Alice in Light

By BlitzGrimm

1.9K 35 7

Join the adventure of Alice as she travels to the island called Night were she can make a living. But first s... More

That could have gone better
I ain't got no clue
The Truth
I'm a monster
Alice, Rune
Fuck the 4th wall
Meeting Rune
Let Wolfy Sleep
Party After match
Oh hell no
The Herculean Horror Leviathan
Fuck no
Nearing the End
The end part 1
The End
I lied. HAHA
I am the Queen
Talking with Jess
Greatest Train Ride
Feeding time
Run bitch
No regerts
Wake up.
Love me
oh well


36 1 0
By BlitzGrimm

It was Death.

(Dun Dun Duuuunnnn)

"FUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK NOOO!" Koda yelled. "NOT TODAY!" He says as he jumps behind Yang.

"There better be a good reason for calling mee..." Death droned out at the site of the people their voice was viscous and fearful yet calm and smooth.

"Dqf. :I " Destiny said questioning life.

"Seems Death hath arriveth." Jess joke only to be hit by the back end of Death's scythe.

"No." Death said (Got no clue on the gender so Death is an It.) in a monotone voice.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE IT'S DEATH SO RUN THE FU...!" Koda was cut off by a vicious growl coming from the forest.

"Oh so a Stalker that why I was called." Death said yawning. "Boring."

The Stalker leaped from the darkness of the forest and ran on it razor sharp claws to Death who just stood their.

The Stalker clawed downwards at Death creating a cloud of dust when it clear it showed Death laying on their scythe that they dug in the ground.

"Man, I remember the go days when you guys were stronger and faster." Death said stifling a yawn.

The Stalker roared angry at her only to get slapped in the face by Death who keep fucking yawning.

"You are boring as fuck and I thought today would be fun." Death said quickly grabbing the scythe ripped it out of the ground and sunk it in the Stalker head. "Guess I was wrong."

Jess wolf whistled because Death right sleeve got ripped off.

Death turned around and looked at Jess and did the most surprising thing in the world no one thought this would happen ever Death winked at Jess before disappearing and reveling Alice.

"Oh god Death flirted with Jess the end shall come soon." Alice said falling to the ground and started punching it. "And I never killed Koda."

"WHAT?!" Koda yelled using Yang as a human meat shield.

"Ok no killing each other we only know each other for a few weeks and we're already a group and now we have her." Yang said pointing to the blue haired lady.

"My name is Rose." The blue haired woman said.

"Yes, yes no one cares." Alice said only to get kick in the head by Yang. "Stop hitting me."

"Start being nice to people." Yang countered Alice sentence.

"Then I will never stop being hit." Alice whined.

"Yep." Jess said.

"You know what fuck this i'ma taking a shower." Alice said throwing her hands up in defeat.


Here's another chapter for you,

Took a little to finish and now I finished a chapter.  

So a prize a Cookie.

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