Serendipity || Park Jimin

By LunarCassiopeia

646 56 38

ser·en·dip·i·ty /ˌserənˈdipədē/ noun the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or benefic... More

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49 5 2
By LunarCassiopeia

Kim Jiyeon


I woke up to the strange sound of soft purring.

I wonder who or what was making that sound.

Curious, I sat up and looked around the room.

Sitting near the edge of the bed was Jimin, who appeared to be bent over something. His hand moved in motion that seemed like he was petting something.

I lifted the the blankets off of me and crawled over to where Jimin sat. I attempted to peer over his shoulder, trying to figure out what Jimin was doing.

Jimin noticed my attempts and quickly hunched over, covering up whatever he was doing. I groaned in frustration as he glanced up and smirked at me. I frowned and climbed down from the bed.

"Jiminieee, I wanna see what you're doing," I whined, lightly punching him in the shoulder.

Jimin chuckled and turned to look in my direction while keeping whatever he was doing hidden from me. I leaned forward in attempt to get past him but he leaned forward as well, making my attempt useless.

"What's the magic word?" Jimin asked in a teasing tone as he stuck his tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Please?" I pleaded, giving him a sad look. Jimin broke into laughter and slowly turned around, revealing what he had kept hidden from me.

I was surprised at what Jimin showed me.

Resting in his arms was a cute calico cat. She was resting her head on gently on Jimin's arm and purred softly as Jimin petted her.

"Awww! Where did she come from?" I asked, reaching to pet the cat on the head. I smiled at the feeling of making contact with the feline's soft fur. The cat purred and nuzzled against my hand.

"Actually, I don't know where she came from. I just woke up this morning to find her sleeping on the edge of the bed," Jimin replied, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Oh... Have you named her yet?" I asked, lifting the cat out of Jimin's arm. I was surprised at how light the cat was. I gently laid the cat in my lap, allowing for her to adjust.

Once she was adjusted, she laid down and rested her head on my leg. I laughed at how ticklish that felt.

"Actually, I was waiting for you to wake up so we can name her together," Jimin replied, reaching over to pet the cat.

I stared at the cat resting in my lap and tried to come with a name for this beautiful creature.

"How about Bomi?" I suggested, glancing up at Jimin. Jimin looked up at me and smiled.

"That's a really cute name!" Jimin laughed. He glanced up at me and gave me a sweet smile. My face quickly grew a bright shade of red. I nervously smiled before looking away from Jimin. I let out a sigh and glanced back down at Bomi.

I began to gently pet her on the head and she seemed to like it a lot. Bomi let out a soft, satisfied purr and closed her eyes. I watched as Bomi fell asleep in my lap.

I could help but smile as I lifted her up and gently laid Bomi on the messy bed.

"Bomi reminds me of you," Jimin whispered, resting his head on my shoulder.

My face grew red and I hastily glanced the other way.

"How so?" I asked, pushing Jimin's head off my shoulder. Jimin pouted and began to lean on me.

"Well, you're both cute," Jimin began, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Get off!" I snapped, shoving Jimin off of me again.

"No... I'm tired..." Jimin whined. He reached out and grabbed a pillow. He placed the pillow in between and laid on the pillow. I sighed in defeat and turned my attention back to Bomi.

"Bomi reminds me more of you than myself," I said, without looking at Jimin.

There was a long moment of silence. Curious as to why Jimin hadn't said anything, I turned to look at him.

He had his mouth opened as if he were about say something but then quickly closed it. He shook his head and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before he began to quietly snore.

I silently laugh as I pushed Jimin's head off of my shoulder and helped him onto the bed.

I pushed him onto the bed and laughed. Jimin was sprawled out and covered the majority of the bed. I grabbed a blanket and covered his sleeping figure.

I took a step back and looked at the sleeping cat and boy.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two sleeping creatures.

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