The phoenix's hypothesis - Bo...

By Fhanth

3.1M 116K 70.3K

How do you get your life back when you have gone through hell? I wouldn't know; it has been two years and a h... More

Chapter 1: Dear f***ing diary
Chapter 2: Someone has been a naughty boy!
Chapter 3: A dark place
Chapter 4: Night out!
Chapter 5: A meeting
Chapter 6: A mystery
Chapter 7: First date
Chapter 8: Good advice
Chapter 9: Giving up control
Chapter 10: Think about it!
Chapter 11: Discoveries
Chapter 12: Confession
Chapter 13: The rules
Chapter 14: Basic training
Chapter 15: More training
Chapter 16: A new friend
Chapter 17: We need to talk!
Chapter 18: Insomnia
Chapter 19: Grounded
Chapter 20: The Blue Hedonism
Chapter 21: Panic attack
Chapter 22: A good friend
Chapter 23: The contract
Chapter 24: Surprises
Chapter 25: A quiet Sunday
Chapter 26: Therapy
Chapter 27: Collared
Chapter 28: Temptation
Chapter 29: Guilt and punishment
Chapter 30: Distractions
Chapter 31: Progress
Chapter 32: A threesome
Chapter 33: Going public
Chapter 34: An unsuccessful strike
Chapter 35: A kinky contest
Chapter 36: Back from France
Chapter 37: The proof
Chapter 38: A (not so) sad anniversary
Chapter 39: An unexpected visitor
Chapter 40: Taking back control
Chapter 41: An air of déjà vu
Chapter 42: Cheering-up
Chapter 43: Chicago - Part 1
Chapter 44: Chicago - part 2
Chapter 45: Back to New York
Chapter 46: Where the f**k is he?
Chapter 47: A new Master
Chapter 48: Get a grip on yourself!
Chapter 49: Fighting through submission
Chapter 50: The genitor
Chapter 51: Escape?
Chapter 52: Investigating
Chapter 53: Guilt
Chapter 54: Healing and plotting
Chapter 55: Old habits die hard
Chapter 56: Taking over
Chapter 57: Fireworks
Chapter 58: The thing we feared
Chapter 59: The interview
But this is not the end!


41.2K 1.5K 1.1K
By Fhanth

Anthony, Wed Oct 7th 2015

"And this is how we come to the conclusion that all the zeroes of the zeta function are on the line Re(z) =1/2," I end what is now a well-rehearsed speech. I still blush lightly when the crowd applauds loudly; after a few of these lectures, I know I will never get used to that. I just finished a conference in my old university in France on the topic of my proof. I have given a lot of those since last August because apparently, the article is very nice, but the man who wrote it explaining things in real is much better.

"Do you have any question?" I ask. Of course they do... A lot of them are pretty easy to answer, since they revolve on why I tried this or that and not another approach. But a few of them are actually extremely technical and I have to think extremely hard before carefully responding to them. And there are one or two to which I have to admit I have no answer. All of this has become a bit of a routine by now, but darn! It was easier to teach a class of twelfth-graders!

There is a small buffet when I have finished that I quickly escape. Now that it's over I will finally be able to join my Master. Of course I didn't travel to France on my own... like he would let me do that, or like I would even want to! This is the end of the fashion week in Paris, so he had to be there for work. True to my promise, I have accompanied him each time he had to travel – which happens quite a lot. He made a few adjustments to the company jet, adding a small desk in the office room for me and quite a few kinky accessories in the bedroom.

I will meet him directly there, at Le Bourget airport where the plane is parked. These past few days have been a bit crazy for him in terms of work, and I have barely seen him at the hotel, often going to bed before he was back. I would have waited for him but I had strict orders against that. The only nights I saw him was when we had to attend some social events, but it was boring formal black-tie dinners. I can't wait to be alone with him again! And to go back to the club!

