
By metxlmoon

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*Editing yet story still the same!* *Featured on the official Mystery page of Wattpad @mystery* ❝Worlds are d... More

❧ A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

2K 1.3K 2.3K
By metxlmoon

I headed to the staircase and quietly crept up to the second floor, with electricity humming beneath my feet. My heart threatened to jump out of my ribs, crushing my lungs in turn.

I took one last glance at Ned's corpse, laying down on the stained floor, his last embrace of the world only to be taken away by a group of assholes.

Don't worry Ned I will get to the bottom of this. I just need more time to figure this out

I entered a bedroom and pulled the door close with a soft click. I stopped standing in the room with the moonlight washed over me. The entire universe seemed to be plotting against my existence at this point.

I hurried across the room and yank against the window frame... but the bottom edge is painted over. I pulled harder, counting my breaths as the paint cracked.

That's it... almost there don't betray me trembling hands

The frame screeched.

I'm blaming my brain for malfunctioning

Footsteps began approaching from behind. I counted the seconds to match my heartbeat to ensure that I focus on my breathing.

After a few tries counting the seconds, the window ripped open with a loud crack. It came into a rusty noise collapsing the window with specs of dust sprinkling my face.

I heard a shout somewhere in the house, as a drum of footsteps threatened my ears from behind, accelerating the already rampant pounding on my heart.

Tossing my shoes down the grass below, I climbed up on the headboard to make my escape.

Until a hand grabbed my ankle and yanked me to the ground. As a hooded figure pinned me with its hand clamped on my throat.

"Stop struggling!" A man shouted as he took out a knife.

I thrashed out, slamming my feet onto his face, his stomach, and his chest, as his grip suddenly slackened... giving me enough time to escape.

"Stop covering yourself in hood, you coward!"

The other figures walked in, just in time for me to dive out of the window before they could stop me.

I slammed into the ground with a sharp pain in my back, and the breath kicks out of my lungs as my vision started to haze. I groaned, expecting the throbbing pain made me count my breaths, trying to calm down as my throat ached.

I'm crossing that one out on my bucket list!

With every little muscle on my body, I began to crawl just like what I practiced in my training.

Almost there please just work dammit!

Hopeful pride overcame my body as I began to stand up, still wincing at the impact from the ground.

That is when my legs buckled as if they were tied up, dropping on the ground collapsing my entire body. I felt a sudden brightness blocking my vision, with a voice whispering behind my ear.



My eyes fluttered open, catching a sight of the sun's glare, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Did I overslept...?"

Nestled on the blankets, my body is resting on the bed with my boots placed on the edge of the door. Immediately when I recalled Ned's dead stare, eyes began surging in my blood.

I was back at Grandpa's shack. My bedroom. I was wearing my hoodie and pajamas. It was nighttime. I shouldn't be here.

I sat up as I overcame a pounding headache. "Ned! Oh God- wait. I should warn the Captain!"

I ran downstairs with a surge of panic that I didn't bother to change my clothes. Only to find grandpa working on the stove, across the kitchen, is a table full of breakfast presented at eight AM.

Janna and Danny had just entered the house noticing me before grandpa turned to me as he flinched while gripping the pan, sizzling with delight.

"Mornin' Annika! I made you eggs if you want some. Now it's a scrambled egg, so don't you come asking me for some smily sunny side, or I'm going to shove my spatula -"

"No time! What is going on here?!"

"Breakfast...?" Danny replied.

"I'll prepare you coffee if you want." Janna followed.

"Listen! I snuck out last night, and I saw these hooded robes with the edgy-looking symbols dragging Ned's body -"

"You what!?" Grandpa slammed the pan on the stove.

"I gave you a note in your room, remember?"

"I can't read shit without my glasses, Annika! I didn't see it because I got up five times."

"Wait five times? How?" Janna interrupted.

"I'm damn old, that's how!"

"Look, Grandpa, it would be better if you move to a safer side of the town as this place isn't safe. There's a bunch of weird stuff happening here, and I'm worried about you!"

"Now you know damn well I didn't spend thirty years paying off the mortgage to abandon it just because you had a nightmare." Grandpa defended.

"Annika, seriously, calm down, I'm sorry I never should've let you meddle with the danger and all that. It's early for us to argue like this."I Janna reassured.

"No, because Ned showed me how there are traces of evidence leading to Oscar's death. The town's been doing this for the past years, and none of us even bother to look at it!"

