Kai's Promise

By trottinghorsess

47.5K 1.8K 76

SEQUEL TO : THE ESCAPED PRISONERS GIRL (makes sense if you didn't read the first book) - "Just cause I don't... More

New Characters
Kai Dakota Archer.
Good to Bad News
The War Begins
The Return of the FireBreathing Lions
Too Late
Return to School
Pretty Boy
Goodbye my friend.
Start of our Friendship
Catching Feelings
Different Feels
Misson get you back
Biggest Fan
Oh Kidnapped Feelings
Three Empty Words
Feels Wrong
Wrong Crowd
New Addition?
Newly Couple
It's just the Beginning
Fire Alarm Escape
Behind Bars
Four Words.
Home Sweet Home
Night to Remember
Stress is only starting
First Appointment
Back and Protective than ever
Fighting for a Reason
Gender Reveal and Movement
Little Bear
Birthday Surprise
Graduation Gender Reveal
Water Break
Welcome to the world.
New Problem
Nightmare & Tattoos
New Friend
Birthday Kitten
The Final Chapter


563 24 1
By trottinghorsess


"Can't we just homeschool him?" I try to convince Dragonfly as she helps Silas put on his dinosaur backpack. She ignores me and I groan. "I'm not gonna let my son fucking go through what I did! They're gonna find out he's my son somehow then he's never gonna have frie-"

I'm cut off by Dragonfly kissing my lips. "He won't. I know you won't allow that to happen, so he can go to public school and make friends and socialize. Babe I know your past is God awful, but Silas will be fine. You and the guys told him all about your life and not to trust people"

We taught Silas about what were involved in. He was taken back at first but eventually understood that we're the good guys and he's the son of a dangerous killer so he needs to be careful. Yea it's a young age to teach him, but he needs to know and he gets it all.

"Fine" I kneel down to him. "When you leave this house, remember, you know nothing about me and I'm not your dad. You don't know grandpa and grandma either or Aaron, Brandon, Colin, and Justin. None of us exist. You live with mommy and that's all" I strictly remind him. "When you leave this house, you're no longer Silas Dakota Archer. You're Silas Cody Frey"

He nods then hugs me. "I know. See you later daddy" he smiles and I sigh. Guess we aren't out of the house yet. I wrap my huge arms around his tiny body and kiss his head before picking him up.

"Be good. If a kid's mean to you then be mean back" I put my fist out and he fist bumps me as he nods. Dragonfly glares at me and I smirk, making her shake her head and laugh. "Alright champ, have a good day. I love you" I kiss his head once again then let him down.

Dragonfly grabs his lunchbox from the counter then holds his hand. "I'll be right back" she kisses my cheek and I mouth okay before she walks out of the door.

Shit anxiety fuck you. He's gonna be fine Kai... we taught him how to fight and not take shit. He knows what to look out for, we even over practiced just to back sure. Only... seven hours till he comes home... fuck. I can practice for my boxing match this weekend to kill time.


Silas (surprise!!:))

(it's kinda hard to write from a 4 year olds perspective so I turned some letters to Ws because kids talk like that 😂 also, if he knows things he shouldn't at 4, that's because Kai and the guys taught him everything)

This is scawy...

A taw woman takes my hand and leads me somewhere. Daddy wouldn't like this... but mommy towd me I would see this and that it's okay? What's the word... hmm. Teacher!

"Ok Silas, this is where you'll sit" the woman sits me down in fwont of other kids. I sigh and put my head down on the table. I want mommy and daddy. A wittle girl walks in and sits in fwont of me, but doesn't look at me.

"I'm Silas!" I greet. She turns to me and smiles. "What's your name?" I ask and she whispers something. "Sowwy, what did you say?" my eyebrows push together in confusion.

"Ella" she shyly raises her voice. Oh... she must be shy. I should pwobably leave her alone then.

The teacher starts talking so I just close my eyes and lays my head down on the table. Borwinggg!


My son comes running up to me then jumps into my arms. I pick him up and hug his little fragile body. "Hey champ! How was the first day of school?" I kiss his head and look at him.

"I don't wanna go back" he pouts and I nod until Dragonfly hits my arm. I groan and glare at her. "Borwing" he sighs and I laugh. Silas has never been out with interaction because I was too scared something would happen, but now since he is, I figured he'd have a great time... guess not... I fucked up.

I set him down then he runs into the dining room to eat the bowl of cereal Dragonfly made for him. "Babe it's just separation anxiety, he's gonna be okay" she walks up to me and kisses my cheek. "He's gonna make a lot of friends and have a great time. Pre-k is the best time anyway" she tries to convince me but I turn my head away from her. "Hm will uh..." she pulls out a bowl of cereal she was hiding behind her back "cereal cheer you up?" she asks and i turn to her.

Fuck. I take the bowl and walk into the dining room to sit at the table. Cereal makes everything better. "Daddy" Silas's voice makes me look at him. "Honeybun!" he points at the box of honey buns so I get up and give him one. "Thank you" he smiles and I help him open it.

"Babe do you want one?" Dragonfly asks as she takes one for herself. I nod and continue eating my cereal. "Stop being a loser and eat junk food with us" she laughs and tosses it on the table next to me. Fight it Kai. So tempting, but I can't. I

I look up at her and pass it back over "I have this fight this weekend so I need to lay it off right now" I put my empty bowl of cereal in the sink. Yea... I always eat fast. "Once you guys are finished we can do something"

Dragonfly and Silas look at each other then at me. "Milkshakes!!" they shout and I cover my ears. Damn that was fast. I grab my keys and put them in the pocket of my sweatpants then sit next to Silas as he finishes his honeybun.

Once they're done, we get in the car to get the milkshake they've been dying for. After they get it, they run outside and I follow behind like a father trying to round up this two hyper kids.

