An Electrifying Love Story: (...

By FluffyMinccino

12.3K 190 162

When the commander of Team Plasma figures out the truth of her organization and leaves her hometown, she flee... More

Chapter two: Kalos, where dreams and adventures begin!
Chapter three: The start of a Kalos journey!
Chapter four: Two pairs come together
Chapter five: Ash's rematch vs Viola
Chapter six: Time to face against the Rhyhorn race!
Chapter seven: It's racing time!
Chapter eight: Clemont wasn't the only one with a secret..
Chapter nine: Showdown at the Lumiose gym!
Chapter ten: Mega Meowth's attack!
Chapter eleven: Approaching the scary mansion!
Chapter twelve: A trainer-Pokemon bonding session
Chapter thirteen: The meeting of a ninja warrior
Chapter fourteen: Getting to know each other better
Chapter fifteen: Malamar's first threat!
Chapter sixteen: Battles at the battle chateau!
Chapter seventeen: The Pokevision performance!
Chapter eighteen: Going for the golden Magikarp!
Chapter nineteen: Helpful aquatic training!
Chapter twenty: Cuddle time with Amaura!
Chapter twenty one: A long awaited, wall climbing gym battle
Chapter twenty two: The siren's song
Chapter twenty three: A battle by any other name!
Chapter twenty four: To find a fairy flower friend!
Chapter twenty five: The ultimate chance of a lifetime!
Chapter twenty six: Heroes: Friends and faux alike!
Chapter twenty seven: Lady Korrina's grand appearance!
Chapter twenty eight: The Cave of Trials!
Chapter twenty nine: The aura storm
Chapter thirty: Calling from beyond the aura!
Chapter thirty one: the incredible bonds of evolution!
Chapter thirty two: The reigning Forest Champion!
Chapter thirty three: Battles in the sky! Fletchling's time to shine!
Chapter thirty four: The cave of confusing mirrors!
Chapter thirty five: Forging Forest Friendships!
Chapter thirty six: Time for summer camp and new friendships to form!
Chapter thirty seven: Summer camp: day 2!
Chapter thirty eight: Foggy Pokemon Orienteering
Chapter thirty nine: Battling into the hall of fame!!
Chapter forty: An Eggcellent experience!
Chapter forty one: Origins of Mega Evolution!
Chapter forty two: Ash vs Korrina! Showdown at the Shalour gym!

Chapter one: The commander's fall

1.2K 14 15
By FluffyMinccino

Hovering over the Unova region was Team Plasma's air fortress. Our heroes, Ash, Cilan, and Iris stood on one side of it while the evil organization stood on the other. They all got their pokéballs ready, but someone stopped them.

Team Plasma's commander, Sierra. To Ash, she looked completely different before she betrayed them. All innocent, nice, and loyal. But now? She was a completely different person in her Team Plasma uniform. Here she is, the right hand girl to Ghetsis.

"You, need to leave." She said coldly.

"Why are you doing this?!" Ash yelled.

She lifted her head, facing them. Getting a pokeball ready, they couldn't really see her facial expression through her mask over her mouth. "Don't you see that we're trying to make Unova a better place? Just face it, without us, Pokémon everywhere will be abused and treated like servants the rest of their lives. And I'm not going to let it happen."

"Don't YOU see that Team Plasma is using you? They've messed with your head, Sierra. Trust me, Team Plasma is not what you think it is. They don't care about y-"

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" She stomped her foot with her long, high heeled boots, then threw one of her Pokéballs out. "Go! Vaporeon!"

Out came the water type Pokémon.
It growled at the group and barked with its sharp teeth.

"Use hydro pump!!"

"Vaaaaaaporeon!!!" It released a gush of water from its mouth.

Ash counterattacked. "Dodge it, Pikachu!
Use thunderbolt!"

"Piiiiiiika.. chu!!!!!!"

Vaporeon was zapped by thunderbolt and fried to a crisp.

"Vaporeon, no!" She ran to it. "Are you okay..?"


In anger, Sierra returned her Pokemon and reached to grab another one, but before she could, they were all interrupted.

"I'm just getting warmed-"

"-That's enough, Sierra. No more battling." A voice said from upstairs in the shadows.

It was Team Plasma's leader. Ghetsis.

"S-Sir!" She saluted.

"The next step of our plan is about to come into action, Sierra. Reshiram will finally be ours, and I do not need you causing a scene with these people. You wouldn't want me to give your position as admin to someone else, would you?"

"Sir, no sir!" She stood at attention.

He chuckled. "Good. Now.. Take these people and throw them out of here, I don't want our plan of world domination to be disrupted.."

