
By cluelesswreck

21.7K 2.5K 991

❝the present was the present, and we didn't even know it.❞ dedicated to kjh and wb highest ranking: #27 in po... More

johanna means graceful
google "comedic segways"
your star wars leggings
an obsession with doctor pepper
born in the seventies
for you to bloom
my friend infinity
i hate the fact that you've gotten taller
we listen to trash music
life's socks
an epidemic named mass hysteria
if humans were chairs
fishnets do not a mermaid make
one day i forgot to exist
say hello to the internet phenomenon
hide and seek is a kid's game
being a wannabe
for some reason you want to hug me
let's take a road trip to paris
phrases i'll never say
what accidents sound ambulance sirens
the replacement mom friend
hey siri, how does jealousy work
you, shoving words into my fingertips
wikihow not to fall in love with you
are you there, g-d? it's me, i think
a boy named joshua
a new haircut to present december
the cacophony of teenage brains
it has never been that love
introducing the zucchini brothers
he's a dancer
they are more than i could've asked for
commenting on poetic justice
dammit jim, i'm a doctor
airdrop me a line
you are stronger than you think
sunborn sunbeams
education through prayer
soulmates aren't dollar coins
if you were a day you would be tuesday
i can't say a heartfelt thank you
the ting goes "on a scale from 1 to 10"
empathy complex
put on my headphones so i drown twice
qualified to be aesthetic
it is transcribed atop my veins
i barely even know your faces
the theory of a kiss scene
to what fans i think i have
are you polaris or is it just the latitude
publish my gibberish
water lilies but it's high tide
papier-mâché apparitions
hi, i'm tyler
yours, truly
i want to gather all the beautiful words
i will never forget who you are
play your b7 chord, jimothy
h is for "hello, i'm a trainwreck"
heartbreak hotel but it's in cut time
this isn't rocky iv and nobody is dying
another day's absence
the fried rice from downtown
don't cite me
dear future wife
my lost boy
i'm the quiet kind of happy
missing choir
i write about love a lot
action, reaction
even sugar cookies have a pinch of salt
it's only when you're around
she lives among the stars
i'm missing someone i barely even know
sorta kinda in love
stumble on your words even in text
shredders are not cheese graters
i wonder if you think i'm witty
breaking habits
make me laugh in my sleep
sign me up for the price is right
i am no flower
when did we change places
i want to be a prince
make a horse chug gallons
give me seventy-four hoagies, stat
i'm a conductor
i admit my faults
update, says the alarm
pull-ups on a metal bar
inhaling cans full of starlight
always be creating
blue isn't a sad color
twenty-four hours of halftime
the perfect catchy title
one hundred stacked pennies
cookie swapping
my first christmas tree
superproud, a superpower
what rhymes with kazaam
it was merely positioning
was this what she meant
with only one syllable
wonder, in all its forms
the meaning of idolatry
and i laughed until i cried
there's people here
and crisp apple strudels
home of the real italian pizza
a whisper of a pitchpipe
fluffy blankets aren't enough
in order to transpose into any key
soaring into the abyss
a writer's dilemma
welcome to alcoholics anonymous
smile for the pictures
sweeter sixteens
five degrees on a sunday afternoon
january first
new canaan
way too long
to my friends who don't read
maybe it's just being teen age
i am nothing like you
let's start in the middle
there isn't much to be learned
quantitative properties
straight lines are not exactly so
don't wish to start over
a sinner's handbook
long gone sean
sentimental fools
under the rainfall
adjust to your happiness
happy belated arbor day
a scuffle is not a war, stephen
enough of the raindrops
too beautiful to comprehend
information redacted
two thousand and three
we are less than pawns in this insanity
granulated oceans
i don't want to be a fanfiction writer
that asian kid over in the corner
all they ask for is a "how are you"
he's a diamond among other gems
this fine line between us
it's not what's keeping me alive
a question i ask myself daily
less of a poem
i say[,] hello[,] to everyone.
seven seconds late
kevin and the irony boards
a california girl
revolutionary, they said
the big mood
clark kent
why i don't ramble just past midnight
what the mind can do
actors acting acts
that girl who doesn't like that other girl
the fallacy of love
following in the footsteps
the whirr of the wind
the lone(ly) stairway (only) leads (only) to the second floor
words are brain food not stomach food
not quite an explanation (why i've been gone, part one)
why i've been gone, part two, unedited.
why i've been gone. part three.
beasts and basements
this is late(ly)
asymptotic behavior
hypothermia is not equivalent to seasonal depression
poet to poet: 040890
level, cleared
the girl in the corner of the room
i don't deserve a chance to be problematic (deleting in five)
he is made of celadon jade
a soft voice
a love letter to distraction
nostalgia analogous for advanced placement united states history
a snow date for two
what we don't say out loud
invasive species
thoughts from the stars
a scientist subjected
the sun and the moon
until we are untold
breathing between weak beats
houston astronomical
acting out intent
who i am today
annotate me
the calm after the storm
the best of us on this damn universe
only for a little while

seven year olds don't smoke cigarettes

1K 66 47
By cluelesswreck

they do, sometimes.

at least, that's what you said as you started the deathmatch between you and your death match.

we walked on the sidewalks - she didn't walk into the middle of the street, although she pouted, she was sixteen - but i was a highway, faster and faster, smoke in my dust.

you didn't stop until we almost got run over, and then you put out your cigarette. somehow, dying is preferable in specific forms, at least in your mind.

the preconceived notion that you are a menace, a danger to society's youth, you are blonde and eighteen, a cigarette in your mouth changes the story infinite amounts.

but when you smile at my blue cotton-breaths and warn me to stay inside your steps, it doesn't feel as if you could be anything but yourself, freshly-dyed hair and a spring in your step.

i didn't want to believe that seven year olds smoked cigarettes, and i still forget from time to time, but now i am thankful, thankful not for the children - as you were - with lit sticks but for the sweetness of a seven year old mentality to turn away from the bitter taste of smoke.

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