We sit down and Dragonfly taps on my shoulder. I hum and look up to see her looking at two parents playing with their baby. "Aw babe lets have another one" she looks at me in awe. Let's just say I didn't return the look.

I look at her like she's crazier than ever. "Another baby?" I make sure I heard right. She nods and I shake my head. "Do you realize we weren't lucky with our first, but we're so damn lucky with our second? A third? Might as well hold out a sign to gangs saying you're pregnant" I take her milkshake and drink some of it.

She rolls her eyes. "I was kidding. I know all of that" she says and I burn up red. I just made myself sound like such a douche and I guess she noticed that. "It's fine, you were just doing your protective job" she laughs. It's not only that... I just don't want another kid.

I didn't realize I finished her milkshake until she raises an eyebrow at me. "Oops" I put it down and Silas laughs. "To Silas's first day of school" I say awkwardly and hold up the empty cup with my teeth clenched together.

They laugh and Dragonfly takes a quick picture of us. Ohhh how I love these two.


"He's thirteen years old Kai and still won't socialize!" Dragonfly shouts and I roll my eyes. "Don't you dare roll your eyes! You know it's true. Pre-k, yea sure he was knew to all of this, but eighth grade?! Kai he's antisocial"

I shush her then point upstairs to indicate that he can hear us. "He's old enough to make that choice. He knows all about this world, we told him, so he's being smart by not attaching himself to temporary things" I shrug and bite into my apple.

She drops her jaw and I gently pull it back up. "All he wants to do is hang out with you and the guys" she says and I shrug. "I had to have a meeting with his principal! He doesn't share, he talks back, blurts out, is rude, mean, and won't talk to any kids" she pauses "like how you were" she states. "He's like this because all of this stress on him for being the son of Kai Archer and related to killers. Plus you told him too young about what you're involved in"

Before I could talk, Silas walks out of his room and walks down the stairs. His hair is so messy and tangled exactly like how mine gets. We should probably cut our hair... but nah. "Mom? Dad? What are you guys fighting about? I could hear you from my room" he sits down at the table in the kitchen where we are.

He puts his hand on the side of his face in exhaustion as he waits for us to respond. Dragonfly looks at me then at him. "Silas we have to talk to you" she begins and Silas runs his hand down his face as he listens.

"This is about school again isn't it? Mom we went over this more than ten times! I'm fine! I don't need or want friends" he exclaims and I nod in agreement. "See!" he points at me. "Dad knows what I mean. Sure, he had uncle Austin, but that's all he needed. All I want is to just go to school then come home to have fun with the coolest guys ever" he says and I smirk.

Dragonfly turns to me then hits my chest, making me stand tall and growl. "Ok then why are you so mean at school? Why don't you share? Blurt out?" she looks at Silas and starts listing his flaws which I don't like.

"Fucks sake" I speak up. "Let the kid be himself! He fucking doesn't want friends and clearly doesn't take shit other people so don't go off listing my sons decisions because that's his business not ours"

Silas stands up and Dragonfly looks at me. She sighs and looks at Silas. "You can go in your room, goodnight Silas... I love you" she softly says and he mouths I love you too before jogging upstairs. "Kai" she looks at me puts her hand on my arm in attempt to cool me down which I really need right now. "Yea, you're right. It was wrong of me. I'm sorry... I just thought there was another reason behind this"

I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around her. "I love you. Sorry I yelled. I'm like my dad, I'll always take my sons side and let him do anything he wants to do. Maybe this is just how he wants to be. Get school over with then come home and do whatnot" I kiss her head and she nods in agreement. "Let's just go to bed" I take her hand and lead us to our room.

Hardest decision ever was moving from mom, dads, and the guys house. It was just getting too full as Silas got older. We still see each other everyday but I miss the old days... like mom said she did when she had me. I never thought it would hit me this hard.

Sounds dramatic since we literally live next door to them, but since these houses are huge and have so much land, it's a good distance. I miss the guys in the house, now it's just so weird without them here and being with a different group of friends. Dragonfly, Silas, Austin, Alice, and I. Took dads advice about staying with my brother forever like he did his. Austin and Alice got married three years ago and now have a baby on the way.

Sure, we could've got separate houses, but you know Austin and I. Never apart. Not only that, i grew up in a loud full house. I hate growing up. But the family has to expand even if it means these anxious memories drown me in sadness.

I laugh and get off of my bed to kneel in front of him.

"It's a new comforter and if you haven't realized, it's white" I smack the side of his head before standing up while he sits there in pain.

"You know, too much hitting to the head can lead to some serious shit to the brain" he stands up, still rubbing his head.

"What brain?" I look at him in confused.

"Fuck you Kai" he goes to hit me but I immediately catch his hand before it lands on me.


"PARTNERS" everyone shouts.

"Not so fast, you work with the person beside you" the teacher smirks.

Everyone groans and look beside them. I realize I'm only beside one person... Anna.

I turn to look at Austin whose also rolling his eyes at who he has to work with. Austin and I are each other's only friend so we have trouble... socializing.

"Looks like we're partners" Anna speaks up and i turn to her.

"Yea, partners. Doesn't mean we're friends, best friends, buddies, or dating. Just getting that out before start" I say curtly so she gets the message.


"Just cause I don't like you doesn't mean I'm not gonna protect you from the dangerous world I'm involved in" i kick the mans body off to the side.

"Promise...?" she shivers.

"Promise" I roll my eyes.


"I'm pregnant?" she tightly forces a smile nervously.


"I'm not good at this and i'm going insane inside. Dragonfly, I love you so fucking much... will you marry me?" i open the box revealing a big shiny diamond ring.


Now it's time to watch my son grow.

Good luck Silas Dakota Archer.

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