I Love You a Skele-TON (Frans)

By hidden_sushi

77.2K 2K 2.5K

Frisk found herself having a little crush on Sans until it turns out to be a huge liking towards him. What wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
|| You Marry Me ||
|| Tipsy ||
|| Waterfalls ||
|| Proposal ||
|| Smacked ||
|| Cuddly or Horny? ||
|| Wedding ||
|| Good or Bad News? ||
|| Normal Day ||
|| Wonder ||
|| Dang it, Sans. ||
|| New Souls ||
|| Ending ||
|| Merry Christmas (Bonus) ||

|| A Short Celebration ||

2.6K 73 89
By hidden_sushi

"A date...?"


"R-really? A d-date?" Frisk stuttered, flattered.


A very unknown special day, yet a very special day for Sans and Frisk, but only Sans knows. Of course, Sans informed and texted the others to make a plan. A birthday celebration.


It's Frisk's birthday.

How can Frisk forget about this?

But how can Sans still remember this?


"what? you don't want to go on a date?"

"Wha-? No! Of course, not!" Frisk shook her head in panic and confusion. "It's just- I never been on a date before." Frisk bows her head and starts twiddling her fingers.

Damn, she was cute.

"well, guess we're on the same boat." Sans sighed as he walked closer to Frisk.

Without warning, Sans suddenly hugs Frisk.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Sans' voice still calm and deep, so deep that made Frisk's heart melt.

'It's my birthday?' Frisk thought in shock.

"W-wait, reall-ly?"

"yeah," Sans nods, "I'm so old." Frisk playfully whined. "what? no, you're not." Sans chuckles, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"you're only 18, right?"

Sans earned a nod.

"heck, frisk, i'm 22. i'm the older one here."

"Of course, you are!" Frisk giggled, lightly hitting Sans' skull with her palm.

"ow, i only got 1 hp."

"Shut up." She scoffed, her voice slightly filled with regret. "ok, ma'am."

Sans nuzzled on Frisk's neck, it was ticklish that made Frisk giggle uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the door bursted open.


Sans and Frisk quickly lets go of each other, before anyone gets an idea. (Get it?)

Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys, Toriel, Flowey, Asgore, Napstablook, Monster kid, and Chara was there.

Papyrus was holding a red and blue frosting colored cake, with 2 purple candles. The color represented Sans' and Frisk's soul color.

What a cute little cake.

The others were holding some primary colored balloons and stuffs.

"Happy birthday to you~!" They sang, "Happy birthday to you!"

Frisk was on the verge of tears.

"Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you~!"

"BLOW OUT!" Monster kid quickly added as the others started laughing.

Frisk started to cry as she quickly wiped the tears away, but the tears wouldn't stop.

Ah, tears of joy.

Again, Frisk quickly hugs Sans and buried her head in Sans' chest. The both earned an 'awww' from everyone. Sans smiled warmly and hugged Frisk back.

"Ship it?" They asked each other.

"Yeah." They answered as they decided to leave the two alone.

They decided to greet her 'happy birthday' and leave to respect their privacy.

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