Beyond The Exterior

By Suck_My_Words

1M 52.2K 19.9K

Before I could walk away completely, he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. My wrists were caught... More

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Deep into the Soul


13.1K 643 504
By Suck_My_Words

I'm not into Halloween but I'm pretty sure a lot of you are, so here's your treat. Enjoy and remember to check your candy, folks be tripping. Stay safe you guys.

You guys already know that Foreign and Issaiah have been going back and forth for a minute. Fuck it, a whole hour. So you know what, I'm going to have some shit pop off because they're getting on my nerves with this back and forth shit. This chapter is about to be lit.💡BTE Gang Gang Gang✌🏾👌🏾 FNGS Gang Gang🖕🏾

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Sai, are you really going to just trick-or-treat with your niece and nephew?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're going to miss out on the Halloween party."

"What Halloween party?"This was the first time that I had seen or talked to Merci since what happened. As soon as she got word that I had been released from the hospital she was quick to try and meet up. I was really appreciative of her being here with me right now. She wasn't trying to show me pity but just make sure that I was easing back into my same routine and getting back to how it was before everything happened. She was definitely a real friend. But with real friends came unspoken obligations. One obligation that she was trying to hold me to was Halloween. I wasn't a big fan of Halloween but free candy was free candy.

"The one Foreign and Lyric are having."I rolled my eyes getting annoyed at the sound of their names. Why would I want to go to anything that had something to do with them?

"Your point is?"

"Come on Sai, you have to get out of this house. Get some fresh air, see something other than the inside of these four walls."

"Merciana, don't you think that I would love to do that? Don't think that I hate being like this? Come on now, you know I wouldn't be cooped up in this house if it wasn't for what happened to me. You don't have a nigga trying to harm you."

"I know Issaiah, I know. But just think about how much fun we could have if we go."

"No, you're thinking about how much fun you could have if we went. I don't want to see Foreign and Lyric sucking faces and being all up on each other."

"And I'll make sure that you won't."

"Why are you trying to go to their Halloween party anyway, who invited you?"

"Some girl from work."

"What kind of friend are you to try and go to this knowing damn well that I don't fuck with them like that?"

"I'm just going for the free food, the niggas, and the alcohol."

"I have that here. I mean, you can't flirt with my brothers but you can eat good and get a little tipsy. Nah scratch that, all you can do is eat good."She sucked her teeth and gave me a face as if I just tried her.

"Please, please, please? I really want to go."

"You can go, I just won't be there."

"No you have to go."

"No, I don't."


"No Merci, I don't want to go."

"I'll give you a hundred dollars to go."

"You are not about to bribe me."

"Think about how you can stunt on them with your bomb ass outfit."

"I don't have an outfit."

"I have one for you."


"Come on, there's going to be a lot of fine ass niggas there. Maybe one of them can take your mind off of the couple."

"I'm off of boys right now."

"Ok, I'm pretty sure there's some fine ass girls there."I balled my fist up and pretended like I was going to hit her. How dare she try my life like that. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay people, I just don't swing that way.

"I should beat your ass for that shit, you know I don't like girls."

"You know I'm just playing. But for real, please come with me."She gave me that same ugly ass puppy dog look she always did. I don't know why people thought that shit was cute.

"Now I've told you time and time again that ugly ass look does not work on me."I pointed my finger in her face making her even more mad.

"Shut the fuck up, you better stop lying."

"Nah, you better stop lying."I laughed when she mushed my face back.

"Issaiah, please?!"

"Fine, I'll go. I'll go but if anything happens, I'm holding you accountable."

"Thank you."

"Whatever. But I'm still going to take my niece and nephew trick-or-treating because I promised Zanah."

"Well take it back."


"Isn't your dad like super religious, are y'all even supposed to be going trick or treating?"

"Don't do that, because I could easily turn it around on you and say I can't go to this Halloween party since we're super religious."

"All I'm saying is, we might miss it if you take them trick-or-treating."

