Pichi's One-shots: Younger Ha...

By PichiKittz

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H I R O H A M A D A Is there a thing not to like about him? Not only being the youngest prodigy at SFIT, Big... More

1 || Moving In
2 || Protect Pt. 1
3 || Protect Pt. 2
4 || Happy Father's Day (2017)
5 || Rivalry: Hulk vs. Leader of BH6
6 || Little Hiro
7 || Amusement Park Pt. 1
8 || Amusement Park Pt. 2
9 || First Morning at the Hamada household
10 || Wasabi & Lia: Pranks
11 || Cold and Fever
12 || Honey Lemon & GoGo: Wolf Costume?
13 || Blindsided Pt. 1
14 || Left Alone
15 || Lucky to have Moments Like These in a Spring Day
16 || Fred & Arou: Cosplay
17 || True Colors
18 || Miyu & Jade: Copycat
19 || Tadashi & Mina: Double Date
20 || Hiro: Stronger Together
21 || ★ Prologue of DreaMist The Series
22 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: The Story Begins
23 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: Page Two
25 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: Signal to be a Star, Today we Touchdown
26 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: TT (Trick, Treat) Pt. 1
27 || Concerned
28 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: TT (I Likey You) Pt. 2
29 || The Hugger
30 || Birth Date with a Music Box
31 || Give it back!
32 || The Ornament Above
33 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: Knock Knock for Memories
34 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: The Christmas Confession Songs
35 || Lockers
36 || Cuddling
37 || Valentines 2018: Flirty, Clingy, and Embarrassment
38 || Valentine 2018: Hiro's Grand Little Effort
39 || Mochi Fam's Dropping Words
40 || Comfort Zone

24 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: The Star Dreamer

120 5 0
By PichiKittz


"Honey, Mina, how's Arou's outfits? Is it done?"

"Yep! Our outfits are all done."

"Check if it has some holes, or loosed threads." I turned to see the rest. "You guys, we'll check if there's something wrong with our choreo, with our tune, our timing has to be perfect, and... And--"

"[Y/N]!" Mina snapped out.

I turned to my sister. "Yeah?" I breathed.

"Calm down, will you? You're stressing out yourself."

"I'll go get Baymax." Miyu volunteered as she ran upstairs to get the certain red case of the healthcare robot.

She always borrowed it from Tadashi whenever we practice. And of course, we noted Baymax that he won't say a word about us, when he's with the boys.

She then activates it, "I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hello, girls."

"Baymax, scan [Y/N] for us." Miyu commands.

He looks up and down on my figure, "Scan complete. [Y/N] is appeared to be: Stressed."

I sighed, "Sorry. Its just that... I want this to turn out great." I faced them all. "For you, guys."

"And her neurotransmitter is: Low. I suggest a contact with friends, and love ones. Other treatments are: Compassion, and physical reassurance."

"I know what has to be done!" Miyu chirped as she tackled me into a hug. And the rest gave me a warm huge hug, even Baymax joined in.

I smiled.

They all pulled away as Baymax spoke up again, "Her neurotransmitter appeared to be: Elevating. The treatment we gave her is working."

"Yeah. Thank you, guys. You're the best."

"I cannot deactivate until you say: 'I am satisfied with my care.'."

"Nuh-uh, we still need you, Baymax." Arou said, "We need you to film our rehearsal, please."


"So, what do you say?"

"We're all going, right?" Hiro asks the rest of the boys, who agreed.

"Sweet!" I handed them the tickets and the lightsticks that Abigail gave us earlier.

Its a bonus since we're entering the show, we've got 10 tickets and lightsticks free in our group. We gave the boys each one of ticket and lightstick. Then one for Aunt Cass, one for Uncle Ry. A total of six.

The boys knows that we just treat them, not still knowing that we entered and the stuffs we gave them are actually free. But Aunt Cass and Uncle Ry does know and they're thrilled to see us perform tomorrow.

Yeah, when I say tomorrow, tomorrow is when we perform.

"What's the lightstick for? Is it a concert a something?" Tadashi asks out of curiousity.

Speaking of the lightsticks, I don't really know what are they for.

Miyu shrugged, "Something like that."

"Thanks for the treat, by the way."

Miyu and I curtsied playfully, "You are very welcome."