"Yes s-" Sierra was about to take his orders but she stopped. "Wait.. world.. domination? But I-I- thought that we were saving Pokemon from abuse and-"

"Oh my little admin.. it's about time that I told you the truth. Those Pokemon we took, weren't being abused."

"What?!" Sierra exclaimed in shock. "Then why were we taking them from so many people?!"

Ghetsis sighed and laughed again.
"Why.. we are using them for our Pokemon army of course. Do you really think we Team Plasma we're trying to do good? All we want is to rule the world. Not anything else.
Do you understand?"

Then it finally hit Sierra. Everything she's been doing.. all those Pokemon she "Saved" was nothing but an evil scheme to rule the world.. she.. took those Pokemon from so many innocent people.. they weren't helping Pokemon that were in trouble. She felt ashamed. The team she knew, the people she trusted, were nothing but traitors. In anger, she threw her mask off.

"What are you doing?" Ghetsis asked.

She stood by the exit of the air fortress.
"You all.. lied to me.. I thought you all were doing good.. were my friends.. but I was wrong. Team Plasma betrayed me, and you are nothing to me!!!"

Ash and friend stood in shock at the scene played before them.

"Ash, should we-"

Ash shook his head. "No Cilan,
she deserves to know the truth..
she was blinded by her leader's lies."

"What are you saying, Sierra?"

"I'm saying.. that I quit. I quit Team Plasma. Nothing I've done matters anymore.." She ran to the bag full of stolen Pokeballs. "Ash.."

Ash looked up at her. "Y-Yeah?"

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. I should have listened to you. And I should've never betrayed you. what I've done was unforgivable.. I regret all of the lies I have told you. my only favor I could ask you is to return these Pokemon to their owners.. please."

Ash stood there motionless. Nodding his head.
"I will. And... I-I'm sorry Sierra-"

"Don't apologize. I have to go.."

And with that, she jumped out of the air fortress, which was flying over the Undella bay.

"SIERRA!!!!" Ash, Iris and Cilan yelled.
All they heard was a splash in the distance.
She was gone.

"Well well well.. looks like she bailed after all." Ghetsis said, arms crossed. "She was useless to me anyway.. she always was.."

"You're going to pay for what you've done!" Iris yelled.

"She could be dead, Ghetsis! Your commander! Don't you even care?!"

He laughed. "I couldn't care less, she may have been loyal, and she may have been something to me before.. but she is nothing to me now, I knew she was too naive to figure out what exactly we were doing. So.. it's her loss. And it cost her her life, a foolish decision if you ask me."

"How could you say that?!" Cilan protested.

"You're heartless! A cold, heartless, maniac!"

Ash stopped them. "Just stop, you guys.. what's done is done.. let's just take everyone's pokeballs and leave. Return them. That was her wish after all."


"You're right.."

Ash ran after the big bag and grabbed it.

"Dragonite!!!" Iris yelled.

The two Pokemon flew over to the entrance and with the bag full of pokeballs, they escaped before Ghetsis could attack.


A grunt walked to him and put him hand on his shoulder. "Sir, what do we do now? Now that.. you know.. your-"

"-Do not finish that sentence. She's no use to me now... but now?" He chuckled. "The plan doesn't change. Keep our course straight for the giant chasm. Our plans to capture Reshiram and Kyurem have not changed! Team Plasma.. will rule Unova.. and soon, the world!"


Ghetsis turned and looked at one of his grunts. "What is it?"

"It's him." He handed him a phone.

"Yes?" Ghetsis asked, holding the phone to his ear."

A male voice was on the other line. "Have you captured the two legendary Pokemon yet?"

"Not yet, my friend. But soon! We shall have the whole world bowing down to the both of us! Sierra is gone, so now we can commence with the next phase of our plan."

"Excellent. As soon as you capture them, I will send my commanders to come and get you and your people. Do not screw this up, Ghetsis."

"I shall not disappoint you, my friend. Ghetsis out." He hung up the phone. "Hahahaha... mwahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

His grunts laughed with him evilly.


While they were flying overhead of Unova's seas, they were silent. Mourning and facing facts that Sierra didn't make it after she jumped out.

"Do you think she-"

Ash cut Cilan off. "I.. I don't know.. she didn't deserve this.. not any of it.. I feel bad now for being so angry at her. She didn't know what she was doing.."

"Ash.. don't blame this on yourself." Iris said. "There was nothing we could do.."

"I know.. I know... but that doesn't mean it's any less horrifying to know that she's gone.."

But meanwhile..

"..." *cough cough hack* "H-huh? Wh-what.. what happened?" Sierra woke up on a beach nearby Undella town. "How did I get here?"