All of us took a moment of silence before reflecting on what I had just said. Grandpa placed the spatula on the table and let his thoughts sank before he proceeded to speak.

"I ain't good with words but witnessing all that is terrible to live with. It consumed you with nightmares to think like that to someone you loved dearly." He glanced at my gaze.

Grandpa awkwardly thrusts a plate of scrambled eggs as I hung my head in shame in attempt to bury my thoughts. It wasn't a dream. I know what I saw... man I made it even more terrible by adding more injury.

"Let's all just put our nightmares in a caged box and just eat, right? We can't bear to think like this for the rest of our lives. So let us set things aside and move on. It's best that way." Janna said.

"I'm just glad you guys are here with me. Thanks for coming." Softly, I lifted the mood.

"I invited them insisting to accompany you while I'm out fishing. Can't let my mini me eat alone." Grandpa attempted to joke.

"Love you, gramps."

With a warm smile, he nodded, gesturing me to my friends as he left the dining table with his fishing supplies and trenchcoat wrapped around his fragile figure, leaving the three of us alone.

Danny poked his food with a fork while Janna chewed the scrambled eggs. I stared at my food my stomach, refusing to digest its colorful palette.

"So... how are you guys doing." I swallowed my words in an attempt to lighten the conversation.

"I don't know, my friend freaking died, and he looks like a ragged doll. That's fine." Danny replied.

Janna looked at me and then nodded at Danny. I sighed, looking at him his hair had been tugged loose with his fragile expression, showing no indication to the morning conversation.

"You sure don't. Care to tell?"

"I'm just not in the mood, okay? This stuff has been bugging me and my grandparents. Well, I can't think shit. I think I might be moving to another state to get out of here. I can't, cause somehow my entire life is here how the fuck do I live with that?" He ruffled his hair to shook off his frustration.

"Hence, we need to figure out who we can rely on next. We are in this together alright? Don't get your head out too much. We have to trust us and Annika's investigation." Janna reassured.

He chuckled. "Yeah you're right. Though I think you just grossed yourself out saying that line from Highschool Musical."

"Yeah, for the sake of your ass." Janna giggled.

I smiled as the warmth of my friends lifting their spirits made me feel at ease.

"I'm just glad you guys are doing alright. Look, I may go overboard with the tone because I really did visit Ned, and... yeah that happened."

"It's crazy how you went there! You do know you're gonna be filed for breaking into his house. Though, I believe what you have to say. Because if it's true... we have our first and almost evidence." Janna spoke.

I nodded. "Exactly, I need to tell Captain what I did. She wouldn't like it but I can show her Ned's house. Perhaps investigate it to further address the situation."

Warmly lit smiles spread across the table that the radiant sun shone in the living room. A light of hope.

"Thank you guys... hopefully once this is all over I can get back to my usual routine."

"Perhaps spend time together." Danny smiled.

"Yeah, just three of us... let's bring justice to these people."

We clank our utensils together as we all fell silent, resuming back to eating our breakfast before starting the day. The day when I needed to find more people who knew about this crisis.


After breakfast and a detour change, put on my bomber jacket and casual jeans and shirt. I began to head to the precinct, yet I was caught by a call from Mike, my coworker at the precinct, saying the captain ordered the officers to investigate Ned's house.

Christ, I must've left my prints on the house. Hopefully, his head isn't on the loose.

In an attempt to laugh at witnessing a near death experience last night, I only shuddered at the thought of it. Instead, I began to look around the neighborhood.

The street was eerily quiet as I arrived. The same spot as ever and not a single person was around except a bunch of police cars and police tape around the house.

I glanced at the window where I escaped that night. The cracks stayed their shape, marking the night that happened before. I shivered at the thought, swallowing the anticipated scene that I witnessed last night.

I entered the house to find it... empty!?

Oh God! Something is not right!

The first thing I remember is that there are supposed to be shards of mirror on the ground, his couch, and his bottle of drink. evidence board is gone.That's not possible. It should be all here.

Just then, a breath behind me made me turn around, but I paused as soon as I realized it's a woman from the precinct, the one who took care of the situation with Ned. What is she doing here?

"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you dear, I thought your friend of yours might want to see you." Her arms are raised with her closed fingers her fingernails dug at the palm of her hand. She must've given me a fright that caused her to jump.

