The Billionaire's Love

By nezzuss

290K 8.8K 869

Damon Clarkson Cold hearted. Dangerous. Powerful. Rude. Arrogant. Possessive. These are a few adjectives peop... More

Author's Note
1. The Bet
2. The Meet
3. Sleepless
4. Knight
5. Again?
6. Déjà Vu
Author's Note
7. Her
8. The Look
9. Why?
10. Half a Bottle of Whiskey
11. Luke?
12. The Consequence of a 'No'.
13. Wrong Coffee
14. The Wedding
15. Reunited
16. The Truth
18. Letting Her Go
19. Not Understanding
20. Unknown
21. Intruders
22. What Promise?
23. Stolen Kisses

17. Forgive?

6.1K 205 15
By nezzuss

Caterina Roberts

I awoke from my nightmare that I hadn't had in many weeks along with the company of a pounding headache with just one name on my lips, "Snow." Where was my daughter? I was all disoriented I had no clue where I was, much less what happened last night. The last thing I remember was coming upstairs to get my daughter so I could take her home. I put both my hands on my face and tried to concentrate to see if I would remember how I got to this bed but I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried. Getting frustrated, I decided to get out of this dark room and go find my daughter. Putting my hair in a bun I quietly got out of the cozy bed. Who ever this bed belonged to, I wouldn't mind sleeping on it again, I thought as I opened the door. Just as I stepped out the massive bedroom and stood in the hallway it dawned on me that I was at the Clarkson's mansion. Walking on my tippy toe I went downstairs carefully so I wouldn't make much noise.

It was bright and sunny outside and I wondered for how long I had slept. Hearing laughter from the kitchen I carefully walked towards the kitchen door. My heart melted looking at the scene before me. Snow was in a highchair (which I didn't know this mansion had one) giggling away as if she understood what all the adults were talking about while all the Clarkson clan along with Eva which I assumed was here because Snow and I were still here were making breakfast and talking about something I couldn't fully hear and laughing. Out of all of them one tall, tan, muscular and shirtless man stood out. He did not have to turn around for me to know who it was. Just as if he heard my thoughts he turned around abruptly and locked eyes with me. The rest of them turned around when they saw him looking at the doorway.

"Baby," I turned to see Peter walk towards me to greet me. He kissed my forehead and asked me if I slept okay. I nodded my head and looked back at the pair of eyes that were still glued to my face. I saw something different in them than I had seen yesterday. Thinking about yesterday I blinked a few times to keep the tears from rolling down. I don't know if I imagined it or what but I think I saw him flinch and take a step back but I couldn't keep looking at him so I looked over to my daughter and walked over to her.

I unbuckled her seat belt from the high chair and took her out and hugged her, "I missed you so much my baby," I whispered to her.

"Momma," she said back as she cuddle in my arms. She was such a cuddlebug, gave the best hugs on the universe. I held her for a good long minute and turned around to see everyone looking at us two. And finally I processed what was wrong with the picture. I narrowed my eyes at the newlyweds and said, "why aren't you guys in Fiji right now?"

"Still?" I heard a voice ask.

I looked around to see Peter look at me with a huge grin on his face and that is when I realized what I had said. When I was little girl and I didn't know what honeymoon meant Peter had explained it to me that a newly married couple went on away on a little vacation to Fiji (I wish he had said someplace nice that the couple wanted to spend time together by themselves instead of naming a place and saying Fiji specifically) was called honeymoon. And so ever since I than I have automatically thought of Fiji whenever people say honeymoon. Also because I had told him that if I every got married I would like to go to Fiji for my honeymoon. Shaking my head I said, "not now brother bear."

He put his index and thumb finger together and pretended to zip his lips and put a lock on it. "My lips are sealed, baby."

"Tell me," Charlotte said with a puppy face.

"She wants to go to Fiji for her honeymoon," he blurted out.

I was to shocked to say anything. I can not believe he just did that to me in front of so many people. "Okay now. Let's go home my pumpkin. Eva? you coming?" I asked as I got ready to get out of there.

"Hold on now baby," Peter said as he caught me by my arm and took Snow from my arms. "I still have to tell them about your birthday that is coming up in less than a month," he ran out the door with my daughter in his arms. The rest of them laughed.

I was too embarrassed to ran after him so I let him go. My cheeks were getting warmer by the second and I looked at the floor not knowing what else to do or say. "We should probably head home," said Eva. I couldn't have agreed more. Nodding my head I said yes just as another voice spoke up.


Everyone, including myself looked up at him. "I'll drop you" he paused looking at me for what seemed like eternity before looking at Eva and continued "all, after brunch." Everyone else nodded in agreement. Screw his alphaness, I wasn't having none of it. Everyone might submit to him but I wasn't going to be one of them. He wasn't the boss of my life therefore, I wasn't going to let him get whatever he wanted. "Actually, I'd like to go now," he looked at him as I said that daring him to deny me. "I need a shower and a change of clothe and I'm not really hung..." my stomach growled just as I was about to finish my sentence. Betrayer. They all looked at me as if they were about to burst out laughing but I held my gaze and kept looking at him. I wanted him to know that I wasn't going to back down and I meant what I said about going home even though my tummy didn't agree with me. I didn't want to back down. "Fine," he sighed. I did a little happy dance in my head knowing I was going to get my way. That's right, you aren't going to get your way wit... my happy dance didn't last long because the next thing I knew I was being lifted up in his arms. I was too shocked to speak much to do anything.

Carrying me in his arms he walked towards the stairs. Before walking up he turned around and said, "she wants to take a shower, i'll show her to the bathroom and meet you outside for brunch," and with that he walked up.

"What do you think you're doing?" I found myself asking him as he made his way to the bedroom door that I had come out of earlier.

"My wife wants to take a shower, i'm just making sure that she knows where the bathroom is in our room," he said calmly.

"I'm not your wife."

"The marriage license says otherwise," he said as he walked across the room into the bathroom.

He set me down on the counter next to the bathroom sink. I sat there with my hands on my lap as I stared at my wedding band on my ring finger as he adjusted the water for me with his back facing me. "Why?" I heard myself ask in a whisper, "why are you doing this to me?" Tears ran down my cheeks but I didn't wipe it away. I wanted him to see the pain that he is causing me without any reason. He turned around and I was taken aback by the swirl of emotions that I saw in his eyes.Without saying a word but looking right back at me with those eyes that looked ten times darker than it's normal ocean blue, pleading with me to understand. He lifted me up from the counter and carried me over to the bathtub. He didn't place my feet on the floor right away. He held me close to him with one arm around my waist and with the back of his right hand he wiped away my tears and whispered back, "I am so, so very sorry my love, please forgive me," with that he left me there and left the bathroom. I wanted to scream and yell at him to come back and tell him to explain himself to me.  Why was it so difficult to understand this man? His eyes said something but his actions said something completely different. The events of the last forty eight hours were catching up to me and I had no energy to do neither yell or scream. So I stepped in the shower and sat down on the bathtub and let the warm water wash away my tears.

...To be continued





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