lifeguard ● harry styles au

By rrarity

30.5K 1.1K 923

in which harry saves ivy. all rights reserved under @rrarity More

zero- helpless
one- before
two- realisation
three- dreams
four- fear
five- play
six- overthink
seven- interruption
nine- baby steps
ten- preparation
eleven- craziness
twelve- somehow
thirteen- after
fourteen- scattering
fifteen- again
sixteen- distrust
seventeen- caught
eighteen- mess
nineteen- comfort
twenty- threats

eight- fall

1.1K 46 24
By rrarity

eight- fall

song for this chapter: "don't stop" by 5sos


Zayn's hazel eyes widened when he saw me - never had his long eyelashes had to stretch so far. His lips parted slightly and if it wasn't for the rush of the ocean beside us, I would have heard his sharp intake of breath.

"Ivy." It was not a question, nor a form of greeting, it was a statement; the simple word thick with disappointment, in himself I can only assume.

"Zayn." I responded, taking a step backwards.

He swallowed and I looked away from his tense posture, wishing the world would swallow me up.

"I can explain." He said.

I attempted to release a bitter laugh, but it sounded more hurt than menacing.

"Explain what?"

Was there anything to explain? Zayn lied to me, that's it. I didn't feel anything more than friendship for Zayn, seeing him attached to Emma didn't make me twist in jealousy or anything, but we were friends. Best friends, and he blew me off for her.

"Well, ehm," he started, swallowing too often. "My aunt cancelled the trip."

"Zayn don't feed me another damn lie!" I spat, again, with less anger than intended. His cheeks reddened slightly and I'd like to think that if Emma wasn't nearly unconscious in his arms then Zayn would come over to me and make it right.

But he stood three metres away, not uttering a word.

"You know what?" I started, shutting my eyes to restrain the tears that so desperately wanted to escape. "I don't even care, good night Zayn."

I bit my lip hard and fortunately, my cries began just as I turned away from him. With all the strength I could muster, I started to run across the sand, away from him. Part of me thought I was being selfish, and over exaggerating. I'm getting mad because Zayn spent time with another person? Should I blame him for wanting some time with other people?

My rational mind was starting to kick in, but the adrenaline of the wind in my hair and the blurring colours of my surroundings dashing past me, I didn't care. I was just hurt, because everybody leaves me eventually, it seems. Whether it's a stupid night out with Emma like Zayn, or dying, leaving the family behind like my mother.

Harry's P.O.V (a/n woooah) •

The evening was turning out quite nice, really - far nicer and warmer than I could have ever imagined in England. My heart throbbed slightly at the thought of my home, with Gemma. Just weeks ago, I was on the other side of the world. I'll go back soon though, when this situation I've helplessly got myself into dies down. If it dies down.

I strolled along the high cliffs, both hands dug in the pockets of my shorts. I could hear the waves crashing against the cliffs beneath me, spitting water in the air and spraying the droplets back down again. There was nobody else here; just me, the orange tinged grass and the sinking sun, inches from the horizon.

The back of my shins began to ache after a few more minutes walking so after brushing a few twigs away from a circle of grass, I sat myself down and stared out at the ocean. I've done this walk every evening since I moved here, and I plan to keep doing so. The sky was always perfect at this time, blunt red colours cascading down the sky and random blue lines splitting the air from the countless planes roaming above. The sun, vastly disappearing, was leaving a tinge of yellow in the sky, and for whatever reason, it reminded me of Ivy's hair. But her hair was more golden, and smooth. I knew that I shouldn't keep thinking about her, but recently I couldn't seem to stop.

Perhaps I had then been placed into a movie, or been written as a character in a book, but seconds later I heard quick footsteps approaching louder and louder and, bitterly cliché, Ivy suddenly toppled over my leg, landing head first on the grass I was sitting on.

"Shit." She cursed, siting up and rubbing her head. I jumped up and crouched beside her, lifting her hands in the air for inspection.

"You okay?" I asked, brows furrowed in concentration as I turned over her hands to check the other side. I brushed off a bit of dirt from her knees and looked back at her, realising she had stayed silent.

"Ivy?" I asked. She blinked before coughing, her tan cheeks flushing slightly.

"Y-yeah. I am all good, thanks man." She smiled, pressing on my shoulder to lift herself up before taking my hand and getting me up as well.

"Not a problem."

She smiled and the wind blew a strand of hair in her face, to which she giggled and tucked it behind her ear. I realised I was staring and quickly looked away.

"I best be off then." She said, Australian accent strong, pointing behinds her.

"Sure - erh, wait, um," I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm sorry about earlier. I just, I was on the phone, and yeah, you just caught me at a bad time is all." I tried to explain, swallowing.

"It's cool." She shrugged. "I was confused, but yeah whatever."

I grinned and couldn't help but silently thank the gods that Ivy was so laid back and cool about everything, she can't know what I've got myself into.

"I'll walk you back?"

She visibly swallowed and her eyes slowly began to brim with tears, making guilt hit me for whatever I had said wrong.

"What? Ivy, what's the matter?" I asked, pulling her small body into my arms.

"Sorry, I just. I don't want to go home."



I narrowed my eyes at the mention of Zayn. He seemed like a nice enough guy, I just, for whatever reason, wasn't his biggest fan.

"What did he do?" I rubbed her back and her sniffing stopped. She pulled her head from my arms and looked away.

"Nothing, I'm being selfish."

"You are not selfish, what has he done?" I asked again, running a hand through my curls.

"I just, I like company right now, I get these...dreams when I'm alone, I guess. Zayn said he couldn't come over - which is totally fine because he said he was visiting his aunt or whatever."

She slowly breathed out, finally managing to stop the tears from running down her cheeks.

"Except he lied, he met up with Emma at the pub instead. I just, I needed him and he blew me off. I'm over reacting I know, and I'm being selfish, but I can't help but feel slightly hurt?" She said, her gaze drifting to the grass.

"Where is he now?"

"Drunk with Emma probably." She said, bitterly.

"Would you like some company?" I asked and she quickly looked at me, a growing smile on her face when she realised I was being serious.

"As in, like, a sleepover?" She asked, hilariously childishly.

"Yep. But I'm not coming unless we do the whole thing; you know, the food and the blankets and the movies and the.. more food." I teased and her grin couldn't possibly get any bigger.

"A sleepover wouldn't be the same any other way." She almost sang, before grabbing my hand in her own. It was a simple gesture, nothing more than showing our friendship or releasing her current happiness, but the smoothness of her palm encased in my large hands and the heat from her delicate fingers against the cold rings placed on mine made my cheeks heat up. It was wrong, I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be involving her, but nothing inside of me was strong enough to release her.

So with our hands entwined, we left the cliffs and landed on her couch while I hoped that the happiness I felt so incredibly strongly, was nothing but an illusion. Because soon the inevitable will happen; they will hurt her, or I will leave. Either way, this happiness must be temporary, I must let her go.


after the little vote thing, I reckon Ivy will be based on Katrina Bowden - suggested by @iloveyouharry_styles - thank you so much, she is perfect for the role:]

aaand my dedication for this chapter goes to @idontwannaluvu because you are just the sweetest person ever, the direct message you sent me made me smile so so so much I just had to dedicate this one to you, thank you, ly!

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