Those Simple Times_B1

By HyperAshE

242K 9.3K 4.6K

Highest Ranking(s): #1 in Time Travel #1 in KakaNaru Naruto was happy. The war was almost over. Obito had co... More

Ch. 11
Book 2 is out


9.7K 452 37
By HyperAshE

"Dad, are we going on a mission any time soon?" The small blond boy looked up at the older one in a hushed tone.

"Not for a while, right now we'll focus on training and seeing how you three work together." Naruto nodded as they head for the training fields. Kurama had decided to sleep in so it was just him and Minato.

"Ah, Minato. I've been looking for you." Naruto's gaze traveled to a young man, around his dad's age. His platinum blond hair was in a high ponytail and he had pale blue eyes.

"Inochi? Yes what is it?" Minato signaled the blond to stop and wait for him.

"It's about..." Naruto blocked the voices. Taking in everything. When was the last time he had an enjoyable meal with the people around him? It seemed that ever since he got stuck in the past he slowly became unaware of the past. His past.

"You have a strange boy there Minato." Naruto snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the older man with paler eyes and hair ruffle his hair.

"I would like to see inside your mind one day, Naruto-san." Naruto looked directly into the man's eyes.

"Strong-willed and determined. Cautious and strong. Truly an intresting mind." The younger blond gave him a smile and blocked out any emotion he had displayed. Inochi quickly took in the blond's features.

"I'll have to request the Hokage to let me inspect the boy's mind. He is to good at masking his emotions. Not even experienced shinobis can block out emtions like the boy." With a wave the man left, hoping to encounter the blond later and have a look at his head. Minato had seen how Inochi behaved, when he was intrested in something he would do at nothing to inspect it and figure it out. He feared for the younger boy's mind and life.

"Let's go Naruto. We need to go pick someone up." Naruto nodded slightly. He wondered who it could be?

"Dad, don't you ever wish to erase your past mistakes?"

"You got that covered Naruto."

"I mean it. Go back and change something, anything?" The blond looked up at the sky which was littered in white fluffy clouds.

"I guess sometimes. But I don't regret being where I am right now. I like now. I'll always like now."

"I sometimes wish I could go back in time. To help my friends. I could have helped Sasuke, I could have helped so many people if I wasn't...If I wasnt being a total dumbass." Minato looked at the boy, so young yet so full of regrets.

"Why are we here?" The older blond snapped out of his thoughts.

"We're here to pick up Rin."

"Minato-sensei!" Naruto looked to see the dark haired girl with a large raident smile on her face.

"It's nice to see you better Rin." The girl nodded slightly.

"I'm not 100% but I'm almost there. Inochi-sensei said that being with the team might help me overcome some things." The older blond gave a nod to the young girl.

"She accepted that she isn't sane. If I remember correctly that usually means the person is at least 50% sane." The blond looked down at the two who were quiet.

"I want to apologize!" Both yelled and looked at eachother in shock.

"Why?" Rin looked down ashamed.

"I didn't want to rescue you even when you rescued me. I-I hate myself and being scared was no excuse. saved me and I couldn't even return the favor." Naruto shook his head.

"It's okay. It's my fault for not rescuing you faster. I-I'm sorry Rin." Naruto looked down trying to avoid the brown haired girl's gaze. Before Rin could say anything Minato intervened.

"Let's go. I'm sure Obito and Kakashi should be there by now."

"Really? Obito on time?" Both Minato and Naruto gave a light chuckle.

"Yeah he's been coming earlier now. He's finally taking his career as a shinobi seriously." Rin smiled lightly as she recognized the training field. Seeing two figure she ran ahead.

"R-Rin!" Both Kakashi and Obito embraced the girl, Obito sporting out small tears while Kakashi calmed his breath. Naruto looked as Minato embraced them too. Their team.

Their team.

Naruto wanted to say something. He felt a lump in his throat as he saw the four. Team 7. The original team 7. He wasn't a part of that.

"We're finally a team again!" Obito yelled slightly and smiled through his tears. Naruto felt a tug in his chest.

"Finally a team again." Naruto looked to tge side.

"I'm not part of Team Minato. I'm part of Team 7, Kakashi-sensei's team. This is mine. No one here is mine." He painfully gulped and felt tears seep slowly though his eyes. He wiped them away quickly before anyone noticed. He dimmed down his chakra little by little.

"I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to fix the future. My future. Once little Naruto is born I'll probably disappear and little Naruto will grow up in a future where he has loving parents, friends, and no problems he has to worry about. Sasuke will live with loving parents and Itachi by his side." Before the team stopped with their emotional reuinion, Naruto slipped awayand headed towards the Hokage Tower. He let out a steady breath.

"Naruto. What are you doing here?"

"Hokage-sama I'm here to request permission to talk to Uchiha Fugaku." The Sandaime noticed the cold distant voice Naruto spoke with but brushed it off. He didn't want to pry into the younger boy's thoughts. If the blond haired boy wanted to ge would talk to him.

"And may I ask why?"

"I need to inform Fugaku about myself abd the future. It'll strengthen the bond between the Uchihas and Konoha therefore preventing any possible coup d'état from happening." Then older man sighed. He was getting old. Maybe it was time to find a candidate for the Hokage position. Minato would make a fine Hokage.

"I'll allow for you to speak to Fugaku and tell him about you past. You'll be needing this though if you plan to convince him." The blond caught the scroll thrown at him and gazed as it had a seal and on the center, the Uchiha crest.

"Thank you Hokage-sama. I will make a mission report after it's success." Sarutobi chuckled as the blond bowed and left the room in a hurried pace. He was so confident. No. Not confident.

"The boy is certainly going to change the future. For better or for worst, I'll pray for Kami-sama to guide him to a peaceful future."

2 for 1 today!!! Sorry I didn't update earlier, but I finally got the chapter(s) out. Thanks for reading!

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