Woah." Looking at the many foods that are placed on the table, making Mustafa gasps.

"I brought someone!" He says louder to get his mom and sisters attention.

"Good job. Go take him up to your room and play some video games or something." Their mother says, as if robotically.

"Mom... it's a girl." Mustafa says dreamily. Negina's mouth is hung wide open as the spatula in her hand drops down to the ground again in disbelief and her mom's expression is something way worse.

"Oh god!" Their mom mutters putting the lid on the pot and quickly fixing her scarf again.

"This is Shafiqa." He says opening the door wider revealing the most prettiest teenager Negina has every seen.

"Awe, looks like little bro has his first crush." Negina taunts mockingly squishing his cheeks.

"Awe looks like Negina has her first husband." Mustafa taunts back smirking. Negina's smile drops hearing her brothers words.

All day Negina hasn't thought about Khalid all day, due to the fact of busyness. Realizing what he said Mustafa quickly changed his mind, "Oh god, sorry sis, that sounded way cooler in my head."

Negina gets a hold of his ear and pulls on the top part as hard as she could. "You talk like that again I'll do worse." She warns letting go of Mustafa who's yelling in pain.

Mustafa rubs his red ear leading Shafiqa. "Welcome to my crazy family." He tells Shafiqa as they enter his room. Finally letting out a sigh as he closes the door. "All alone, no more embarrassment."

"Hey bro." Naser says. Abruptly twisting on his heel Mustafa groans at the sight of his older brother sprawled on his bed with Mustafa's guitar at hand.  "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Playing guitar." Naser states the obvious. Mustafa kicks him out inviting his friend on to his bed.

"I'm so sorry for that... chaos." Mustafa apologizes searching for the right word. Shafiqa giggles covering her mouth with her left hand. "My family is nothing less than this."

"Really?" Mustafa is more than surprised to hear this from the precious Shafiqa who is perfect in any way possible. Starting from the fact that she wears hijab, to the fact that she chose to follow Islam.

" why don't we start the essay." Shafiqa suggests uncomfortably shifting in her spot. A frown comes upon Mustafa's lips as he digs his backpack for the essay structure.

"I can't believe we're seniors, right." Mustafa says spinning in his chair, wanting to get out of writing the dumb essay. "When are you taking your senior pictures?"

"Nice try, but your still gonna write the essay." Shafiqa says breaking Mustafa's code. From downstairs Mustafa hears Negina shriek, "Mom! It's burning! I swear I didn't do anything!"

They laugh together for no reason what so ever.

"You think that's funny, you should see my older brother." Mustafa laughs.

"My sister is just like that. She's getting married and doesn't know how to cook. Well the other day my mom tried to teach her and she almost burned the house down." She laughs.

"No. Way. My sisters getting married and doesn't know how to cook. And we'll now you see that my moms trying to teach her." Mustafa exclaims amazed.

"Oh my god, my sister is a horrible cook. I removed once she even said something like-" Shafiqa gets cut off by Mustafa.

"My future husband better like pizza, because that's his everyday dinner for the rest of his life."

Shafiqa looks at him, it's was as if he had read her mind.

"You know, there's not to you than meets the eye. And there's a lot that meets the eye." Shafiqa compliments trying to be as nice as possible, but ending up sound rude.

Mustafa's hand lands on Shafiqa's shoulder as he pecks at the paper, its laid on the hard binder top and filled with writing. Astonished at all the writing all Mustafa is able to say is, "Wow!"

Shafiqa tenses and her shoulder tightens at his touch. Feeling uneasy Shafiqa shrugs his hand off and Mustafa doesn't try anything like that again, not wanting to make things awkward between the two.


"So your telling me, that this essay needs to have at least five paragraphs. Each paragraph needs at least eight sentences. Each sentence needs at least five words?" Mustafa asks in disbelief and not including the rest.

Shafiqa nods.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"It's not hat bad, considering the fact that we only have to revise and edit it now." Shafiqa says not taking her eyes off of the paper and continuously writing on the lined piece of paper.

"Can we do that tomorrow." Mustafa groans falling back on the bed.

"Sure." Shafiqa shrugs starting to put away her papers into her backpack.

"I wanted to invite your family and you to my sisters wedding, it's in a few weeks." Shafiqa says shyly pulling out a decorated card out of her backpack.

"Thanks. We'll definitely come." Mustafa acknowledges which brings a smile on Shafiqa's face.

"In that case, I'm inviting you to my sisters wedding. I don't have an official invitation but I'll get you one."

"Alright, I'll be waiting." Shafiqa smiles fixing the scarf that's wrapped around her head. "Shafiqa, I have a personal question, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Mustafa asks turning to her.

"Have you ever gotten, bullied because your Muslim?" He asks curiously.

"Umm, not all the time." She sucks her teeth, lying. Mustafa takes a second to examine Shafiqa while knowing that her statement is untrue. "I don't think so."

"Ok fine. I've gotten bullied because of being Muslim, so what?" Shafiqa says waving her hand dismissively in the air.

"So what?!" Mustafa quotes angrily standing up, "and your only telling me this now!"

"Why are you so bipolar? You met me this morning and now you're demanding me to tell you everything that ever happened. There's no point in trying to, you don't even care." Shafiqa says standing up too.

"Maybe I do care." Mustafa mutters sadly confessing his feelings that's he's kept inside him for so long.

"What was that." Shafiqa smirks and crosses her hands over her chest. "I couldn't quite hear you."

"I said, I care about you!" Mustafa says loudly.

Authors Note-

Picture of Jasmine up top or to the side

I know you guys probably hate me for not updating but I have my reasons. So me and my friend we were racing on our bikes. The bike was going to fast and the brake slipped from my hand. Long story short I have a stage two concussion and can't go to school, look at small script, and pressure my brain.

For those of you wondering, yes. I am alright. My eye is just really swollen and is turning all different colors.

Question of the day: what grade are you in?

(If graduated, what year did you graduate?)


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