Let's try to limit the kinky thoughts for later, I tell myself as I get in the car – yeah even in France he has someone drive me around... Since the events of last June, I have never gone outside without one or two bodyguards. I try to think of this as a proof of how much my overprotective Master cares about me, so that it doesn't bother me too much. That's one of the lasting aftereffects of my abduction: I know I will never be alone or unwatched anymore.

Things have slowly but steadily become great again. The nightmares have completely stopped, once more, and I haven't had a panic attack in the last three months so I might be rid of those as well. I am still completely amazed by the fact my Master fell in love with someone like me, but I don't feel as pathetic and unworthy as I used to. Perhaps there is a part of me that is lovable in the end... I have worked on the guilt I felt after my abduction by being the best Submissive I could for him and that feeling has almost disappeared now.

All in all those last months have been the best of my life, writing my book, doing conferences, travelling with my Master all around the word and going to the Blue Hedonism. Zach is as crazy as ever and I have to do my best to keep us out of trouble. Keith has almost stopped coming to the club recently since he found a boyfriend outside of the lifestyle. He is trying to add more and more kink in their bedroom before making his lover try out BDSM and become a Dom.

I miss him dearly, but I have also gained new friends since Master William and Master Tanner both found Submissives that have joined the Blue Hedonism. To be fair Henry, Master William's Sub, has barely been three times at the club for now but he seems like a really nice guy. God the mere thought of the way Master William had him go in the main room with just a white jockstrap and a collar last time they were at the club has me blush, but Henry didn't seem to mind being embarrassed like this.

As for Gabriel, he has been there almost every night since the ruckus that followed his arrival. Even for my standards, the depth of his submission is almost scary. Of course he is a masochist, but more than his love for pain, the way he bears Master Tanner's mental torture is frightening sometimes. I've tried to teach him that it's okay to have some limits, and that he should discuss them with his Master, but we are not quite there yet.

The ride to the airport takes the best part of 45 minutes, with just a bit of traffic, while I drown myself in those thoughts. I head directly to my Master's jet when we arrive. I wonder if we will be alone on the way back: since the fashion week is such a big event, we had to travel with several of his coworkers on the way here, which meant no sex during the flight sadly, and there were only quick blowjobs during those last ten days... God I'm so horny!

"Mr. Dumont?" the flight attendant calls me when I enter the plane. "Mr. Wells asked me to give you this package when you arrive."

"Thank you!" I reply, getting the small box from her. I have a few ideas as to what could be in there, and I love each and every one of them. That probably means there is going to be hot stuff happening during the flight which is just great! I am very impatient to get my Master back. There is a small envelope on top of the box that I open first, and I unfold the letter inside. I'm already hard from anticipation when I begin to read the message my Master wrote me.

Dear Pet,

I hope your lecture went well, if that's the case you will be rewarded for that later. I am sorry we didn't have a lot of time together those past few days. Your behavior has been remarkable all week long, and I didn't even have time to take proper care of you. This ends now, as I fully intend to use the flight back to New York to ravish your body. Multiple times.

When you arrive on the plane, you will go straight to my bedroom. You will put the do not disturb sign on the door, just in case, then close it and undress before using the bathroom to prepare. Once this is done, you will open the little package that goes with this letter. It will give you further instructions.

I love you!

Oh God! Now I am leaking in my underwear. I don't know when my Master will arrive but I hope it's soon, because I won't hold for very long! I begin with the first instructions, going all the way to the rear of the plane where my Master's bedroom is located. Even if it is a company jet, this room is only his, and I'm sure nobody would enter even without the do not disturb sign. I quickly discard my clothes, thinking how nice it is to free my hard member from its constricting underwear, and hop in the adjacent bathroom.

Everything I need is in there: I begin with my enema before shaving under the shower. I make sure to be perfectly smooth for this little reunion, then linger under the warm water to relax a bit. I don't think I'm in too much of a hurry, otherwise he would have warned me to go quickly. After a little while, I dry myself and go back to the room, to open the box I left on the bed.