"I'm cool with that."

"Ugh, you get on my nerves. Let me go get your outfit out of my car."

"It better be something I can wear in front of the kids."She winked at me before she walked out the door to get my costume. If I knew Merci how I think I did, I bet she'd come back with some short and tight outfit for me. We had two different completely different styles that went together some of the time but other times they clashed. In my opinion I didn't think I needed an outfit to go to this party. There wasn't anyone that I was trying to impress.

"Hell no."Merci came back with a two outfits that looked very revealing. One was a Harley Quinn costume from Suicide Squad and the other was the candy girl costume from The Purge.


"I'm not wearing that Merci. Do you not see how revealing that is?"

"It's fine."

"I'm good, I'll just wear a regular outfit."

"There is nothing wrong with this."

"Maybe not for you, but I'm trying to stay modest. Wait, I think Zanah might have something."

"I thought she wasn't going with them."

"She got the outfit before she was asked to work an extra shift."We walked into her room and went to her closet. She had so much clothes that still had the tags on. I bet if I was to take something she wouldn't even notice."Here it is."

"Are you serious?"

"What, what's wrong with it?"

"It's so fluffy, that is not going to fit in my car."Zanah was going to dress up as Boe peep and have Vision and Josiah be the sheep.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Be daddy's lil monster, puddin'."

"Those shorts are too short."

"They're mid thigh, you'll be fine."

"I hate you so much."

"Love you too friend."Going back downstairs, I grabbed the outfit that Merci chose for me to wear."For every ass grab that I get, I'm making sure that you get one too."

"As long as they're cute, it doesn't matter to me."

"I bet it doesn't."I rolled my eyes before going change so I could go get the kids from after-school care and take them trick or treating. Merci followed behind me and went to put hers on as well.

Merci pulled up to an empty space in the grass and parked the car. They rented a house for this one night and I couldn't believe it. It wasn't all that serious to do all of this. I guess if you have the funds, do what you wish with it.

"You're the designated driver."

"Of course I am."I grabbed the keys from her and put them in my pocket before pulling a cherry super blow pop out and sticking it in my mouth. I took it from Vision's bag because I knew Zanah wouldn't let her have it. Unwrapping it, I put it in my mouth and placed it on the right side of my mouth.

"Not my fault you don't drink."

"I'm not old enough to."

Yeah, like that's stopping you."I fanned her always as I followed her inside. We were instantly met with loud music, a lot of smoke, and alcohol being thrown across the room. I could already tell babies were going to be getting made, fights were going to break out, and the police was definitely going to be shutting it down later on tonight.

"Do you see any of the boys, I text Mega and he said that they were all coming?"

"No, not yet."

"Damn, I really need him as my protection."

"Protection from what?"

"From these niggas grabbing me."

"I got you girl."

"How are you going to protect me when they're going to be grabbing at you?"

"You protect me, I protect you."

"I guess."

"Come on, I'm going to go get something to drink."

"Alright."We both walked to the kitchen trying to squeeze our way inside since there was so many people. Foreign didn't even know this many people.

"Excuse me. Coming through."

"Damn ma, why don't you come over here and give me a few of those kisses."Merci opened her mouth and pretended like she was about to throw up.

"Don't you ever say that weak ass line to another girl. Damn, almost made me throw up."He sucked his teeth and mumbled a few choice words. Leave it to a nigga to get affended and result in disrespecting a female that didn't find him as attractive as he thought.

Where are you?-sent 9:23 p.m.

BaeFriend:Just pulled up, where y'all at?-sent 9:24 p.m.

Kitchen, please hurry because niggas keep grabbing my ass.-sent 9:25 p.m.

BaeFriend:Aight bet, and when I get over there let me know who all the niggas are that's being bold.-sent 9:27 p.m.

No, just come so they can stop.-sent 9:27 p.m.

