DemonXTwins | A HunterXHunter...

By MKnightynight

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X !Disclaimer! X
X !Introduction! X
Chapter X 1
Chapter X 2
Chapter X 3
Chapter X 4
Chapter X 5
Chapter X 6
Chapter X 7
Chapter X 8
Chapter X 9
Chapter X 10
Chapter X 11
Chapter X 12
X !Explination! X
Chapter X 13
Chapter X 14
Chapter X 15
Chapter X 16
Chapter X 17
Chester X Bennington
Chatper X 18
Chapter X 19
Chapter X 20
Chapter X 21
Chapter X 22
Chapter X 23
Chapter X 24
Chapter X 25
Chapter X 26
X !Halloween X Special! X

Chapter X 27

36 1 0
By MKnightynight

I didn't realize I hadn't published Chapter X 26, It was done and ready to go and I had it sitting there in draft q-p

I apologize and as a gift, I give you this.
*DRUMROLL* Chapter X 27.


𝔸𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕒𝕤 X ℙ.𝕆.𝕍:

I breathed, In through my nose, Out through my mouth as I lowered my body down to the ground, My breasts just touching the spoil, Getting my fur coat a tad dirty. I pulled up. I had done about one hundred sixty pushups, My numbers steadily rising. Before this, I had thrown punches and high kicks at a tree- Remembering to go a little easy on my injured one- The bark had been chipped and flew off in pieces, Littering the ground easily. I then went on to Situps. After my push-ups, I planned on stretching and going for a quick run. I had separated from the bunch in the morning, I left Tris to deal with Chian and Gon went off to go train for something. I have no idea. The little kid was so excited about it that it all just came out in a jumble of words.

I Breathed in through my nose


I blew out a breath of air from my mouth.


One-hundred sixty-one.

I repeated this, My mind focusing on keeping my form, The tips of my toes aching from being leaned on for this long but I endured it. After my battle with the coyotes and from my injuries, I refused to grow stiff. I had realized that from being in that coffin- Yes, I could meditate and practice with my impressive nen but I also realized I wasn't as strong as before which made me extremely mad. I had to learn how to control my new surge of emotions and focus on teaching myself to get used to my bigger wolf form. Before I entered the coffin it definitely wasn't that big.

In my clan, My family lived for a very long time. Anyone could. It just depended on your power. Yes. You heard me right. Power. Kind of like nen but only our clan had it. The power is dormant in most people but our family line. Long ago I guess, A wolf named Gycallious- In other words, My great, Great, Great, Great... Er... Great.... Perhaps another great... Grandfather had awoken it.


He killed.

Oh, He killed. The amount he killed would put any murderer to shame and leave any bloodthirsty person in awe of him. Most people had called him a god. I wasn't sure about that but he definitely had a strength like one. Once he had killed someone he ate them. It was completely unintentional at first but he found himself hooked. He was addicted to the taste of blood, The red liquid had the male shivering with delight and that's what started it. He'd eat five people a day. Full grown men and woman. Sometimes he'd snack on children just for the damn fun of it. He was insane. The numbers of the people continued to rise as each day passed.

His favorite people to consume though, Were people with very strong nen abilities. After tearing into those types of strong people he found that his body started to feel way better and more energized. His small grey hairs turned back to his normal coat, The white around his muzzle fading. His aching muscles no longer bothering him. Old battle scars fading.

He had awaked a stored power within. A power of youth. Once the word got out everyone, I mean everyone who thought they could take him on tried. Scientists had built mutated monsters to try and go fight the giant wolf for them and bring back his dead body for experiments. He had at least fifty people gather and challenge him on the first day. He filled his stomach with a good meal that afternoon.

I chuckled at the thought, Then enterally scolded myself. What would Tris think of this attitude?

"Amana~" I was taken by surprise as a smooth voice called my name, Looking up, I saw the pointed shoes of the one and only Hisoka. Growling I huffed. Continuing my pushups though I had lost count.

"What are you doing here?" I looked back at the ground, My long hair like a curtain around my face, Sticking to my sweaty neck and face. "Well, This is the exam after all. I wanted to see if you were still alive~" His voice seemed so chipper, He'd brushed off the thought of me dying quite quickly. I leaned on my elbow, Breaking my figure, I sat up, Sitting with one leg straight- My bad leg. The other was pressed to my chest, My arms wrapping around my knee. "Oh, Worried are we?" I drawled rolling my aching shoulders.