Of course it contains a toy that I imagine vibrates and is going to end up in my ass but not only. There is also some lube, a large plug, a cock ring, a blindfold, a small red ball, another envelope, some earplugs, handcuffs and a leather mouth-open gag. Oh God! This is going to be hardcore stuff!

Dear Pet,

I hope you are ready for something a bit intense because I have missed you very much! For now, only focus on the vibrating egg and the cock ring. Please put the latter on then use two fingers to stretch that cute hole of yours before inserting the egg in your ass. When you are done, kneel in the room and send me a text to let me know you are ready.

Whenever you feel the vibrations on, I want you to stroke yourself. You can use your phone to text me if you need to safeword. When you feel three short vibrations very close to each other, it will mean I am almost there. Open the second envelope for your next instructions at that moment.

Trust me it will be worth it in the end!

I love you!

Oh God! I can only guess what he is has in store for me later and it does nothing to calm my raging hard-on! I know that with what he planned in this first letter, I am going to be on edge, and I deeply hope it won't last for too long. Following his orders doesn't take me too much time and I send him a text when I am all prepped.

Me – 4:42 "I have followed your instructions to the letter, Master."

Ethan – 4:44 "Good boy!"

And with his reply comes the beginning of a sweet torture. The device in my butt is periodically activated and vibrates against my prostate, sending waves of pleasure in me that the masturbation my Master ordered do nothing to calm down. If it weren't for the ring at the base of my member, I think I would have come twice already. Instead, a raging fire is slowly building and it is beginning to feel very uncomfortable.

I have completely lost track of time when I finally feel in my ass the signal to open the second envelope. At that point I would do anything as long as he lets me come soon!

Dear Pet,

I know you are feeling very frustrated right now, and let me assure you that your release will come soon. In fact, you are allowed to come when you feel me removing the cock ring, since you won't hear me tell you that when I do.

Now is the more intense part. If you feel uncomfortable after reading this letter, just call and we will talk. Otherwise, follow the instructions like a good boy. The first thing I want you to do is to remove the little vibrator in your butt and replace it by the plug I put in the box. When this is done, you know how to put on yourself all the other accessories.

Begin with the earplugs, then the open-mouth gag and the blindfold. Before putting it on, have the ball and the handcuffs on your lap so that you can take them easily without seeing. Take the ball in your right hand and close the handcuffs behind your back. The ball is your safeword, drop it if you want to stop at any point.

I love you!

Oh God, that is so hot! I comply with all his instructions. Tying the leather straps of the mouth gag myself behind my head is a bit hard, but I manage to do it properly with some time. When I am finished, I don't hear or see anything, and am completely offered to whoever is going to enter this room. Of course it can't be anyone else than my Master so I'm not really worried. On the opposite, I am even more aroused than I was before, if that's even possible.

Kneeling in my favorite position, I have no problem to relax despite my arousal. I don't really notice the time passing by, being in some sort of meditative trance, until I feel two hands grabbing my head from behind. This is all the warning I get before my Master's cock is shoved inside my mouth and hits the back of my throat. He face-fucks me hard, fast and deep, taking full control of my wet cavern.

In these past few months, I have come to love the intensity with which he now deep-throats me. Of course I am gagging a lot, but it doesn't really bother me, and I know how much it arouses him! Relaxed is the way to go while he thrusts in an out like a wild animal. I let him take full control and just try to add my bit by letting my tongue run over his length while he pistons into me with such power and speed. None of this diminish the intensity of my erection and if I could, I would be begging to come.

It doesn't take him long to reach his release, which hits me a bit by surprise since I can't hear his usual warning. I try to swallow everything – and there is a lot! But I miss a bit that drips on the side of my mouth. I hope he won't mind too much.

I don't really have time to dwell on this because I am lifted and thrown on to the bed, before I feel my Master's mouth around my leaking stick. He takes me fully in, which makes me moan with pleasure, and he begins to bob up and down. God! This is too much of a torture! Fortunately I feel him relieving me of the cock ring and the fire that had built in my balls floods everywhere in my body as I unload in his mouth, with an orgasm so powerful I can only scream.