"Y'all have one more time to touch my ass and I'll give you something to touch!"Niggas acted like that shit felt comfortable. Like I'd appreciate you appreciating the size of my ass. I know it's big, doesn't mean I needed random people coming up and grabbing it. I don't grab niggas dicks just because I see it poking out. I look but I don't touch.

"I dare another nigga to touch her ass."Omega finally made it right along with King and Wes. They looked good in their costumes. Omega was the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood with his own little style to it. King was Jigsaw from Jigsaw without the bike and Wes was Jason from A Nightmare on Elm Street. Their costumes looked really nice and I was surprised that they actually dressed up.

"Stop, Omega."

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

"I did not pick this outfit out, Merci did."I told him as I tried to pull the shorts down more in the back. They rode up my leg every step I took.

"I should tell your brothers."

"What are you going to gain?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Hey y'all, I like the costumes."

"Thanks Sai, Damn yo ass looking fat in those shorts."

"Stop."I backed up against Omega trying to hide my ass as best as I could. He wrapped his arm around my neck and did his best to cover any skin that was showing.

"Aye Sai, you looking for a daddy?"Wes asked being inappropriate as usual.

"You couldn't handle what I would throw at you puddin'."

"Nah, you couldn't handle what I let yo flexible ass do a split on."

"Boy please."

"Nigga if you don't leave her alone."

"I'm just making small talk."

"Go make it with someone else."I looked around the room and spotted Foreign with Lyric wearing the same costume as me, except I was missing my joker. He was dressed up as the Joker and as much as I hated to admit it, he looked good. Really good. Why'd he have to make it hard for me to not like him. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see him making his way over to us. Lord please don't let him say anything to me.

After the other day, I was not in the mood to talk to him. He didn't listen when I told him that us being friends wasn't going to work for me. I had to learn to get over him and being around him was going to be that much harder for me.

"Why didn't you tell me about this party?"

"Thought you wasn't into Halloween."

"Merci made me come."

"Where is Merciana, I know if you're dressed like this, hers is going to be revealing as well if not worse?"

"She's by the punch bowl."He nodded his head.

"Designated driver."

"Yeah, give me your keys as well because I know you."

"Thank you best friend."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I was wondering when you niggas would get here."And here he was. Smelling and looking good. Where the hell was Merci?

"Hey boys."I'm guessing they didn't know who I was since I had my face turned away from them.

"Damn stingy ass."

"What are you talking about?"

"You got two girls calling you daddy."

"Nah, just the one."

"Who are you talking about anyway, Wes?"

"Sai's also Harley Quinn."Their attention went to me and mine to them. We stared at each other for three seconds not saying anything. I scratched my head trying so hard to refrain from flipping my hair from side to side.

"Nah, like he said, he just has one."

"Damn Lyric, you act like she want the nigga. They don't even like each other."

"I'm going to go find Merci, glad I got to see all of your costumes."


"It's fine Mega."I quickly rushed off to get Merciana who was surrounded by a bunch of guys.

"I'm going to beat your ass."

"What'd I do?"

"Please come I'll keep them out of your eyesight, I'll keep them away from you."


"Forget it."

"What'd I do?"

"It's what you didn't do. You're no help."

"I'm sorry babe."She laughed a little letting me know that she was a little drunk."Let's dance."

"No Merci, I don't want to."

"Yes, come on."

"I hate you bro."She dragged me to the center of the room and made me dance with her. Rake It Up came on and every girl in her begin to twerk their ass. I'm not going to lie, I was one of them. The song was good and for the duration of the time, I let any guy that came up behind me and get it. It felt good for those four minutes and thirty six seconds to not be bothered with anything else.

More and more songs came on, and more and more Merci drunk. I knew I'd have to have someone help me carry her out. Hopefully one of the boys, if they weren't drunk either.

"Aye Sai, let me get a dance."Wes came up behind me and talked loud enough for me to hear him over the music.


"Come on I promise no funny business."

"Wes, I don't even like you like that."