I would have to continue exercising later.

ℍ𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕜𝕒'𝕤 X ℙ.𝕆.𝕍:

I watched as her muscles rippled impressively as she continued doing push-ups, Her form was strong and steady, Looking past the curtain of hair I could see her eyes were glazed over, A hue of topaz shinning through them. She was thinking of something.

I always wondered what went on in this woman's mind. She was always calculating, Observing. Her predatory gaze watching you silently when you least expected. She examined and fought very promisingly. She made an excellent fruit.

I waited in silence for a while. Bathing in the fact that it was I now watching and examining her rather than her watching everyone else. I ached to one day have her crawling at my feet. Her look of terror as she realized she was now prey instead of being the predator. My eyes caught something on her shoulder as my gaze traveled around her human body.

A brand?

This just keeps getting better-

I heard her let out a deadly chuckle. I've noticed that when the rare time comes that she's comfortable enough to relax she ends up laughing to herself quietly. She's such an interesting creature. Feeling mildly bored I decided I wanted to wake her from her daze- Though watching her scarred body was fascinating, I had a goal to be completed.

"Amana~" I purred. She snapped her head up. her eyes alert. I smirked. I loved taking people by surprise. A low, Annoyed growl rumbled in her throat, She seemed to be in a bad mood. Her hair was disheveled, Her eyes held a tired look to them. I brushed it off, Thinking it might be just morning drowse."What are you doing here?" Was her cold response, Going back to her pushups. "Well, This is the exam after all. I wanted to see if you were still alive~"

She broke her pose, Leaning on her elbow and pushing herself up. I noticed how she took her time to slowly move one of her legs, Her other one bending, Her knee pressed against her chin as she leaned her arms on it. "Oh, Worried are we?" She drawled boredly, Rolling her shoulders to soothe an ache.

"Well of course!" I replied in fake cheer, A closed eye smile on my face. "I wouldn't wish such a person as promising as you going to waste on this island." I placed a finger on my chin. "Though, If you did happen to die here you wouldn't have been as promising as you seemed would you?" She growled, Her lip pulling up a small bit. She seemed distracted today though.

She scoffed "You really do think so small of me." I smirked but didn't answer, My eyes still wandering her body.

A growl broke me from my stare "Keep your eyes to yourself clown." I looked back towards her eyes, Her steel gaze only gave away anger but the way she curled her arms around her knee, Hugging it gave me a sense that she was self-conscious. "But how could I? Your skin is so fascinating." She seemed to be taken aback, Her lip curling in disgust. "Scars like mine are not 'fascinating' You're delusional." She turned away, her hair covering her face.

I chuckled, "To get these many scars you'd have to either have a lot of battles or you had few battles and the ones you had you were terrible at." As she turned to me with narrowed eyes, I smirked. "Of course, I'd have to guess the first one."

"A lot of battles indeed." I turned to her with curiosity. Her face looked smug as she added "Not that it's any of your concern. You are only here to take the exam yourself and watch after us." I brushed off the annoying way she avoided revealing her past 'Oh well, It'll be only that much more fun when I get it out of her.' "Speaking of your friend, Where might she be?"

Amana tightened a rope of animal skin around her waist that held her fur coat together as a dress. "If I remember correctly- Which I do- Tris left." 'Oh? how curious.' "Why is that? I thought you two never separate." A smile tugged the corner of her lips, Her eyes glinting. "It's become a game. She hides I seek. Of course, There is no killing involved." 'That sounds like no fun at all in my opinion.'

"Why are you choosing to play a game during the exam?" I asked. She fidgeted with the end of her dress absentmindedly "I assure you it isn't just for fun and games. She happens to be my target."

"Oh~" I tapped my long nail on my chin "How exciting. I'll be sure to keep in check with you. Can't wait to see how this game of yours turns out." A look of distaste crossed her face, I ignored it. "Until then!" I smiled at her with a tilted head, Snapping my middle finger and thumb together... Gone.