"No... no worries! I- uh... I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him, miss...?"

"Mirasol Bautista. It was a pleasure to meet you, Greene. The captain introduced me to you it's pleased we have met. Not at the right moment, perhaps." She glanced at Ned's house.

"Where's Ned Mallory! He's supposed to be here..."

"Oh, the captain took care of that... his body is taken care of to the morgue to be examined. Not to mention, your prints have printed all over this house, implying you've been here without permission."

"Permission? Mam, I came here to talk to Ned regarding the whereabouts of Oscar's case. I didn't do anything rational." I defended.

"No worries. It's just what I've heard from the investigation before. Now, then, I'm off on my way to speak with the captain. We have cleaned this place up, and I expect you to talk to her later she's not happy."

"What's up with the house being empty? I thought you said you guys are just inspecting Ned's home not moving them out." I crossed my arms.

"This house is being renovated the contractors are working on improving this place so it would measure the neighborhood safe. Not to mention Ned is gone now... however his belongings are taken care of. You best go on do your job, Annika dear." She struts off, heading to the exit leading to the back of the house.


Out of the blue, Mike came in just in time. "Sorry I'm late. I had to eat lunch early, and I'm going to be taking shifts later in the precinct. Goodness, you're here."

"Who's that woman? Mirasol, the one who calmed Ned in the precint a few days ago?"

"Oh yes, she's an adviser in Cedar Oaks. You could say the mayor in the street. She keeps on tabs on everyone to make sure the town is stable. Not my type of person, she's mean for what? She looks like her hair is made of cobwebs."

I whack his shoulder, shushing him. "Bastard. She might hear you."

"Anyways, I've heard what just happened. The neighborhood suspected Ned's house being open, which comes to shock... his uh..."

He glanced away, knowing what he meant. Fuck he must've seen the scene.

"Why did you clean it up? Tell me you fucking investigated the scene!"

"Yes yes! Don't worry it's just... I did not have to witness an extreme case. Ned's head-- uhm is taken care off in the morgue I found samples in his body. Indicating--"

"His body has been dragged to the floor soaking wet blood. I know. Man even can't get ahead of himself." I joked.

"Hey that's not funny. I almost threw up. Why did you even dare to barge into his place at fucking curfew! Captain was furious!"

"Hey! I have a badge and I know my right. Ned knew the connections that occurred at Oscar's death, Mike! I can't bring myself to ignore that!" I raked my hair sighing.

"Are you... okay though?"

"Oh, nothing. Just witnessed a man's head cut off after having a sentimental talk with his wife, with a bunch of murderers chased me screaming: 'Thanks for stopping by, prepare to die' so that's good." I stop collecting my breaths as Mike widens his eyes.

"Annika, seriously don't do that again. You know I'll understand why you did it I was pissed that you were in trouble and I couldn't live with that. You don't go die-hard on me!"

"Yeah yeah mom, I escaped, didn't I? I was panicking the entire way. Then I passed out and the next thing I knew I'm in my grandpa's shack!"

I exclaimed exaggerating my gesture. Mike rubbed his head with his fingers. He patted my back as a sign of gesture.

"I'm sorry. You know you have had a rough time after the incident few days. I don't want you to get worked up on this alone. Look, I'm here up for a call if you want to gather clues so I can explain it to Captain that way she won't be mad alright?"

He smiled as I sighed sagging my shoulders. He's right. I can't do this alone I need help but I couldn't drag my friends along. Good thing Mike is here, he understood what I'm trying to say no matter how much frustrated I am at this case.

"Lucky for you I did found something I wasn't aware off." Mike stated. His words made my head perked up.

My ears perked at the hint of Mike's uplifting clue, which I assume he must've found something important connected to the case.

"I've been aware of Ned's house every time we pass this street, this has been built since Cedar Oaks release which come to the conclusion Ned has been living here for a really long time. I figured he knew something of this what you call 'Conspiracy theory' of Cedar Oaks. At that time he is a psycho for keeping some suspicious artifacts at his home."

"And— how does this connect us to his death?"

"I'm saying— he has kept these pictures which owned to a person that worked at a gallery event in Cedar Oaks a year ago. Which by then, purchased it."

He showed me a group of photos stacked together in a plastic bag that has been sealed shut with no air bubbles formed inside. The pictures seemed to have been taken in a vintage old polaroid with blotches of white stains. Picture indicated at a lakebed forest in a rendezvous setting with a few blurred lines which looked like orbs floating around. That was the only picture shown behind the stacks of photographs.