My body jerks with each spurt of cum that goes out of my dick, a blissful wave of pleasure coursing through me, leaving me shivering. I have barely caught my breath when I am being moved again and seated in one of the armchairs of the room, before I feel a safety belt being closed around me. The mouth-open gag is unstrapped and I can move my jaw again. Just after this, one of the earplugs is removed and I hear the voice of my Master.

"That was beautiful, Pet, but I am nowhere near finished with you," he whispers. "We have to be seated here for the takeoff, but our little games will resume as soon as it is safe. I have seen you kept the little ball in your hand like a good boy. Be sure to drop it if you need it!"

And with that he puts in the earplug again, leaving me sensory-deprived for the takeoff. I'm not even sure my manhood deflated after my climax! How does my Master get kinky ideas like this? I feel the plane moving and gaining some speed before beginning to gain height, taking us home.

How do you get your life back when you have gone through hell? Now I know; you just have to meet the right person. I don't have to pretend I'm alright or to hide behind a mask of normality anymore, the facade is gone. I can sleep most nights now, I don't have nightmares anymore. My name is Anthony, I am thirty and this was how I submitted to the love of my life.

* * *


The last week has been crazy and I can't wait to be with my boy again. I have prepared an intense scene for him tonight on the plane, and I hope he will be up for it! Sadly, I haven't been able to care for him as much as I would have liked these past few days but that will change tonight! I knew from my agenda that this trip would be extremely busy, with all the meetings and the social events revolving the fashion week in Paris I had to attend.

In general, balancing this new job with my personal life has been extremely challenging, but I think I have managed fairly well so far. On the work side, the stock has risen by a good twenty percent since I took over the company, which is far greater than anyone anticipated. On the personal side, Anthony has been healing very nicely and his behavior is even more perfect than I could have dreamed. He hasn't had any nightmare in the past few months, didn't fall back into his old habits and worked a lot on all the things that used to trigger panic attacks. He even accepted a brand-new smartphone pretty recently!

I know from Aiden he is helping a lot in the Subs' room, always being there to advise the new recruits or listen to their concerns. His aid has been invaluable with Tanner's Submissive in particular. I'm still trying to guess how my sadist friend fucked up as he did, to earn a public punishment as tough as the one he received. Aiden didn't tell so of course it picked my curiosity.

William managed to drag his love interest into the lifestyle and got himself a new Sub as well, but he still has to work around his guilt. I'm not too sure their relationship is going to last though, with Henry being married and having kids.

As for Keith, the little minx is trying to do the exact opposite of what Tanner, William and I did! He is bugging Aiden to introduce his new boyfriend to the lifestyle and let him train as a Dominant! I don't know why my best friend is reluctant, Keith definitely deserves a proper Dom whom he loves. All in all, I'm glad all my friends are on their way toward their happy ending, even if they each have to sort some issues still.

Thinking about the club makes my mind wander toward tonight's scene and my shaft returns to its fully erect state. Crap! I'll have to find a way to hide it from Mark, at least until we reach the jet! Once we are there, I know he is going to rest in the second bedroom and I made sure the master bedroom is completely soundproofed. This is part of the adjustments I made to the plane, among the discreet o-rings I installed on the floor and the ceiling of the cabin and the locked cupboard full of kinky toys.

Since we are travelling a lot more together, I had to find a way for me and my boy to indulge in our usual scenes in the air. This does not replace my own playroom in our apartment or the visits to the club, but it's better than nothing! For the more serious parts of our flights, I also installed a small desk in the office room for my angel, so that he could work on his book or his lectures while following me. I am extremely impressed by the number of conferences he has given in the past few months... and the number he had to refuse!

Thankfully the drive to the airport is fairly quick and I push the little button on the app I have played with for the last hour three times in a row. Since my boy texted me to confirm he was all prepped and had put the vibrating toy I had left him inside his cute little ass, I have been switching it on and off. Knowing my Sub, he will be dripping on the floor by the time I arrive in the room! I must confess I am not in a better state, and I am sure I will find my boxer briefs drenched in precum when I strip.