𝔸𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕒𝕤 X ℙ.𝕆.𝕍:

The place where Hisoka was standing was left bare as he snapped his fingers, Disappearing. I growled, Running my hand through my sweaty mop of hair. I turned my head, Glaring at the tree I had trained with earlier. My lip twitched. Without a second thought, I bolted up, Slamming my fist into the tree. A snap- Like a bolt of lightning sounded through the forest, The tree breaking in half and propelling into other trees, Without hesitation, I high kicked a birch tree beside the broken stump.

With a satisfying crunch, The birch tree broke adding to the other tree. It felt nice to let out my anger. I wrecked the forest faster than a flame, My pile of trees adding up. Even as my hands starting to bleed by being pierced by my long nails I continued, Dusk turning night.

I stood in the middle, Back to where I trained- Surrounded by piles and splinters, Chucks and pieces- All wood. Blood ran down my splintered knuckles. Blood flowed down my cheek from a nick of wood that had been propelled, Hitting right under my eye. It almost looked as if I was crying blood if you squinted your eyes. I panted, My legs shaking- My head filled with the buzz of a good workout. Heat was radiating off of my body.

I slumped against a lone tree that had been saved from my wrath simply because I was tired, I winced as I plucked splinters out of my hands and any other places they had caught into my skin. I watched as bruises slowly formed.

Light green...



And finally, Purple.

Tired of watching my knuckles I shakily stood up, My legs stiff as my arms hung by my side loosely. I tightened the coat around me the best I could with my sore hands and followed my ears to rushing water. Coincidentally, I met up with Gon, He was laying on the ground, Spread out like a star- Fast asleep.

I got a look at his hands, Blistered and worn like mine. Not far from him his fishing pole was tossed to the side. I decided to leave the poor kid alone and walk further down the river. Once I thought I was far enough away I listened for anyone nearby. No one except the guy that watches everyone. Sniffing the air all I could smell was my own blood and the forest along with the guy.

I huffed, Tearing a branch from a tree easily. The branch was pointed at the very end much to my pleasure. Without looking, I threw it into the forest, Through the leaves of a neighboring tree. A yelp was heard as the guy assigned to watch me scurried away- I had launched the branch so it'd land right beside him.

Good, Privacy...

Doing one last scan I slipped off my coat, Brushing chips of wood off my body. I tiptoed over the rocks, Stepping into the freezing water. However, I loved this kind of water. It acted like a giant icepack to numb my pain. I slowly leaned into the water, My back against a cold rock as the river rushed past me.

Calming my breathing I let my head fall back as I relaxed my body. Listening to the sway of the leaves fluttering around and the rhythm of the water. Digging deeper I could even feel the sway of fish far down the river...


Something felt...


Narrowing my eyebrows I closed my eyes. Focusing.

Another breathing pattern? The thud of a heart against chest alerted me of someone. The beat was slow and steady. The person was calm. I had not noticed them before... Why?

Their nature too relaxed for me.

It must be me. Who else? Perhaps I was hearing things. I placed my hand on my chest but the pattern was a second off.

Mine... Thud. A mere millisecond later Thud.

Thud- Thud.

Thud-- Thud.

It wasn't mine. It couldn't be.

Opening my eyes I tucked my hands under the water, Scrubbing at my skin, Acting as if I wasn't aware of them.

They slowly slinked through the undergrowth. Reminding me of a sly cat twisting its body around branches. Sinking my body into the water, Til it reached my chin I dipped my long hair into the water, Running my fingers through it to untangle it, Picking out the chunks of wood and dried blood.

They neared closer.

Wait for it...


A step more.

They neared the edge of the forest, Dropping from the tree without a sound. I closed my eyes to focus.

They crouched low to the ground, Slinking along the bank towards me. I felt the shift of air as they raised something into the air. Just as they were going to bring it down I turned, Grabbing it with my bare hands. Grimacing as something sharp cut into the soft palms of my hands.

Blood dripped down my arms to my elbows, Falling into the river. My pupils dilated against the night. My vision becoming clearer from adrenaline and pure instinct. My nails elongated automatically, My teeth doing the same as my eyes glinted harshly along the metal I had grabbed onto. I saw my own glowing eyes in the reflection. Feral and deadly- Topaz shinning through.

It's on.


2436 Words

Ta Da! I hope you enjoy. It's just starting to get interesting.

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