The boys laughed. "You girls have fun in your camping. Freddie's a little jealous of you, guys." Fred whined.

And its our turn to laugh, "The next time, we're going all in camping."

"You have the word, [L/N]." Hiro shoved me playfully. "But first, can we get gummy bears first?" He asked Tadashi.

"Go on, we'll wait at the main gates."

And Hiro started dragging me all the way to the candy vending machine.

He got us both each one gummy bears, "Thanks, Hiro!"

"One way to say thank you for treating in the show." He grinned.

Only mentioning the show, makes me really nervous.

I quickly throwed my arms around him, which surprise him a bit, but didn't hesitate to return it, "Hiro, you'll support me in whatever crazy idea I had, right?"

The question I asked must caught him off guard, "If its crazy bad, obviously, no. But if its crazy good, well, count me in. I'm in all support. Why did you ask?"

"Nothing, just clearing it up." I tighten my grip on him, "Wish us luck."

"For what?"

"Just... wish us luck."

He soothed my hair, "I don't know what crazy idea are you talking about, but promise me its better be good." He pulled away and kissed my forehead softly. "I wish you the best luck I could give."

"Thanks, Hiro. I don't know what will I do without you."

"There will be always a '[Y/N] and Hiro', remember that, okay?" I nodded.

He took my hand and laced his fingers with mine as we walked to the main gates of SFIT.


"I'm glad we picked this area." I comment.

We planned a camping in our training spot, at the beachside, where Tadashi brought me, Mina, and Hiro.

The first day we signed up, we agreed in finding a perfect training spot. Where we can train, and also can relaxed. That's where Mina and I suggested this place.

As soon as we agreed in making this our spot, we marked it, by placing a flaglette with our group band mark in it, and build up our little own tent.

Back in our training days, Ken and I meet again, and of course Lucky. Ever since then, he always looked out for our spot whenever we're gone. No charges. He's such a good old man.

In a month of staying here, we managed to upgrade the training spot. We hang up lanterns around, to lighten up the nights we practice. And Ken provided as a little wooded floor, that he made for us, so the sand wouldn't bother us when we rest.

And of course, the boys didn't know anything about it.

Back to the present...

"How about we rehearse one more time?" I suggest, then evilly grinned, "With a little twist."

I turned up the music and get ready on our position. I made the song two times faster.

We are all laughing like crazy when we were dancing and singing along with the music.

And we collapsed in the now carpeted wooden floor, little laughs still escape from our lips.

"That was crazily fun!" Honey exclaims.

"Having some fun, girls?" We whipped our heads to see Ken with Lucky, with a bag of marshmallow.

And in an instant Miyu's eyes sparkled. "How about we set up a bonfire?" Lia suggests, of course we all agree.

"S'mores!" Miyu exclaimed excitedly.

About a half an hour, we finished up the bonfire, a little away from our spot to be cautious.

We gathered around the fire. While roasting marshmallows, we talked about somethings.

"So, its your big day tomorrow, huh?"

"Yeah. I'll admit, we are a little nervous." Gogo said, and looked directly to me, "But not us a nervous wreck like Ms. Youngest Prodigy here."

"Hey!" I protested. "I couldn't help it, since you choose me to be your leader!"

Gogo shrugged as we laughed.

Then I pulled out another ticket and a lightstick and handed it to Ken, "What's this."

"A way of saying thanks for taking good care of our training spot. A free ticket and lightstick for the show tomorrow." I grinned.

"Aww... Thanks, young lad." Then Lucky barks happily, we laughed at the cute pup.

"How about we now rest." Mina suggest, yawning.


Ken stood up and waved us goodbye, Lucky barks us a goodbye too, as they walked into their cabin, where he stays.

We all pulled the sleeping bags out and positioned it to form a circle. Its a chilly night, but the lanterns around made it a little warmer.

"Dreamers, you ready for our big show tomorrow." Miyu asks.

They all cheered, as I just stayed silent.

"[Y/N], still nervous?" Honey asks. I nodded slowly. "Just calm yourself down."

"Try to get some sleep, Sis."

"Okay." We exchanged good nights as they drift to their slumber. As for me a stared up at the stars, thinking about what Hiro said earlier.

"There will be always a '[Y/N] and Hiro', remember that, okay?"

What is this feeling that's been bothering me about Hiro?

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