"Nobody said you had to, I just want an innocent dance with you."I bit my lip debating if I should or not.

"Fine, you better be glad this I love this song."Caretaker by Dram and SZA came on. It wasn't a song that you could slow dance with but I tried my best. Turning around, I got close enough to him and allowed him to wrap his arms around me. I sung the lyrics a little with my eyes closed for a second before I opened them and saw Foreign staring at me. My intentions were to look away but I kept moving them back to look at him ever so often.

When the song was over, Wes took a step back and held out his hand for me to shake. What the hell?

"What's gotten into you, any other time you'd take advantage of the situation? Surprised you didn't try to fuck me on the dance floor."

"I respect you Issaiah, even when I'm trying to get at you. Thank you for the dance."Instead of shaking his hand I pulled him in for a hug and kissed his cheek.

"You better be like this from here on out."

"I'll try my best baby mama."

"And he's back."I pushed him a little before he walked away. I looked to Foreign for a second to see if he was still watch us. His attention was now on Lyric.

"Sai, can you help me to a room, I don't feel so good."

"All that drinking you were doing."

"Girl shut up and help me to a room."

"Fine."As best as I could I dragged her into the first available room and put a trash can beside her bed so she could throw up if she needed to. I also went to the kitchen and got her some water and crackers to try to hold the rest of it down as best as she could and hydrate her."Get better love."

"Thank you Issaiah."

"No problem." I walked away going to an empty room just to get away from everyone. I'll admit that I was enjoying myself but that didn't negate from the fact that I was hot, uncomfortable and my shorts kept on riding up. This house was packed with a lot of people and everyone was up on each other.

I pulled out my phone to check the time. We had been here for a good four hours and it seemed like we'd be here for even longer if I allowed it.

There was a knock a knock on the door before someone came in.

"Is Merciana ok?"Foreign asked stepping inside the room and closing the door.

"Yeah, she's just drunk."

"You know you're going to need to keep an eye on her. Too many niggas in here to try and leave her by herself."

"Don't tell me how to be a friend, Foreign."

"Don't start that shit Issaiah."He rubbed the spot between his eyebrows looking like he was already getting frustrated with me. Nobody told him to come in here.

"You're the one that came in here."

"What are you even doing here, thought you didn't celebrate Halloween?"

"I don't, trust me this was the last place that I wanted to be."

"So why'd you come then."

"Because Merci wanted me to, I was being a good friend and came here with her."

"I saw you dancing with Wes."How was he just going to change the subject like that? I'm really starting to think that this boy had problems. Scratch that, more problems than I knew about.

"Ok, your point is?"

"I'm just trying to talk to you, catch up with you. I want us to be friends."

"You can't serious. Do you not hear the shit I say or do you just think things are going to always go your way?"Now it was my turn to rub my head."Foreign, I don't want to be your friend. Ever!"

"We can't talk about it?"

"Talk about what Foreign, there's nothing for us to talk about."

"There's us that we need to talking about. Where do we stand with each other?"

"There is no us we don't stand anywhere with each other, end of discussion."

"I'm not trying to argue with you Issaiah."

"Then don't. You're the one coming in here trying to talk to me not the other way around."

"All I'm trying to do is get on common grounds with you."

"Alright, lets agree to not be friends then."

"What is so wrong with us being friends?"



"Foreign, you cant be that blind. Please, I don't want to keep on doing this back and forth thing, I'm tired of it."

"What?"I crossed my arms over my chest and just stared at him. He wanted to have the best of both worlds. He wanted Lyric and he also wanted me. I wasn't about to be a sister wife to anyone. It if all came down to it, he'd have to chose between us and I didn't feel like losing once again.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too. You chose Lyric so that means that we can't be friends."

"Lyric will learn to like you."

"No she won't. She will learn to tolerate me and then the dislike that she has for me will grow into hate. She shouldn't have to learn to tolerate me. I don't want to be the blame for your break up I want that to be all on you two."

"You won't be."

