Solid Strength {Emmett Cullen}

By Jessfairy88

341K 7.1K 691

Angel wasn't your typical ordinary girl. At least recently. But when she witness the death of her mother and... More

A beginning
First Day of school
Lunch Time
Port Angeles
La Push
Sam and Emily's place
Family Dinner
Movie Night Heated Up
Second day gone bad
The Surge
Training...... Birthright
The La Push Boys
Truth Revieled
Family Talk
Angel Decode
Field Trip
World Shifting upside down!
Character List
Telling Emmett! and wait a date!
Just like your mother
Learning Wolf
Mate of Solid Strength
Let's Play Ball
Be Careful
Hotel Jail
Old Enemy Returns
Pure Fear
Meeting the Family

The Worry

8.7K 213 2
By Jessfairy88

Alice P.O.V

I saw Emmett would be back soon from hunting so I waited for him. Ever since Angel disappear from my vision I became anxious but the vision I just had worried me. What was going on? As Emmett came through the door I crossed my arms.

"Alice is this gonna become a thing?"

"Your lucky I didn't come get you."

I saw him tense. "Why? What happened?"

"Angel. I've been watching her future. Well today she disappeared I couldn't see her at all."

"Did you call her? Why didn't you call me?"

"Emmett. I was about to call but then I found her. Or I had a vision of her." I touched Emmett's arm. "She was in her room an the couch crying."


"I don't know."

He grabbed his jeep keys. "I'll find out what's happening." He ran out. As I heard the car door slam another vision entered my mind. Like the other one I saw her crying but th time I saw lights flashing as if from a TV. The vision shifted an I saw Emmett laid back on her couch Angel cuddled against him. Their eyes are for each other as they leaned forward.

With a gasp my vision was gone. "Wow."

I had to hold back a squeal. They were Kissing! Yea I was getting another sister.

Emmett P.O.V

I drove as fast as I could to Angel's house worried. What or who had hurt her. I clinched my fists whoever hurt her would have to face me.

Pulling up I parked the jeep an raced to the front door controlling myself to gently knock instead of ripping the door down. The door opened to revile her Aunt.

"Emmett Cullen?"

"Mrs. Wyatt."

"How may I help you young man?

I smiled "I was hoping for permission to speak with Angel."

"Of course come in." She let me in before closing the door. "She's upstairs. Lost Girl Marathon!" She laughed "Had to take her some tissue. That show can make her cry sometimes."

I smiled thankful it wasn't something bad to upset her. "Thank you." I gave her aunt another smile before heading up to her room an knocking.

~~~~~~~~~Updated: Nov. 24, 2017~~~~~~~~~~'

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