Loves Passion [EXO CHANYEOL F...

By ohsnapitsliane

4.4K 206 21

A girl who gets picked on everyday at school so her mom decides to move to Korea to start a whole new life. T... More

Love's Passion
To Korea We Go!
Is This Really Happening?
My New Life Starts Now
So Far So Good I Guess
Why is this happening?
Seriously Hurt Then Healed
Its A Miracle!
School *sighs*
Will everything be perfect?
Whats going on?
This is crazy
What do I do now!?
Its Time.
Why am I like this?

Met an Idol

245 11 2
By ohsnapitsliane

I only have one more day of school. Dayummmm YESSS. I don't have to do the homework or that stupid project and don't have to study for the test! This is awesome and best of all, NO KERSTEN. :D And also I'll be livng in a "mansion" with Kim and Nina.! Could things get any better???

Me, Nina, and Kim all went into my and they were sleeping over too so we could all go to school together tomrrow.

"I can't believe we are moving." Nina. Kim nodded her head.

"To be honest I'm really going to miss it here." Kim said with a giggle.

"But I'll definitely come back to visit my family." Nina agreed with that.

"I don't think any of us will miss it here." I couldn't say that with a straight face. After that we all brushed our teeth and went to sleep. I felt bad if I slept in a bed and Nina and Kim slept on the ground I decided we all sleep on the ground so it'll be fair. It was actually comfortable sleeping on a blanket and another blanket on top of us, it was like a blanket sandwich.

I woke up at 6 am and Nina was still sleeping and I caught Kim just on her phone. I went to the bathroom took a shower, brush my teeth, dried my hair, and picked out my outfit. I wore a tee with the word love on it and tucked it in my dark gray jeans then topped it off with my baige cardigan. Then I went into my room to see if Liane and Nina are awake yet. Kim was on my bed texting her friends goodbyes and Nina was still sleeping.

"Wake up Nina or else I'm going to pour water on you." I told her and shook her.

She shot up and ran to the bathroom. Me and Kim looked at each other and just laughed.

"I can tell she doesn't want to get splashed in the morning." Kim was giggling like crazy. After Nina finished and Liane finished doing their morning routines it was 7 already so we went downstairs to eat cereal and watch a little tv.

Then it was 7:30 my mom told us to get off our butts and get in the car so she could drive us to school, yay no walking this time. When we made it to school it was 8 so we had 30 minutes still. We got out of the car and thanked my mom for the ride and went to our lockers to get our books. And we also found out Kersten was absent.

YES OHMERGERD YES. BECAUSE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER. I was so happy she wasn't here. The whole day all my friends would run up to me and give me hugs and pictures and letters saying they'll miss us. I was so touched and I will miss them all too.

After school ended I went home and started packing slowly since I have a 4-5 more days able to pack. Kim and Nina hurried and finished in 2 days then stayed at our house for the rest of the days. Most of our furniture and stuff were already shipped to our new house in Korea. I finished packing all my stuff on the last day being here. So we all drove to the airport and boarded the plane. I had my laptop and phone. Nina had her phone. And Kim had her phone and video camera. Kim recorded us during the flight for her YouTube channel. Hehe.

After a few hours we got sleepy and fell asleep for the rest of the flight. Until the flight attendant announced that we were in Korea already. Since Nina had the window seat she opened the window and showed us the view of Korea. From way up here it looked so beautiful and pretty. I couldn't wait to get to our house and unpack and sleep. After the plane landed we went into the airport and sat down for a bit. We saw a bunch of shops so we told my mom that we were going to buy some stuff and just meet her at the new house. She gave us the address to the new house and said to take a cab to the house.

We went a clothing store and bought some clothes and I saw a selection of beanies and snapbacks. I ran towards that section and looked at the beanies. Then I saw one that really caught my eye. It was on a shelf high up and no employees were near me so I had to get it myself. But I was too short to get it I tried reaching as high as I could but could reach it. *cries*

*why do I have to be so short??*

Then some guy came over and said "Here let me get that for you." with a chuckle.

He was so tall and got the beanie for me.

"Here you go my lady." he bowed like a prince pretending I was a princess handing me a gift. I started giggling.

"Why thank you for getting that beanie for me and also being such a genlteman.

"No problem what's your name?"

"Cerena what's your name?"

"I'm ChanYeol. You new here to Korea."

"Yeah. A little bit."

"You speak any Korean."

"Yeah very. I actually am Korean and Chinese."

"Cool. Well I'll hopefully catch you around."

He walked away with a smile and he seems pretty nice. Chanyeol huh? How dreamy and pretty cute. WAIT WHAT? Well it's true but he'll never like me and besides I don't know him.


Hey Guys.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait to make the next chaper.!! : 3

Also I am sooooo deeply sorry if I made any mistakes or spelled anything wrong. I've just been rushing and yeah so I am really sorry if I made any.

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