"You're right, because I'm not going to be your friend. We are way past being friends and you know it."

"Issaiah, please."

"Are you fucking dumb? You can't just chose a bitch over me and expect me to be cool with it and be cool with both of you afterwards."

"Watch your fucking mouth."

"I'll say what the fuck I please. Stupid bitch. Dumbass hoe. Raggedy slut. What are you going to do about it?"

"Keep talking yo shit and you'll find out."

"Hmm."I put my finger on my chin and started to think of other shit to call her to piss him off."Ugly ass bitch. Dick sucking cunt."Foreign came at me full force and put his hand around my neck with a raised fist. So this what we're about to do?

"I said shut the fuck up!"

"Go ahead, I'm used to being a fucking punching bag."He let me go kind of pushing me back when he did. In return I started punching him and trying to hit any place that he wasn't blocking. How dare he put his hands on me after what he witnessed me go through.

"I can't fucking believe you would really do that."

"Stop Issaiah!"He grabbed a hold of my arms and slammed me on the bed pushing his weight on me some.

"You would really put your fucking hands on me. Are you serious nigga?"


"Get off of me."I shook trying to get him to loosen his grip and let me go.

"Calm the fuck down!"

"Seriously get off of me! Let me go!"He quickly got off of me and took a step back, leaning against the door. I sat on the bed with my hands covering my face. This was too much for me."Foreign."I lifted my head up with tears staing my cheeks, my make up now ruined."I don't want to keep on going through this with you. It's not good for either of us."


"No Foreign, this is draining. I don't have the energy to yell at you and argue about a friendship that shouldn't have happened and won't ever last."

"You're not even trying."

"Are you serious? I have tried Foreign and in return you spit in my face."

"You're jealous."


"You're jealous that Lyric got me and you didn't."

"Please listen when I say this. That means take your head out of her ass, your dick her out her of vagina, and your tongue from down her throat and listen. I will never be jealous of that bitch. I'm pissed that you chose her. Do you know how it feels to get so deep into a relationship with someone and then they turn around and shit on you? It was supposed to be you and me! I'm hurt that you chose her. Disappointed even, but not jealous. So forgive me for trying to keep my distance because seeing you with another girl is unbearable for me."

"What made you think that it was going to be me and you."

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you were always kissing on me. Or probably the fact that we jumped right into a somewhat friend's with benefits situation more so than a just friends situation. Foreign everyone knows it, I'm pretty sure she knows that you want me."

"I don't want you."

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Do whatever the fuck you want. Go be happy with Lyric. Fuck her all you want. Hell, have a baby for all I care. Like I said, I don't want to be your friend anymore. I'm not about to keep on running behind you trying to get you to realize that you made a big mistake."I stood up from the bed and wiped my eyes, cleaning off my messed up make up as best as I could.

"I made a mistake?"

"Foreign, move out the way and let me leave."

"No."I put my head down and shook it. Why wasn't he getting this?"Why do you care so much?"

"Why do you think?"

"I don't know, so tell me."

"All I wanted was for us to be were friends. We were getting on that path and then it became a little bit more than friends between us and then it stopped. You cut me off like I was a filler until she told you what you wanted to hear. I tried to be cool with the situation but I have feelings for your Foreign and you know that. You're trying to force me to be cool with how things went down and you're not being fair to me. You're only worried about yourself and I can't keep on doing that. I've been putting everyone first my whole life. I want to come first in my life and you're trying to make it seem like I'm bad friend if I don't express the same attitude towards your relationship that you do. You got the girl that you wanted, cool. Just don't force me to sit back and watch you be happy with someone else knowing that I feel like it should have been us."

"Issaiah, I'm sorry."

"It's cool if you don't reciprocate the same feelings. I'm done with you as a whole. We can just go back to being Omega's best friend and Omega's cousin, how it should have stayed."

"I don't want that."

"You don't have a choice."I walked to the door and reached for the knob before Foreign pushed me back some. His hands rested on my waist holding it tight like he didn't want to let go.

