Classmates or more? (Logan pa...

By team10ff_

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He was popular she was not. They have most of the same lessons together but never spoke until they got put to... More

Its up


628 14 0
By team10ff_

Skip to Saturday game day
Today is game day and a big day because like 20 minutes left of the game or near the end I'm going to stop playing go over to Charlotte bring her on to the field and ask her to be my girlfriend

The team knows this is happening so does the coach so does the opposite team and our principal im really nervous I really really like her

I'm buying her roses and a football jersey with queen on it with a 1 we'll already brought the football jersey just the red roses

Sort of like this but it's all black with white writing


The match is at 2 and it's 12 I'm getting ready right now

Got dressed into this playsuit

With tan timberlands

Done my hair and makeup I curled my hair tying it up into a half up half down hair style

Put my gold watch and hoop earrings put my spray and perfume on

Grabbed my black clutch bag filled it with my phone purse and essentials

Put it on my shoulder

I walked downstairs and hugged Jess
Jess:come on or we won't get a seat
Charlotte:bye mom
Mom:bye you have a party tonight don't you
Charlotte:yeah I will come and get ready after the game
Mom:ok good luck
Charlotte:thank you bye

We walked to Jess's car James was in the back

James:your clothes my god amazing
I chuckled and thanked him we drove to the school stadium where the game was held

Jess:come on lets go

We got out of her car and walked in
Jess:James get us seats while we wish them luck
James:yeah ok
Charlotte:thank you

He nodded we walked into the boys changing room where they were ready the other team boys was in there

Our team saw us Logan quickly put something away but I didn't see

Charlotte:hey guys
Charlotte:we wanted to wish you good luck
Logan:thank you
He hugged me
Logan:you look amazing and it's not even the party yet

I blushed and thanked him
Zach:ok you two get seats
Charlotte:ok bye
Jess:good luck baby
Dylan:thank you babe

We waved and went to find James the principal was here and gave me a megaphone again

I cheered he laughed

We found James with 4 seats near the front and on the edge i sat inbetween James and Jess James was on the edge of the row and we was in the middle section

James:how do you get that
Charlotte:principals here he gave it to me
James:lucky bitch
Charlotte:we can share

The principal came up to em
Principal:you did such a good job last time please

I grabbed the lines put the megaphone and my bag on my chair

There was a lot more people here supporting the other team

I walked into the field on the stage the principal came up to me

Principal:you are going to be saying the school names so they come out
Principal:good luck a lot more people
Charlotte:oh I know
He chuckled and turned the microphone on

Charlotte:hey guys
Everyone cheered
Charlotte:yeah I'm back on the microphone but with like double the amount of eyes on me

They laughed
Charlotte:a lot of people so the principal of our school Ohio academy high school asked me to do this

I breathed
Charlotte:please be respectful of eachother don't talk rubbish I know us ohioans are really competitive but keep that to a low please this is the big final game of the season, the match between Ohio academy high school and Cleveland Ohio high school apparently the best football team apparently

Everyone laughed I smiled
Charlotte:so I would like to welcome out apparently the best football team Cleveland Ohio high school

The team jogged out with there coach some people cheered but not a lot
Charlotte:tough crowd?
People laughed
Charlotte:and the school I support the best one in my eyes Ohio academy high school

They ran out a lot more people cheered Jess talked into the megaphone for Dylan

Charlotte:Jess we know you love your boyfriend but there is other football players

Jess:you would be doing the same to Logan
I laughed
Charlotte:okay moving on hope you guys enjoy the game good luck to both teams I will be cheering in my seat for the team I want to win and you all know what team that is now on with the game

I tapped the microphone and walked off the stage I waved at my team they waved back

I walked up to my seat and took the megaphone the coaches talked to there teams and they got into places the bell rang

Skip to 20 minutes left of the game

So it's 20 minutes left of the game our team is winning by 6 points the next thing I know I saw Logan walking off the field up to me

He walked to my seat the game stopped he grabbed my hand

Charlotte:what you doing
Logan:follow me

He brought me down to the field onto the middle of the field Zach was holding roses and a black football jersey with queen on the back

Zach handed him the roses and Dylan handed him the microphone I was so confused

Logan:ok there is a lot of people
I chuckled
Charlotte:told you
Zach handed me a microphone I was more confused

Logan:ok Charlotte I never really noticed you in my lessons to be honest till I was put as your assignment partner in maths and when I first saw you i thought you was perfect and the dick jack was bullying and i thought to myself why you are to perfect to be horrible to so I stood up to you sort of not as much as I would like but I still did and ever since that maths lesson we have been super close so I'm basically asking will you be my girlfriend

Everyone in the crowd was like stunned I smiled a tear rolled down my cheek he wiped it

Zach:what do you say
Charlotte:yes I will be your girlfriend

Everyone cheered Logan hugged me and pecked my lips I chuckled

Zach put the football jersey on me

Charlotte:so as much as I want to spend time with my new boyfriend he's gotta win this game now so let's win this thing