When we reach the jet, I bid my second-in-command goodbye and run up the stairs then at the rear of the plane. I check that nobody is behind me when I open the door of the master bedroom, which bears the do not disturb sign I told Anthony to put. After entering the room and closing the door behind me, I almost come in my pants.

My sweet angel is kneeling next to the bed, naked, blindfolded, his hands tied behind his back, earplugs preventing him from hearing any sound and the mouth-open gag in place. He followed my instructions to the letter and beautifully offered himself to me. Sadly, I can't enjoy this gift just yet, and I rush in the adjacent bathroom to take the quickest shower in history.

When I'm dried, I go back inside the bedroom and take a minute to admire the stunning body of my gorgeous Sub. He is completely relaxed, peacefully breathing in and out, not moving a muscle. In fact, the only muscle of his that seems painfully strained is his leaking member. I'm glad to see he looks as aroused as I am – if not more! – and that he is so calm, otherwise I wouldn't proceed with the rest of the scene with the intensity I had planned.

Since I seem to have his green light, I just grab his head between my hands and slam into his mouth without any warning, only stopping when his nose hit my pubes. I don't leave him time to adjust and keep on thrusting in and out, hitting the back of his throat with each push. If I was aroused before, seeing him swallowing me like this, gagging, makes me even hornier! The little piece of leather that prevents him from shutting his jaw isn't really necessary, since I know he would take me like this without any trouble, but that makes him look so hot!

With all of this, it doesn't take me long to shoot my load in his mouth, even with all my self-control. There is so much that for once, he doesn't manage to swallow everything and a bit drips at the corner of his mouth. Holy shit! This was one of the best blowjobs I ever received! I make sure to return the favor after throwing my little angel on the bed. I don't tease him for a long time before removing the ring at the base of his cock, allowing him to reach his climax. I make sure to drink all of his salty cream while he screams like a porn star.

This is just the beginning though. Sadly this is the moment I hear the pilot make the announcement telling us to prepare for take-off, so I install my beautiful angel in one of the two seats in the room and fasten his seatbelt.

"That was beautiful, Pet, but I am nowhere near finished with you," I whisper in his left ear after I removed the earplug that was in it. "We have to be seated here for the takeoff, but our little games will resume as soon as it is safe. I have seen you kept the little ball in your hand like a good boy. Be sure to drop it if you need it!" I put the little earplug back inside his earhole, to leave him completely sensory deprived.

I don't tease him though, even when the fasten-seatbelt signal is shut off. I leave him with his imagination, which seems to be running wild since his shaft is still proudly pointing up again and leaking. I take my time to attach chains to the little rings on the ceiling and when I am perfectly ready, I lift up my boy, untie the handcuffs in his back to attach his wrists to the connecting bracelets then I tie his ankles to the two extremities of a spreader bar that I attach to one of the rings in the floor.

When I'm finished, I remove the gag he had in his mouth and I admire the result: my angel in a perfect X-position, completely stretched. Then, I play with the plug inside his ass with one hand and caress his body with the other. He moans softly when it goes on his inner thigh or under his balls; his skin is deliciously smooth. This ends to rejuvenate my member and I can't wait to bury myself in him. All good things come to those who wait, though – and oh boy do I intend to come!

I take my time to prepare all the instruments I will need to relentlessly tease my angel, who doesn't hear or see anything. I begin with a quick blow of the flogger on his chest that makes him yelp, before I run a soft feather on his back. I give a few pushes to the plug in this ass, and after a long pause, I pinch hardly both his nipples at the same time which earns me another yelp. Then I drop on my knees and swallow him whole, making him moan loudly.