"Come on Issaiah don't do this."

"Foreign let me leave."

"We can figure this out."

"I don't want to figure this out. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Look me in my face and tell me that."

"Move Foreign."

"Look me in my face and tell me that you don't want anything to do with me."I kept my head down. "See, you can't say it."Foreign moved one of his hands to my chin and lifted my head up forcing me to look him in his eyes."Say it."

"Foreign."His face came closer to mine and I didn't try and stop it. As much as I wanted to, my mouth just couldn't form the words to tell him to stop. His lips were placed on mine before he shot his tongue in my mouth and walked us back to the bed. He held me while we fell back with his hands on my ass.

This kiss was slow at first trying to familiarize ourselves with each other's lips. He wasted no time trying to pull off my shirt and then his throwing them as far from us as possible. I bit my lip letting lust cloud my judgment. Foreign's mouth went to my neck to suck and bite at it. Oh how I missed the feeling. I moaned a little loving how it felt. Seconds later his lips were back on mine. He stuck his tongue out letting me suck on it a little before I placed mine in his mouth and let our tongues swirl with each other. His hands in my hair pulling and tugging at it.

He grabbed a hold of me before flipping us over with him being on top now. I covered my face with my hands trying to keep my composure as he went down my body with his lips. His tongue glided over the middle part between my breasts before I grabbed his head and brought his lips back to mine.

"Yo, Foreign."Wes knocked on the door quickly before opening the door. I tried my best to let Foreign cover my face with his so Wes didn't see me. "Oh shit I didn't know that you and Lyric was in here. My bad nigga."

"Get out man."

"I said my bad."

"Hey Wes, Omega wants to talk to you."Fuck.

"Aight I'll be right there, Lyric."I closed my eyes hoping that any minute I'd gain magical powers and disappear. "What the fuck, nigga who is that in there with y-"Wes stopped mid sentence realizing that it was me.

"Get the fuck out man."Foreign quickly hopped up trying to rush and close the door.

"Issaiah, how could you?"I scrambled to my feet trying to find my shirt so I could leave. I knew being alone with Foreign would cause nothing but problems.


"No Foreign, I let it happen when it shouldn't have. Where the hell is my shirt?!"

"Here."Foreign held it between his fingers before I snatched it from him and put it on, leaving when I was done.

What did I just do?
I just want y'all to understand that writing these last two chapters were so haaaaard. Oh my gosh, I changed them so many times just so it wouldn't sound repetitive and it flowed together. Y'all, it might be a while before the next chapter so take your time with these two.

Issaiah agrees to go to Foreign and Lyric's Halloween party with Merci.

Issaiah is Harley Quinn with a revealing costume that she hates.

Lyric is jealous once again when she finds out that Issaiah is Harley Quinn and Wes makes a joke about it.

Issaiah finally lets Wes get some play.😏

Issaiah and Foreign are in a room together by themselves.

They talk and Foreign is still trying to be friends with Issaiah even though she doesn't want to.

They go back and forth arguing and more truth is spilled.🍵

They end up kissing 😘💋👅💦

Wes finds them.👀😱

Do you think Issaiah should have just stayed home and went trick-or-treating with Her niece and nephew like she said?

Are you glad that Issaiah finally gave Wes a chance?

Do you feel like Foreign should have left the situation alone about being friends with Sai?

Do you think Foreign was annoying with this whole be my friend attitude?

Is Issaiah really jealous of Lyric?😂

Do you think that Foreign and Issaiah was wrong for kissing even though we don't like Lyric?

How do you think Wes felt when he found out that it wasn't Lyric but Issaiah?😳




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*Extract from Badass Rogue* I aimed for his neck but he turned me around, tangling his body with mine. Frustrated, I elbowed his face and I backed th...
56.6K 2K 32
He once told me no one knows the real him.I didn't think he meant it, and not in a good way. He is a straight A student, and everyone knows it, not t...