"Disturbing, and I barely see anything other than just static fog. Anything else?"

"Nope," Mike fiddled the bag. "These are the ones we found in his drawer, other than the board you mentioned... we didn't find it. However, these are a potential evidences we've gathered so far. I don't know who took these pictures if I remember correctly these places are taken in the exterior of the forest away from the town. It's impossible Ned could've taken these, he used to be a lumberjack that helped us build houses, until he retired when his wife passed away."

Lumberjack huh? Under all that large exterior he seemed really sweet.

A flicker of hope lingered around my head, at the sight of the photos I could only think one specific person that I had encountered that night.

Annika, you better know what you're doing, otherwise you've been done fucked up.

"Thanks for the talk. Say, are there any baristas around here? Kind of like working in a coffee shop. You know a place?"

Mike pressed his lips firmly into a hard thought. "There's one I always go, Cedar Cafe is the name. Boy, they need to come up with a better title for that."

"Got it, I just need some drink to drown these thoughts. It's hard keeping track. In the meantime, may I keep these photos? Swear I'll put them in my closet for safe keeping might investigate them later."

"Sure do! Just hit me up if you've done the job. I gotta go help the rest here. Take care, kid!" He nodded patting my shoulders as he walked away.


I immediately head to the Coffee Stop and walked inside. The interior was busy as I thought, usually it's empty in the afternoon. In this cafe, among the noises of people, their scent, their occasional glances and the chatter of the baristas.

The half a dozen customers glanced up as the door swung open, heralded by a blast of cold wind. Unlike the outside, the interior of the café was warm and cheery, with bright lights and colourful walls.

My eyes spotted the girl from last night, as she places a tray of coffee and egg sandwich, looking haggard. The barista has tired eyes, yet there is that glimmer, a give away of her good heart.

I patiently waited in the line as my eyes wander in the café my attention spotted a new decor placed on the walls. It was pictures of landscape buildings that beautifully captured the room it was like setting a portal to another world living in the moment.

My eyes shifted back to the line and I was in front of the cashier. The girl didn't look up but hastily shifting under the counter until she stood up and grabbed a new coffee cup and began to jot my order.

"Welcome to La Cedar Café, can I take your order?" Her voice dragged lacking energy.

"Actually, I was wondering if you took these photos." I raised the photograph.

She blushed slowly forming a smile as she looks up. "I did. Thank you--" Her smile faded away. "It's you!"

She leaned forward on the counter and lowered her voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't come here for coffee, obviously. But it's about last night and Ned Malory." I reminded.

She assessed with a shrewd look then turned around and grabbed a nearby coworker. "Taking a break early. Can you cover for me? Thanks." She took off the apron and tucked it inside beneath the counter.

"Ugh, seriously Enara? Fine." The barista huffed taking over the counter.

As the girl, Enara came around the counter she took my hand pulling me to an empty table and sat down. Her expression faltered her creasing eyebrows sagged with relief. Her eyes flickered studying my image.

"Look, you need to keep it down low otherwise people will freak out. I don't know who I can or can't trust. I just want to know the truth, who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Look, I'm Annika Greene and I'm here because Oscar was murdered in the yacht. Ned Williams was murdered last night. I saw the whole thing happened." My expression hardened every word I say. To ensure I could gain her trust.

"How-- what? Look, I didn't see them last night when I left." Her mouth gaped.

"He was murdered last night, I'm solving this case now because I don't want to leave this murder mystery hanging and those group society standing in my way. I will protect this town even if I'm gonna be dead." I stated.

Her lips tightly pout showing a sharp look."Let's go to my house, it's safe to talk there. I have all the photographs I've investigated for years. To prove to you I'm not lying."

"We'll see," I eyed her.

"And... how do you know I took the picture it could be anyone?" She added.

"One of my friend mentioned a woman taking pictures around here. Don't see that too often. So I'm guessing you're that woman?"

She glanced around shifting in her seat. "Well... you're right there. People here don't like to take pictures quite often thinking I'm a weirdo for snooping around. It's true, but I do not commit any crime at this. Just letting that slide from now on."

"Alright, well I underhand your statement. I'll say I would like to accept your invitation in your house." I raised a smile.

"Very well then," The girl cocked an eyebrow.

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