I grabbed Logan's microphone pecked his cheek

Charlotte:good luck
Logan:thank you

I held the roses put the microphones back on there stands on the stage

Then walked up to my seat

Jess squealed so did James

I laughed and sat down we squealed together and laughed

Jess:that was so cute your Jersey the roses and like the middle of the game

I smiled I couldn't stop smiling
Charlotte:I know
James:got yourself a keeper
Charlotte:I hope so
They laughed the game started again

We ended up winning by 5 points me Jess and James went down to the boys with our stuff


They cheered and high fived me Logan instead pulled me into him I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my butt

He smiled I smiled back I pecked his lips but he kissed back so we ended up kissing alittle it was Very slow and passionate

After the kiss Zach announced

Zach:now I need to ask Shelby out she's going to the party
I chuckled
Logan:no one can beat mine
I put the roses infront of my face they laughed

Jess:well me Charlotte and James need to get ready so do you boys as Zach needs to set up his house

Charlotte:Jess how are you getting there
Jess:Dylan's picking me up
James:Charlotte my moms taking me do you want us to pick you up
Charlotte:life saver yes thank you James
James:come on we have 5 hours till the party lets go check your walldrobe off

Everyone laughed
Charlotte:ok James wait

I turned around to Logan pecked his lips

Charlotte:bye guys
His mom was outside waiting for us we drove to my house his mom was friends with my parents so she came in

Mom:James you have an hour
We ran up to my room we looked through all my clothes and picked out an outfit for tonight

James left after picking out my outfit so I just went on my phone and listened to music till 6 i also had dinner

After I decided to hop in the shower blew dried my hair brushed my hair and teeth curled my hair making it wavy

Done my makeup put this on

You pick which on and what heels to wear

After getting dressed I grabbed my black sparkly clutch bag filled it with my purse phone and essentials

Put my spray and perfume on with my gold hoops and watch

I finished getting ready put the bag on My shoulder and walked downstairs

As James texted me he's outside

Mom:are you coming home tonight
Charlotte:I don't know so I put my keys in my bag
Mom:ok we'll have fun
I thanked her and hugged her walked out to James car

James:you look amazing
I chuckled and hugged him

Charlotte:thanks so do you
James:lets go
We drove to Zach's

James:this house is beautiful
I chuckled
Charlotte:I know thanks James mom
She nodded and drove off Ellie and Ava was waiting outside

Ellie:you look amazing
I chuckled and thanked them
Charlotte:you two do aswell
Ava:lets go

We walked into the party there was ally of people there

I immediately saw Logan with Zach and Shelby he hadn't seen me I walked over and stood next to him intertwined our fingers

He looked at me his mouth dropped i blushed and smiled

Logan:you look amazing
He wrapped his arms around my waist put his hands on my butt I wrapped mine around his neck

Charlotte:thank you so do you

He leant in and kissed me I kissed him back we heard loads of people screaming we slipped some tongue in I smiled into the kiss

We pulled away the kiss was very slow and passionate

The football team was going crazy
We laughed i hugged him

Zach:Charlotte can I talk to you

Me and Zach walked outside to his condo

Zach shut the door and tried to lean in
I pushed him away abit

Charlotte:what you doing
He chuckled
Zach:you just passed the bestfriend test
I laughed and hugged him
Charlotte:don't do that to me

He laughed
Zach:seriously I don't know how to ask Shelby out
Charlotte:you wanna make a big deal of it or not
Zach:I don't mind
I sighed
Charlotte:well I think you should ask her how you think should be right
Zach sighed

We walked back into the house i walked up to Logan

He grabbed my hand and span me around slowly then put his hand on my waist

Zach handed me a tequila and punch I thanked him and took a sip

Logan:where you staying tonight
I shrugged he chuckled and shook his head

Charlotte:I don't know
He motioned Zach over he did
Logan:can me and Charlotte sleep in the condo tonight
Zach:of course man
Logan thanked him then Zach walked over to Shelby

Logan:guess your sleeping here
Charlotte:guess I am
Logan chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist I chuckled

He leant down and kissed me again it was short and passionate

I brought my phone out we took a selfie

I saw Jake chance and Anthony walk in
Charlotte:what's your 14 year old brother doing here

Logan sighed Jake chance and Anthony walked over to us i took a sip of my drink

Logan put his hand on my lower back

Jake:hey brother
Logan:what you doing here your 14 Anthony's 15

Jake chuckled
Jake:here to party hey Charlotte
I hugged chance and Anthony then Jake

Jake:mom thinks we are at Anthony's
Logan sighed
Logan:just don't annoy me and do your own thing please
Jake:ok deal

The 3 boys left I downed my drink

Skip to end of party

It's around 2:30 am and Zach has just sent everyone home except Shelby because they go out now

I'm abit tipsy Logan was getting there but was wasn't fully

Logan:we are going to the condo
Zach:ok use protection

I giggled Logan chuckled and intertwined our fingers we walked to the condo when Logan shut and locked the condo door

He pinned me up against the door and kissed me I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist

He moved my hands from my waist to my butt and squeezed it

I moaned lightly he chuckled
I jumped he caught me as I wrapped my legs around his waist he carried me into one of the rooms and laid me on the bed

He started to kiss my neck and got my sweet spot I lightly moaned he reconnected our lips

We smashed and used protection fell asleep cuddling

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