Run. (Team Crafted Fanfiction)

By Falloutfandoms

44.6K 1.8K 1.5K

One night. That is all it can take to change everything. For Team Crafted, that one night contained a zombie... More

Chapter 1- It Begins
Chapter 2- Power Moves Only
Chapter 3- This is Real
Chapter 4- Get Packing
Chapter 5-Death hurts.
Chapter 6-The Journey Begins
Chapter 7-You'll Infect Me!
Chapter 8- Interrogation and Swedish
Chapter 9-All the Loot
Chapter 10-To Search or to Run?
Chapter 11- Waiting
Chapter 12- Formation!
Chapter 14- Run.
Chapter 15- Business
Chapter 16- Be the Zombie
Chapter 17- The Fury
Chapter 18-Pewdiepie
Chapter 19- Screaming?
Chapter 20-Stop!
Chapter 21- Sky
Chapter 22- Why!
Chapter 23- Prison Time
Chapter 24- Remember?
Chapter 25- Around
Chapter 26- Home Sweet Home
Chapter 27- City Life
Chapter 28- The Maze
Chapter 29-WHOAH
Chapter 30- New Life
Chapter 31- The Other's
Chapter 32- The enemy
Chapter 33- Tunnel People
Chapter 34- Power Move Squad
Chapter 35- Which Jason?
Chapter 36- The Flashback
Chapter 37- Team Crafted
Chapter 38- I'm not Insane
Chapter 39- Good Job
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 13- Just Great

1.1K 47 27
By Falloutfandoms

Mitch's POV

I stick my hands deep into my pockets and shiver. It probably would've been in my best interests to bring a jacket, but there's no point in walking back now. I've been going for a good four days, not counting stops for food and loot. Dang, I had looked at that jacket in the last house. Stared at it. Nice winter jacket. Now all I have is my checkered hoodie to keep me warm.

I stop and look up at the beautiful multi-colored foliage around me. I had left the road along time ago, after encountering another group of stragglers. I decided that's where most people and zombies would be, so I hang out here in the woods.

I grin crosses my face. Look at you Mitch! Living in the trees like a crazy bacca. Now I just need some raw fish and and Betty. The memory lingers, of all those good times in the hunger deans with Jerome. "Look Jerome," I whisper, "I'm in the forest. Come find me and I'll give you some of dis loot."

Silence surrounds me, and I sigh. I push forward, forcing the memories back. Leaves crackle under my feet, reminding me that winter will be here soon. I'm going to need shelter for winter. And I'm going to need more supplies if I hope to survive.....

Up to this point, if I saw a zombie, I would run or try to stab it with my kitchen knife. I had discovered a long time ago that zombies can't corner or switch directions well, so I had gotten pretty fast. After all, this knife could only do so much damage.

I stop suddenly. A town rests in front of me, and a hazy smoke rises above it. I watch it for a moment. Then I start walking towards the town. Might as well do some looting, fire or no fire.

The first door I try opens easily, and I make out fairly well. No jackets, but some hiking boots and a small first-aid kit. The second house is locked, and the third one I climb in through a window. I do much better here.

Three bottles of water, some canned food, a pocket knife, gloves, and a ski mask. I happily pull them on, glad for some protection. I was hoping to keep heading north to Canada, so it was going to get pretty cold. Happy with my finds, I leave that house.

As I wander through the town, I notice it was not a wild fire that was causing all the smoke. The smoke was rising up from a chimney. Frowning, I walk up to the house it's coming from. I twist the handle, but the door remains resolutely in place. I throw my shoulder against it, and I hear a crack. I do it again, and the door comes open. I notice as I enter that a chair was jamming the door.

The house is dark, but yet a fire crackles merrily in the fireplace. I cross to it and squat for a moment by it, thinking. Someone must be here. Fire was just tended to, by the looks of it. I slowly stand and pull a knife from my belt, hoping whoever it is doesn't have a gun. My knife would be no match.

I search the bottom floor of the house, then quietly make my way upstairs. All the doors are open in the hall except for one at the far end. I turn the knob, but it stays closed again. Another chair jam. Whoever's in there doesn't know much about locking or barricading, which to my best guess......means it's a kid. I really hope I'm right.

I raise a hand slowly to the door, and then, biting my lip, knock.


I knock again. Feeling bolder, I speak. "Is anyone in there? I won't hurt you, I promise."

I hear a shuffling from behind the door, and it cracks open an inch. A wide eye stares at me.

I suddenly feel upset. If I did intend to hurt her, I could've easily grabbed her. I step back and cross my arms.

"You shouldn't have done that. What if I was lying? I could easily force the door open." I say.

The door opens wider, revealing a teenager. She stares at me for a moment. Then I hear a gasp. "Mitch?"

My arms drop. "You know me?"

The door opens all the way, and she steps out. "Yes! I love Team Crafted!"

I grin. It's a dood. "Well, nice to meet you dood. What's your name?" I stick out my hand.

She shakes it, still staring at me. "Ummm, Olivia. And um, how-how did you find me?"

I point downstairs. "Fire."

She stomps her foot. "Shoot! I knew it was risky making that!"

I stick my hands in my pocket. "Yeah, why did you? It's not that cold yet."

She shrugs. "Really just to see if I could. It'll get cold sooner or later."

I nod. "Guess you can."

For a moment we both stare at each other, trying to figure out what to say next. Finally, I break the silence. It's much to dangerous for her to be out by herself.

"Would you wanna come with me? I'm not really sure where to yet, but you're welcome to come if you want......"

The words drift off as she tackles me in a hug. "Would I? 'Course I do!"

I smile. "Great."


Authors note:

I was able to edit a few chapters today(yay) so I should be able to upload them soon. Sadly, it takes me like 10-15 minutes to edit a chapter and 30-45 minutes to write one. I know, I'm probably the slowest author on earth.

It means a lot that someone is actually reading this, so thanks.

Happy reading.

Falloutfandoms out.

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