She looked around and soon after giving up, she saw a Dewgong coming up from the shore towards her carrying berries in its mouth.

"Dewgong! Dew gong gong gong!" It chirped happily, happy that she was awake.

She was confused. "D-did you.. rescue me?"

Dewgong nodded its head. Then handed her some berries for her to eat. She took them and ate some.

"These are delicious! Thank you so much..
I can't thank you enough for saving me.."

The sea lion Pokemon was happy to hear her kind words. It jumped on top of her and started licking her face affectionately.

"Hahahahahahaha!" She giggled. "H-hey!
St-stop that! Hahaha- that tickles!"

Dewgong smiled at her, backing away, it gave her more berries to eat.

"You're too kind, Dewgong.."

After she finished, she stood up and looked all around her. Undella town was just behind her.

"Undella town huh.. I'd better get out of here, and fast.. I don't want officer Jenny finding me in my Team Plasma uniform.."

She pet Dewgong and they said their goodbyes. She made it out of the town and she ran all the way back to her hometown in Humilau city. Once she found her house, she found her cousin sitting on a chair with his arms crossed.


"Marlon-! Oh... you..
you know about everything.. don't you..?"

"Yeah. I know. But that doesn't mean I love you any less, cousin.. listen, officer Jenny spotted you on your way here and she's coming.. she called me. You have to leave if you don't want to go to jail. Everyone knows you are Team Plasma's commander.."

"Oh my god... B-but M-Marlon-"

"I'm sorry cousin.." He pulled her into a hug, then handed her a plane ticket. "Take this, pack up, hurry and leave. Call me once you get there-"


He stopped her from protesting.
"Sierra, I know this Team Plasma mess wasn't your fault, you were blinded by trying to stop other's mistakes, but Team Plasma still committed crimes. The police are coming, call me once you get there, okay?"

"But Marlon! I can't leave you! Not after everything we've been through!!" She sobbed, clinging to him. "I should've never listened to Ghetsis!!"

"G-Ghetsis?" Marlon shivered. Revealing that name made the situation worse. But he couldn't be distracted now. She had to leave before she was caught.

She started crying harder, her tears soaked her uniform, she tried to convince him to let her stay, but he hugged her tight and told her to run. And that's exactly what she did. And she never looked back.

When Marlon didn't see her in his sight anymore, he broke down into tears.

"S-Sierra... I love you Cousin... I just wish things could be different.. one day, you'll find out the truth.... someday."

His Samurott was standing next to him, trying to comfort him. "Sam mur.."

"Ghetsis... you bastard.." He held himself back. "If I ever find you, you'll be dead. Do you hear me you scum?! DEAD!" He wailed. Then he snapped out of it. "I-I've got to call officer Jenny-"

His door swung open. "I'm here. Where is she?"

"O-Officer Jenny..." Marlon began. "Please, I'm begging you. My baby cousin had nothing to do with this..."

"She stole hundreds of Pokemon from innocent trainers, Marlon. I don't really see that as having "NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.""

Marlon began crying again. "This is all Ghetsis' fault, Officer! Please... he's corrupted her to think she was doing something good. You have to believe me."

Jenny stood there, pondering. She looked into Marlon's eyes. And she could tell he was telling the truth.

"Alright Marlon, I believe you. I'll drop the charges on your cousin."


"Yes. I promise. As long as she doesn't commit any more crimes."

"Yes, yes thank you!"

She smiled. "You're welcome. Now... tell me more about this Ghetsis."

"Well, he's the leader of Team Plasma. And.. well.. you see-"

1 hour later..

Officer Jenny was astonished. "Well... that's quite a story you've told me, Marlon. I'm sorry Sierra has went through all this mess with Team Plasma. I'll be sure to track them down as soon as I can and bring them to justice for your cousin."

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Officer Jenny."

"Of course. I'll be keeping in contact with you. And please, tell Sierra she has nothing to worry about." Jenny saw herself out the door.

Marlon sat back down in relief. His cousin was finally safe.. but then, the door knocked again, he got up to open the door.

"Yes? Who are you?"

The person ignored his question. "Are you the gym leader of this city, Marlon?"

"Yes, I am. And you are..?"

Sierra was now, an outlaw.
In the Unova region. Or well... she thought.

While running, she did her best to cover up her uniform while trying to make herself at least halfway decent. But then, she noticed, a pokeball in her pocket. She had forgotten to put one back.. but she was going to worry about that when she left. She soon arrived at the airport.

She hurried to the bathroom to change her clothes so she wouldn't look any more suspicious. She hurried to the gate and handed them her plane ticket.


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