He knows better than to plead for more just now when I let go of his cock with a loud pop. I wait a whole minute before giving two sharp blows of the flogger on his buttocks then walk around him and kiss him after grabbing his hair with my hands. He immediately grants me access and I take full control of his mouth. When I break the kiss, I only wait for thirty seconds this time before biting him in the neck then I run the magic wand I had prepared on the length of his gorgeous member.

The cries he utters make a beautiful concerto as I keep on teasing him like this, alternating between pain and pleasure, sometimes waiting a long time between two of my actions, sometimes doing a series of them in a quick succession, using my teeth, my tongue, the flogger, the magic wand and the plug in his butt, all of this in a random pattern. When he begins to beg incoherently between his moans, I intensify my teasing, going as far as a soft blow of the flogger on his now leaking cock – this one even makes him swear.

When we both have had enough, I detach the spreader bar linking his ankles from the floor, pour a generous amount of lube on my shaft, lift my boy's legs and pass my head in the hole formed by them and the bar between his feet. I maintain him at the perfect height before removing the plug from his ass, then roughly slam inside him. He is so tight, this feels wonderful! To say I had to stop taking him bareback for a whole month after his abduction! But this in the past since all his tests came back HIV-negative.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" he repeats as I begin to thrust in and out, apparently at the right angle to brush against his prostate. I manage to carry him with just one hand for a bit and use the other one to yank away the earplugs and the blindfold. Then I kiss him as I quicken the pace and push stronger and deeper inside him.

"Please Master!" he shrieks. I am not even teasing his leaking erection but I guess he had more than enough stimulation.

"Just a bit more, Pet!" I reply between two grunts. As always, I want us to reach our release at the same time and even if I could be there yet, I want to enjoy his ass for a few more minutes. When I feel my own orgasm strongly building inside my balls, I grab his manhood and just give two jerks before crying "Come with me, Pet!"

He doesn't need more than this to release his salty cream all over his chest, crying loudly while I unload deep inside him in five spurts of cum, each of them causing a huge wave of pleasure to wash over me. I take a few seconds to catch my breath, kissing him once again.

"I love you, Pet!" I tell him, watching him in his beautiful golden hazel eyes.

"I love you too, Master!" he replies, panting.

Then I lift his legs up my head before opening the restraints on his wrists. He almost drops on the floor, barely standing up on his own, and I carry him to the bed. When he is comfortably lying down, I fetch a washcloth to clean up his belly, then untie his ankles from the spreader bar before putting back the toys I used in their usual place. I crawl in the bed afterward, to cuddle against my sweet angel. He doesn't sleep but seems extremely peaceful and calm.

I pull his head on my chest, and as I begin to gently stroke his hair, memories of the first time I saw my sweet angel flash in my mind. I realize I never properly thanked Luke: without his screw-up, I would never have met this man! Now that I am quite sure that his pot problem is behind him, I should think of a way to reward him for this. Although getting my father out of his way is probably the best gift I could ever make to him.

Now that school has begun again, he is living in the apartment my genitor used to own, with a caregiver watching over him and preparing his meals. He visits us a lot, but between my relationship with Anthony and the fact that we have to travel a lot, it was better to have him elsewhere. Besides, he is thrilled to have his own place.

When I look at the way my quiet Sub has run through, I must say I am truly impressed by him. It is true he needed some nudges in the right direction, but guiding him has been so easy, since he has always been mature enough to see that the decisions I took were the right ones for him. It is amazing how quickly I fell for him, perhaps it was because his actions were screaming his need for help. And now here I am cuddled against him. My Submissive, my husband, my love.

I am a Dominant. I love to have total control over my partners, giving commands that they obey, managing every aspect of their life. I guess this is my way of coping with the childhood I endured around my controlling and abusive father. I now have found the perfect Submissive who doesn't feel too oppressed under my dominance – I admit I am excessively strict. My name is Ethan, I am thirty-one and this was how I subdued the love of my life.

Published on September 19th 2017

So this is it, this is the end of the Phoenix's Hypothesis! Thanks a lot for sticking around for the whole book. If you'd like to see a bit more ranting, you can chek the next chapter.

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